56 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Prime Minister!”

  1. Unless I missed it I didn’t hear any of Blackie’s loyal journalists ask him about this story at his daily rant today. Just questions on how wonderful he is, and when is he going to take guns away from Canadians. There was a question on why taxpayers are paying for empty charter planes from China. Its a good thing Great Leader put a muzzle on parliament.

    1. Actually they did ask and he gave his usual non answer about the federal government always being there for Canadians.

      What would be really funny? If China filled the planes full of colourful socks, plus a few bags of little potatoes.

  2. I’d rather he ONLY talk about his socks. Always. Much less damaging to Canada

  3. Uh oh.
    No more media pimp money for the National Post after that one.

    How did that article slip through the National Post accounting department?

  4. Look up the words vacuous, buffoon and moron in the dictionary.
    Guess whos’ photo appears three times?

    1. I was going to comment on this but then I realized that because he is nothing there is nothing to comment on.

      1. The proverbial “empty chair”. Clint Eastwood on Obama. I dunno, if the shoe fits?

  5. Considering this perfect idiots statements and behavior on both the domestic and international stages, during the entirety of his tenure as PM, would it be jumping-the-shark to suggest that his asinine comportment at the TPP meeting and subsequent actions may have been directed by the CCP?

    1. rob, that is a pretty good theory given what we know about Trudeau and his actions lately. I thought of that aspect while I was reading the article, thinking; the guy can’t really be that stupid,who’s telling him what to do?

      Maybe I’m wrong,maybe he IS that stupid.

      1. Well, somebody IS telling him what to do, say etc. It’s that obvious. He’s got what, high school under his belt with Dim Bulb of the Year award? All the supposed Uni crap is just that….crap. Has he ever run a Koolaid stand ever, for business experience? If you ever come by the vid of him and the wifey: “It’s what I do.” Boxing dude. More like Glass Jaw Dude. I seen the vid.
        If some of those G7 or G10 dudes ever knew they’d go “WTF? That guy runs a G7 or 10 country???”

  6. PM SocksinPussy is ALWAYS most interested in what other people think of him. It’s how everyone afflicted with arrested-adolescence behaves.

    1. Considering who his parents were, and what his upbringing must have been like as a result, I’m not surprised.

      But I don’t feel sorry for him. Many people I knew had lousy home lives but they quickly caught on that they needed to grow up and behave like adults if they wanted to accomplish anything in the real world. Prinz Dummkopf still acts like he’s an adolescent.

    2. I wish they would arrest that narcissistic adolescent.
      Kurt Vonnegut once said that he had a bad dream wherein the country was being run by a high school student council. We are living that dream.

      1. The student council at my senior high school was way more effective and credible than Prinz Dummkopf’s merry circus.

    1. No, they and other big cartel media will censor the story — not just the socks bit, but how Justin nearly torpedoed the Pacific free trade agreement. The big media are free to censor, all the while Trudeau’s Liberals prepare to outlaw dissenting views in the internet media. This is the new reality these days.

      1. Katie Telford and psychopath Gerry the Butts are burning up their Liberal party journalist hotline… Susan Delacourt, Red Rosemary Barton, Althia Raj, Andrew the Coyne, Chantel Hebert, Bob Fifey, etc, etc, etc… (its a long list) all Liberal Party journalists making sure to praise dear leader for not flushing the toilet… what a beautiful turd they howl… they all love a Juthtin floater.

  7. Great Leader Kim Sung Trudeau handed out more borrowed money again today at his daily rant. This time to charities. No word yet on whether the charities have to sign a form stating they support abortion like the summer jobs program.

  8. What a loser, a sign of what Canada has become – WEXIT peoplekind, eastern conservatives are welcome.

  9. “….Not ready…”

    This vacuous 2 bit spoiled trust never will be. As for Trudeau “worried” about offending POTUS..?? Seems me him and his Ukrainian NAZI sidekick had zero issues pissing all over him previously.

    1. Trudeau behaves one way when he’s on his own turf with a sycophantic media at his feet, and behaves quite another way when surrounded by other world leaders, especially Trump, and media outlets who aren’t reliably onside. It’s clear that he’s easily intimidated and has a difficult time fostering alliances among prominent foreign politicians, which probably explains his need to buy friends in the UN by continually throwing Canadian money at Third World sh!tholes.

