Go, Already

Quote of the Century from Chris Selley100% of Canadians know for a fact what this country would look like if the oil sands were in Quebec.

We don’t share the same country. Why do we continue to pretend?

107 Replies to “Go, Already”

  1. Everyone knows that since the election the Greens, NDP, and Bloc have become the lapdogs of the Liberal government. Blackie even brags about it to his media. So he must be using them to prepare for his own rejection of the oil industry, since it has never been a secret that he wants to phase out the industry.

    1. The good news is that the colossal ignorance and mystifying arrogance of these bigoted franco supremacists are “phasing” in a whole new country for us, one that doesn’t include them. Some good news for a change.
      “This country it belongs to us”… (franco Quebecers) … it sure does Juthtin you moistly speaking psychopath… it is as your communist Papa Peeair designed.
      Hey, if you can’t get enough franco Quebecers to agree in “separating” from the ROT ( the rest of Turdholeland) then the next best thing is to get the ROT to have no other choice but to separate from Queeerbek. Seriously, why does every other Province want to remain second class colonies of Queerbek ? Very odd…. and very expensive…. Oh, and of a personal note to the co- PM of the LIberal/Bloc Party, Mr. Blandshit from Queerbek… GFY my good man, and often…. #WEXIT.

  2. Well we are going. Just not fast enough for me.
    The Independence and now Statehood in the USA groups are beginning the process of merging and Unifying.
    I WEXIT is a legal party now in Alberta and Sask. I do not think that the Constipated Conservatives will be able to hold these two Provinces in the next election.
    They will end up part of the Liberal Party which is were they belong anyway. Sending Cons from Alberta has achieved nothing Albertans wanted. Which was a fair democratic country.
    The jeering and laughter is gone. Now here in Alberta even the Grandma’s want out. And Trudeau’s undemocratic seizing of our firearms is the icing on the cake. Queen Trudeau thinks he can just take our firearms with the wave of his Imperial hand was a mistake. Not going to happen. I do not know a single Albertan who is going to comply. Because we know we are going to need them.
    Once our Firebrand emerges we will be gone. Kenney is now openly seen as merely an agent of Trudeau. He has lost support and all credibility. He is not man enough for the job. He just does not have the JUICE.
    Get Smart, Get Mad, Get Out Alberta. Go UDI 50% plus 1 and vaya con dios.

    1. Watcher, I think that is the most astute comment I have seen here. We need to get out of this country now, not 2 years from now, not 5 years from now, NOW!!!
      Our nice little introduction to house arrest and Communism is turning into the massive failure, that anybody with a functioning cranium, could see was coming from this virus response. The PLANDEMIC is going as planned, on schedule, and on-budget. The importation of “New Canadians” continues, quarantine or not, and will make Trudope a KING. We need out NOW !!!! It might already be too late to avoid Venezuelization, I hope your freezer is full.

      1. I wish to hell I could get out, this place bears no resemblance to what it was when I was a young man. Where do we go? The Americans have fallen down the same rabbit hole we have. Diversity and socialism has meant the destruction of both our countries.

        1. Where do we go?

          Ah, but don’t you know that we were wrong to begin with, that we prospered through theft and oppression, that we had held the wrong values and beliefs, and that our achievements are bogus? We need to rejoice that we have finally become “enlightened” and “just”.

          Male bovine excrement…..

    2. Well I can guarantee it’s no longer just the traditional stereotypical farmer/blue collar malcontents who want out. Last week I was chatting with colleagues in the doctor’s lounge (socially distanced to be sure) and all four of us agreed that this “Canada” thing is done for. It serves no useful purpose for anyone west of the Ontario/Manitoba border and it’s about time we just recognized the reality and split it along its natural fault lines i.e. east/west. Brian Jean’s name came up as a potential leader, or alternatively Prem Singh, the one who organized the Value of Alberta conference. I think we’re one effective leader away from a separate Buffalo nation.

