20 Replies to “The Peoples Temple Policing Project”

  1. Ghetto thug > Jackbooted thug > Civilized law abiding citizen… and the civilization circles down the drain.

    Tell me again how diversity is not white genocide.

  2. Separation, give the black people New York, Jersey and Alabama, and then give Liberals California & Vermont.

    Best to draw the new borders now while they have a chance to have some.

    1. I’m hoping for a peaceful solution before the civil war starts. Offering the Black Community the land they want like Reservations for the Natives American’s without the “free money” may be a good way out. They’ll have more black universities, newspapers, and all black institutions than they ever dreamed of.

      The Liberals of course are already packed in California and Vermont, so just some high security walls and lots of landmines. They will most definitely need to be shipped by force from outside cities to the exclusion zones. But oh well once settled they’ll get over it. As far as those in Black areas, the Blacks will just have to deal with them as they see fit.

      Then everyone will have their way and get along.

  3. Dystopia is not the future. It is here now. This is great stuff for my future novel or maybe contemporary history book?

    1. I say it’s the beginning now. We should see an increase in Gated Communities, serious ones not like grandma’s little chicken wire fenced old age communities today. Big razor wire walls around complete self contained communities, complete with armed security and surveillance, schools and shopping malls.

      The trick will be connecting these gated communities to each other and the wider business & industrial districts, but that will be the future if it doesn’t outright collapse beforehand.

      1. Visited my daughter and son-in-law in Santiago, Chile in December 2018 – wonderful country, lovely people, but definitely there were divisions between the classes. My daughter lived in a very good neighborhood, in an apartment building with an armored vestibule and a concierge who would buzz you in ONLY if he had been informed of you coming. All the big box stores had armed guards and the parking lots were patrolled by armed security guards. And this was in a “good” neighborhood. There were lots of “characters” in the downtown section where our apartment-hotel was located. But we had no trouble -lots of good memories. This was because we felt safe with all of the police and armed security guards.

        1. I don’t doubt it, even Houston has security around it’s malls and many of it’s restaurants as normal business.

          You just need to watch the trends over the decades and where Third World & Developing countries.

      2. If it all turns to merde, isolated “gated communities” will have about as much luck as a lot of the “protected hamlets” in South Viet Nam did in their day

        If those inside the wire are not properly dug in, armed to the teeth, generously provisioned, properly trained and able to call in serious “danger-close” fire support in an instant, they are toast.

        If you arrange things so the bad guys can’t get in, then you may also not be able to get OUT.

        See also: Dien Bien Phu.

  4. I think the problem with all these protests is the optics. The immense magnification that the idiot MSM and the Coward-politicians cast as the useful idiots they are make them seem enormous.
    The people that are rioting represent nobody normal.

    Most people are all the same and just like the We Were Here First Nations, most “blacks” just want to work and raise a family and are doing just that, not even protesting peacefully.
    They put up with stereotyping, bigotry and some racism for sure but a home, a winter vacation, BBQ’s, sporting events, apple pie and to live in peace is all everyone really wants.

  5. So let me get this straight.
    The left wing protesters continue to loot, burn and destroy, to the point the police station is abandoned, yet the “white supremacists” and the “Proud Boys” are the REAL problem. Ahuh.

    That could of been written by Brunswick News,NB, which for the second day in a row, had a “Far Right Extremists” blaring front page headline. No names, no instances of “extremism”.

    And I’d bet my bippy, the people of color asked for input had been in the country less than 5 years. Maybe 5 minutes.
    No wonder they’re terrified with the Idiot Spawn and his crooked Canadian Media finding Nazis under every bush. And trying to connect them with the Conservatives for political gain.

    The Liberals and their crooked Canadian Media have long used this tactic to steal elections.
    And it works so well, I can’t see them using it unless there is an election coming.
    Election coming.

  6. Being in Victoria, we watched the Seattle “peaceful protests” with great curiosity, looking fir landmarks of places visited yesteryear. Other than downtown on the first night, the epicentre of the hooliganism has been capital heights, north and west of the city center proper. Not a district we visit anyways.
    Sorry, but those crowds were very lily white save for a few token blacks pushed to the front, to yell, whine, snivel, posture, etc.
    Seattle Silly Council is as raving red as Minny council. These people are lunatics. Abandoning a police station, wow, great tactics. I’m sure that would have placated the Nazis as well, and help defeat them (eye roll).
    We go to Seattle annually for a long weekend, but will be steering clear now, the lunatics are in control, we don’t feel safe in that downtown, even for a Safeco Field game.

  7. “The change comes after more than 12,000 complaints about the police response to the mostly peaceful demonstrations. Seattle Police has said officers have had to use pepper spray, tear gas and flash bangs because demonstrators had hurled bottles, rocks and used incendiary devices against police.”

    I find it very telling that the same hard-left twitter-mob that is addicted to harassing and doxxing innocent outsiders refuses to expose the violent thugs among their own crowds. That is because be it on-line or on the streets, they act by nature as angry mobs.

    1. “dont want a news story some kid late for class gets shot in the back ‘fleeing police’
      it does happen”

      Seriously? Link?

  8. Like I say.
    From 50 000 ft,the problem is invisible.
    Geographically these idiots in Demonrat Enclaves are no threat to anyone.
    If the cities chose to burn themselves out?
    Big deal.
    The whole “Protests” by riot is a bluff,by people who do not understand their opponents.
    Give us what we demand(As yet unstated) or the city gets it.
    From the outside,we hear ranting,raving incoherence and madness,followed by deliberate self abuse, then demands for our money..or the city dwellers will abuse themselves some more..
    And the media is cheering the suicidal idiots on,it makes great ratings,as who does not like to watch their enemies,self identified enemies, burn them selves a new ass hole?
    Hell we can’t look away,as this slow motion wrecking ball swings wildly.
    But in the Suburbs ,the residents are arming up,organizing and stand ready.
    What will be the next act?
    Race baiters R us,marching on the suburbs?
    Fresh murder,arson and looting of the city centres?
    How many will these self righteous fools murder and maim before their “Fellow Black’s Lives Matter?
    How far will they fall before allowing masked white maniacs to burn your cities down becomes unacceptable to the “Citizens of colour”?

    I have a real bad case of, I told you so ism,
    When your insistence on following an ideology that always becomes a death cult,results in violent threatening activity to all who attempt to reason with you?
    Sorry that is FREEDOM.
    You chose.
    Now I see such people as fools and bandits,unfit to be lose in a civil society.
    For civil people do not take,break and be foul private or communal property.
    Nor do they assault other people,because they “Feelz”.
    Civil behaviour means “All lives matter”.
    After they get through butchering each other,I recommend we banish the surviving Liberal Style Creatures,to a reserve.Clear the rail lines,roads and ports..salt the earth where their city stood?
    Maybe those FEMA camps they were building to house us?

    But if you cannot accept adult responsibilities and the chores of a citizen,why would I want you hiding behind me?
    Done playing
    Done paying
    Enough Already.
