Wuhan Flu

Things I told you about a month ago — It said that though the research isn’t yet conclusive, “the results of available studies are consistent with aerosolization of virus from normal breathing.”

Wash those hands, plebes.

Update: Solid information on the situation in New York City on today’s War Room. After the interview with the oncologist is over, stay on for mention of the Australian study using Ivermectin. I’d like to hear what our readers in the medical field have to say.

91 Replies to “Wuhan Flu”

  1. …but Trump was wrong

    Hydroxychloroquine rated ‘most effective therapy’ by doctors for coronavirus: Global survey

    “An international poll of more than 6,000 doctors released Thursday found that the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine was the most highly rated treatment for the novel coronavirus.

    The survey conducted by Sermo, a global health care polling company, of 6,227 physicians in 30 countries found that 37% of those treating COVID-19 patients rated hydroxychloroquine as the “most effective therapy” from a list of 15 options.

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration gave chloroquine and its next-generation derivative, hydroxychloroquine, emergency-use authorization Monday for treating the novel coronavirus, although the drug was already being used off-label by some doctors and hospitals for COVID-19 patients.

    Azithromycin, known by the brand name Zithromax or Z-Pak, was rated the second-most effective therapy at 32%

    Hydroxychloroquine, which is sold under the brand name Plaquenil, was prescribed mainly in the United States for the most severe cases, but not so in other countries.”


    1. If you think it’ll be allowed here you’re dreaming. Blumpf talked about it so therefore it’s bad so DIE DIE DIE you pleeb.

      1. Dipwad Hinshaw Chief Medical talking head for Alberta is publicly shaming people for it.

    2. There’s a grade o medication. First quinine, second quninine and another dru you mentioned third those two and zinc, apparently.

      Why doesn’t the press ask Trudeau why he is not having our drug companaes produce those drugs. There’s no patents on them. Schweppes must be the biggest consumer of it in the country; 35mg per liter of Tonic water.

    3. “Most effective” doesn’t mean it is effective, only not as bad as some of the other options. More research is needed, which I assume us underway. There’s been a lot of magical thinking about these drugs. Let the grown ups do their work before jumping to conclusions.

      1. Most effective treatment…means exactly that…..of all the choices…it was the most effective
        …when you’re flat on your back and can’t breathe…you have the option to tell your doctor …no…more research is needed


          1. GatineauGuv – Your link is another version of a tired old story of how the study wasn’t double blind, was too small and not peer reviewed. And it’s not even from a medical journal or other reputable source.

            This “pre-print” story from MEDRxiv (Kate linked to earlier) is also small (62 with mild COVID and pneumonia) and not yet peer reviewed but it was a controlled, double-arm test. RESULTS: body temperature recovery time, cough and pneumonia recover times were all much faster, and, of 4 of the 62 patients (who) progressed to severe illness, none were taking HCQ.
            https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.22.20040758v2.article-info then click on “Preview PDF”.

            It CONCLUDED: “Despite our small number of cases, the potential of HCQ in the treatment of COVID-19 has been
            partially confirmed…it is a promising practice to apply HCQ to COVID-19 under reasonable management. However, Large-scale clinical and basic research is still needed to clarify its specific mechanism and to continuously optimize the treatment”

          2. an already on the market, and being used drug, and an asshole like you thinks more “studies”, the stupid is great with you!
            You lefties always out yerself, with yer condescending stupidity!

        1. Pulmonology Advisor
          March 25, 2020

          “Recently, findings were announced from an open-label study investigating hydroxychloroquine in hospitalized patients with confirmed COVID-19 at The Méditerranée Infection University Hospital Institute in Marseille, France. Patients received oral hydroxychloroquine 200mg 3 times daily for 10 days (n=20), and those who refused were part of the control group (n=16). Patients were included if they were 12 years of age and older, and had PCR documented SARS-CoV-2 carriage in nasopharyngeal samples at admission. Treatment with antibiotics (eg, azithromycin) was also provided to patients to prevent bacterial infections. The primary end point was virological clearance at day 6 post-inclusion.

