This Is Not Your Grandma’s Humane Society

Humane Watch;

[Marc Ching is] a Los Angeles-based activist who got international headlines – and lots of donations – claiming to save dogs from the dog meat trade. Except, as a Daily Mail investigation revealed, the dogs actually perished in Asia: “Ching’s high-profile operation deteriorated into farce, and ended with hundreds of dogs suffering slow and excruciatingly painful deaths within days of being rescued.”


“Many of the dogs died after being locked in cages and denied basic treatment and injections that might have saved them,” the report continued. “Up to two-thirds of the dogs are now believed to be dead, with the British head of an animal charity involved in dealing with the pitiful aftermath saying: ‘Those poor dogs just went from one hell to another.’” Ching, meanwhile, went back to L.A.

Where the FTC has just nailed him for peddling fake cancer treatments.

21 Replies to “This Is Not Your Grandma’s Humane Society”

  1. There is a special place in hell for dog abusers. retail rescue and fake dog rescue operations are unfortunately very common. And trying to find a dog to adopt these days is really tough. Let the buyer beware.

    1. “retail rescue and fake dog rescue operations are unfortunately very common”

      Yes. Ching didn’t invent or create the smug self righteous dog rescue/adoption/save movement. He only exploited it for gain.
      Blame the A-holes who like to tell you about their rescued/adopted/saved dogs. They’re the ones responsible for the Chings.

    2. People who abuse animals deserve to have their skin removed with a pair of pliers. No mercy whatsoever.

  2. We need a Tiger-King-styled Asian Dog Rescue Mockumentary. Ching-King? Chow-King? Or is Chow-Chow-King more appropriate?

    Let me guess … Marc Ching is gay too? Something about the way he holds his purse dog …

    1. That’s not his “purse dog” that’s a “Take-out” for when he gets home by the looks of that smile. Sick prick and sadly the tip of the iceberg. I’m thinking there’s a place reserved for him and others like him that involves BBQ.


      1. Hahaha ha ha … you racist … (spoken in the broken English of a FOB COVID-carrier)

  3. Has the China virus put enough sand in the gears to totally and permanently end the asinine fad of overseas dog rescue? If not then let’s keep the lock down.

    1. Dog rescue will never end with the biggest trouble being the dogs are smarter than the rescuers plus the so called rescuers can’t look after themselves never mind a mangy disease ridden hound

  4. You aren’t “saving” the dogs. The Asian breeders have simply expanded their market to include those who will pay for a dog to be “rescued.” The number of dogs going to the meat markets for horrific slaughter doesn’t change.

  5. Isn’t there anyone in LA that has the means to put a cap in his ass?
    Asking for a friend.

  6. Dante’s inferno is where he left those poor dogs. I hope he gets a few years in “the joint” with a bunch of animal lovers.

  7. He’s “charismatic” though! It says it right there in the caption underneath his gay photo. Come on people – stop with all the H8! LOL.

  8. Too bad about the dogs. But I kind of like the idea of Disneydiots voluntarily shelling out their savings to shysters.

  9. I have had dogs most all of my life and trained some good hunting dogs that were Brittanys and part of the family. Dogs that have not been socialized properly at the right time and raised in cages would make most difficult pets, even put with a good dog handler who had a lot of patience. I abhor the thought of dogs raised for meat because in my mind dogs are the closets to humans when it comes to communication and all dogs go to heaven, I have no idea where cats go and I hope they are happy too.

    I really have no good idea how to teach people on the other side of the world that dogs are not food but I wish there was a way to do that.

  10. Why should this be surprising? Philanthropic movements are often full of cheap shysters who batten on public sympathy as a way of emptying the gullible public’s pockets. Just in the last couple of weeks, Michael Moore has been busy chopping the hypocrisy of the international environmental industry to pieces.

  11. Just another idiot showing off for the Cameras just like we see with the rest of the Animal Rights idiots. reminds me of what happened when some Animal Rights idiots bough a lobster so it would not be boiled for Dinner and it died on them
