Your Government Is Here To Bankrupt You

I’m old enough to remember when veterans were asking for “more than we can give”.

56 Replies to “Your Government Is Here To Bankrupt You”

  1. I’m really surprised Blackie hasn’t blamed Harper for the China virus.

  2. “I’m old enough to remember when veterans were asking for “more than we can give”. “

    Oh, but you’re young at heart and that’s what counts!

    1. Prime Minister Trudeau is hoping that all veterans will die of the Wuhan Flu just as they are hoping all the other “useless eaters” will too (this includes Me!)

  3. Canadians wanted this.

    When Justin said that budgets balance themselves and that he would run deficits, people never questioned that bit of idiocy and voted for him.

    After it was proven that he couldn’t improve upon a functioning economy but rather ruined it, people voted for him anyway because the grunting slope-headed electorate heard words like “Harper”, “Scheer”, “Trump” and “American” and freaked out (it also helped that people wanted free stuff).

    Now that we are on the cusp of being Venezuela North, the only thing that a Canadian under the age of twelve can look forward to when he is older is having two part-time, low-paying jobs at Chinese-owned factories and living in shanty towns.

    And they will be the lucky ones.

    1. Indeed. Too many Canadians have had it too good, too long, and have no memory nor even concept of how bad things can get and how fast those bad things can happen. The first dominoes have already fallen. The Depression (capital D) is inevitable. It’s already been set in motion and there is nothing that anyone can do now to prevent it. I don’t know how bad it’s going to get. I can’t let my brain go there or I fear I can’t function. But this will NOT be a V or U recovery or any other silly concept that the economists & politicians tell themselves to make themselves sleep at night. There’s probably no miracle vaccine coming, and without that, none of the recovery assumptions work. Period.

      Everyone thought the party would go on forever and there’d never be any real consequences for electing simpletons like Trudeau to look pretty and say lots of nice things. Well reality’s a bitch.

    2. If they have the following qualifications though, you will still live a life of virtue, pay and benefits with a Gubmint position (not a job):
      Dark skinned or Chinese Military (in disguise of course)
      Bonus points for Muslim or Sikh.
      Bonus points pledging allegiance to abortions.
      Female, tranny, or ambiguous. Definitely not a real male.
      Gay male with flair!
      Handicapped….oops, my PC ran out…..
      Failing that, thoroughly SJW whites may also qualify.
      The rest of the white racist bastards will be the next slave class in the Loony Liberal North Venezuelan colony

  4. And the loyal opposition won’t call for a non-confidence vote over bad policy and no economic accountability because they can’t find their behind with both hands.

  5. Doubtless the majority of that money is ending up in Quebec…..where Canadian taxpayer dollars go to die.

  6. Which will morph into a guaranteed annual income which has failed everywhere it has been tried.
    Denmark is a far away example, the nearest Indian Reserve is a closer example.

    Next up?
    A 40 cent dollar.

    1. Really? How about wheelbarrow futures? You’ll need one to cart the amount of cash to buy veggies and fruit out of season. Figuratively. “Cash” will be verboten and plastic (eeeevil plastic….from oil no less, even more eeeeviler) will be offered in the form of a card, with certain amounts dedicated to “food”. Produced in Chinah, because we Kanadjians have to help Chinah. Once you expend the “food” potion of your card, that’s it for a mandated time period, before topping it up. Body mass index ya know.

  7. A PM’s job is to juggle many balls, not drop them all. OTOH another victory for socialism, er progressivism, er fascism.

    1. another victory for socialism, er progressivism, er fascism

      Nah. It’s simply another victory for stupidity, irresponsibility, and incompetence, all three of which Dear Leader has abundantly demonstrated.

    2. I’ve heard “A PM’s job is to juggle many balls” is one of his specialties. That’s why this UN gig is so important to him. Variety is the spice of life. Now which socks will I wear?


  8. Which comes first?
    An IMF bailout or creditors refusing to accept the Canadian funny money?
    We got a taste of this in the 90’s and the liberals got a bit of economic religion just long enough to keep the creditors at bay.
    This time we may just get that new country and the history books can be written how the Trudeau family destroyed the old one.

  9. By extending the free loot, he’s showing he’s not serious about solving the situation. He can go back into his spider hole and continue on his colouring books or doing something more unseemly.