          Results of the study showed that by day 6 post-inclusion, 70% of hydroxychloroquine-treated patients were virologically cured vs 12.5% in the control group (P =.001). Moreover, at day 6 post-inclusion, 100% of patients treated with hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin were virologically cured compared with 57.1% of patients with hydroxychloroquine only and 12.5% of the control group (P <.001). A significant difference between the hydroxychloroquine and control groups was reported as early as day 3 post-inclusion."

          1. Yes, these are all positive indications so far, and testing should continue. The original study was flawed: the sample was too small to allow us to draw any hard conclusions. Let’s hope this treatment works, but don’t bet the farm on it. I assume larger, more rigorous studies are now under way and should be out soon.

            Interesting that saying decisions should be based on evidence makes me a lefty. Should decisions in a crisis be made with our feelings?

          2. To hell with testing if we “all going to die” use it. The drugs have been proven effective in more than one country, so get at it.

          3. old white guy: My point is the treatment hasn’t been “proven” is the way that proof is generally constructed for medical treatment. It might not hurt, but don’t count on this to save you. I hope it is proven to be effective, but it is simply too soon to tell.

          4. Gatineuguy said: “It might not hurt, but don’t count on this to save you.”

            This is an approved drug given for all sorts of viral diseases, notably malaria. It is an old drug, been around a long time. It is a safe drug, known issues are about on par with aspirin. Millions of people have taken it over the years. It works. (No, I’m not going to post a link for you, look it up yourself.) Same with Zithromax, and zinc is an over the counter vitamin.

            So no, it won’t hurt you.

            Preliminary studies show -remarkable- positive effects on the COVOID-19 virus course. So remarkable that they cut short the study and gave it to the control group. Jungle drums in the medical community are beating out that this is the sh1t you give your ailing mother to pull her through.

            So, Mr. Guy, what is your specific objection? If I have to guess, I’ll say you think the same this we were told about masks. That the drug gives a false sense of security, and the stupid proles will skip their social distancing if they think there’s a cure.

            Your opinion of your fellow citizens is noted, sir. That opinion seems to be shared by the Trudeau government, which is taking its own sweet time to approve the drug cocktail for general use.

            Let me assure you that in two weeks or so, when the tsunami hits Toronto and the hospitals have people lying in the parking garage, this drug will be getting prescribed in huge volumes, and there will immediately be a shortage. There will be a shortage because of guys like you, who wanted to “wait for the science” and refused to let the drug companies ramp up production.

            Maybe you should look up the word “emergency” and wrap your tiny proceduralistic mind around the deep meaning of it. An emergency is when you STOP screwing with the red tape.

          5. Agree that this is the time to cut red tape and get therapies to marked as soon as humanly possible. We’ll just have to disagree on what “proof” means when assessing whether a therapy works or not.

            It might be the wonderdrug we’re all hoping for. Or not. We will see.

          6. Well said Phantom. I was going to reply along those lines, but you hit more of the high points better than I could.

            Gatineau – the “you’re a lefty” is probably based on excessive caution when lives are in the balance. Solutions from the left usually cost a lot of lives, in this case inactivity will cause excess deaths. Judeo-Christian morals attach a value to all lives.
            The various shades of Marxism (including National Socialism), not so much.

            If you’re willing to discard lives to wait and see it a theory is correct, as opposed to applying a medicine successful in other treatments with no extreme side effects, you’re probably on the left.

          7. C_miner: Yes, by all means try the treatment, but be ready for disappointment. Hope it works. My argument was not that it shouldn’t be tried, only that the original studies are too small and flawed to prove anything. Study should continue, in this and other treatments.

            And yes, glad we agree saving lives should be the priority, but fail to see why cautious optimism is “left” or “right”. There’s plenty of examples of inept planning and reckless disregard for facts from both ends of the spectrum, alas.

  2. From his armed bunker Trudeau said there was nothing to worry about, open borders & N95 masks were usless.

    Well for all those that voted for him, you can relax in the knowledge that while you stand in the unemployment line, thinking about losing your house, Trudeau has insured that tens of thousands of Syrian Refugees and other illegal border crosser’s will have a nice roof over their heads, money in the bank, and all the free medical care they could wish for.

