57 Replies to “Took Away The Rights, Put ‘Em In A Rights Museum”

  1. Call me cynical … but wouldn’t EVERYONE who wanted to work at a Museum for Human Rights be … a … little … bit … sensitive … on the subject? Be the kind of person just LOOKING for an “offense” ?

    Talk about your NIGHTMARE of an HR job …

    1. *
      why is it always the dude from war-torn africa
      whining and moaning about how terrible it is
      in racist north america?


    2. Dang, exactly what I was going to write. That ugly building is a monument to whiners.

  2. You have to laugh. A Human Rights Museum in a Country that doesn’t mention property rights in its constitution… or in the effin museum, for that matter.

    1. Exactly right about the property rights, Jamie. It is indeed a sad indictment that we not only have no mention of property rights in our constitution, but we have a huge contingent of our citizenry vehemently opposed to any such thing.

    2. we have the right to do as we are told, haven’t you been paying attention? where is your mask and rubber gloves?

  3. Should of been there when they were originally fighting over space and allocation. The name calling was a laugh. All these victims were trying to out victim each other, and telling one another they were privileged while the others were downtrodden. To this day, they are a few steps away from building barricades and starting an internal war. The Ukrainians are jealous of the Jews, who are jealous of the Aboriginals and the Armenians and blacks say what about us? Then the people who get the bill of for hundreds of millions go WTF?

    1. That’s “privilged” elephant to you Sir!

      Damn … sorry! I sincerey regret using the “S” word. It was inexcusably insensitive on my part not to recognize the impact the word would have on those who self-identify as victims of our colonial past.

      So, was that a sufficient contrition?

      1. Do not see unseeable sights.
        Do not speak unspeakable words.
        Do not think unthinkable thoughts.

    2. I visited it once only to view the architecture. It was interesting from that approach, but I had no interest in the displays.

      1. I thought it was done by some Junior Architect who was “doing” Frank Gehry … poorly. It’s no Disney concert hall … that’s for sure. Then I saw is was done by another Starchitect. I hope the inside is better than the outside.

    3. No,

      Why would anyone ever go? That museum has no meaning for anyone in Canada.

      Close it down Tomoorw. Ridiculous gift to Manitoba From liberal MP that no normal Manitoban would care about,

  4. I have two relatives I shall not name or describe lest the innocent be offended but let’s say they are both part of the indigenous people of North America though in different tribes. Both started out on reserves, victims of colonialism and oppression and suffering from intergenerational trauma. One can’t hold down a job because on days she feels like not working she simply doesn’t show up. Another one of my treaty card carrying relatives has done extremely well and advanced far beyond what anyone would imagine given where she started in life. She is now holding down a very high paying job in a construction company. She is big on being prompt and showing up for work.

    Guess which one claims systematic racism is holding her back? Guess which one claims White bosses are impossible to deal with? Guess which one thinks some of the bosses who have fired her from one of her many her jobs for not showing up are indigenous but they are “too white.” Guess which one talks constantly about being a victim of colonialism and oppression and claims to be suffering from intergenerational trauma? Guess which one got a job based on her treaty card and got fired from the Human Rights Museum?

    1. Got it. The kid with conscientious is not whining and has got her life together.

      The other one wants our money and gifts.

      Nothing to do with racism. It is about personal effort.

  5. So things were bad for them at the time but they didn’t come forward at the time? It would take a special kind of stupid to not realize that coming forward over this type of complaint at the Human Rights Museum would not cause any blowback to the employee. No management would be that blind to the optics. I suspect that they had no evidence, other than a “feeling” and alas for them, Jurisprudence got in the way. However, now safe to jump on the bandwagon, media will lap it up.

    1. Well when it comes to my relative, the refusal of the Human Rights Museum to acknowledge her ancestral right to show up or not show up, depending on how she was feeling, and to insist on not paying her on days when she didn’t show up, constitutes racism. CBC gave me a three day suspension for saying that.

      1. I used to work for a franchise cleaning company in Calgary. The owner was very careful when interviewing, to let the potential employee fully understand the terms and conditions of employment. If you did not show up for work, on time, you were knocked down to $ 10/hour from $ 17/hour. This was because the work still needed to be done, but now other teams of cleaners would be doing an extra house along with their regular scheduled houses. Typically, we worked from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, but she made it very clear that if need be, you would work until 5:00 pm. Once I ended up working until 8:00 pm on a move-out clean.
        Everyone was so eager to take the job, but the first time they were knocked down to $10/hour, they would run screaming to the Human Rights (Wrongs) tribunal. Fortunately, the owner had been there before and had all the employee signed paperwork saying that they agreed to the terms and conditions of employment. The ones who abused the process the most were First Nations employees.