    I, by comparison, may have to give up opening my windows for fresh air because some jackasses in my building like to sit outside and enjoy their Trudeau tobacco, if you know what I mean.

    1. Or something more UNseemly. You got it

      Canada’s road to UN Security Council seat goes through Fiji

      OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has spoken with 28 world leaders since the pandemic crisis began in early March as he continues to pursue a temporary seat on the UN Security Council, according to his daily itineraries.

      That has meant making time for conversations with leaders of the tiny island nations of Saint Lucia, Fiji and Tuvalu, amid a pandemic that has sickened thousands and shuttered much of the economy. Leaders also contacted since March have included those in Kenya, Rwanda, Senegal, Sweden, Colombia, Ghana, Sudan, Qatar, Jamaica and Ethiopia, among others. . .

  10. This is pitiful. All these claims are from people who are or were in the CAF. Proven fact. That they were injured is on their medical docs and/or a civilian MD if they are now out of the CAF. Proven. No MP, let alone VAC, or Trudeau, or the MSN thinks this wait is exceptional. NO BODY is doing anything for Vets. Is this acceptable by Cdns? Apparently yes, while Trudeau is buying votes from everyone else.

    Some Quotes from,119791.475.html

    “Listen up veterans, recently the federal government actioned and paid out over 8 million applications for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) within weeks; however, they seem to have great difficulty actioning the backlog of 40,000 veteran disability applications at Veterans Affairs Canada with many waiting times in excess of 3 years. Obviously, Canadian military veterans have a low priority with respect to disability benefits”.

    (Note,the standard is 16 weeks once at Stage 3)”I wish someone could explain why it takes some applications so long to be completed. I understand that some are complicated and require more information. Once an application reaches step 3 that is supposed to indicate that they have collected all of the information and it is at decision making level. Why are some applications at 107 weeks, some at 74 and the average is supposedly 56 weeks. Again if all of the information is there then what causes the big difference when cases are decided upon. VAC has never answered this question when I have asked”.

    ” I miscalculated, it’s 85 weeks, 5 days in Stage 3. You have a long wait yet”.

    “Frustrating part is waiting years for a decision that you will likely have to appeal, which will take another 1.5 years in order to get benefits”.

    “I waited two years on an application that I have had to appeal and now am at 6 months on the appeal and I’m pretty sure the process has come to a complete hault. No idea what’s going on. So Firebird and Harley, you’re Completely right. This is disheartening to say the least. And by the way, if you die before the application is completed, it does not pay out”.

    “I emailed VAC (since you can no longer call and speak to someone unless it is an emergency) and inquired as to the current applications being processed.
    -So the wait time for first time applications may be 58 weeks, but they currently have applications as old as August 2018. That’s ~120 weeks.
    -Reassessments are on the wait time tool as 22 weeks, however they have applications as old as June 2019 not yet processed. At least Triple the wait time they are giving”.

    “Why are they doing this? Because they can, they don’t care and there is no accountability”.

    “There is absolutely no excuse for a decision to take 86 weeks. And then to be denied so you know that to appeal it will likely be another 18 months by the time you can get dr appts and resubmit paperwork and wait for a decision. Govt is throwing money around to everyone and anyone but I have yet to hear the Minister of Veteran Affairs voice any concerns for Veterans”.

    “Just received notification from VAC on my two outstanding claims 86 weeks and 88 weeks both denied”.

  11. Our neighbour’s son was saying that going back to work basically made no economic sense for him but he was doing it anyway for something to do. His girlfriend is a waitress with two jobs and she said the staff all have mixed feelings about going back because the economics of it may be bad for them depending on how busy the places are. The effects of these handouts are pernicious.

  12. And the crowd goes wild!

    A country could survive a turdo – who after all, is just a fool. But it cannot survive once a sufficient portion of the electorate is either too stupid or too selfish to worry about what effects today’s make-believe largesse will have on the future of the nation and its children.

    “In a recent Ipsos poll done exclusively for Global News, 74 per cent of Canadians surveyed say they approve of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s performance”

    1. Please do remember that Global News is a Canadian Media organization which means this poll has as much chance of being true as #2Trudeau explaining thermodynamics to a room full of physicists.

      Pollsters told you that Trump had zero chance of being President.

      Same odds of getting the truth from either discredited group.