    1. As I told someone earlier today, you can’t fix stupid. Southern Ontario and Quebec will re-elect Trudeau again and again and again.

    2. Can’t stand in line for Unemploment Insurance. Trudeau shut down the federal service centers. Don’t worry though, the federal public servants continue to get full pay as they sit at home not serving Canadian citizens.

      1. They aren’t “serving” Canadian citizens….they are SERVICING them. BIG difference.

    3. STanding in the LCBO line is bad enough. I’d hate to be unemployed again.

  3. If true, the infection rate must be way higher than the tested and confirmed count.

    1. There is no question about it. In the UK, a study by Oxford indicated that a full half of the UK population has been infected.

  4. ……open borders were good & N95 masks were useless. corrected.

    Could any National leader ever possibly be so stupid?

    1. Kim Campbell? She was/is pretty stupid. Not sure if she actually rises to the level of national leader given her well earned short tenure.

  5. Three national strategies exist to deal with this virus:

    1. Let it run its course, let the economy run as it will, deal with the consequences within the normal framework of how a culture operates. This means no intervention from governments to try to suppress the spread, and no intervention in remediating economic damage. At the end of it all, there will exist a population that has sufficient immunity. I am not aware of any nation taking this tack, although this was the UK’s approach at first.

    2. Reduce the rate of spread to prevent it from overwhelming the health system. This is the “flatten the curve” approach, and I believe it to be Canada’s and the US’s approach, among others.

    3. Undertake a dramatic lockdown of interactivity to starve the virus of new hosts. If possible and effective, this stalls its progression, and keeps a significant portion of the population from being exposed. This was China’s and South Korea’s approach.

    Currently, I lean to number one. The consequences of the other two have damage to the economy that may be a higher price to pay.

    1. Number one is the only rational way to deal with it. Locking everyone down will not prevent a resurgence later on, only as immunity builds within the population will there be any possibility of control.

    2. Number one is how Sweden is dealing with it. If they were still Sweden, It would probably work. Now that they are infected with a different virus, it might not.

    3. 4. Lock the borders. Too late for that now, but I would have worked much better had it been implemented two months ago. Of course you need a sovereign country for that.

      1. “Lock the borders to plague carriers? Stop the airplanes flying in from the country with the HUGE OUTBREAK where guys are literally dying in the street?”

        “You racist!”

        That was literally their thought process. You can see the twerp GatineauGuy up above sitting there thinking that, right?

    4. Yes Canada is following the #2 strategy, do nothing and hope you have enough medical equipment for the hospitals.
      There is a 4th strategy, that the US is also following: Treatment. With medicines. Before you get really sick. Not in Canada. Eh?

      I heard the Ponce complain today about the US not providing masks to Canada, keeping them for them,selves. He reminded the US of all the Canadian nurses that worked in the US.

      What? Is he threatening to force nurses to not work in the place of their choice? They work there because the payu and conditions are better than here.

      Well, po’ boy, you insult the President of the US and then expect them to be generous to you?

    5. For number one, by “deal with the consequences” can I assume you mean bury your grandparents?

      1. Not necessarily. People can still be free to practice self isolation as they see fit on a voluntary basis. More vulnerable people can exercise social distancing as they see fit, within their means. It is not perfect, but what is?

        1. It might work if we had the resources to test and contact trace like they have in Korea and Sweden. Unfortunately there has been years of under-investment in public health and emergency preparations, so the best way to reduce mortality is to shut things down. It sucks, but when you fail to plan, this is what we get.

    6. Indeed number 1 is my choice too. It wouldn’t hurt to at least semi isolate for an (indeterminate) amount of time, those considered high risk, most of whom are not needing to hold down a job anymore anyway. Everyone else can get back to work.

    7. Number 1. In the US, population roughly 320,000,000 we’ve had about 7,500 deaths. That’s 0.0023% of the population, and for that, we’ve surrendered many freedoms, severely hampered the economy, and saddled our great great grandchildren with even more debt.