  3. Every time I hear the term “tar sands” uttered tar and feather comes to mind.

  4. Alberta should help Quebec become a normal sub national unit: quit living off of other people’s money. Alberta must stop sending equalization money to Quebec via Ottawa and Quebec should thank Albertans for it.

  5. Got to say without any relish that Republic of Alberta option is more attractive as the days go by.

  6. The mentality of Quebec entitlement in that video is the same that Lougheed had to deal with more than 40 years ago. Now, if Alberta was to allow the oil sands to become Quebec sovereign territory, there’d be no need for equalization payments.

  7. At some point the host, not the leech, has to take the blame.
    I live in the middle of Ottawa and am amazed every second the West delays.
    Truly mind-boggling that “you people” keep thinking, saying and doing the same things over and over with some expectation of change.

    1. Buddy, there is 2 sides to the voting coin. One people vote for, the other people vote against. If so called cans could quit acting like liberals and shoving their shit down people’s throats, they would appeal to a much larger base. And that shit is ABORTION RITES, ASSISTED SUICIDE, LEGALIZED MJ, AND GAY ISSUES those are all personal, and the government should stay out of them. I know many people who would vote conservative, accept for their stance on those issues. Stay the fuck out of my personal life you cuckservatives!!!!

  8. Let’s face it separation is a huge step but our liberal and frog enemies are making western freedom more and more appealing,Quebec can’t keep their mouths shut because they are arrogant bastards.Wee Fidel is taking his orders directly from the UN who are using Canadians as a huge experiment to see how quickly a country can be subdued without firing a shot.The east is whipped into submission already.The thing that is going to upset their plan is our western will and spirit.We praise hard work and common sense and abhor bullshitting idiots (Liberals and Quebec) We will seperate

    1. You know what?
      I just gotta call bullshite and horsepuckey.

      From what I can see, you Western Dummies are no different than our Eastern Dummies.
      From Nenshi to Notley, from Clark to Horgan, from Douglas to whatever the flick Womantoba is these days, from Winlesspeg to Redmonton to Lotusland you’ve bought into Liberal Free Stuff and Mummy Government like a Newfie outport.

      You guys are even WORSE than our 1st Trudeau Maritime Welfare Nation.

      While he was replacing failing fisheries, farms and manufacturing with Liberal Government largesse there, you guys urinated away your Texas Tea while enjoying you some farming, transportation and wow, even some energy industry subsidies. Actually, lots of them, dwarfing any kind of equalization to the Maritimes. Who by the way, suffered greatly in the more east-west trade instead of north-south whole Confederation fiasco. Who knew helping to open the West would be greeted with such ingratitude?

      And I hear very few, actually none, cases of sturdy Westerners turning down health care, EI, education, child tax benefits etc.

      And of course, don’t forget that you too have one of the 57? genders that looks to the Government for succor like wives of yore.

      Western separation.
      Waiting for Godot.
      And it aint showing up either.

      Enough Canadians, East or West, are purposely poorly educated, are purposely poorly informed and misinformed, are easily led and misled, and are purposely lied to by their Governments, their Media and their Institutions that there will be no separation.
      No independence.
      If I were you, I’d worry more about the 1984/ Brave New World/ Gattaca/Liberal New World Order/Globalism/Communism/Facism/ dystopian world your governments, one and all have in store for you.

      1. I have to agree that Albertans are as stupid as the ROC.

        They voted in an NDP provincial government. How that hell did that happen. And look at the results. Now Kenny has to work with a dead horse.

        How did Calgary get a disgusting muslim mayor.

        Too many Easterners have invaded Alberta and they took it down.
        Same is happening right now in Texas.

        The international left, is infiltrating all conservative areas and bringing them down. The right is too polite, or shall I say, too stupid to do anything about it.

        1. J-West,
          Wrt electing ndp here in Aberta, yep, sadly true.

          Why? How’d that happen?

          Couple thoughts:
          Division on the right and,
          too busy running in our personal gerbil cages to assess full situ – to see that more & more, the left maneuvers us into accelerating the speed of our gerbil cages.

