69 Replies to “That Which Cannot Go On Forever”

  1. Which province is next? 90% chance the Feds will bail them out, but would they bail out Alberta, or, Sask?

    1. Who’s going to bail out the Federal government after they’ve fleeced the taxpayers for everything?

      1. Nobody. They’ll just start printing money. Worked for Zimbabwe and Venezuela. Justin would love to dress up in epaulets and sunglasses.

        1. Don’t forget what happened in Germany in the 1920’s, it was worsened by printing tons of money. Trudeau is being ignorant of reality as usual. No, Justine, we are not in good fiscal shape because your incompetent government ramped up the budget deficit over the years they had power to the tune of 20 billion/yr and now we will face the music down the road. If the budget was balanced or better yet, in surplus over the last couple of years, I would feel less dread about the Canada’s economic future. Anyway, the sky is falling, get your guns and hunker down(as I am sure they are doing in the states)

  2. Dina Hinshaw says Docs have to stop prescribing chloroquine because there isn’t enough for those who need it?!? How about a plan to get enough?

    1. She is a moron, I don’t see where she gets this fawning adoration from on everything she posts on twitter.

      and Dwight Ball from one Liberal to Another send cash in brown paper bags. Thanks

    2. SChweppes must be one of the biggest consumers of quinie in the world. Cgeck out the ingredients of Tonic water. They should be producing pills today.

  3. Something about socialism and other people’s money?… Damn, eh. Liberals and socialists are next door neighbors. Too bad you guys found out the hard way!

  4. I’ll take the beggarly Manitoba is finished for $100. It has to borrow $5.7 billion, $3.7 rolled over, at a much higher interest rate amid plunging revenues in a province of 1.2 million. Debt with MB Hydro included is already at $50 billion or 40k per person or $160k per family of 4, and about to surge. The end is nigh.

  5. We get the government we deserve because we vote them in. I weep for Canada.

    1. “We get the government we deserve because we vote them in”

      And, because Canadians on the right are too chickenshit to stand up, speak out, and take action.

      1. Anytime a conservative Canadian stands up and speaks he gets called a bigot or racist or Neanderthal or something similar. Anything he says is therefore mocked and ignored. The MSM is complicit in this.

        1. Dan, that’s become of their religious bullshit. They need to quit harping on social issues,that they are against because of their religious beliefs. You see it in here a lot. Some idiots aren’t smart enough to understand “you can’t govern from the opposition benches

          1. You’re a cretin twice.

            1. First, your beloved Maxipad wasn’t bible thumping (nor was Dairy Queen) did not make any difference.

            2. Second, Maxipad supporters do not get to complain about governing from opposition benches.

            When you feel that you need to compulsively bash Katoliks and bible thumpers in every second post, it is a good time to get back on your meds.

          2. NME666

            Thats predicated on assuming all Conservaitves are PRO LIfe Christian Bible Thumpers….FAR from it…But it seems that is who’s attracted to the Leadership like moths to light – which to me, makes them no different than the Lying Scheming TV Evangelists in the US.

            The other half were the RED tory Scumbags that have infested said party as well. So the Choice here this past yr was PPC or Voting Blue tied LIBERAL

            As such that’s why I will never support the supposed “Conservative Party” in this Fkd up country EVER.

            Time to form our own or join the US…no other solutions present themselves.

          3. You are preaching about religious beliefs and every time you get what you perceive as an opportunity you take cheap shots at Catholicism due to your own personal philosophy. You should be the last guy harping on religious or social issues due to your own disdain for the opinions of those who don t agree with you. It seems that only those that have similar view points or beliefs as yours are idiots or not smart enough to understand your obvious enlightenment. Sounds an awful lot like something our illustrious Crime Minister would say.

        2. Don’t forget about the progressive conservatives that will turn on other conservatives that speak up, because they want the rest of the progressives to like them.

      2. Stand up and be destroyed … just like in the USA.

        I hate to say it, but the only way to be rid of the traitorous and communistic left is to have a civil war and off enough of them so the rest will shut the F up for a couple of generations. You can’t fix a broken mind.

        Our freedoms and our way of life are at stake and we have never been this close to losing them. It’s coming.

      3. Says the Asshole that voted for Max!? Bernier, Mister One Man Party who had no chance to win and even lost his one seat.

      4. No Jamie, Canadians are too dumb to understand what the hell they are doing. They all want something for nothing. Freedom is the very last thing on their tiny minds.

      5. Both of you are spot on.

        I really can’t imagine this sort of thing happening in another First World country.

        Justin et al are symptoms of a sick and decrepit country.

        1. Amen, this pathetic country is a syphilitic whore, rotten through and through, it will die and deserves to. Good old Canadians, they tolerate everything because they lack the cojones to stand for anything.