      I’ve noticed that interactions between Trudeau and Trump lately have been rather understated and neutral, neither friendly nor overtly hostile, although I seem to recall Trump paying Trudeau a mild compliment some months ago. And why not? Why get in the way of Trudeau making his own country the world’s door mat? The weaker Canada becomes the more easily it can be pushed around in trade deals.

      1. In the presence of unassailable masculine authority the bong folds like a .10c tent. He knows he doesn’t measure up. His shit gets all loose and runny as the cowboys might say.

        1. Best line of the day ABT. shit gets all loose and runny. For eff’s sake haven’t heard that one for awhile. Came across a picture of my older brother on top of a mountain in Alberta, with a friend, they are about 18-20 year old cowboys. They each have a 26 of whiskey/rum and are drinking straight from the bottle they had thrown the caps away. Picture from back in the 1950’s I think he was packing throwing the double diamond for Bud Brewster about that time. I have heard that from him a few times. They must have gotten a day off and were making the best of it.

  10. It takes the Australian PM to put The Spawn in his right place.

    Interestingly, nobody in the Canadian Media has the gonads to say it. Oh, they’ll print what a leader in other countries might say, but they don’t say it themselves.

    Is anybody else getting tired of his daily acting demonstration in front of his residence?

    About time someone tells him to stick a sock in it.

    1. Everything in your comment was spot on but this part.

      “ Is anybody else getting tired of his daily acting demonstration in front of his residence?”

      His residence?
      That’s not his nor the official residence of the PM, it’s the cottage on the Governor General Estate.
      This makes the cottage the property of the head of state, which is someone else.
      The only similarity with Mrs Windsor and the sock monkey that one could justifiably be confused about is if both of them are a queen.

    2. Busy firing up the tax software today. Scratching my head why I even bother today. Full circle on that. Started filing my own taxes when PET et al were raping the country. Double digit interest rates, 75% Capital Gains tax, mortgages at 20.5%. Oh the good old days, soon to be back, eh Millennials?

    3. Frank: “Is anybody else getting tired of his daily acting demonstration in front of his residence?”
      Well, yes. I watched (part of) his first performance and have been assiduously avoiding them since. What he has to say interests me not at all. He’s an idiot and an embarrassment to this country. Anyone who supports him and his party can be likewise described.

      1. I only pay attention to whatever he says if it involves depriving me of my right aand freedoms or raises my taxes. Everything else is noisy babble.

      2. The scumbag Media love Juthtins daily act… the daily performance allows Turdhole a protective bubble where he can be invited by his loving Media stooges to recite their rehearsed lines… Turdholes daily act is only possible because the corrupt Media play along with it, they’re part of the Turdhole team… Its the Media that legitimizes this obvious and cynical ploy to protect the Turdhole. Its a grotesque and nauseating spectacle to observe, if one has the stomach for it… ( I don’t)… but the whole shitshow wouldn’t be possible without the total and complete compliance of Juthtins State and Corporate Media pals… they are Juthtins enablers and protectors.

  11. PM Justin Trudeau: “What do you think of my socks?”
    PM Justine Trudeau: “Do you like my outfit?”

    No self-respecting female world leader would ask something like that including the authoritarian, freedom-hating weirdo in NZ.

    1. Funny, that.
      Australia, New Zealand, and the US seem to be able to get some PPE and they have said NO to Huawei. The United Kingdom said NOT REALLY to Huawei (Boris now appears to be changing to a full NO) and they can get PPE.

  12. Justin’s beautiful socks were one of the reasons I voted for him. How rude of Malcolm Young not complimenting Our Leader’s gorgeous socks!

  13. There is nothing surprising about this other than it’s another of many examples where the worst kept secret remains unspoken during any news cast and never appears in print due to the fealty of the praetorian scribes of the press corps.
    We know this type of cluster fudge occurs when ever things go awry during the sock monkeys ventures into international negotiations or high level meetings.
    He’s made a reputation among the leaders of many nations and they have made the measure of him. It’s not flattering and the only reason it does not get the treatment that has been heaped on other politicians is either partisanship or embarrassment for previously heaping praises on him.

  14. Let’s be fair. I think he may be an MKULTRA victim. Truly. Just study the vacant look in his eyes. He is not all there. Now as much as I feel sorry for such a person, it was ego that drove him to go after the PM’s job. He knows he is not qualified for the job. He (and his party) continue to deceive the Canadian public. They are driven by greed and the lust for power. That is unforgivable. Plus,they are destroying Canada. They are monsters.

