Unclean Shelves

Dr Jennifer Cassidy is an Oxford University politics lecturer who has thoughts on what kind of books you’re allowed to have on your shelves. Ownership of Charles Murray’s The Bell Curve is, it turns out, a basis for scolding, like so much else. Readers may recall that the mob that physically menaced Charles Murray at Middlebury College included students, would-be intellectuals, who boasted of never having read his books and who consequently knew almost nothing about their victim’s actual views and actual research. None of which inhibited their self-satisfied enthusiasm for assaulting people and making polite elderly scholars fear for their safety.

One of these.

5 Replies to “Unclean Shelves”

  1. “…devotees of Marxoid fantasy typically start with the ideal of violence and coercion, the titillating rewards of having power over others, and then work backwards in search of a pretext.”


    Your typical Marxist is the sort of ghoul who masturbates to footage of atrocities by the Khmer Rouge—authors of the purest communist society the world has known, and hence, also, the most murderous.

    Their entire program is a pretext for their real desire—being allowed to murder people for no better reason than the sexual thrill they get from it.

    The Khmer Rouge had no trouble recruiting teenage sociopaths as torturers and executioners—usually illiterate peasant boys who enjoyed the erections they got making a city girl they could never have had in a free society scream in agony and terror before they put her down.

    The only important difference between those thugs and Karl Marx was perhaps 30 IQ points.

  2. The hypocrisy of the leftists aside, there is plenty of reason to question the co-related theories that the average IQ of one demographic can be measured in comparison to another, and that IQ is not subject to the uncertainty principle.

    Ancient Greeks certainly had good reason to regard Northern Europeans as “dumb”, giving illustration to both points I raise above.

  3. I will venture that the Chicoms quietly disagree with their western (academic) comrades on the Bell Curve as the Asian end of the curve reinforces their racial superiority / dominance thesis. They have to nurture their western useful idiots to soften the turf so would likely say nothing publicly against the good professor’s words. If the good professor ever found herself directly under their thumbs, I presume they would waste little time assigning her to killing field duties – as an unfed labourer.
