Hooking their wagons to the Woke Train

The sincere Americans seeking positive change in their country seem not to have realized that the “leaders” they’re following in this “revolution” have taken them down the wrong path, which will ultimately lead to only more bloodshed and frustration. Brendan O’Neill has written a stinging indictment of the BLM movement and its comrades:

Let’s be clear about what is happening here: this is an effort to establish racial collective guilt for the murderous suffocation of George Floyd. There are two problems with this approach. The first is that collective guilt on the basis of racial origin is always a wicked ideology to pursue. Whether it’s Jews being held collectively guilty of the alleged excesses of ‘rich Jews’ or blacks being collectively punished for the offences of individual black people, such racial extrapolation always leads to prejudice and suffering. There is a twisted irony in the fact that so many commentators and activists who pose as anti-racist are promoting the ideology of collective racial guilt in response to the killing of George Floyd.

The second problem with this sweeping anti-white reaction to Floyd’s death, and with the pathologisation of whiteness more broadly, is that it acts as a distraction from the real problems facing the US and other societies. Collectivising the crime committed by four police officers in Minneapolis turns attention away from the specificity of police brutality and of structural disarray in modern America, in favour of pursuing a blanket suspicion of all whites. The problem is dissipated, then obscured. We are implicitly discouraged from seriously analysing specific residual political problems in the United States in favour of joining in the thrill-inducing project of bashing all whites.

O’Neill touches upon why so many major corporations appear to be supporting Black Lives Matter. If you haven’t yet figured out how completely insincere they are, this video clip from Joe Rogan’s podcast explains things in greater detail. Most succinctly, it’s all about Wagging the Dog.

Update: Where is the mob headed?

19 Replies to “Hooking their wagons to the Woke Train”

  1. When the Riots take hold… Nobody Cares! Let them Burn & Loot… NOBODY CARES….. Whine & cry all you want…
    Shot First & let God sort them out….


  2. If I’m reading this correctly, I don’t really find his analysis that big of a deal. There’s nothing to analyze with BLM. They’re a bunch of Marxist, racist thugs, and we’ve known that since its founding. Of course this isn’t furthering any legitimate cause. And, there are no “sincere Americans seeking positive change in their country” here. They are only participating to further the broader leftist agenda, that’s all.

    1. agreed, as well the usage of terms in articles using a word like “murderous” – while what happened was sad, it wasn’t pre, or intent. Worse case it was manslaughter.

    2. Not all of them are Marxist, a few may even be not essentially racist, but they are all at least thugs along for the ride, the sheer fun of wrecking things. The old saying “idle hands do the devil’s work” describes this peril of a welfare system that doesn’t include making recipients useful for anything else.

  3. Collectivising the crime committed by four police officers in Minneapolis turns attention away from the specificity of police brutality and of structural disarray in modern America, in favour of pursuing a blanket suspicion of all whites.

    It is strking how little discussion there is on how to improve the practices of the Minneopolis Police Force. How can recruitment be improved? Is the training sufficient and appropriate? Do they weed out those police who don’t follow procedure or appear to have a cruel streak?

    A cynical ground hog would accuse the actors in this play of not being interested in solving the actual problem.

    1. It is strking how little discussion there is on how to improve the practices of the Minneopolis Police Force. How can recruitment be improved? Is the training sufficient and appropriate? Do they weed out those police who don’t follow procedure or appear to have a cruel streak?

      That’s because the answer is obvious: have a police force consisting of nobody but the fellow countrymen of what’s-her-name “some people did something”.

      Yup, that’ll solve all the problems, won’t it?

      1. The call from many black leaders there is to get rid of police entirely. They have not communicated what is to be the replacement if any.

        1. Their own “community’s” gangs.

          Financed through the proceeds of crime (drug sales, pimping and extortion), and amply supplied with everything they don’t want the cops to have—a mandate to enforce the law of the ghetto, military-grade weaponry to do it with, and the best defense attorneys (themselves sourced from Russian-“Jewish” gangland) that money can buy if a “soljah” does something truly idiotic.

        2. No need to communicate, the replacement will be mob rule, until people are so fed up with that they will accept a new police force. Which will be much worse than the current police are accused of being, and that new regime will be directed by a despot like Lenin who will be replaced by a worse despot, like Stalin. History teaches, and if we fail to learn, it teaches the same lesson repeatedly.

          1. History teaches, and if we fail to learn, it teaches the same lesson repeatedly.

            They’re not teaching history in schools, at least not the way I learned it back in the Cretaceous Era. Now I wonder why that might be…..

  4. It isn’t white guilt. It is blood-libel.

    If BLM EVER gain absolute power, they will not hesitate to attempt genocide.

    They are a weird mix of NSDAP and the Kmer Rouge.

  5. “where is the mob headed?” A cliff hopefully, like Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump. Kinda poetic. Back to their roots with no refrigerators.

  6. Corporate America are behind the woke movement because they consider America to be past its usefulness as a revenue source. The ultimate plan is to cash out and move to China, turn their former beasts of burden loose, and leave the petits-blancs to their fate.

    In Haiti, that’s exactly what they did, with the ideals of the French Revolution as their excuse. (Proof, if any were needed, that all bad ideas come from France.)

    Only the elites, whose money will always be welcome somewhere, have the luxury of learning from their own mistakes. The petits-blancs have to learn from the mistakes of others, because they are the ones who will pay if the mistakes are repeated.

    Free the Minneapolis Four.

    1. Proof, if any were needed, that all bad ideas come from France.

      Not all bad ideas came from there. Wasn’t Das Kapital written in England?

      1. By a German who had studied recent French history and drawn all the wrong conclusions.

  7. Pretty limp analysis and very one eyed.
    I posit that most of what he “sees” is illusion.
    The Protests are manufactured.
    The riots were staged withDemocrat approval and the connivance of their police.
    Black Lives Matter are a fraud,these thugs give less than a shit about those killed by their agents,nor do they give a damn about the damage to peoples private property and dreams.

    The mob is heading to a mass burning as they are trapped in their enclaves.
    Should they attempt a breakout,into territories where the police are not the product of 50 years of Liberal Training,they will die.
    For no sane person or agency lets violent thugs run unchecked.
    Looting is the opposite of civilization.
    A looter has already stated their values.
    Any march on the suburbs will have a noted absence of the most vocal leaders.

    Law and Order?
    Or Death by Demon?

  8. The latest corporate wokester to come to my attention was, of all things, Eddie Bauer. As a long time customer I frequently get their offers and notices. This time it was a missive from the Canadian CEO, Mr. Damien Huang. He waxed earnestly about racial injustice, blah, blah, and urged recipients to support BLM and so on.

    I replied (with some difficulty since the email address in his message bounced) that I didn’t do business with companies that supported looters and rioters, and informed him that I no longer would be buying Eddie Bauer products. And I won’t. It may not help. On the other hand, I haven’t seen any of those Gillette toxic masculinity ads since they got serious blowback and their profits plummeted.

    If you’d like to give Mr. Huang some advice go to the Eddie Bauer website, read his message, then find your way to the contact form.

  9. I don’t know where the mob is headed. I am guessing, however, that if they head for the town I live in it will not turn out the way that they would like.