  15. I note that the guy who went off the rails in NS ran up twice the current death toll of the virus in that province. This shows one of the flaws of social engineering schemes, harm done can sometimes outpace gains made. I am not saying the lockdown led to the rampage, but it would most likely be a factor in destabilizing the person and pushing him past the point of social restraint. And given that our society is now a sort of giant laboratory for new and powerful forms of social conditioning on many levels, you have to wonder how many other shoes will drop in the days and months to come.

    The only people who seem to think the current situation is good are employed in the public sector where their jobs and incomes are guaranteed (plus seniors on pensions that won’t run out right away, until the government starts to loot the banks). Listen, this can’t go on much longer before dangerous large-scale disorder sets in. Some will welcome it thinking that their political aims can be met in the anarchy and chaos. I would not count on that.

  16. Peter….the Lockdown had to have some effect on this lunatic – No question.

    What pisses me off, is that RCMP – NS Judiciary had knowledge of this clown since 2002: Assault, Weapons charges, Explosive Charges etc……and due to LIBERAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE BULLSHIT, this POS was still on the loose.

    The real culprits are the asshole Politicians who pursue this ASSININE be nice to criminals GARBAGE. I would prefer to see open carry…that it might have saved even 1 life..? would have been worth it.

    1. And perhaps, rather than relying on social media – Twitter, for God’s sake – a province-wide multi-platform alert would no doubt have saved lives. That choice alone underlines the incompetence of the RCMP. Not expecting much in the way of pushback.

      1. RCMP are not in the business of saving lives. Especially not when the greater magnitude of carnage serves their political masters.

      2. Bureaucracy is the REAL evil here.
        Some high-level RCMP twit didn’t know enough (or couldn’t be bothered, or couldn’t be awoken) to send the correct form to some other high-level twit in the Nova Scotia Emergency Organization. People died, and the front-line RCMP officers have been let down again. (Do RCMP members even have the carbines that were promised after the last mass-murder blood-bath in New Brunswick)
        It’s easy enough for these bureaucrats to push out COVID public-service ads on cell-phones during office hours but when a real emergency hits…
        Bureaucrats think ordinary citizens care about what they do and that their little-fiefdoms’ Twitter accounts are followed widely and admiringly by a greatfull public.

        1. “People died, and the front-line RCMP officers have been let down again.”

          Oh please, enough with this nonsense. Front line RCMP are just low IQ thugs and cowards who specialize in harassing law abiding middle class people. They act like an occupation force. Stop pretending they are on the side of the populace. High River has shown you their true face.

          And there is no reason for them to have carbines or any weapons that a law abiding citizens are prohibited from having.

  17. Except in the National Post today, no mention of this story in the bought and paid for media. I’m shocked! Shocked I tell you!

  18. Was listening to 680 News the other day. Questions from reporters to the PM.
    Questions were meaningless, for the most part, but it is not the point.
    The point is that to any question the PM replied in a uniform manner:
    – We are working hard.
    – I am awesome.
    – Liberals are the best.
    No matter what he was asked, the answer was always the same, just worded slightly differently.
    This is diabolical. I do not want to live in hell on Earth, but everyone is fine with this monstrocity. Are there people left?

    1. And he’s always continuing to continue to continue with the continuing continuing continuing continuing continuing continuing to continue to do something, continuously.

  19. When Harper first proposed joining the TPP , I did a bit of research and Chapter 17 had some very interesting requirements regarding the media. It seemed to be yet another globalist agreement where individual countries would forgo sovereignty for access to the partnership. At the time I wondered why Harper was in favor of TPP , but have since come to the conclusion he is a globalist.

    Trump being a sovereigntist took one look at TPP and said get lost immediately after taking office.

    Specifically TPP (at that time) forbade any form of government funding to the media. It also allowed media in neighbouring countries to sue for damages in cases where local media was government subsidized. It appeared that if TPP had been agreed and implemented as per the TPP Chapter 17 rules , CBC (Liberal Pravda) would have had to be defunded and would vanish. Maybe that was Harper’s goal ?

    Anyway , regarding the Trudeau fiasco in Australia , if the Chapter 17 media rules still apply in the latest version , perhaps Junior’s Liberal advisors realized if they signed it would be the end of the CBC and make the $695M bribe to the media illegal.