  13. Canada is in a race to become the first post-sanity state.

    Canadian voters have Daddy Issues.
    Harper was the mean old Daddy who made them eat their vegetables and do their homework and Trudeau is the dysfunctional Mommy who lets them have candy for breakfast and tells them how special they are if the manage to get through the day without pooping their pants.
    Or if they make it at least until noon.

    Listen of one of Justin’s speeches: “Canadians are tolerant and wonderful (except those racist sons of bitches out west) and will work together to save the planet and the universe from those racist sons of bitches out west who are to blame for everything, including oil.”

  14. Sorry Keean, this country was “fucked” a long time ago it is just coming to the final phase. We didn’t deserve to keep what we had because of the level of greed. The flu virus has shown me just how pathetic a people we have become. There really is nothing that can be done regarding our circumstances because we are essentially a bunch of cowardly fools. I don’t deserve the beating we are getting but I am unable to stop it. Anger is all I have left.

  15. So how many wheelbarrows of cash will one wheelbarrow cost?
    The articles in our tame media ,where they stated “All is well,financially,cause Canada is politically stable. Morono is a genius”
    Which proves that no one in central Canada has understood one word from the West.
    When we pull the plug and openly pledge allegiance to our own values and seek an honest understanding with our real trading partners and guardians,our USA cousins,Eastern Canada will be very surprised.
    For numerical illiteracy is the Can Ahh Duh way.
    For the ratio of maker to taker is horribly out of balance,it is conventional wisdom that the younger workers will supply the payolla to support the promises made to the older ones..
    That the private citizens,mostly out west, will willingly starve their children to fund the government minions,who crush their dreams and smash their businesses..
    Why you peon’s should be grateful,look at the GOOD GOVERNMENT we provide..
    Levels of absurdity all around.
    If you had an employee,who ignored your instructions,bankrupted your company,while paying themselves gorgeous wages.
    how long would it take before you fired them?
    And what are the chances you would willingly pay them a luxurious retirement , for their fine work?

    The basic rule of trade,is your word has to be worth something.
    If you constantly break your promises (contracts),you are soon known as worthless.
    Small business is almost entirely verbal promise.
    Even their written contracts are rubbish.
    And businesses that do mostly government work are proportionally corrupted.
    Civil society requires trust.
    Liars are punished because they betray trust.
    The Kleptocracy has taught us to never trust them.
    As for being Bankrupt?
    This is just polishing the Turd,we have been functionally bankrupt from the moment we permitted national debt as normal.
    Once more than 1 person in every 10 is a permanent drain on society,society starts to change.
    Producers pull back.
    Creators move on.
    Reluctant makers switch to takers.
    We become Canada.
    That new country starts real soon whether you support it or not.
    Think of it as Justine’s gift.

    1. John, lots of great stuff there.

      “Civil society requires trust”
      this is & must always be our bedrock.

      Whatever parts society we live in, we have to build & maintain strong bonds of trust with the vast majority of our fellow citizens.

  16. When does the debt ever get paid down? We’ve had prosperous times and they just keep borrowing relentlessly. It’s always at some vague future date when we’re flush with cash that it’s imagined we’ll begin to pay it back. The more crushing the debt load we impose on following generations the less likely it is that they will have any real prosperity. Part of the problem is that Keynesian economics, like so many other leftist beliefs, is above criticism. When you get right down to it the only reason that governments borrow so heavily is to buy votes with that money. So the borrowing will continue since Keynes says it’s the thing to do, and the size of government will grow with the debt because people working for the government overwhelmingly vote Liberal or NDP.

    1. Stumpy, we have not paid one thin dime on the debt that our mentally defective PM’s father started when he was is office, not one dime. we have of course paid interest on the debt for decades now. for those who are unsure what a decade is, it represents 10 years. well over 40 years have passed since that debt was incurred. We sure are a smart bunch of people.

      1. Agreed. Claiming PET’s debt has been paid off is like saying you retired your mortgage by renewing it.
        Or a GM executive claiming he paid back borrowed bailout money, when it was “repaid” with new bailout dough.
        Our debt never went to zero. PET borrowed more nominal debt than WW1 and 2 combined.
        It’s all on PET, including debt service charges for the last 40 years and the resulting loss of freedom and good government.

    2. To be fair to Keynes, he advised paying the debt off in good times. That part keeps getting forgotten by politicians though, because of the votes the money buys.