      1. Here’s some math for you. In the U.S., they are talking about 100,000 to 200,000 deaths from the virus. Now already, they have pumped $2.2 TRILLION into the equation and no doubt there will be much more to come. But let’s say that they stop at $2.2 TRILLION. That means, that if 100,000 people die, each death costs the country $22,000,000. If 200,000 die, each death costs the country $11,000,000. The average heart transplant costs about $1.4 million. Oh….one other fact….2.8 million people die a year in the U.S….or almost 8,000 people every day. Just to put things into some kind of perspective.

        Oh…and one more fact. A study done by the University of Calgary indicates that for every one per cent increase in unemployment, there’s a 2.8 per cent increase in the suicide rate.

        1. Joey, glad to see someone else is posting numbers that I have. Reality is tough for simple minded Canadians and obviously American politicians are screwing everyone all the time, this is just one more occasion to fleece the flock once more. I think suicide will be much higher as people realize that they have been duped.

  6. One of the things I read early on was an english version interview of a Wuhan doctor. He said matter of factly that it was like SARS – spread through the air and they had to take care to compartmentalize the air of the Wu Flu virus patients from everyone else. He was also advocating glasses / goggle because aerosol and spread via the eyes. The famous whistle blower that died was an optometrist. It fits with the PPE they were wearing and with the fumigation. I’ve done lab work in similar PPE and I’ve had hazmat training. When you see PPE like that you think about the reasons for everything chosen. I’d say also wear glasses, think clean space, contaminated space and decontaminate after re-supplying. Shower when you get home from shopping and throw your clothes in the washer.

    Some folks have been also talking about neurological impact from early on, based on observations of how people were dropping over from this twitching and the way the limbs were and continuing on to symptoms like loss of smell, taste and in one case hearing, plus other things. I didn’t want to mention it because it’s fairly alarming and it isn’t clear how common this is. Some were also speculating the entry way was via the nose/ nerves vs other routes of entry (yet another reason for a mask). We really don’t know the long term impact of this. While the statistics here (USA) are baring out much more risk of death to the elderly one has to wonder about impact on memory function and other parts of the brain, testicles, heart, lungs and other ACE2 plentiful areas of the body.

    1. I don’t buy this atmosphere thing. If it were true, then everyone locked up in the cruise ship, even in offices, would have the cirus because of the air conditioning.

      1. That appears to be pretty much what has happened. After the ship passengers were confined to their cabins those who shared the ventilation channels with the initially infected were getting infected themselves, while those who did not share the ventilation chancels stayed uninfected. There was a map of the ship showing the infections and the vent channels floating on Internets, sorry forgot to bookmark it. It also explains why the overall infection rate among the passengers was so low.

        1. And in an airplane? Should be way more infections after a long flight with a couple of infected passengers. Yes the air is pumped through at reasonable volume. But it’s still a bit like a giant horizontal beaker…

          1. Except all modern aircraft are fitted with HEPA filters on the air system and all air is filtered, they remove 99.9% of contaminants down to 3 microns. If they practice social distancing when booking seats and separate passengers by 2 rows then it should be semi practical. They also need to decontaminate the planes after each flight, but I would also wear an N95 mask while onboard and wash my clothes on arrival home.

          2. ^^^ That is why you never smell farts on an airplane despite every passenger farting after the food they were fed.

          3. The airplane fart thing is hilarious. Learned something new. I doubt we know the full extent of airplane spread age. If you were on an airplane by default you also traveled. Can anyone tell for sure where they picked up something invisible? Yet travel was the early hallmark of the spreaders. Maybe the best data is from all those negative tested cruise ship evacuees that turned positive after flying home with a couple of sick people.

  7. I think there is conflicting evidence on this. I read just the opposite somewhere– that it is not readily transmitted through the air, but through particles that can stay on surfaces. Sorry, I don’t have a link, but I just wanted to say thst at this point it is hard to know what is true and what is not. People will rely on their usual sources to try to ferret out the truth. For some that is what thrir governments/MSM are telling them. Others seem to think that Bill Gates is the truth bearer. Many Conservative blogs are skeptical of these sources. Some reports on the ground are claiming hospitals are not busy. Frankly, I don’t know what to think, so I take everything, even these studies with a grain of salt.