          We run faster all the time to pay bills/make payroll & raise our kids but,
          to also to keep up with the jones & their too often highly leveraged lifestyles.

          Left throw more taxes, regulations & bought media at us, and we respond by running still faster our gerbil cages. Etc, etc.

          Meanwhile, our kids learn to good climate cultists in school and to be good socialists in university.

          Some become good experts in their narrow field, but with high trust for other experts in some other narrow field, in part because of they (too often) all lack a sufficiently broad, actual, grounded in reality, knowledge base.


      2. Don’t worry the time for talk will soon be over and thanks for your useless opinion

    2. And let’s not forget gun violence (Edmonton) and police brutality (Lethbridge), among other social ills. The East does not have a lock on all the negative attributes often voiced here. Let’s keep some perspective, but indeed WEXIT.

      1. Quit replying to your own comments ray or yola or yoyo what ever you go by I’ll be glad when you idiots go back to university for another ten years so you don’t bother the working people

        1. I’m not Ray.

          Though he does seem like a very intelligent fellow and a fine judge of character. (Spelling is another story:))

          So that means there is not one single correct aspect in either of your 2 single line derogatory epithets.

          We cheer you on for the day you graduate to paragraphs and hope your life improves to the point you no longer feel the need to inanely lash out.

          Particularly when so ill-equipped to do so.

  9. I sat across the table at a “get to know Jason”, (or Randy of Trailer Park Boys, not sure which), event and asked him, “when you and Harper had a chance tor re-write the transfer payments to Quebec in 2014, why did you leave it, as is”. No answer, just platitudes! Jason is, the blind squirrel of Alberta, he just wants the Perv Ministers job in future, Alberta is the stepping stone. Go Wexit!

    1. Yeah, but I’m getting a little tired of that schtick…..in fact, the formula for equalization was to be renegotiated with the provinces every five years (and by the way, transfer payments are not the same as equalization payments). The Liberals decided to simply extend the existing equalization formula without consultation while the Alberta NDP sat on their hands and said nothing. At least get your facts straight.

  10. It’s important to get separation going! Time for real names on these forms so we can get going and a place for contact! In studying UDI verus the clarity act both are difficult procedures! Time to move on this!

  11. How I explained Canada to my daughter when she was ten:

    “Quebec is where Canada stores its retards, Ontario is the overflow relief. This is why those provinces do everything wrong.”

    1. yes SEEN, and now go take a look at who you “westerners” have voted into power lately, and then go tell your daughter the truth

      1. 666
        You do realize that Pierre Trudeau WANTED THE AXIS POWERS to WIN WW2, don’t you?
        And he was voted for and kept in power for 14 years by the fascist loving voters in central and eastern Canada.

        A vast majority of Western Canada never voted for that POS ever.
        We are 2 different countries, east and west.
        And we need to go our own way.
        We will both be much happier then.
        Have a nice day!

  12. If by “special price”, he means like the price of maple syrup and dairy, then I suppose we should double or triple the price for Quebecers.

    1. That was my initial thought as well. You want a special Price..??
      How about WTI X 1.5 instead..?? GFY

      It’s the utter in yer face ARROGANT entitlement (much the same as German Nazi’s), that gets me mad….I’ve dealt with it on a personal level whilst living in Eastern Ontario and working across the border – nothing has changed since that time. In fact its gotten worse since PM shitferbrains took over.

      I am 100% committed to WEXIT.
      Where the F is our “leader”….??

  13. That “separatist” poseur from Quebec is expressing the same hypocritical green bilge that is virtually identical to the attitudes and policies of the LPC, NDP and Greens and likely half of the people identifying as Conservative, and every public school and post secondary institution in the ROC including Alberta. The rot goes deep and it’s in the culture and culture drives politics at least until hungry bellies are pandemic.