  17. Why all this sudden end-of-the-world griping about the extra debt? After five decades of debt-addicted governments, we were already up from 18 billion to 700 billion. No end of the world in sight. Business as usual. This new clown is basically just following along in the footsteps of the previous clowns; perhaps with his own personal brand of cluelessness, but still… if we hadn’t been in a debt pit before this bozo arrived, we most certainly could have handled his cluelessness more readily. This has been decades in the making. This new guy almost qualifies as a Canadian tradition.

    1. upvote, see my comment to stumpy. you are correct but history is repeating itself.

  18. I’m no Trudeau apologist but I doubt we’ll become Venezuela.

    More likely is that we’ll experience Japanese-style inertia with ever growing debt but relatively low interest rates and a stagnant economy.

    If it gets worse from there I’d suspect we’d head towards an Argentina-style crisis in which our dollar starts sliding and inflation consequently rises and interest rates are naturally forced up.
    Then we’d be in a weird situation where we’d have the worst experiences from the early 80’s combined with the worst experiences from the mid-90’s.
    I doubt it would progress much beyond that point because our policy would then be taken over by bankers much like what happened to Paul Martin and we’ll be forced back into some shape regardless of democracy.

    But what do I know? I’m sure the experts will do a great job keeping everything totally fine.

  19. Moody’s just lowered BCs credit rating today.

    It won’t be long before they do the same to the knobs in Ottawar.

    No worries, Blackie will just print more funny munny, LE VOILA! Problems solved, n’est pas?

    1. The US.

      Because there is a God, the Lord of Israel, and Americans (all the plots of Satanic cults notwithstanding) fear the Lord and keep His Commandments, while the enemy does not.

      We are already under Chinese dominion, as punishment for our own sins. When the Lord decides we are contrite, the Americans will drive out the dragon.

      Here’s world history in a nutshell:

      Savages and idolaters make war on civilized men who fear the Lord.

      With the Lord’s help the civilized defeat the savages.

      The savage “culchurs” die out.

      Those who fear the Lord endure, and recount His deeds.

      Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

  20. A country inhabited by people who refuse to work for what they want will not survive, and will not deserve to.

    Of course Justin is popular. Leftist leaders always are popular with the lazy, ignorant and stupid—at least till they run out of other people’s money.

  21. Nah we will never be Venezuela, we have the real Socialism this time we have a Genius named Trudeau. He has the socks. He has no brains he has no juice but he has the socks.
    Canada has the population of Venezuela and the debts of half of the EU. The Total Public Debt is about 5-6 Trillion far more than Venezuela’s debt. Canada’s GDP was 1.6T our debt is 5-6T do the math.
    The laws of gravity may have been repudiated in Ottawa but not the world. Canadians in what is left of Canada are going to look up to the 1930’s and wish. Because we are in a much worse place than 1930’s Canada. I doubt very much Canada will still exist as a country when we get to the other side. This will be generational. There is no going back now.
    When the CAD drops below 60 cents which it is now you will know that hell has opened. Don’t think it can happen, don’t think you may go hungry, I am sure the voters of Venezuela thought the same when they elected Chavez.
    “You Can Vote Your Way In To Socialism, But History Tells Us We Always Have To Shoot Our Way Out”
    Never give up your guns, you will need them. The events that are unfolding have never been seen before in Canada and we are in for a rough lesson.
    Hopefully in my case Alberta and Sask will use the opportunity to obtain Freedom from Canada.
    In Alberta’s case hopefully we are the 51st State. And why not? The USA has supported Albertan’s for years, far more than Canada. The USA buys 80% of everything we produce.
    Canada very little, they have us blockaded and will not allow our pipelines, as the 51st that will never happen. And we will have a common currency, and guaranteed democratic equality. Our taxes will drop and our incomes increase. Only logical way to go.
    Canada is finished the Bill Collectors are assembling and the slappers are pulling on their gloves and lacing up their Doc Martins. Get ready for the Socialist Diet. Canada’s Debt 6 years ago. I am sure they have added more since plus interest.

  22. I know this is a repost, but please forgive me:

    Millions of Canadian seniors like my wife and myself do not need and do not want the $300 being deposited to our account. We’re going to donate it to a charity of our choice, making sure we ask for a charitable tax receipt. The Trudeau/Morneau gov’t will have ‘donated’ $300 to a charity of MY choosing and will have to double-down in expense because I’ll use my tax receipt to help drain ‘their’ coffers.

