Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Warning – 2020 Pandemic Lockdown Edition

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German dissident who fought against the Nazis until they locked him in a concentration camp and then murdered him in 1945, 21 days before Adolf Hitler committed suicide. On their most recent podcast, Drew Pinsky and Adam Carolla discussed a famous Bonhoeffer quote, relating to how deeply it applies today:

No matter what the issue, be it a virus, guns, building codes, or driving cars, much like beavers “do what they do”, so do politicians and political bureaucrats: no amount of regulation and control over the population is ever enough. With the recent worldwide lockdown, the government has instilled fear in the minds of many. And most of these many will now be compliant subjects for the rest of their lives. 🙁

28 Replies to “Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Warning – 2020 Pandemic Lockdown Edition”

  1. Yup. Canada could survive an idiot like turdo. What it can’t survive is the greed and stupidity in the majority of the electorate.

    1. And Scheer, Jagmeat, Green jeans. Then there are the lessor potentates in or out of power, like Snotly, Horgan et al. Be like the Romans … decimate the Sibble Serpents….every 10th one, at random. Why should Sibble Serpents be paid to sit at home when their tax slaves are outta work and non contributing?
      Then there is that “raise in pay” the PM fool gifted them. And why is Butts back?

  2. Stupid is locking yourself away, destroying your economy, and waiting to inject yourself with a vaccine created by the same people responsible for the virus in the first place. You can also wait for the Bill Gates vaccine and ignore that he stated that there are too many people in the world.

  3. Bonhoeffer’s warning assumes a dichotomy of evil vs stupid whereas it’s more likely that the two tend to go together which means there is little to no hope of enlightenment for the evil idiot but only hope that the evil can be exposed for the benefit of others less stupid. Hence the dismal theatre of parliament where the few intelligent members perform for the very few viewers but not for the benefit of fellow “honorable” members.

    1. Damn right JC.
      Stupid becomes evil and evil is stupid,mostly due to extreme shortsightedness and that demand for instant gratification.
      That pattern recurs all through our history.
      We can,it seems, tolerate an evil but mostly efficient leader but we collapse when stupid runs amuck.
      Nero Butts is busy building the “Green Economy” after killing the real economy.
      Soon barter will be all thats left and barter sure clarifies what producers consider valuable..
      I wonder what all the HR flacks,political science grads and life science nitwits are going to do?
      Talk amongst themselves?
      Or attempt to loot the tool users?

      Oh well,with industry shut down we have excess electrical supply,I guess we can embed big bug sappers around the NPD and Liberal strongholds.
      Think of it as “Urban re-evolution”.
      Strikes me the gun grab list is not as idiotic as first thought,10 gauge and semi auto are quite handy for mob control.
      And the who created the mob base?
      Our Progressive Comrades.
      In exactly the same way they have set the terrorist instant citizenry up as scapegoats .
      For “Liberal Style Politicians” Stupid and Evil is the only truth.
      New country ,I propose banishment for all Liberal Style Creatures..
      Best definition,”I think my Dogs a Democrat”

      1. Speaking from personal experience – Dogs are socialists, cats are Libertarians…

  4. “And most of these many will now be compliant subjects for the rest of their lives. ”


    Meh…I’m not buying into that just yet. People today are generally self-important and self-interested. There will always be those that don’t subscribe to the Govt. knows best nonsense…and will flaunt their freedoms both socially and economically. This plays into the self-important angle. If Joe Sixpack is ignoring the dictates and being successful doing so, then Little Miss Compliant/ Conformist is going to be envious. The result will take two different tangents.

    1. They will attempt to legislate behavior ….which never ever works….and usually ends badly. We’re watching that in real time.

    2. Little Miss Conformist will force herself to compete on the same level and, also, disregard the dictates…or God Forbid that guy over there should have the latest Smart Pasta Maker and she can’t because she is secluding herself away from the world and not acquiring the resources required to purchase one.

    The Democrat party thinks they can stave off #2 the same way they always do….by promising free stuff. They will enforce #1 for as long as they can get away with it…but the winds always change and their hypocrisy always shows up. It is already.

    That generally does nothing more than piss people off.

    My personal belief is that by this time next year, the China Pox will become a caricature of itself and people will, actually, be more aware of their inalienable rights. This is, also, something I think we are starting to see already. Democrats aren’t very good at looking at the big picture. They always overlook the consequences of immediate gratification in exchange for attempting an end result. They ALWAYS overplay their hand….ALWAYS.

  5. What’s that word that I have been using to describe my fellow Canadians for a decade, oh right, STUPID!

    1. Well, you aren’t the only one. I’ve been calling Kanadjians Stupid for a while. In fact we should start each post by declaring “Canadians are Stupid”, then carry on. Sorta like that “Canadians want…” lead in. I always asked “which ones?”. The answer tot that one is “The Stupid Ones.”