    2. Why, continue with that old argument? They never win by a large margin. Or do you believe that all the thousands of non-voters would have voted Liberal? Considering how Conservative party are treated by conservative voters, it’s nothing short of a miracle when the party is elected. Like the second coming almost.

  6. Ontario should stiff the rest of the country too, what’s another $350 Billion?

    Canadians, and all the people of Western countries have pissed away their wealth on welfare bums and virtue signalling. China will lend us money though right?

  7. I’m thankful I held on to the investments I have in Singapore. The Canadian dollar won’t be worth a nickel by the time Justin is done with us.

  8. You Are Free To Choose,
    BUT, You Are Not Free
    From The Consequence of
    Your Coice.
    Universal Paradox…….

  9. Duh.
    If our “public education” system had not succeeded,then Canadians would be able to do the maths.
    Canada is Bankrupt.
    Kleptocracy lasts until the thieves become entitled and blatant.
    The national debt has been there for all to see, for decades,yet the last two elections the rate of theft and destruction by government has not even rated a question.
    Canada was bust before the Wu hoo flu, now there is no one willing to loan the grifters money..
    If you want a future for your grandchildren,leave Canada now.
    WEXIT is not an option,it is a necessity.

    “The budget will balance itself”,usually through bankruptcy and financial collapse.

    1. Leaving Canada is not an option for a white person, no one wants an intelligent productive person they want vibrant welfare immigrants, the U S is no exception. The country is indeed bankrupt and we have not paid a single dime of Trudeau the firsts debt.

    1. He’d buy it for $1 and then convince Quebec it’s in their interest to reduce the transmission fees on power from Labrador.

  10. It is by pure coincidence that Newfoundland spent $50 billion on a power generation system it did not need and then ran out of money.

    1. $13 billion but point taken. And that was railroaded through by a conservative government then inherited by a liberal on who could have stopped it at 7 billion but kept on going so they all wear it now. The sanction and continuance has been ripe with basically fraud at the highest levels, bankrupting the province and not one day will be spent in jail by the enablers.

      1. Danny Williams was no Conservative. He was a kleptocrat, a King Midas more narcissistic than even Justin. Muskrat Falls was his baby. Danny was the second coming of Joey Smallwood (not in a good way).

      2. Don’t forget $13 billion only represents the cost over runs since 2012. The project isn’t finished. It is also projected to cost $600 million more per year to operate than exists in the Newfoundland tax base and is expected to take up to 50 years to pay off. $0.6 billion x 50 + 13 = $42 billion not including the cost to finish the project. This is almost twice NL’s annual GDP. And they wonder why they have no money for health care. Also (not NL’s fault) their oil is deep offshore and very expensive to develop. If the oil O&G companies are hesitating to develop the oil sands they are certainly wavering on deep offshore projects.

      3. Typical response, don’t build anything that had the potential to put money in the pockets of Newfoundlanders. If finished the power would be sold and you can be damn sure that the power will be needed in the future. I guess Quebec selling power from the area has escaped peoples minds.

    2. Too bad that years ago Quebec got away with their theft of power from Nfld/Labrador. But then Quebec is the biggest parasite in the country by a large measure.

      1. The SCOC with 1/3 of its seats held by those from Quebec decided that Quebec’s contract was above correction, and valid until its scheduled term ends.

  11. Ooo. Ooo. Ooo. We need money too. Gimme, gimme. We spent all our money on Quebec and the public service. Can we have our $600billion back?

    Let the games begin.

    1. That’s because Quebec is a “have not” province. After all, there are people in that province who “have not” a Lamborghini parked in their driveways. That is an injustice that must be resolved.

  12. Newfoundland has representation in the House of Commons at a rate of 1 MP for 74,000 citizens, while Manitoba is represented by 1 MP for 91,000 citizens.

    Alberta has representation by 1 MP for +130,000 citizens. That’s not fair and that’s not equal representation between provinces. Our vote is NOT equal to the eastern welfare dependents, and they can kiss my ass if they think we should put in to keep them afloat while they continue to vote for big gov’t and handouts while we’re choked by big gov’t and overreaching regulation.

  13. Canada is done.
    How many countries it splits into is the only question.
    4 or 5 is fine with me.

  14. Here’s my proposed solution. Fix the lottery so that only government finance ministers know the winning numbers. That might keep things going for quite a while.

  15. Did you happen to notice Newfoundland went Liberal in the federal and Provincial election!

    1. Did you know that NFLD has been predominantly liberal for decades with only a quasi conservative government thrown in. My grandmother, like many newfs, would vote liberal even if the local member came and dumped in her cornflakes. Nothing new with them voting liberal they are no smarter than the rest of Canada.