  14. Take BC with you. I don’t think BC is a left province. It is the way it is because there is no right parties. There are a lot of BCers who are dependent on Ottawa for pensions. Probably to a lesser degree the same in Alberta and Sask. I WEXIT needs to take a position on this, and I don’t mean massive handouts.
    It’s funny how ones prospective changes. I used to be a proud Canadian. I joined the RCN in 63 and sailed under the white ensign until 65. Because I wanted to be an independent country I excepted the maple leaf. It only took a few years and gaining some age to realize that it was really the liberal flag of eastern Canada.
    What does it really mean. You have commie bars on either side blocking in all the sheeple in the middle with a piece of dead leaf in the centre. Probably if you pealed the leaf back you’d find a hammer and sickle underneath.

    1. The vast physical portion of B.C. is not left leaning. The numbers are skewed heavily to the lower mainland in B.C. Much of B.C. is more in line politically with Alberta.

    2. I’d take ALL of Rural BC.
      Exception..?? The Lower MAOLand and their psychotic cousins on the Island….let the Big one take em all for all I care.

      1. Hey steakman … Some of us in the lower mainland are seriously conservatives. Do not write us off so lightly. My grandparents were Alberta pioneers. I was Alberta born, raised and educated, so share many of your views. My guess about 30% where I live in downtownIsh Vancouver also do. I was a volunteer in the election for the CPC in Vancouver Centre.

        BTW do not try to call Hedy Fry’s office to comment.

        Many of us just moved here for the warmer winters, but share your views. Some of us absolutely want to wEXIT with Alberta. Yes, I know, we do have a lot of lefty neighbours, potheads, way too many immigrants who do not have the language skills to vote, and union people , but their kids could be retrained over time.

        1. Voting in that abysmal moron Gregor Robertson and NDP ASSholes on a perennial basis..?? …..says much to this Ex Lower mainlander. Yea, I grew up in Richmond – Left in ’76 – Gained critical thinking in Alberta. Sorry, but I won’t change my attitude towards the Lower MaoLand…or the Island of Imbeciles. Btw, I’ve got family living 12th Ave n Oak St….they too know my attitude.

  15. Shut in the pipelines east and west Alberta and stop rail traffic east and west Alberta. Most Canadians do not know this but pre Canada, southern Alberta was a part of the USA under the Louisiana Purchase, almost as far north as Calgary. Americans were our first Cattlemen. Memories are long here in Alberta. The water is still and deep.
    Get yourselves active Albertans time to go home to the USA.
    The Americans have always supported Alberta Familes. The Americans buy 80% of everything Albertans produce. Oil and gas, beef, lumber and wheat. Get Mad, Get Smart and Get Out Alberta. Go 51st State. And Vaya Con Dios to the Canadian Gulag and Tax Farm to feed eastern canada. https://calgarysun.com/opinion/columnists/bell-may-and-blanchet-curb-stomp-albertas-oilpatch?fbclid=IwAR3ccvuteWXRMrP_qRM8I6P8ZwxcUs5tb-qm7chE3ufSx9flDAjgw1Xdfn0

    1. Please Albertans! You’re very welcome as one of the 7-extra-States Obama seemed to think were part of America. We need all the RED States we can get as the Blue States keep flooding their shitholiness with more dependent illegals, with drivers licenses and “voting rights”. We will take all the new EC votes we can get. Oh … and LOVE your resources … including your people. They’re most like “my people”.

      1. You do know that the number 57 is a slip of tongue, but not a random number.
        It is the number of member states (as in countries) in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. DuckDuckGo that name.
        Just like he blurted out “my Islamic faith” in a live interview.
        I mean, I spent my first thirteen years in a Buddhist majority culture, but I was never a Buddhist, and I would never accidentally blurt out “my Buddhist faith”.

  16. The more I see and hear what that circus in Ottawa is doing, led by the self-styled ringmaster, the more I’m reminded of the definition of circus we had when I was a kid: A cunning array of stunts.

  17. Those statements from Liz May and Blanchet should be the straw that broke the camel’s back. Who do these bought politicians think they are kidding? Their hypocrisy is galling. They should be referred to the documentary “Planet of The Humans.”

    That documentary was linked here at SDA on April 22. Watch it if you missed it. Scroll up from link/statement below.