    1. L L , with every body lying nothing can be believed other than we are being treated as prisoners and slaves.

    2. I absolutely believe most hospitals aren’t busy. For starters, most cleared their elective surgery schedule and moved non-critical patients out. Lots of empty beds. It’s also what Italy did to prepare, and two weeks into it there were suddenly overwhelmed.

      I don’t pay a lot of attention to opinions on blogs, conservative or otherwise. Or from experts in the western world.

      I focused on the hospital protection the Chinese medical workers were working in. Like a bad movie with a biolab leak. And that they were still dying of the disease. And that the government was welding doors shut.

      The Chinese knew more about this disease at an early stage than anyone else. Watch what they do, not what they tell the WHO to say.

      1. I was at a hospital on Wednesday, for a few hours. Dead. The same day there were 560 total cases in Calgary advertised. No mention of how many needed hospitalization of that 560 or were actually in a hospital. Nada. I watched the same vids out of China as you probably did (Harry Chen original), they didn’t appear to distinguish between the infected or not before welding those doors shut. Social Scores? You tell me. Some of those bldgs were burning, no fire crews visible.
        I’ve also discerned that there are about 4 versions (or more) of COVID-19 operating worldwide with differing affects on the local populations. Does it really matter when our health pros adopt a “not Amerikka” focus of our protection, aircraft land daily from disease vectors, no one quarantined returning home from Floreedah and our dear guvmint is caught out asleep at the switch for two months while this moves into the country? I seem to remember that whiny Injuns ran rampant (still do???). Trust the media?
        I see that Wuhan is shutting down again against the orders of CCP Kommand. Round 2 like in 1918? Round 2 was worse back then.
        I’m headed back to the same hospital in two weeks. I’ll keep you posted.

        1. Hey PO, I’m POED. We have been locked down since our return from Florida, with no chance to prepare for two days let alone two weeks, all our friends who were there are in the same situation. Bullshit.

      2. With all due respect, Kate, you may believe most hospitals aren’t busy due to merely cancelling only non elective stuff. However, Here in Kelowna, the hospital recently freed up now empty beds by, for example, punting my mother in law out who is far from non elective, but rather is suffering from aggressive blood cancer and fractures and radiation therapy trauma mere days before kicked back to her barely assisted living situation…all to free up many beds that are to date unoccupied but awaiting the sniffly flu people. But then, my mother in law is post 80 and thus expendable. You have been a great source of real info, but leave room to stand corrected on some of your pronouncements. Peace.

        1. I absolutely believe this is true, and it doesn’t essentially contradict what I wrote. The same has happened to friends in Italy, there for cancer treatment that wasn’t offered here. The surgery was cancelled the morning it was supposed to happen, though by that time the hospital was nearly consumed by COVID patients. Please accept our best wishes for your mother in law, it’s a terrible situation for her and shouldn’t be happening.

          1. Kate, I reread your point in a more “sober” light and agree. Thank you for your comment on my mother in law. Keep up the good work.

  8. “Wash those hands, plebes.”

    and don’t worry about face masks you don’t need them proles.

      1. I have been wearing them for about two months, scroll down for advice form Czech Republic below.

  9. We saw from the various politicos speaking today that they are completely clueless, do not know what to do and are doing nothing.
    How about treating people with medicines?
    How about using some initiative instead of complaining the US won’t give us masks and breathing machines. Just a suggestion.

    1. Impressive video that hits the target on why we should all be wearing face masks. Kudos to the people behind it and thank you for sharing the link.

      Much appreciated.

  10. Hi, If you do click on this, do not click on the “Joe Store” button.
    I’ve asked Kate to delete it.

  11. Can someone explain to me who the people are that Justine is bringing in from Algeria and Africa etc. he calls them Canadians but how long have they been living outside of Canada and why is it the taxpayer’s responsibility to bring back? Canadians of convenience? Second our numbers keep going up, and most new cases are those coming back from away, so how long is that twit going to allow fake Canadians to continue to flee here? Where do they live if they haven’t lived in the country for decades?