    Sure, it might seem like self-punishment in that taxpayers are paying for both the charity and the tax deduction, but screw’em. I’m in a pretty low tax bracket and my kids don’t seem to give much of a damn themselves, so I’m good with it. If tens of thousands – hundreds of thousands – of senior taxpayers began to publicise that they’ve given the money to a charity, the name of the charity they’ve chosen to give it to and that’ they’ve requested a charitable tax receipt, it would really shake up this gov’t. I don’t do Facebook, Instagram, Reddit or any other ‘social media’ but if someone savvy got this rolling it would be a win-win for charities and a way to rage against the machine.

    1. Been doing that for years, giving back to worthy causes as I can and will continue to do so. Thank you for spreading the word and bless you for your kindness of heart. It might be collected but it can always be dispersed back.


    2. If we had an effectual official opposition the wisest thing to do would be to donate the Turdeau Tip to that political party thereby getting a much larger deduction on next years income tax, courtesy of the sock monkey!

    3. I’m a “senior” and I haven’t seen one thin dime of that supposed “cash for oldsters”. I checked my bank account for the last few months. Nada. I’m >65 yrs.
      I donate regularly to several charities annually. You can carry over deductions from one year to later years, if you don’t need them to offset taxes payable this year. Generally, charitable giving is the one big deduction left to seniors after they quit work and you run out of RRSP room. TFSA’s are the way to go, until da gubmint takes it away, or Kanaduh craps out. These days I’m thinking Kanaduh craps out first.

  23. There doesn’t appear to be an upper limit of debt the Liberals are willing to spend.

    Strangely, I doubt there’s an upper limit to the level of taxation the Liberals are willing to impose on Canada from next year forward…

    Perhaps 2021 will be a better year for a separation referendum.
    I mean, before the west starts asking about equalization again.
    It’s not “just equalization”. Start with the unequal representation in parliament between the eastern welfare dependencies and the west. Looking at you PEI, Newf, N.S. N.B.

    1. This level of spending must have consequences.

      Now is a good time for WEXIT. Use $US as currency instead of $CDN.

  24. This whole sad sack of crap pisses me off no end. I really do hope the US will create a 51st state, or as mentioned in other posts by me, grant us political asylum. I live in BC, a bit north of Lotus land, and will move to Alberta if I need to, to be absorbed into the US. No offense Alberta, but it’s a bit chilly there for my old bones, so I will then head for North Texas to live out my retirement. Even with my then inadequate canuck pension, I will at least still be living in a democracy! Maybe I can be a Wallymart greeter or something. Anything will be better than living in what will be a bleak wasteland of takers and SJW’s. I moved here from the UK 38 years ago, as I saw the writing on the wall, and got out. Even then, the UK has sunk far more than I envisioned. I’m glad I left, but now this country, the Canada that I love, is dying, and as I could not stomach the idea of swearing allegiance to the Queen, I never became a Citizen. However, I would gladly swear allegiance to the USA in a heartbeat!

  25. I’m pretty sure I’m going to work through this summer to finish some project obligations and quit.

    Totally sick and tired of paying into this BS. May as well jump on some UIC while it’s there and then f*ck the rest………….

  26. Read carefully! Canadian government buys AR-10 sniper rifles for $31,250 a pop.

    “The Liberal government is spending $8.5 million on purchasing the 272 rifles and spare parts.”

    This is some serious kick-back. Anyone for forensic audit of the transaction? I am!
    Sounds like that fellow, Trudoe, does not care about the value of things. Wolverine or Dlask could have built them 10x times more rifles for the same sum of $$$.

  27. There’s a quick and easy fix: true mass immigration. Just quintuple the population in a few years. Debt solved.

    1. UnMe again we meet. Got some space and spare $$ (no pain) to feed all those great guests you keep inviting in(no gain)? Give me your address and I will will forward your abode to the govmint to inform you as to their arrival. No pain no gain.


    2. But I thought you said a few days ago that the richest countries tend to be less diverse. Are you now saying you want to be poorer by increasing diversity?

      Shush, the grown-ups are talking.

    3. You could always move to a Third World country and increase their diversity and wealth. Lead by example and stop discriminating.
