24 Replies to “Diversity Is Our Strength!”

  1. classic ploy,commit “hate Crimes” and then attack cops.
    Guaranteed to get 3 squares a day and waited on hand and foot.
    Which is way better than the Limbo this,To be deported,passportless,Iranian has been existing in.
    Basically if I outlive my wife,this gentleperson is using my retirement plan,the only difference is I will pick a judge to terrorize.
    As genuine contempt of court should not go to waste.

  2. Saskabush, as we used to call it when I was much younger, has sure changed since I lived there nearly 40 years ago.

  3. “She said the graffiti is totally opposite of the church’s values.”

    Well yeah, that was sort of the point.

  4. Mr. Bozo-what’s-his-name cannot be deported back to his noble country of Iran, since his wondrous “human rights” could be impaired. So he vandalizes liberal churches while on a deportation order. Typical of our refugee-justice system.

    1. Not totally … not until they renounce Christ (or whatever they believe in?) and bow before Allah. Then … if they don’t bow quite deep enough … they will get bombed, and their children will be slaughtered while they sleep. Don’t tell me your PM didn’t KNOW this before he began importing vast numbers of these Ultra faithful Muzzies?

      1. He knew. He is one of them. In a Toronto mosque before the election he repeated the words that muzzies believe make you a muzzie. Until I hear him personally declare that he is not a muzzie or that he is a Christian, he is a muzzie. If you look at what he does rather than what he says, it is obvious, he is a muzzie.

  5. Well this should drag Trudeau off the couch for an apology tour, and throwing money around Ottawa mosques with BIG FAT apology checks.

  6. Nail him with 5 hours of community service at quadruple pay and an apology for the laws Islamophobia plus a return first class ticket to his homeland to visit mom with a free house when he returns.

  7. Terrorists from the uncivilized world need to be sent back.

    Civilized countries follow rules for passports etc. But obviously the savages do not and use our rule following ways against us.

    It is beyond the time to impeach all of our current crop of judges, they are far too stupid to protect our society and many do not want to, their only reason for being is to protect our hateful progressive politicians.

  8. Prior to landing in Canada, did this person eat his passport? How does one get on an airplane / through customs without a passport, or identification of any type?

    1. LOL. One must not ask such questions. You know, privacy and all. In fact, you sir are a racist for even thinking such a thing. /s

  9. Funny the things canadians will vote for.

    I don’t think we need to worry about leaving a debt ridden country to the children. Likely not gonna be much of a country left anyway.

    There will be lots of history written about the downfall of western civilization…and I doubt anyone will learn a thing from it.

    Reap what ya sow canucks.

  10. “Why THOSE churches? They’re on his team!”

    That’s the really crazy part. They support him while holding values completely antithetical to what he believes. Now if he had been say, Jason Morrison or some such, the Church Ladies would not have been quite so embracing and forgiving.

    On another note, I sent a link to Pierre Poillevre’s questioning of the Finance Minister to my son-in-law, a Montreal born 45 yr. old. with several degrees and an advanced job in animation, thinking he might be interested, since he’ll be paying a huge tax burden for the next twenty years. His response to his dear father-in-law:

    “Can you please stop sending me any of these type of articles. I don’t share most of your political, economical, social and environment beliefs. Therefore, I am not your target audience.”

    At this point, eff them all, including my daughters and sons-in-law. If they want to wallow in ignorance they can pay the freight and I won’t listen to any complaints from them.

    1. Now there is a funny side to that No Guff.
      Just like the Liberals who tried to buy guns after the plandemic started,they are only now appalled by the stupid regulations.
      Your insular Son in law,will eventually start to earn real money,although at 45 awful slow starter, then he will start to act like he and only he knows how abusive government theft is.
      What I am blown away by,is the number of Canadians in his age bracket who are still living paycheck to paycheck.
      And while they complain about the cost of everything,they cannot see the cost of government at all.
      Government is good.
      By the way,that sneering dismissal reply message,seems you hit a nerve.

    2. My condolences on your loss. It is so sad when loved ones are deceived into serving our, (and if they only knew it, their) enemy’s. I haven’t given up on any of mine yet, though a few of them may be lost. My Mom and Dad never gave up on me, when I was being an asswhole and they lived to hear my confession and repentance. Where there is life there is hope.

  11. Hi John;

    Said son-in-law is actually a very high earner – makes much more than I ever made in my best years. He worked in LA for Pixar, Sony and Disney. He now works in Vancouver for an independent film/animation company. Very book smart, but a believer in ‘economist’ Joseph Stiglitz who has been: “decorated by several governments including Bolivia, Korea, Colombia, Ecuador, and most recently France” and has won a Nobel Prize – thus making him as smart as John Maynard Keynes.

    I think I’m just going to just enjoy some schadenfreude as his big ‘before deductions’ paycheques end up a pittance. Elections have consequences!

  12. I may be way off the mark, I may also offend some, such is life.
    From the article and the lead in I thought yep here we go another attack by the religion of peace but, maybe all is not as it seems.
    Having come across more than a few Iranian refugees I can attest that there are a heck of a lot of them that are Chaldeans and /or real Christians. Those I have met are very shocked by the perversion of so called “western christianity” never dreaming that Bible teachings and commandments could be so desecrated by purported christian churches.
    If I am right Amir Bozorgmehr’s attributed quote that “His lawyer is Christ” would not be surprising if he was indeed an Iranian Christian, after all as the Bible teaches the acts of depravity celebrated by the LGBTetc crowd are indeed an abomination to our creator.
    I leave aside anything to do with his status within Canada, to a real dedicated christian, like the apostles and in particular Paul or Saul of Tarsus those things are irrelevant, on the other hand the corruption of Christs teachings those things are, as Paul pointed out not least in his letter to the church at Ephesus.

  13. I hope Amir spends his $10 million cheque wisely.
