16 Replies to “Embrace Hollywood!”

  1. Sunlight and ideas,seem to be top of the Censors List.
    Was there a comments section on the guardians post?

    Real ironic how fast the “enlightened ones” moved over to “Book Burners are us” and “How dare you have an opinion differing from mine”.
    Now I was given to understand the Web providers had special exemption from being held responsible as “publishers of posted comment”
    If they censor do they not waive that special protection?

    1. Its worse than you think. There was a guy who recently had a file deleted from his Google Drive Cloud account by Google because it contained wuflu “misinformation”

  2. Moore’s latest film takes on the justification for the largest and most lucrative scam and source of rent seeking bounty in the history of the planet. He offers in its place, for the true believers, the need to eliminate most of humanity. Hardly an official position for those wholly dependent on the bounty. Free speech is easily dispensable for the new inquisitors.

  3. The environ-mentalist scam is much like the rest of socialist/fascist ideology.
    Eventually they start destroying each other.
    Once the communists get in power, they jus whack them off, no discussion, end of story.

    You could say: be careful what you wish for,

  4. Now they should make a Fatzilla Movie, where Micheal Moore tries to eat Hollywood.

    1. I wonder if Moore is feeling a bit like a conservative these days.

      I saw the movie as did many … i can see why the fake global warming scum hates it. It threatens their lucrative life-styles …

  5. Censored..?? of course they did.
    The film lays bare some “inconvenient truths” now don’t it.??
    Wholesale destruction of Forests for the utterly misleading term “biomass” for one.
    The NAZI’s wont /cant have it dont ya know…

    That it stayed up as long as it did..? Outstanding.!
    And it will re-appear again, if not on Reich-Tube, then on some other platform.

    The SCAM however will intensify….even as the planet cools, which it most certainly will. for its Climate Change….

  6. “Let’s not screw with the gravy-train narrative, mm-kay?”

  7. The commie mantra: “Free speech is paramount, as long as it doesn’t force the plebes to question their marching orders from those on high.”

    I have been trying to avoid youtube as much as possible. Been trying out bitchute.com lately. Any other recommendations?

  8. Moore’s movie was an inconvenient truth…that had to be eliminated.

  9. Glad I saw the Michael Moore movie before it was censored. It was his best work. No element of the zany and forced appearances by himself — it was a straight documentary. Full of true facts on the phoney new green deal.

    Another item that was deleated by YouTube was the original post by the two California Doctors, Dr Dan Erickson and Dr Artin Massihi who say it’s not good to self isolate unless one is infected with COVID 19 or if one is immuno-comprised. They, and some ER doctors the USA are saying that the numbers just don’t add up. The governments keep talking about what is safe. “Safe” means or equals “Control” i.e. “take your freedom away.” Finally, someone has come out against what governments  (Dr Fauci) (big Pharma) want you to believe.

    The original post by the 2 doctors was posted by Ward on April 27th @ 8:19 under Wuhan Flu.

    It is one thing to censor things in Communist Canada but now in the United States of America too? What the….?

    Wake up America, your Constitution is being trampled on!

  10. No fan of Moore and his liberty with facts, but his main point, that wind/solar cannot stand alone without fossil fuel backup
    Since it’s obviously correct, so can’t be countered, DeMarxists and watermelons go to the old saw, shutting up contrary views.
    Censorship, sorry stopping disinformation and propaganda, iow, facts they can’t refute given their bias and scientific illiteracy.
    Censorship in the name of free speech; kind of like identify exclusion in the name of inclusion, ignorance in the name of wisdom.
    The DeMarxist power gambit: War is peace; freedom is slavery; ignorance is strength. Up is down to the statist malevolents.
    Thanks to the censors, I’ve become inclined to do something I wold never have considered before, watch a Michael Moore film.