    1. “….so how long is that twit going to allow fake Canadians to continue to flee here?”

      For as long as they aren’t white.

    2. “those coming back from away”… Rose that is NFDL slang … Stay where you are TO and I will come to where you are from…. Send me some Screech.. I need it

      1. I remember it as ‘stay where you’re to till I comes where you’re at” bye.

  12. Interesting story on why a Dallas mask manufacturer has only one shift running each day.

    If you were a purchasing agent would you buy his masks at 10 cents each, or masks from China at 2 cents each?


    Note: after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan some manufacturers decided that having key supplies coming from one area only was not a robust business practice.

    So perhaps an answer is you’d do both; say 50/50

  13. I hate to see a good conspiracy go to waste. If you turkeys in the US had only elected Killery none of this would have happened.

  14. The Arkancide of a million old folks seems a bit harsh, plus how did most of them offend the Death Couple?

    1. They offended Hillary by refusing to vote for her.

      The people who bankrolled her campaign bankrolled the design of Wuhan flu.

  15. I expect Canadian health “authorities” to say the accepted treatment in the USA / France isn’t effective. They’re a closed minded bunch, the unionized support professions even more so.

    Will there be masks available with “Stop Chinese Lung Rot” available?

    I think it’s best to note the source when discussing this disease. Wuhan Flu is of course acceptable.

  16. “On the recent preliminary research, such as the University of Nebraska’s paper, the WHO cautioned that the detection of the virus’ genetic code in patient’s rooms did not necessarily amount to viable amounts of the pathogen that could be transmitted onward.”

    L- “viable amounts of the pathogen”

    Suppose for arguments sake: A small banquet function is being held. First a janitor, who is infectious, cleans the floor and walls, sets out the chairs and table. 30 minutes later, he leaves. Then the serving staff come in and set the table, arrange bowls, containers of food and beverages for 30 minutes. They leave. The banqueters enter, greet each other in pairs or families, have supper, give speeches, say goodbye to each other at close quarters. Then the serving staff come in and clear the tables and leave. All this within 2+ hours.

    All are contacted and tested when the evening shift janitor is diagnosed. If the serving staff are infected, you have evidence for effective aerosol transmission infection. If it was a significant factor it would show up in infection tracing, without actual close contact. Similar scenarios have actually many times in multiple countries occurred over the last 3 months and are presently.

    The viable amount for transfer on an object is never mentioned, either. For that to be effective in keeping the epidemic going, it would have to be measurable not below 1:1 ratio for transmission. It would show up on contact tracing.

    The Czech Ministry of Health video quotes home made masks at a 95% or higher for stopping the virus getting through the material. Again, if a 5 percent pass through is enough to keep the epidemic level of infection going. That would show up. Likely, they do the tracing with cell phone tracing, too. Aerosol transmission without close contact, distance and time, is going to show up as an anomaly.

    Similar scenarios occur all the time, close within 2 metre contact is to date all we’ve heard described. May is not the same as is. May is “the precautionary principle”, While “is” being what is actually happening. The use of surgical style masks if significantly inadequate for general public interaction, that would have already emerged in: South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore, and quickly in the Czech Republic.

    I assumed from the beginning that a “viable amount of the pathogen” was required from the start but not mentioned because for the researchers, it is presumed. Heather Heying, has noted that in how long the virus can be detected on certain surfaces, whatever time that is, that the integrity of the virus is degrading over that period.

    Sure wash your hands when returning from going out. But what we ordinary people try to do is remove the “viable amounts of the pathogen”, as opposed to umteen minutes of thorough washing to the elbows, no one outside researchers and some medical staff do that. Ordinary people don’t take that amount of time.

    Dr. Fauci is using “the precautionary principle” for the strictest of academic reasons(CYA). The last paragraph quoting someone else is the first use of the term “viable amount of the pathogen” I’ve seen in media coverage.

    For the rate of infection to effect/continue at epidemic levels it’s transmission ratio has to be above 1:1, significantly so.
    You and I, for ourselves, we want zero, but below 1:1 is a death rattle for a pandemic.

