58 Replies to “The Scene In The Movie Where The Mastermind Falls Backward Into His Own Vat of Superpirhanas”

  1. The soft RACISM of lowered expectations. Evidently … black students don’t have the same IQ as alllllll other racial makeups. Black students are dumb?

    Perhaps they don’t belong in college? BTW … can we see Barrack Hussein Obama’s college grades?

      Based on what you see every day if you live in an “ethnically mixed” community, you may think that. But you can’t ever, ever say it out loud.

      1. But some people will see all this and have a detailed review of their hiring, renting and socialising practices…

    2. When they say, ‘grade black students differently’ … that means they will be graded the same way as white and Asian students will be graded. That is called fairness.

      It seems that black students will not or cannot compete on a level playing field. Perhaps they should have considered going for a high paying blue collar skill than hoping for a job in a cubical doing pointless things for pointless reasons with a sub standard arts BA in some obscure ‘studies’ program.

  2. The only way to eliminate the implicit racism and white privilege inherent in academia is to just shut it all down.

    Tear down the metaphorical White Towers of Western Civilization and Academics. Throw down the Knowledge of Thousands of years of Western Christian Thought.

    Send the privileged academics and administrators to toil in the fields for a year to understand the lives of the peasantry. Let them learn what their years of privilege and knowledge supremacy mean to Revolutionary Masses as they fertilize the fields of Cotporate Agri-business.

    Sarcasm. Or is it?

    1. That was exactly what Mao did in the Cultural Revolution. It didn’t require racial warfare, class warfare worked just as well, let alone Mao himself came from a bourgeoisie background. He destroyed three thousand years of Chinese culture. Don’t think the progs cannot one day destroy three thousand years of western civilization.
      Also, I find the slogan #shutdownStem interesting. Destroy what you cannot achieve. (Full disclosure, my best friend in college graduated in math and worked for IBM all these years. We still keep in touch. He happens to be black.) But my friend does not negate the fact that a black two standard deviations above other blacks in STEM is like your average east Asian. So I suppose east Asians ought to have a slogan #ShutDownNBA. Of course the NBA is insignificant, STEM is much, much more important. STEM is the crowning glory of western civilization that freed the common people from a life of drudgery.

    2. So basically… do what Islam has done to it’s host cultures. In the early Middle Ages most Islamic cultures were leaders in trade, commerce, science and especially mathematics. Then fundamentalism grew to swallow all of that whole. The Leftist Fundamentalists are taking over and no one is safe.

    3. Yes, China did that circa 1956. How did it work? Not so well. The Gulag archipelago is a good read on how to get rid of pesty people who dare To speak truth to power.

  3. I’m pretty sure shutdownstem is a 4chan operation and it’s hilarious. #mathisracist #endrationalthought

        1. Ok…so for those of us that ate completely unfamiliar with 4Chan, a brief explanation would be good…??

          Looks to me like an insane asylum for I’m not even exactly sure.

          Is it Actually a “neo nazi mongolian basket weaving forum”..?? or something together different…lol.
          Asking for 1238 friends…

          1. Think a combination of speed and mushrooms seen at fast forwards.

            To others in the same state of mind, a great discussion.

          2. I understood it was a Tibetan Pottery Forum.

            These are the people that were responsible for the okay hand sign being declared racist by the Antifa Defamation League;
            the racist ASL card, https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180916/89c3d3d16e3dde66f8c215736d65a599.png;
            the idea that the thumbs up hand sign was code for 1488;
            the “It’s okay to be white” campaign;
            the milk is racist campaign;
            arranging for a Taylor Swift school concert contest to be won by The Horace Mann School for the Deaf;
            sending the rapper Pitbull to Kodiak Alaska for a concert;
            making sure North Korea won the contest for a concert by Justin Bieber;
            convincing feminists to post pictures wearing soiled pants with the hashtags #freebleeding and #pissforequality;
            and of course causing Shia LaBeouf to have a nervous breakdown during many of his HWNDU campaigns, and sent him a pizzawhile he streamed from a secret location cabin in Finland by checking the weather reports and comparing the wood grain on the logs with rental cabin photos online.

