Something For Everyone

Assorted oddments for the weekend, including a high-stakes game; hardcore buffet scenes; a guide to the giraffe and its chest butts; how to build your own paper jukebox; and a bad day at work involving fire.

Lots of fire.

13 Replies to “Something For Everyone”

  1. I replied to that post. I stated that the government force quarantined Canadians returning from vacations without any preparation possible. they did not know whether people had anything to sustain them for two days let alone two weeks. Then they allow Chinese people to fly here without any medical tests. I truly believe that marching Canadians to their deaths would be very easy for the current crop of politicos. Man I hate my fellow Canadians.

  2. GO TO THE SITE…..CITIZENS FREE PRESS AND LOOK AT THE VIDEOS OF EMPTY HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOMS AND PARKING LOTS. I would provide a link but I could not figure it out. This is something you have got to see.

      1. Empty hospitals is what it was about and there are quite a few of them. It should have been in at least the first 10 or items.

    1. Old white guy….tell me about it. They kicked my ailing mother in law out of the hospital and sent her home to suffer her aggressive cancer and fractures after radiation treatment etc. The reason was to free up beds at the hospital, which remain empty and waiting for flu people.
      Questionable triage to put it lightly. But, then she is over eighty and I guess expendable. My wife is really pissed.

      1. Stevie, I also am expendable, I only wish that they would actually have to kill me face to face.

      1. steakman, citizen free press is on my list of favourites, I just did not know how to put up the info to just click on it. it was for others not me I read it fist thing this am. thanks.

        1. Hi OWG. Apologies if this is too basic.

          If you’re on a computer (not a tablet or phone) then you highlight the entire address, then either type (ctrl-C) (hold down ctrl and then hit C) or right click on your selection and select “Copy”. You can then paste this into a reply by right-clicking where you want to put it, and selecting “Paste” or just typing (ctrl-V). Give a couple of spaces or a new line after what you’ve pasted.

          This won’t work for some systems if there are spaces in the address, but most will convert the spaces into characters that our web browsers can use.

          If this doesn’t work, you’ll need to tell us what kind of a system you’re using (this won’t work on Apple computers, for example).

          For cleaner posts, you can make hyperlinks by following the instructions here:

          Good luck!

  3. I sometimes shake my head at the continual lack of understanding in the ‘pronoucement’ of “We know Better than You” ignoramus’s of the English Language Culture.

    What does the lower loonie mean for English Language Culture Canadians? First of all as usual there is no information as there is no Transparency of what happens to Canadian Tax-Payer dollars which enter-into-the Nation du Quebec.

    Possibly this is an indication Macleans agrees with the ever increasing number of Canadians, there is a separate Nation du Quebecois or Canadien which does not want any information with Canadians to become available.

    Especially with the decades long collusion between the Privy Council Office and the Liberal Party Apparatchick; whether they have been successful in the Purchased Propaganda of the. subsidized by Canadian Tax-payer.

    Propaganda to convince the Toronto poorly informed Electorate, the Liberal Party du Quebec has once again managed to follow the second* most important agenda of the Ottawa/Hull bureaucracy, which is all Prime Ministers must be born in the Nation du Quebec.
    —{ prime agenda of the Ottawa/Hull bureaucracy is self-interest in maintaining control of all New Career opportunites for nepotism employeement }—

    The Canadians do understand Canada of the English Language Culture is an Exporting & Importing Nation where the Consumer benfits; IS when Canadian Companies are able to buy and sell materials & services at lower prices.

    Because the penalty of unreasonably high exchange rates between our largest supplier and customer the U.S.A. aggravates the difficulty of smaller Production capabilites to compete in the Global and North American Market (s).

    The Liberal Party and its ‘one trick pony’ colluding Bureacracy always catering to the to maintain the – Victorian Era – Privy Council Office – as the final Arbiter of all things Bureacratic. the constant demi-gogery of the Bureaucracy and let’s be honest, the Flagrant disregard of all things Resouce Based, especially petroleum goods from Canada’s Prairies; but not from refineries in New Brunswick, which may now biggest Political Donor to the Liberal Party as SNC Lavelin sinks deeper into inept practices and Bombardier has actually wasted decades of Canadian Finacial Support by Canadian Tax-payer funding; plus surely has put the Quebecois Penioner at risk if bankruptcy final puts ‘spent’ on this aspect of the Nation of Quebecs unwritten prime Constitution article(s)

    __[ not the sheltered and frightened – re’fugier – existance of the Quebecois, they will not be able to have a satisfactory life without Their Quebecois dialect of the seventeenth century; ]__

  4. For the edification of Reminder That and Colonialista:
    You may enlighten your ignorance concerning historical Chinese science and technology. I have linked a Wikipedia page on science and technology in the Song (or Sung) dynasty, 960-1279 A.D. Please note the date. The beginning is almost coincidental with what usually is recognized as the beginning of the Holy Roman Empire, where peasants, that is to say the great majority of the people, still lived in mud huts.
    Just a scan of the topics will boggle your ignorant racist minds.
    1 Polymaths and mechanical engineering
    1.1 Polymaths
    1.2 Odometer and south-pointing chariot
    1.3 Revolving repositories
    1.4 Textile machinery
    2 Movable type printing
    3 Gunpowder warfare
    3.1 Flamethrower
    3.2 Fire lance
    3.3 Gun
    3.4 Land mine
    3.5 Rocket
    4 Civil engineering
    5 Nautics
    5.1 Background
    5.2 Literature
    5.3 Paddle-wheel ships
    6 Metallurgy
    7 Wind power
    8 Archaeology
    9 Geology and climatology
    Just for example, Jonas Gutenberg, who “invented” the movable printing press, was not born yet.
    Included in civil engineering would be the continuation of the work on the Grand Canal, which had been completed in sections, to be completely finished in the early Yuan dynasty. The Grand Canal in total covers 1100 miles, connecting Beijing and Hangchow. The canal climbs from sea level to an elevation of 148 feet. Yes, a Chinese engineer invented the locks in the late 10th century. In comparison, the locks of the Panama Canal lifts ships an elevation of 85 feet.
