71 Replies to “May 18, 2020 – Reader Tips”

  1. Tomorrow, 2020-05-18, is the 40th anniversary of the eruption of Mount St. Helens. I was living in the UBC Endowment Lands at the time and I’m sure I woke up at the exact moment that it happened. It wasn’t until several hours later that I switched on my TV to watch the news and found out how bad it was.

    It wasn’t a complete surprise to people in the area on both sides of the border. It was a major news item since early in the year when there were signs of activity in the crater. Nobody could predict when it was going to erupt or what would happen when it did.

    Since the Vancouver area was to the north of the volcano, the ash plume missed us, though I heard some of it eventually reached Edmonton.

    A few weeks later, I stopped by the UBC geophysics department and looked at the seismogram. It was no surprise to see that the plot spiked at the moment of the eruption.

    I’m sure I saved newspaper clippings of that as it’s something I didn’t want to forget.

      1. When I woke up, I suspected something strange had happened. I think I switched on the radio soon afterward and heard something about it in the news, but details were, understandably, sketchy.

        Later, during the afternoon, it was clear that things were bad. There was a lot of video footage on TV of rivers clogged with forest debris and ash, some of it taking out bridges, as well as roads having been buried.

        It wasn’t until several days later that the extent of the damage, as well as how many people were killed, became apparent.

        Among the missing was a crusty lodge manager by the name of Harry Truman (no, not the former American president). He refused to leave. Apparently, one of the first fish that was found in the area after life started returning was named after him in his honour.

        Also missing, and presumed dead, was a scientist who wanted to remain in the area as long as possible to make observations.

    1. I lived in SW Saskatchewan near Moose Jaw. Two days later, all of our farm equipment and vehicles were covered with the grey dust. Very scary that it traveled that fast. Years later, they were growing bumper crops near Mt. St. Helens. Thanks to the soils that were enriched by the ash.

      1. A year or two later, I saw a Nova documentary about it. It showed a brief video clip of a horse that had been covered with ash shaking it off. It was completely surrounded with the resulting dust.

        By the way, some of the most productive vineyards are on volcanic soil.

    1. Watched this when you posted it yesterday NR. “The Plague of Justian” just keeps on giving and giving. I think he and all the greasy politicians and useless senators, and all federal government employees should be tested for several years with his vaccine. And then just say no. Was not aware that this is what they used murdered babies for, pretty damned disgusting. May they all rot in hell forever. Damn Their Eyes.

    2. I went to see my doc last week. All we talk about is hunting. Sometimes I wonder why I go to see him – ha.

      He started on covid but quickly went off on abortion, about how we kill 2608 babies/day. Not sure how he arrived at that number? I wouldn’t want to be a young gal going to seek advice on having an abortion.

      1. Apparently you don’t understand the meaning of hypocrisy. We worry about a few old people dying of China flu who were likely to die of influenza yet we ignore the killing of millions of perfectly healthy babies.

        1. Scar

          Actually i do understand the meaning of hypocrisy. And I do get the point. Guess I should have pointed it out….

      2. Sounds like your doc already knew about what the video describes.

        Using abortion as a form of birth control is dangerous and wrong imo.

        Worse, late-term ones are big business — I’m sure you heard about the sickos who are cannibals. There are restaurants… can you imagine? No proof, just internet chat. There’s a lot of that, true or false?

        There are drug companies…can you imagine?

        I cry for all the beautiful babies that could’ve been born.

  2. At the time of Mount St.Helens second eruption I was living in Squamish B.C. On that night a group of us were traveling to Portland to go car racing.We stopped just south of Seattle at Fife for coffee and heard of the second eruption. We discussed turning around but decided to carry on. I was driving a brand new BMW and as we progressed the rain started and along with the ash basically made raining mud. When we arrived at our hotel in Portland an attendant was standing outside hosing the ash off guests cars. What a mess.

    1. I remember seeing a TV news report from, I think, Yakima, Washington. The sky was dark during the middle of the day and ash was all over the place.

    2. Living in Kelowna and having my T-top Mustang was a real pain for a long while after that eruption. I was unable to leave the glass panels in the hatch-back overnight like I usually did as the car was covered in anywhere from a light dusting to having to use my winter snow brush to clear the ash off before being able to move the car.