    They and the rest of the hypocritical politicians should all
    mange la ‘merde’ …


    1. Actually, I think that the drunk American lawyer, Lizzie May has seen the “Planet of the Humans” and realized that it is a grave danger to her green hallucinations. So she has doubled down on her stupidity.

      1. Yes, agreed. These bought politicians likely got a phone call from their Masters to change the narrative from COVID 19!!

  18. You can tell that Wexit is gonna happen any day now just by the huge, angry mobs of Albertans clamouring for separation in front of the Legislature.

    1. If you think that the underlying anger of Albertans is only evident at “protests”, you need to think again. The right doesn’t act the same way as the “protest everything” left wing. When the right has finally had enough, it has had enough. And you may not even see it coming.

      1. True.
        If you’re protesting, you’re losing.

        When I vote Wexit it will be quietly.

      2. Baloney!

        When the right has had enough it takes its ball and goes home. Period.

        Beyond mundane letters to the editor and vicious repartee on the internet, I submit there is zero protest of anything “right”, anywhere, anytime or any place.

        The Canadian right is losing magnificently and truly without style.
        Without movement actually.

        Replacing Lying Brian with Parson Manning didn’t change much.

        They say you can tell a Liberal is lying when his lips move, with Conservatives, any movement at all is good and considered as a sign of life.

        1. ” Baloney! When the right has had enough it takes its ball and goes home. Period.
          Beyond mundane letters to the editor and vicious repartee on the internet, I submit there is zero protest of anything “right”, anywhere, anytime or any place.The Canadian right is losing magnificently and truly without style.
          Without movement actually.”

          Bingo. There is no fight in the right…in any province.

          1. There is no fight in the right…in any province.

            Most people are too busy trying to stay alive, let alone solvent to fight the government.

  19. To start with we should collect Alberta taxes, establish an Alberta Pension Plan and withdraw from federal dairy plan. The first action we should take is withdraw Alberta from the Quebec Dairy Cartel. Quebec has way more Quota than what Quebec consumes. Alberta dairy farmers could easily increase production to supply what Quebec is currently supplying. Blocking pipelines has consequences !

  20. Canada is in deep shit. Trudeau is buying votes with the money he’s throwing around.
    This will not end well. Alberta & Saskatchewan are the only provinces that would fare well if they go alone.

    But will they?

  21. Late to this party too..again!
    What more can I add that Watcher has not already, pretty much perfectly, enunciated.
    It is my sincere and profound hope that once we get past this Covid thing, we will realize and work towards a dream of a new nation. One where the rule of law is not just given lip service. Where people can enjoy the fruits of their labours. Where all are indeed treated equally. Where the press is an active participant in the democratic process not an echo chamber for the ruling elite.
    I hope and pray that Michelle Rempel will emerge as our leader and we will get behind her.

  22. Thanks CBC for making Albertans even angrier and helping make WEXIT happen! Alberta finally sees something in return for all those tax dollars.

  23. I guarantee my next federal vote goes to a separatist candidate. #Wexit #IWantANewCountry

  24. Quebec perennially taking equalization payments from the rest of Canada with questionable contributions is little different from a 30 year old still living at home off the parents.

  25. “I joined the RCN in 63 and sailed under the white ensign until 65”. Ynot

    Hmmm April 63 for me… We probably met during Basic … Me Shearwater, but spent 6 years learning Physics @ times in Stadacona……Bonaventure…..

    The false premise that anything in this world is “Sustainable” is a sad joke

    I am now an American, and Western Canada may not be wanted in the USA… The CCF/NDP and the Social Credit party of BC & Alberta are both sides of the same coin…..

    Joe was right when he asked Gore if it was too late for AGW… Gore wanted to take credit for the present COOL down, so expect they will try for the next UP tick


  26. As some have already noted, equalization payments from the federal government are separate from the health and social transfers to the provinces. Equalization payments are received only by the “have-not” provinces (as defined by the federal government’s formula). Under that formula, B.C., Alberta and Saskatchewan are “have” provinces. They do not currently receive equalization payments and have not done so in at least the last 10 years. By contrast, Quebec has been a have-not province since the equalization program began in 1972. Ten years ago, Quebec received $7.8 billion in its annual equalization payment. This year alone Quebec will receive $13.3 billion in its equalization payment.