            Oh yeah, they also used a propaganda video to track down an ISIS training camp in the desert, then used twitter to call in a Russian air strike on it.

            The logo for /pol/ is an octopus encircling the world with the caption “Nothing is beyond our reach.”
            They say that the weaponized autists of 4chan can accomplish anything they want to, the trick is getting them to want to.

    1. Makes sense. Chicoms takeover of stem. Canadians have been a big help, as UBC etc. are basically surviving on foreign funding.

    1. Not sure but dead small time criminal precipitates massive blm extortion. I hope for the blowback and soon.

    2. Wendy used the N word — not as a slur, but in the course of explaining something. OK, so she apologized. (Actually, she groveled, promised to change her behaviour, etc. — it was ludicrous, practically agreeing she is a racist.) Not good enough. She is not being allowed to host her program on Sunday, while CBC ” invedtigates”. Somebody needs to point out that this is as bad as McCarthyism. People being harassed and humiliated for “wrong speak”

    3. “Why are they eating Wendy Mesley?”

      Because they always eat their own.

      1. Couldn’t happen to a “nicer” beotch…..enjoy the tar and feathering Wendy you arrogant leftist twat.

        May the left continue to devour its own, particularly within the Main Stream Media circles…Who’s on Deck..?? Kinsella, Barton or some other Communist POS at the Red Star…Bring it on Leftards..!!!

    4. We need to get a hashtag going to shutdown the CBC over this. It’s clearly a white supremacist organization.

    5. I fully support removing Mesley from whatever show/thing they removed her from. I have no idea what she did or said but there is no room in our society for that kind of hatred.

      I also support defunding Universities, the CBC and the police departments of all major urban areas.

  4. I have no sympathy for Wendy Mesley. She’s being eaten by the same beast she helped to create and she feeds it regularly.

    Lefties are so unaware of the history of the political movement they support. The left always eats it own. Good Comrades end up feeling betrayed and confused in the Gulag. Solzhenitzen describes them as the most pathetic of all the prisoners.

    1. To all leftists:

      Remember what happened to Trotsky. Killed by an ice pick in the head.

      Remember what happened to intellectuals during the cultural revolution.

  5. Ha ha – one of the comments at the link – were the words one should ever use, ‘taxpayer funded?’

  6. Vast majority of people don’t GAF about any of this stuff.
    Watching in amusement as it all burns down.
    Let it burn. The fire is cleansing.

  7. So I know Kate has been mentioning the Dark Horse podcast a lot for Covid related stuff. But lately they have been talking an awful lot about their experience at Evergreen State college and how Bret Weinstein was dismissed because of that whole debacle. I really didn’t follow events surrounding Evergreen closely in 2017, but because I’ve been watching that podcast I’ve gotten more familiar with the event.

    This is there reflection about Evergreen after the melt down: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0JzJKqtWr8&list=PLjQ2gC-5yHEug8_VK8ve0oDSJLoIU4b93&index=35&t=0s

    There is also an episode where Dave Rubin talks with Bret Weinstein that is pretty good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fEAPcgxnyY

    This #ShutdownSTEM thing is using the exact same playbook they used to ouster Bret Weinstein. The point that Bret makes is that they are coming for everyone Evergreen was just the start. Those that don’t comply with #ShutdownSTEM at certain institutions will be determined to be racist and the mob will have their heads.

    If you are a professor or know one the time for resistance is now. This is not innocuous.

  8. Reply to Kenji. captcha fail reload made it a general comment.

    Fully agreed, and my first thought. If you think that an identifiable group can’t get good grades on their own, against the same standards as everyone else, then you think they are inferior. Full stop.

  9. If it is 4chan that’s major league trolling. Nice job autism sufferers.

    1. I don’t know if they actually suffer from autism, though many others have suffered from their autism.

  10. We live in an age of Jacobins and Maolings, where, where the Green Guards publicly demand the humiliation of the non-conforming, even innocent. It is an age of opportunism to sieze someonelse’s position.

    What I see on the media these days is. incredibly, support for these obnoxious STAZI tactics. Fortunately, all “revolutions” eat their own. I hope that Seattle allow the “free zone” to expand to Bill gates’ home; then maybe he will stop supporting htem.