      Spent many days sweeping the driveway clean as well.

  3. Duke University to cut staff pay!


    All Duke employees who receive more than $285k in compensation will see a 10% cut in their salary above $285k. That’s 300 employees.

    So if you make $300k a year, 10% of 15k (the amount above $285k) is $1,500. Wow! What hardship! We are definitely all in this together! The lockdown is really hard on professors.

    1. His Majesty Gov Newsom of California has announced a 10% across-the-board reduction in government wages (including his own). California has gone from a $20-billion-ish surplus to an upcoming suspected $50-billion projected deficit. Think of all the couple dozen Cal State Universities that are gonna have to eat crow this year. If push comes to shove, these poor professors can at least tent on the streets of San Francisco (watch where you step).

  4. CNN is happily spreading Chinese propaganda this morning. Heartwarming interview with a top commie health official, who explains that China was quick to solve the virus crisis and was totally transparent. CNN gushed over how healthy the official is. China is wonderful.

  5. Another good article at The Burning Platform by Robert Gore, A Silver Lining. By the way freedom is not free.

  6. Well this should get Trudeau out of hiding. He’ll probably go down to LA to pay his condolences like a Castro Funeral.

    “Investigators open criminal probe into LA explosion”
    “a supplier for makers of “butane honey oil.” Butane is an odorless gas that easily ignites, and it’s used in the process to extract the high-inducing chemical THC from cannabis to create a highly potent concentrate also known as hash oil. The oil is used in vape pens, edibles, waxes and other products.”


    1. Paul … this explosion and conflagration is a carbon copy of the “Ghost Ship Warehouse Fire” in Oakland which incinerated 36 people. … Building Code non-compliance. Building PERMIT non-compliance. You and I … white people with families, jobs, and assets … MUST comply with an ever more labyrinthine gauntlet of codes and regulations. But “immigrant” “communities” don’t.

      Trust me … I’m “in the business” … and the building code scofflaws are EVERYWHERE in the “underserved” communities. I’ve personally witnessed dozens and dozens of building departments ignoring or looking the other way from “protected groups” who violate all manner of zoning and building codes. If you are a Chinese National immigrant who bought a building as your ticket to American citizenship? You don’t need to comply with our building codes. Why? Because NOBODY in the deep State, County, and City building Departments, Police Departments, or Fire Departments will enforce the code violations of these people.

      The solution? Fire every woke leftist who brings a Marxist agenda to their bureaucratic functions. Which requires the firing of ALL woke leftist politicians at every level of government. Which will never ever, ever, happen in CA. The government is immune from prosecution, and thus far … the Chinese National Ghost Ship building owner has escaped all liability … and I predict this “criminal” Fire Investigation goes … nowhere too. Just goes thru the motions, and then dies.

      This isn’t the LAST of these kind of explosions and fires in the marginal neighborhoods of CA. We will see more and more and more … because … “racism” don’t you know. It’s “racist” to impose the white man’s building codes on our new 3rd world immigrant “communities”

  7. Thank you, Robert, for that beautiful song by Caroline Jones. It’s good reminder of how happy I’ve
    been since I left Silicon Valley for south-central Iowa ten years ago.

    1. Beautiful tune with meaningful lyrics … on point with today’s pandemic sentiment. Flee the city for the country, where man (and woman) feel an inherent connection. And just today … the WSJ suggests a sea-change in how we work …


      I have a bad feeling this trend is going to empty-out the State of CA, and that all property values … commercial and residential will plummet even as Taxes and draconian governance increase.

      You GOT OUT ahead of me … I’m on a two-year timeline before I’m sitting on the front porch of my country home strumming my 6-string (and 12-string) with my 2yr-4mo. old grandson

  8. Breaking News from the Liberal Party’s Toronto Star. Heather Mallick explains that she still hates Doug Ford, but likes his cheesecake. She also states that O’Toole should not become leader of the Conservatives because he was a member of the Canadian military. Nice timing Heather. And of course she reminds us that Blackie is the greatest prime minister we have ever had.

    1. I like O’Toole, but if your priority is to get rid of Trudeau, McKay might be a better bet. Heather Mallick’s opinion on the Conservative leader is completely irrelevant.