    Why has Quebec always been, and will always be, a have-not province? Because the equalization formula is designed to send federal taxpayer money to Quebec, and that means always making sure the formula classifies Quebec as a “have-not”.

    1. Quebec designed its economy as socialist to perennially receive equalization payments from the rest of Canada with questionable contributions. That’s analogous to a 30 year old not leaving the parents house and being financially independent.

    2. “Because the equalization formula is designed to send federal taxpayer money to Quebec”
      Thats what happens when you have a mentally unstable, french language supremacist, trust fund communist re-design your country in his own warped image. Canada died the day the Liberal Party inflicted Soviet agent and all round lunatic Peeair the Turdhole upon the nation.
      Canada has been dead as a door nail since 1982 with the imposition of Peeairs whacked out Charter of Group Rights, but the beginning of the end was a dark rainy afternoon in Feb. of 1964 when the Canadian Flag ( the Red Ensign) was lowered and the Liberal Party Maple Leaf Flag was raised in its place… make no mistake, that day was a funeral… the enemies of Canada couldn’t have been more pleased with this despicable act of vandalism…. the beginning of the end.

  27. Lizzie is also a big user of all that “dirty oil”, flying back and forth from BC to Ottywah on a regular basis. As for Blankette, Kaybec likes to boast about their electricity production, which has a not too favorable history within Kaybec especially on the labor front, but also in their dealings with NFLD and the desecration of the Cree lands where their dams were built. For all his blessings on “electrifier du Kaybec” they still haven’t developed the electric truck, car, or the electric aircraft to replace their “l’usage du huile”. Anything driven by electricity is lubricated with oil. Most of Kaybec’s sporting life is Americaine with copious amounts of gasoline and two stroke oil, winter and summer. Somehow they haven’t developed the electric outboard motor with sufficient power to make it roar. A’sti.
    As for someone mentioning above on the location of the “Tar” sands, if they were in Boucherville (30 minutes SE of Montreal), there would be a big hole in the ground and waste water from it would be chasing Montreal’s sewage downstream. You’d eat it in east coast fish/shell fish caught on The Banks.
    If Alberta would smarten up, they’d build dairy herds to out produce and put Kaybec’s dairy out of business, Ontario’s too. I got no love for those poseurs either. As for Horgan’s commie BC NDP that runs the Lower Mainland, shut TransMountain off where it heads south to Washington Sate (Abbottsford), they can pay US prices on Alberta crude shipped north from the Seattle area as jet-B, diesel, gasoline. Screw them. Or better yet, shut the flow off to the US Pacific Northwest (the only pipe into Washington state is from Alberta), with US crude from Alaska making up the difference in pipeline capacity. Seeing as the Seattle area is a big US Navy/air hub might get the USA to help solve Alberta’s problem….Kanaduh. Make it the 51st State with home to the biggest petroleum reserves in the world. Screw Kanaduh. Sell that idea to the US, as the crude up here is coveted by Chinah, with a Chinah loving LPOC/NDP/Green and CPC willing to sellout their fellow Kanadjians in the process.

  28. The British effed up on the Plains of Abraham. “Pack your sh*t…you’re going home” should’ve been written in the Treaty of Paris.

    1. I feel too many people in Canada and US underestimate the significance of the “Quebec Act” in instigating the American Revolution. Most people focus on the “unfair” tariffs on stamps and tea and stuff. Giving all that land to the Frenchmen and Indians is what drove them over the edge

  29. Can anyone please tell me in what other western, liberal democracies are there active and growing independence and separation movements? (Hawaii doesn’t count) Says a lot about a country that in different areas of it, there are significant portions of the population that want a wholesale departure

  30. There are not many, but there are some that come to mind. In Spain, the province of Catalonia, which includes Barcelona, is actively pursuing separation. Not too long ago, the Basque region of Spain had a terrorist network setting off bombs throughout Spain to gain its independence, but that seems to be quiet at the moment. Scotland has an active independence movement which wants to separate from Great Britain.