  6. “ And most of these many will now be compliant subjects for the rest of their lives.”

    Isn’t that why communists refer to them as the useful idiots?

    But like anything that depends on other people’s money to maintain the system of subterfuge, it fails when they run out of the other people’s money.
    The exponential rate of spending by the squatter on the GG estate will accelerate that outcome.
    It’s best if it does happen while he’s PM so he reaps the just reward of his actions.

  7. 80% of deaths in Canada are in nursing homes.

    50% of deaths in Canada are in Quebec.

    40% of deaths in Canada are in QUEBEC nursing homes.

    So a NATIONAL shut down for 40% of the nation’s deaths in a single sector in a single province.

    See Robert’s post on Bonhoeffer for a quote about the relative dangers of evil and stupidity.

    Our pols aren’t smart enough to be evil.
    They’re terminally stupid.

    1. I read it. You’re assessment “they’re terminally stupid” is correct. Don’t forget to file your taxes by June 1st.

  8. well if darwin is to be respected the route to herd immunity by being exposed to the virus and surviving is the route to better genes suck it up pilgrim !

    1. That is only true if you are still of the age or proclivity where you are reproducing, otherwise your genetic material and resistance is irrelevant as far as your impact on “natural selection”.

  9. And Voila! Our Progressive Left educational institutions have managed now to raise two or three generations of STUPID people.

    This is going to work out really, really well. /sarc

  10. The Stupid person thinks Jeffery Epstein Committed Suicide because he had personal defects (young Girls)
    That ignores the fact that he was a financial genius… He was the leading Banking adviser to Morgan Chase & UK Barkley’s… 20 years ago the USA had NO National Banks, all Banks where local to each State… Today all Banks are not only National, but Global….Unsecured debt (credit cards) are owned by overseas entities
    What can go wrong will go wrong …tells me Jeffery was killed by a Global Banking Group….


  11. Unfortunately people won’t listen, won’t believe until too late.

    Free stuff, festivals about nothing, just to make the proles feel better, do good slogans, hate those independent minds, that’s how the socialists/fascists, communists and other such ‘ists operate.

    Little bit by little bit by little bit they will get you often with your wholehearted help, by the time you realize what the hell happened it will be too late. This is not just saying, it is actual fact.

    Just watch happenings in Hong Kong.
    And watch the ‘Democrat’ governors, they know how to operate.
    And Canadian plebes, they want the bloody government to nationalize things.

    Who you gonna call?

  12. Am I the only one here that sees that the Kraut’s comments fit Trump and his trumpet supporters to a Tee?
    I guess so.

    1. Oh yeah,you are in a class of your own.
      While all politicians make boneheaded decisions,thats politics,some have clearer direction than others..
      Actions are the only honest way to evaluate political promise.
      Just the shredding of endless regulations, makes President Trump a winner and much less of a fool than those who imposed and enforced the same .
      Far too many regulations are law,written by bureaucrats without any representation of the taxpayer.Taxation without representation at its finest.
      What separates this President from others,is he is a reaction to political stupidity run amuck.
      What kind of fool destroys the institutions and constitution that has enabled a country to rise above itself for near 200 years?
      If our progressive comrades wanted a violent lawless nation,what would they be doing differently?

      The true fools are those who believe Government is here to help.

    2. If you see that then you either need new glasses or you are a nutter and need help.

      I don’t want to see the tax return of a billionaire who became a public servant for free, I want to see the tax returns of public servants who became millionaires.

  13. An nescis, mi fili, quantilla prudentia mundus regatur?
    “Do you not know, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed?”
    -Axel Oxenstierna, 1648.

    The more things change…

  14. S’cuse me for a moment while I step out to pay my stupid tax.

    Haven’t bought a lottery ticket for some time now, but occasionally I play a game of ‘virtual purchase’.
    Just make a list of ten rows of picks the night before and then check the next day to see how much the winnings would have been had you actually made the real purchase.

    CV-19 is like an anti-lotto, except you don’t want to be a ‘winner’.

    1. foo, at least lotteries are a voluntary tax with a tiny chance of getting some back.

    1. K.M.S. – Years ago, my brother sent me such a t-shirt with that text, without any attribution to you. He said “internet access, a bottle of wine and a credit card is a dangerous combination”. I wore it to the Climate Hustle showing in Calgary a few years back and Ezra said he liked it. I recently reciprocated by sending my brother a Friends of Science “Global Cooling / Climate Change / Warming Hiatus / Weather” shirt.