      1. There is no conservative leader, at least no current member of the party other than *maybe* Poilievre, that stands a snowballs chance for the foreseeable future.
        Canada is in a trance, a zombie dance with Trudope, thanks to the virus and the helicopter money falling to almost everyone.
        Blackie is a saviour. We’re all in this together (ugh). Believe, believe, believe. Liberals Forever! The media of all stripes speaks Glowingly of their wonderful hairpiece, and waits with baited breath for his lisping utterances every am.
        The CPC is nowhere. Scheer remains, further doing damage to the party, as the ultimate lame duck. His own rambling utterances of meandering pamblum turns all but the most devoted Libservative partisan.

        1. Dan

          I’m not quite as pessimistic. While I agree there is not a candidate in the race that suits me this is politics afterall.

          I think the bongs wheels are about to come off. He is vulnerable on so many fronts and some of his incredibly stupid moves are going to come bite him in the ass.

          Sure he has a lot people providing shade but when the Proles turn, they can really change the direction in a hurry. Maybe it wont happen but there is a modern history factor here. Diefenbaker and Mulrooney come to mind.

          It might be wishful thinking on my part but you can see the premiers turning on the feds already. They’re not going to wear this and once parliament is back to school the opposition will have a field day.

          Bongo’s got a lot of splain’n to do.

          1. While I agree the Ponce is very vulnerable, the stars have aligned to guide his path with few pitfalls to hamper his path
            1 He has a loyal opposition that collaborates with him and supports him, namely, the Traitors, the Greenies and the Commies. They align with his lefty progression.
            2 The CPC is a mess, disorganized, and, not conservative.
            3 The media are his lapdogs
            4 Deficits don’t matter. Most Canadians are up to their eyeballs in debt, so, why not the government too. The average Canadian doesn’t care.
            5 Helicopter money buys votes. Expect this drunken orgy of excessive deficit financing to continue ad finitum.
            6 Trump. Canadians have been brainwashed to hate and disparage Trump, Trudeau is so nice. Doesn’t matter if he’s a clueless ass, he’s not the Bad OrangeMan.

            Trudeau could spiral this economy into hyperinflation, and the media would still carry his water and provide ample shade to defend him. That 600 million will rapidly become a Billion….yes sir, yes sir, three bags full sir!

            The only potholes I see is the possibility of Wexit, but Kenney has shown his cards, it won’t be him to save Alberta.

      2. If MacKay becomes leader the party is finished,he is and always has been a red tory. He may get a few votes in the Maritimes in a national election but in the rest of the country he couldn t get elected dog catcher. He is yesterdays man.

  9. Health Canada and Dalhousie University in Halifax proudly announced yesterday that they will start the first Canadian Covid19 vaccine trial:

    Sounds good but let’s scratch under the surface. The vaccine tested is called Ad5-nCoV COVID-19, made by a Chinese company called CanSinoBIO. Yes, Chinese. The virus is a live Adenovirus type 5 vector modified to produce Covid19 virus proteins. Adenoviruses cause respiratory track infections in humans (common cold and flu-like illness). Adenovirus type 5 was also, surprisingly, linked to obesity in humans. This Adenovirus-Covid19 recombinant virus vaccine is produced on lab-grown cells called HEK293, which are derived from human “embryonic kidney”. This means they originate from an abortion.

    To summarize, Dalhousie University will start injecting Canadian volunteers with a Chinese-made and Chinese-owned live virus linked to obesity and produced on cells originating from an aborted human fetus.

    Contrast this with the announcement made earlier this week by Medicago, a company in Quebec city, announcing a candidate Covid19 vaccine produce in a leafy plant called benth. No live virus, no human cells and no Chinese interests. Why is Dalhousie University recruiting Canadian volunteers to help a Chinese company test a product with a worrisome and controversial pedigree instead of another, seemingly safer and Canadian-owned vaccine candidate?

    1. And the Chinese company is not testing this in hot spot Wuhan on many available residents because……………………

    1. Thanks Warren. I am sending it on to all my Liberals neighbours. Quick Dick has it right. Time to oust that sissy boy.