  11. To paraphrase Robert Duvall’s line from Apocalypse Now, “I love the smell of burning leftists in the morning. It smells of….. victory!”

    Wendy Mesley….. it couldn’t happen to anybody nicer. Ya gotta love it!

      1. Mesley’s long had a screw loose, going back to when she got hitched to Mansbridge. He then dumped her for what’s-her-name and she slowly became unglued after that.

        She reminds me of a story I heard about Winston Churchill. He was at a party one time when one of the guests said to him, “Mr. Churchill, if you were my husband, I would put poison in your coffee.”

        Churchill deftly responded with: “Madame, if you were my wife, I would drink it.”

    1. I don’t love it. I think the nastiness is getting about of hand. It is a very easy thing to mis-speak in a public context. A simple apology should be enough to get past the error. We do not need resignations (Stock Day), special investigations, and public censuring. These people are not racists.

      1. Well, see there’s why we need nastiness.

        She was an adult speaking in a professional capacity to other adults, about a topic that included quoting a racial slur in the context of the subject matter.

        Why would you consider this an “error”? On what basis?

        If those are the rules, then surely the next steps are for the CBC to auto-cancel, the President fired, the building razed, and a monument erected in its place to honor the victims. The word that shall not be said was said within its walls. Vulnerable people can’t be expected to work in that environment, reliving their trauma on a daily basis.

  12. I expect show trials any day, along with the fake confessions. Oh, wait, we’ve already had foot-washing and boot-licking.

    1. We already have government-by-decree (daily pronouncements from the front steps of the House of Trudeau.) Might as well go for it with show trials. I just wonder where they are going to establish the Gulags? Labrador? Oshawa?

  13. So in other words, don’t hire a black person from UCLA. Pretty simple concept.

  14. I suppose it would be gauche to ask why CBC employs so many racists to begin with…
    Shouldn’t they be screening their employees a little more thoroughly before they are allowed to take the CBC Loyalty Oath?

    Maybe the way our tax dollars are spent could use a little more scrutiny.
    Sounds like the whole damn ‘Blackie’ Trudeau worshiping place is packed with racists and rapists.

  15. Sorry I am off to practise my super villain laugh.
    I knew this day was coming,our progressive comrades always piously create their own hideous fates.
    Could not happen to “nicer people”.
    Took a lot longer than I expected,but is glorious to watch.
    CBC are on the record,they are the most racist group in Canada,always applauding the Systemic racism of the Liberals and NDP,praising the destruction of natives the Indian Act imposes and promoting the false narrative of “Canadians are Racist Bastards”..
    Hell CBC can find White Supremacists and Nazis where the rest of us can see nothing.’
    Gazing into their rotted souls,they “see’ a Canada no one wants or needs.
    Harder Faster.
    Might be time for some skeletons to come stumbling out of their petty pasts.
    “Somebody said something..”

  16. People like Mesley have devoted their careers to goading the mob into “fighting the power.” Always a good day when the mob actually do that.

    What else…? Yes. Donald Trump is the leader of a genuine workers’ and peasants’ revolution, the first the West has seen in living memory—arguably the first since the American revolution. That is why our betters are afraid of him.

    The answer to 1917 and 1804 is 1776.

  17. It’s a pity that pillorying and displaying someone in the town square is no longer in fashion. Mesley, et. al., would be perfect candidates for that treatment and it would be a joy to hurl insults and throw rotten vegetable at them.

    1. Did you see the walk of shame by the formerly woke, current mayor of Minneapolis? The only thing missing WAS the rotting vegetables. The COVID-ravaged supply chains or the looted grocery stores may explain that.
      Live by the sword, slink away in shame without a sword.

  18. “But I thought we could control it!”: the thought of every virtue signalling, self-righteous, lib-lefty, progressive college professor, media personality etc., etc. Enjoy your revolution, Robespierre.

  19. I just read the quote by Winston Churchill about feeding the alligator in the hopes that
    you would be the last to be eaten. Political correctness, Pound Me Too and other
    lamebrained ideas of the left have taken the highest toll on liberal Democrats.
    The Democrat left is about to pay a price for the monster they created!
