10 Replies to “If Women Ran The World”

    1. PJW has got a great feel for what he does … infotainment. And I don’t mean that in a derogatory way, but that he informs in an engaging, rapid fire manner. Brilliant! Lord of the Flies, 1984, Fahrenheit 451 … the words and images are beyond prescient.

      The English police being chased by Zulu tribesmen on the streets of London? Beating a hasty retreat in THEIR own country? WTF!? If a stand isn’t taken … soon … all will be lost. With a whimper. And then we will all be equal, right? Or dead.

  1. “They do not understand the fragility of civilization and the constant nearness of savage nature.” ~ Camille Paglia

    1. I believe that they understand all too well.

      The perpetual “modern revolutionary” goal is to utterly smash the world and the ride in on virtual white (or black) chargers to “save” everybody and rebuild the very things they destroyed, but based on their own degraded and degenerate “imaginings”.

      Once again, the Khmer Rouge are the “hot” role model.

      1. “They” are the idiots who believe that both sides have valid arguments and that left haven’t declared that it is ok to purge and cancel everyone who does not agree with them enthusiastically enough. “They” are are also the leftist morons who still believe that Antifa is not a pet alligator.

        None killed more commies than other commies. It is perhaps the only good thing commies have ever done.

  2. Well, now, that was quite the clever montage, capturing all the banal and stunningly evil lunacy being perpetrated by useful idiots who know not what they do. Problem is, I can’t forgive them despite the wisdom of the scripture. Ignorance cannot be excused. They may know not what they do, but should learn it the hard way. Time for some fucking adults to stop this shit big time.