    1. Larry the Time that contacted Objects are infections has “been” stated as 2 Hrs… That means that a Mask that may have been contaminated needs to be placed in isolation for ~2 Hrs… Of course a new Mask is better protection……It is a Respiratory disease of the Lungs and only enters through Eyes, Nose & Mouth

      The virus is not transmitted by entering the Blood stream or Air system,,, It is face to face contact, or hands to the face transfer within the 2 hour time frame….When a person sneezes the virus droplet’s have a 2 hour Window if deposited on any contracted Object, Sneezing in someone’s face is instant…..

      Its not as scary as a blood infection that can enter the body through any body surface,.. As more data
      is obtained it becomes easier to avoid… I have 4 of the High Risk markers of the probability pool

      That is an uneducated Opinion and subject to rapid change or challenge

  17. How long until rioting and looting start becoming common place in the bigger cities? Can’t be much more than a week or two away I’d guess.

  18. Here’s what the hydroxychloroquine reports would mean to me. In any infectious disease, viral infections especially, there are two mechanisms by which the host is injured. The first is that the virus itself does significant damage to the host cells so that the affected organ(s) are severely injured. The second is that the body’s immune response does the damage insofar as the cytokine “storm” referred to in the video results in overwhelming damage to the host tissue in the process of trying to clear the virus. The lungs would be particularly sensitive to this vis ARDS. It could also be a combination of the two. Hydroxychloroquine has immunosuppressive effects which is why it is used in autoimmune disorders especially rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Given early enough the drug is likely dampening the body’s immune reaction to the virus so that the immune response is more moderate and the cytokine “storm” is significantly abated. Given too late in the course of the infection, the cat’s already out of the bag. The immune response is in overdrive and attempts to dampen it at that stage would be unlikely to succeed. The Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic. It binds to chloride ion channels thereby increasing the permeability of nerve and muscle cells.. I must admit I’m at a bit of a loss to see an obvious mechanism as to why it might be effective with respect to the Covid 19 virus. It will be interesting to see further results.

    1. Much appreciated.

      I have ivermectin. If I catch this thing I may decide to deworm myself just to be on the safe side. 😉

      1. Very welcome, Kate. I should make a comment about the azithromycin too. Once a viral infection is established the normally relatively dry lungs make an easy breeding ground for other germs which are normally kept in check by the body’s immune system due to the breakdown of the capillary cell walls creating “capillary leak” i.e. a local flooding of the lung tissue caused by the viral infection/cytokine storm referred to above. Azithromycin is relatively “broad spectrum” i.e. it targets a broad range of the bacteria which typically take advantage of a virally-infected lung to create a secondary infection (“superinfection”) often referred to as “walking pneumonia”. Under normal circumstances the body would deal with such a secondary infection helped by the antibiotic in an out-patient setting without the need for hospitalization or mechanical ventilation. In the case of Covid 19 the same mechanism applies so the azithromycin is probably “heading them off at the pass” so to speak making it easier to fight only one enemy at a time and thereby improving the chances of success.

  19. I think the answer is to offer Hydroxy Chloriquine, Zinc, and a Z-pack to everyone, if they say no, they go in the control group. Yes I know this doesn’t meet the requirements of a DOUBLE Blind study, but this is a freaking slow motion disaster. Collect the data as fast as possible, analyze it, and propagate the conclusions.

    The most important things everyone should be doing today, and every day:

    1. Stop the Spread!
    Wash your hands,
    Wear a mask,
    Social Distance,
    Stay home when sick, or even if just not well,
    Stay away from the most vulnerable!!!

    2. Heal the stricken,
    Don’t Infect anyone else!
    Try an experimental drug if you want,
    Don’t infect your doctors and nurses by doing stupid stuff.

    3. Get the Economy back on line.
    If you have money, support your local businesses and charities.
    If you are healthy, young, and not infected, stay that way,
    If you are not in the risk group, but temporarily unemployed, volunteer and help thy neighbor.

    Sometimes the best thing you can do for the entire world right now is stay home, stay well, and don’t get sick