    1. …and these others. Thanks MJ.

      The more subjective question becomes; do they rise to the level of what is going on here?

  31. Canada is a polygamous marriage and all the spouses beat up on each other. Divorce time.

  32. You can vote your way into Socialism but history tells us you always have to shoot your way out. Keep your shootin iron handy

  33. The MP from Quebec that thinks Canada owes Quebec a living and expects that Alberta’s oil (which they denigrate) should be sold to them at a made in Canada price just like hydro electricity from Newfoundland is seems to be the benefactor of a public school education.

    Here’s the fun fact.
    Keep putting a stranglehold on the wealth creators like its some kind of religion and before you know it there won’t be enough wealth to fund those other entitlements the politicians in Quebec have grown accustomed to.
    It comes crashing down around their ears and they get to understand the concept of Kharma.
    I will not shed one tear when they have to tell Québécois that they can’t afford the goodies anymore and the tools in Ottawa have no one to take it from anymore to appease them.

  34. The way I understood it… He was only saying that Quebec buys Alberta Oil at market prices. There is no “special discount” offered to other Canadians. He’s not saying we deserve one or should expect one. I think the Bloc are rather very parochial in their policy positions (d’uh)! They certainly don’t represent the majority in Quebec.

    I think Alberta grouses when things are bad, but fails to take action when things are going good. The Heritage Fund was squandered for years. This could have been a tool to help Alberta diversify its economy. Alberta could create its own Pension Plan, this would mean that money raised from workers in the Province is used to fund their own pensions. Alberta could come up with a myriad different ways to assert itself.

    As for the pipelines, I was disappointed with their disapproval. Canada has lost any sense of “nation building” and long term strategic thinking in the development of its resources. Then again, what is stopping Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, from building a pipeline to the Beaufort Sea or Hudson Bay? Why did Harper sit on these projects for years instead of fast tracking them?

      1. All equalization payments are sent from the federal government to the provinces, so it is money from federal taxpayers. Federal taxpayers will be sending $20.6 billion to the “have-not” provinces this year. Of that, Quebec will receive $13.3 billion (65% of the total).

        Another way to look at equalization payments is to consider what would happen if they were eliminated and taxes reduced by an offsetting amount. Federal taxpayers all across Canada would be $20.6 billion richer. The have-not provinces, like Quebec, would then have to turn to the taxpayers in their territory and raise provincial taxes to offset the loss in equalization payments. Taxpayers in the have provinces (Newfoundland, Ontario, Sask., Alberta and B.C.) would be better off. They would hold on to all of the extra money left in their pockets from the reduced federal taxes since their provinces would not have to raise taxes because they were not receiving equalization payments in the first place.

        1. OMJ where does Ottawa take the money from for the Marxist Equalization Scam?

  35. Do you do any banking or investing with any banks based in quebec or the rest of eastern Canada?
    Move it to a western based company and tell them to go pound oil sand up their asses.I

    Same with insurance companies or building supplies, etc.
    Let them know why you’re shitcanning them.

  36. Oil is dead, huh?
    I wonder how the crops are going to be seeded and harvested if oil is dead.
    I wonder how the food gets to the grocery store when oil is dead.

    Food is going to be an issue.
    Keep asking these dummies where food comes from.
    Be gentle….

    I’m at the point where I think that the only way these idiots will learn is if they get really hungry.
    I’ll be the guy with the huge “I TOLD YOU SO!” sign.

      1. That’s because they believe that mankind must become extinct in order to save the planet.

        1. Whatever their machinations, there is a class of people who will always survive … and it ain’t them

  37. Damn,this Western Alienation is being orchestrated.
    When the useless idiots engage in baiting Albertans you know this is both idiocy and malice.
    Of the sound and fury signifying nothing that Ottawa has belched forth over the last 5 years,what if anything could they have done differently..if Western Separation was their intent?
    We are having separation forced upon us,by fools and bandits with whom we share nothing in common.
    Even in good times they aggravate and steal,now that hard times are imposed on us by their decree,the load they impose is unbearable.