      1. It’s preposterous. One of my caregivers, a townie, actually said yesterday that she trusted Trudeau but not Trump.

  16. Jokes and inane hyperbole aside. We may need an IMF bailout this time. The mainstream seems to dismiss this situation as reasonable. $300 billion deficit this year and $200 billion deficit next?

    This is insanity. This is beyond Pierre Trudeau’s 1980-1984 disaster that took Canada 20 years to dig out from under.

    Canada is in huge trouble. I mean beyond griping on message boards and comments sections trouble. We’re heading for Argentina status as a best case scenario.

    1. The entire western world is in for this, though. America was already running $1T federal deficits and she’s going to take a huge hit too. All of western Europe is in varying degrees of trouble.

      This is what a pandemic does. Thank the damned Chinese and the Chinese-corrupted world bodies that let this thing escape from there. Taiwan tried warning the WHO. They wouldn’t listen. Everyone else (except S.Korea) plugged their ears and carried on business as usual until it was too late.

      So now there’s little else to do but hunker down and get through the pandemic. The recession / depression is simply unavoidable.

  17. Perhaps it’s time to amalgamate the Maritime and Atlantic provinces under one extra-provincial government instead of trying to support four with a population/tax base that’s about as big as the GTA.

  18. I feel so sad for those lobster/UI fishermen. Voting liberal is magic did you Newfies not listen,”budgets will balance themselves”. You voted for this crap, you need to embrace Justy, feel the Justyus in the dolts every lispy utterance. “Growing you economy from the heart out”. Pay attention and quit whinging, be happy you can’t build a pipeline for your Chinese offshore oil cause it would take 15 years like here in Alberta.. Now where is that tiny violin?

  19. Canada will simply inflate its way out of debt.
    Expect the Canadian Dollar to soon trade 3 to 1, or 5 to 1 for an American Dollar $.

    Maybe Alberta oil will sell for more than Four Canadian Dollars per Barrel without a new pipeline?
    Lock in your mortgage payments now.

  20. Dear Premier Bell,

    Just keep raising taxes.
    It’s OK, Canadians don’t mind. Trudeau’s doing it, and he got re-elected, remember?

    You’re welcome.

  21. To HELL with Newfoundland. They voted for the Liberal Party of Canada. I hope the Parasites that live there all DIE, every last one.

  22. Armstrong says that the solar minimum that is starting means Canada will get colder. I’m too old to move, but in my dreams I’d form a conservative enclave on an island like the Bahamas or somewhere sparsely populated. Sure there is a chance of bad hurricanes, but snow, ice, and shorter growing seasons are 100% certain. To abandon a sinking ship isn’t the worst thought in the world. Fruits and veggies grow year around and the waters have edible sea critters. The only big problem is the lack of geezer healthcare. The colony would need a decent clinic and an airplane to get people to a modern hospital. That’s why you need a large number of conservative people who are used to being problem solvers and makers of things. A conservative collective where each person is a sovereign individual. Each house would need a considerable amount of land.
    Love it or love to leave it. 🙂

    1. Ayn Rand wrote all about that philosophy in Atlas Shrugged. No better time to go “John Galt”…
      Plant lots of beans boys and girls, its about to get bumpy. And remember, they are not the kings deer…

  23. Time for Rupertsland to bail out and assume none of the debt. If Ungava rejoins, maybe Newfoundland could come on board. It would be a lot cheaper supporting Newfoundland than it is supporting Ontario and Quebec.

    1. Where the He!! did you get the idea that you somehow support Ontario? The province of Ontario was the original payer of transfer payments for many years, we may not be as well off as we were years ago but we are not quite a welfare province like Quebec or the Maritimes. We have been through some rough times mostly due to liberal governments both provincially and federally. Alberta and maybe even Saskatchewan may soon be in the same boat thanks to a totally inept federal government. Most people in Ontario have no animosity toward the Western provinces and are surprised at some of the comments that we hear on the internet. We don t like what the magic moron is doing to this country any more than you do and the majority of Ontario voters in the last election supported the Conservatives. However the huge number of seats allocated to the GTA controls the provincial vote by a mile and guess who they voted for. The guys that promised them the most freebies and guaranteed Canadian citizenship for their aging parents and aunts and uncles.

  24. They voted for this. They prompted up the Trudeau government in both elections thinking they would get more than the rest of the country. Now they are facing the fact that they got used like they have before just like the natives just like any group that puts their self interests before the countries.

  25. What did Newfoundland say when young Justin and his group torpedoed, Energy East, Northern Gateway, Trans-Mountain, and the XL pipeline!!!——- Do I hear crickets!
    No help from the boys who came here to work— Keep voting Liberal!