        1. No surprise. According to my perpetually offended relative, clocks are a White constraint imposed on her people as part of colonialisation. Before colonialisation they did not worry about what time to show up for work. My other successful indigenous relative says that one is just a lazy b—h who can’t organize herself a bedtime. But then that relative acts too white and too colonialized.

        2. When I worked on the rigs I always figured the other four guys should split the wages of the man who failed to make shift. Never happened though.

  6. Kate, I am just a little bit perturbed that you are blatantly plagiarizing The Onion!
    That is what you are doing?
    This is serious?


  7. Remember this all supposed to be systematic.
    But as of yet there has been no one pointing to a regulation or institutionally mandated example where racism is prescribed.
    That is what would make it systematic, if the system directed every participant to be racist.

    There is the Indian Act, but I never hear any of the talking heads or the grievance industry reps mention it.

  8. This dreadful situation should come as no surprise to anyone. Canada is a country with endemic racism throughout. Just half a year ago a full third of canada voted for a Prime Minister that repulsively mocked minority skin toned people’s by wearing black/brown face on multiple occasions. It should be noted that hardly a single person supported these racist attitudes in Alberta or Saskatchewan.

  9. LMFAO…geez, that’s too bad. Racism along with possessing Canada’s worst architectural piece of sh*t.

  10. Prinz Dummkopf forgot to mention in his declaration that we’re a post-national state that the concept of rights was also abolished.

  11. Oh my goodness…now the wife of TV personality Ben Mulroney and Brian “Bag O’ Cash” Mulroney’s daughter in law is now being accused of racism. CTV just pulled her.
    “You’re a racist…and you’re a racist…everyone’s a racist!!!!!”

  12. Sorry for being off topic, but am I the only one who thinks that’s the most ugly piece of “architecture” ever created?
    Come on …IT’S HIDEOUS! …my eyeballs are throbbing in pain.

    1. Perhaps you have not seen the new Edmonton library. Some serious competition there.

      1. The library is fine. Turn 180 degrees and feast your eyes on the “Art Gallery”. Now there is an Architectural Hemmorhoid if ever there was one.

        1. Edmonton’s City Hall is an eyesore as well.

          And then there’s the newer control tower at the airport. It reminds me of a stack of pancakes.

    2. The best view of Winnipeg can be had from the top of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights . . . because it’s the one place in Winnipeg from which you can’t see the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

  13. Does anyone remember the great controversy when this museum was being built? The Ukrainians were mad because more prominance was given to the holocaust than to the holodomore. They were right really, the holodomore exhibit was in a corridor on the way to the washrooms. But the planners argued that everyone would see that exhibit because it was on the way to the washrooms. Now did it occur to the planners that people on the way to the washroom might have other priorities and choose not to focus on the exhibit. Actually, I am not sure how they resolved the issue, but building the Human Rights museum involved a lot of fighting.

  14. “In a post on Instagram, Shania Pruden said she was told she wasn’t allowed to wear a beaded key chain she received as a gift from an elder while working there.

    An object of privilege, likely appropriated from the black or indigenous slaves her ancestors owned. She should own her privilege and make good of the original sin of slavery perpetuated by her people.

        1. Thanks for your reply, Steve,
          I shall e-mail Robert right away and advise him.
          He will get back to you!


  15. Yup, I happily fired one of those types as a public service manager. He failed the entrance tests, but my stupid boss decided to hire him anyway, being an early vis min virtue signaler.

    The recruit was a huge fail, even though some crappy Ontario university gave him a PhD. I proudly documented and had him fired from the Public Service of Canada.

    One of my good moves as a manager.

  16. “Former employees of Canadian Museum for Human Rights say they dealt with racism, mistreatment.”

    Why does Glenn Reynolds keep saying that Progressive Organizations are cesspools of racism and misogyny? You would almost think that these oh so politically correct, and all so supposedly caring woke people would be decent people and not total scumbags. My interactions say they are more often stupid, self-centered, vapid, back stabbing slime-balls than not. The worst thing you can do is give them power over others.

    If you show honesty, kindness and caring to their unfortunate underlings, you will be surprised how you can be successful despite the leadership.

  17. This was a stupid idea from Day One.

    A total waste of taxpayer dollars, but such a surreal representation of every hypocrisy of the Liberal Party.

  18. The only Human Rights being abused are those of people FORCED to live in Multicultural cesspits, told they’re racist because of their skin color, and systematically relocated out of the Society of Freedom that their ancestors fought and died for them to have.

    Nationalists of free societies are the victims here, everyone else is a totalitarian leech.