  10. Who could have guessed that the Mt. St. Helens ash hole would turn up in Ottawa and erupt every day at 11:00 am.

  11. Blackie’s CBC is trashing Trump over him getting rid of an inspector. Blackie would never get rid of someone who disagrees with him. Oh wait…..never mind.

    Vote for China Joe Biden, and Make Dementia Great Again.

  12. While Blackie and his Canadian media lapdogs are hoping for Biden to win, Breitbart reports that Biden has announced he will stop the Keystone pipeline.

    1. Nicely done. A well tuned band playing a classic. All they are missing is a dance floor and some ‘bobby soxers’ ha.

      I had the good fortune to play in a number of big bands and played ‘In the Mood’ many times.

      Thanks David Fraser

    2. Thanks for sharing. I don’t FB so I probably would have missed it. It’s such a great tune. I recall being in an LCBO years ago and this song was playing. I couldn’t help but dance a little while I was walking the aisles. I probably bought a little more than planned that evening.

  13. Quick Dick is correct,
    Our fearless ‘leaders’ have scored one hell of an own goal with the gun grab.
    Lesson 1; Compliance is pointless.
    Just as “Resistence is useless”..
    Law abiding citizens,once again get punished for complying.
    The innocent pay for the actions of criminals,including government criminals(redundant I know).
    The cost of complying with our kleptocracy is now too high,just as when dealing with any small time bullies.
    Ergo Compliance is pointless.
    Now the blatant racism of this order is amazing.
    CBC is absolutely correct’Canadians are racist bastards” as seen in every act of government.
    The order in council, is it legal?
    When did instant law become part of the legal system?
    Once upon a time Kings and other thugs made up the “rules” as they went along.
    The Magna Carta was forced process upon the royal decree.
    So how does Emperor Justine get to make law,that instantly applies to the peons?
    Where is due process,proper procedure and fair notice?
    The stupidity and arrogance of all parties involved here is breath taking.

    Our government has declared war on the taxpayer,the law abiding are called the enemy and the law breakers are applauded and rewarded.
    Look to the insanity of the Instant Hereditary Chiefs, What the hell?

    So how does a “order in council” that admits to massive costs,escape parliamentary scrutiny and approval?
    By the regulatory principle?
    So all our effete elites now openly acknowledge this is a lawless country?

    I tried what The Chiefio calls Google Foo.
    Is Justin’s Gun Order legal?
    Need better search ideas.
    As nowhere did I find anyone discussing this.
    Actions speak.
    Our government has revealed themselves to be thieves and liars…But we already knew that.

  14. Ha!
    Trump announces he’s taking hydroxychloroquine, zinc and had a z pack.
    Heads are exploding everywhere!
    I’m laughing my ass off. He’s surpassed awesome. Now he’s punking all the stupid doctors (90%) who can’t think for themselves.

    1. ‘Yeah! Take that people who know what they’re talking about! PWN them by poisoning yourself!’ -this is actually how retarded today’s conservatives are

      1. Idiot. PWN is not an acronym, it’s a typo caried on by gamers too ignorant to realize it was a typo and too lazy to make inquiries. It’s pwned, a typo of owned.
        You double down on ignorance like this all the time. It’s really amazing. A genuine Dunning-Kruger poster child.

    1. My bet is case will be dismissed if the recording is admissible. That was so unfair. Cop told the man to leave then snapped and suddenly changed his mind. Smart citizen to have taped the cop. Bet you the cop was under quota for his tickets that week. The town of Hampton NB has a population < 4, 000. Doesn't the cop know that that story is going to get around? Its already on the internet. He'll have to retire and move away now.

  15. Fired watchdog was investigating Trump administration arms sales to Saudi Arabia


    ““[Linick’s] office was investigating — at my request — Trump’s phony declaration of an emergency so he could send weapons to Saudi Arabia,” Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) said in a statement to POLITICO. “We don’t have the full picture yet, but it’s troubling that Secretary Pompeo wanted Mr. Linick pushed out before this work could be completed.””

    1. Let us hope that Mr. Linick also took time to investigate those pallets of cash sent to Iran. No? What a surprise. Trump has indctated that he did not have full confidence in Linick. Wonder why.