    It is broken ,Canada is gone.
    We are not separating from Confederation,we are leaving Confiscation..
    Which is the fully blown Kleptocracy Confederated Canada was defined to become,
    Just for once,I am going with the flow,the East wants us gone,we want gone…excellent what practical rule of law shall we adopt, to prevent us repeating the collapse of Canada?

  38. In any other real country, the Bloc leader would be in prison for treason. Here in Sunny Ways Canada the traitor is in partnership with the prime minister.

    1. As Mark Steyn has pointed out, many other independence movements have succeeded with relative ease.
      The reason Quebec’s hasn’t to date is because the Separatists were never serious, just playing an extortion game. But now more than ever, the RoC is prepared to call their bluff.

      No one should think that the WEXIT movement is bluffing.

    2. the traitor is in partnership with the prime minister

      As if the PM is loyal to this country…..

  39. Who drank the “queerbec” is a have not province Kool – Aid?
    Dig deep and you will find they do not Declare all the $$$ they get for selling water and electricity to the NE US states!
    If I am wrong on this point – I am sure somebody will let me know!
    As for Queerbec leaving Canada. Will never happen! The Natives own most of the land and they arent going anywhere!
    Just sayin’

  40. If we want Kaybec to leave Canada, all we have to do is leave first. Once the Alberta to quebec cash pipeline is shut in, they won’t have any reason to stay in canada. BC and Ontario certainly can’t afford quebec.

    Another option would be for Alberta to start collecting all taxes and stop remitting any of them to the Feds. Kenney (or whoever is running this place) could keep all the federal taxes and spread out the “quebec” proportion as a tax rebate to Albertans that work. I would be curious to see what would happen if Alberta said “enough is enough”. No more money.

    1. Johnboy, I fully agree.

      We need to cut off the $.

      Collect our own taxes & set up our pension plan, immediately.

      And our own provincial police force!
      (Remembering our history maybe call them NWMP?)

  41. Albertans are not much less socialist than the ROC . I see western independence having to be sold on the basis of being able to utilize natural economic advantage and “share” in the spoils with a much smaller base of beneficiaries. They are in no way libertarian revolutionaries. Taken across the deranged dominion of Canada, the real spanner in the works is, and always has been Quebec. Their separatist ambitions peaked a generation ago but their shakedown politics and habit of vandalizing the ROC continue unabated. In fact Quebec politicians and pandering to them are responsible for the demise of the Canadian culture which exists now in a form of terminal multicultural purgatory. It is Quebec who should go and with a little encouragement we might be able to convince them.

  42. Here’s another fun fact.
    Those wanting a new country know exactly how to fix this one, but the folks in control have nothing but scorn for them and continue to do exactly what makes Canada unsustainable.
    They keep it up, that new country is inevitable.
    That is the day the laurentian elite finally realize what those deplorable racist knuckle dragging phobic “ist” folks out west where talking about.

  43. Here’s another fun fact. The folks that want a new country know exactly how to fix this one, but the folks in control have nothing but scorn for them and continue to do exactly what makes Canada unsustainable.
    They keep it up, that new country is inevitable.
    That is the day the laurentian elite finally realize what those deplorable racist knuckle dragging phobic “ist” folks out west where talking about.

  44. BADR at 4:30
    “Most people are too busy trying to stay alive, let alone solvent to fight the government.”

    Funny, in other places and/or other times, that’s the recipe for revolution…not an excuse to avoid protest.

  45. So. Bottom lines are:

    1: Jason Kenney must Go
    2: Wexit needs a Good Leader. I like Brian Jean.
    3: Fuck the Election Cycle – Call a UDI and Take over the Legislature in Edmonton.

    For starters….

  46. “Shut the door; lock and latch it.
    Here comes Lizzy with a brand new hatchet.”
