The Great Left-Right Divide Exposed

The virus outbreak and the subsequent reaction to it has revealed the great division between folks on the left and folks on the right. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, of course, but these poll numbers reveal some stark differences. It would be most interesting to learn what conclusions SDA readers draw from these poll results.

21 Replies to “The Great Left-Right Divide Exposed”

  1. As Nassim Taleb points out in his book, “Fooled by Randomness” members of the media are trained to express opinions, not to investigate and analyze facts. The upshot is that the loudest foghorn gets the highest media profile; the deliberate, balanced, analytical thinker — meh.

  2. When you condition your entire political party to believe that “victim status” is actually a valid position to take…you get snowflakes in summer.

  3. The poll results are not really the issue. The issue rather is the statement in the story that says “As with many things in the Trump political environment, partisanship played a role.” That statement itself shows the clear bias of the media because “partisanship” didn’t start with Trump. All you have to do is look at the 2016 election and that statements made by the Democrats. It is the Democrats that play that game….always.

    1. They must have missed the part where the INDEPENDENTS responded much closer to Republicans.

  4. Good news in the poll is that all adults distrust the media, hopefully more will think for themselves.

  5. Sad to say there is a significant percentage of the populace that has no knowledge outside of what media tells them. They are either too lazy to research or incapable. Also sadly the media and certain elements of the political establishment know this and take advantage by brainwashing this percentage to believe whatever the desired narrative is. Why these media and political establishments are allowed to do this is a mystery. The first amendment protects my right to free speech, how that has morphed in to the right of a money making organization to say and publish whatever it likes is something we are going to have to deal with soon or the entire concept of free speech is going to be so perverted it might as well not exist. Truth in advertising should also apply to publishing unless it is clearly denoted as fiction.

  6. My take?

    more people have seen the media for what they are and are no longer afraid of them.

    1. In my case it is far more that I have seen the media for what they are, and I hate them.

  7. I agree with Art, It is already biased by the Trump statement. I also agree that conservatives
    Tend to be biased at the republican end of the poll, and vise versa for Libs and Dems.
    We are all naturally biased toward our own preferences. I am therefore not sure how we could get an unbiased poll either. Ahh, if only these polsters could even be as unbiased as they are convinced they are. The difference as I see it is that on the right, we usually agree that we need bipartisan input on issues, whereas the left simply refuses to consider any side but their own, and we are simply stuck on a circular firing squad as we cannot debate the issues with the left! Because they either cannot, or will refuse, to accept any point of view that differs from theirs!

  8. The Media always uses a poll of the popular Vote…California & NY & NJ are stone dead Democrats.. If it is that close the House & Senate will go Republican… The Presidential race isn’t even close, Trump owns the Battle ground States… Joe won’t win Maryland or PA

    Nancy picked a bad time to Botox her butt….Flushing the Communists costs money and getting anyone to fund the DNC convention is a big lift…. Joe & 6 friends in a Bar works

  9. they should do a poll with questions related to covid19, and compare men’s answers with women’s answers

  10. One of the old “unwritten” rules of the British Parliamentary system was (is?):

    “Never ask a question in the House to which you do not already know the answer”. Good advice.

    The corrupt and perverse LSM NEVER conducts a poll for which they do not already have the “results” and for which they do not already have a “solution” lined up .

  11. It’s pretty straight forward partisan positioning. Leftists believe the state to be supreme (and infallible) over the individual while “conservatives” are the opposite. The real difference with this “crisis” is that the post modern nihilism of the left exacerbated the problem by not banning flights early from the epicenter under the guise of “conservative (correct) opinion” being necessarily “racist”. Now the left wants to drag out the totalitarianism because for them, this is nirvana. In the case of Canada, the Spawn and Butts have achieved their desired basic dictatorship and will drag this out as long as allowed by their soviet comrades in the NDP, Block, and Green parties.

  12. MPAI (most people are idiots) and the further left you go the greater proportion of idiots you’ll find.

  13. I conclude I agree with the independents. Right down the middle in every poll.

  14. ‘Democrats’ do like the Wuhan virus.
    It brings paranoia, desperation, uncertainty …..
    They will turn to socialism/fascism to save the day and there are those that will applaud and help.
    They will do it not because they know what they’re doing, they will do it because it is the thing to do.
    They are afraid to think otherwise as to not to be outside of the circle.

    It is constantly amazing how free people want to get under the yoke of socialism/fascism.
    It must be the way the soviet communists social scientists predicted that would happen.
    They also said that there will be those that will bring it about freely with great enthusiasm.
    They studied the psychology of idiots and they were right.

  15. Since that Gallup poll was among ‘American adults’ (not just registered voters) and the media is getting THAT badly beaten in total (and crushed by Republicans and Independents), I’d conclude a massive landslide for Trump and the GOP on Nov. 3rd.

    Regrettably I sense no similar positions being taken against Canadian media as a result of their Covid-19 coverage.

  16. Some governments are paying attention. In BC, residents have been encouraged to fill out a questionnaire for the Health Ministry regarding their responses to Covid and measures taken. They plan to use the data to evaluate measures taken, etc. Several hundred thousand responses so far. One of the questions concerns media response asking you to rate their performance with regard to exaggerating and overhyping the dangers or basically could they be trusted. You had to rate it on a 1to100% scale. Of four people I know that completed it, all had indicated a 100% rating that the media failed. Survey still open, can’t wait to see the results.

  17. My observation is that even DemocRats don’t believe the media anymore about anything that matters. To the extent that COVID-19 is a problem, most people are behaving in a way that shows they do not believe what’s on TV and they’re not listening to it. They’ll say that #OrangeManBad, but they will make damn sure that Grandma gets her hydroxychloroquine no matter that Trump said it was good.

    My other observation is that DemocRats are quite happy to lie about how big a problem COVID-19 really is, if they think it will improve their team’s political position. That’s the second poll. Republicans are a little more practical, they want to get the country running again.
