57 Replies to “Breaking”

  1. We will see what’s what in the next few days regarding resuming imports of Canola into China. Very well may not be what all producers are hoping for.
    Lots of bun and not much meat in the Globe story.

    1. Quite right, a couple of anonymous sources in Reuters means nothing, and this is the worthless crap that passes for news in the Mop and Pail.

      But for the rest of this thread and most of the commenters here, the stupidity is sublime. Canola is an international fungible crop. It’s in the interest of Canadian farmers to supply to that market regardless of who is the customer. Far too many here seem confused between a desire for revenge against the CCP and a desire to inflict pain on the Chinese population suffering under the odium of a vile tyrannical government. This is the kind of rank stupidity which keeps getting dweebs like Justin elected time after time.

    1. good one- Jamie, let’s play with the idea of “If we had an Alpha male Prime Minister”, but we don’t hence.

      Condition #1. Before even further negotiations, as an act of Good Faith: The two Michaels are released and standing free in Canada. (Though 2metres from others, waving before going into quarantine- one with the best of food, entertainment, view and outdoor exercise access ! Along with P.M. Trudeau groveling apology for abandoning them to the merciless C.C.P., and granting them $10.5 million each in compensation. ) –

      Condition#2. Canada will not accept any Hua-Wei 5G components in trade for the canola, nor substandard medical equipment. This deal is on a cash basis, preferably in gold bullion. (Pork and Pulse crops, included.)

      Anyone else have ideas for additional conditions ?

      1. Cash on the barrel (not Loonies, generally considered ass wipe) or GOLD. Or piss off! Don’t pull a PET and ship less than market value, like his .gov did wheat to China and the Soviet Union. You know, like the Wheat Board commies.

        1. As usual, PO’ed, this is a dunderhead remark. Gold is just another commodity. What do you plan to do with it: wipe your ass with it? Will it grow the Canadian economy? Did having all the gold in the world do Xerxes the Great any good at all? No one so endlessly stupid as gold-bugs.

          1. Who said I owned any gold?
            If I was looking at commodities, I’d say TP was worth it’s weight in gold last week. Did you get yours? We don’t own a vehicle and no it’s not because we’re pious greenies, so we stocked up for the winter a few of months ago. Before the rush. Got a lift to and fro. COSTCO is a bit of a walk from us and buses frown on packing pallets of TP. Their TP is pretty good, I might add. Recommend it.

          2. CGH, You apparently do not understand the value, power and use of gold. You make yourself look ignorant when you let your mouth state what’s in your mind.

      2. Condition #3. Working visas for Chinese citizens will only be issued to masseuses for purposes of employment at 787 Dundas (got to think about getting the NDP on-side)

      3. It’s like you guys don’t know just how owned the Liberal Party is.

        China owns the Liberals like the Canadian Media owns the Conservative Party.
        Like Quebec owns Canada.
        Like Trump owns the Media.

        Only with heartfelt love.

        All those current and ex Liberal Prime Ministers and Premiers and Cabinet Ministers haven’t spent the last 50 years just canoodling with Mo Strong on their many, many visits to the home of Liberal governance nirvana.

        The Liberal Party is going to paint Canada so green, you’ll barely notice the red underneath.

    2. 1000% AGREE. Jamie.
      Return our guys or Fkn STARVE.
      But we both know pm dickspank will bow and continue to kiss chicom ass….and give them whatever they want. I mean why not, they paid for it.?

    1. Can’t they just order Chinese food? Go to a chinese buffet?

      The chicom gov’t knows that if the hunger games start…..they’ll run out of ammo.

  2. But but but producing and shipping canola….. doesn’t that produce greenhouse gases?

  3. Don’t buy until there’s blood in the streets—or bloody mucus. Of course China is happy to buy now restaurant demand for food has essentially collapsed and Canadian farmers are facing ruin.

    The reason we’re here is that China has never been able to feed itself. It’s a country out of Parson Malthus’ worst nightmares. That’s why the Chinese eat vermin infected with all the major plagues of human history. During famines there was precious little else.

    1. “China has never been able to feed itself.”
      And whither, prithee, did China obtain the food these past three thousand years before European intervention?
      FYI, China was the most advanced and prosperous country on Earth during the Tang and Sung dynasties. Via the Silk Road, they traded finished products (e.g. silk) for raw material from Europe (e.g. gold and silver.) The Mongols conquered Sung, but then they conquered most of the known world. The Chinese only suffered their rule for about eighty years, a third of the duration that Russia acquiesced to Mongol rule.
      Even as late as the early Manchu dynasty (through the 18th Century) China was prosperous, despite the horrendous previous Ming dynasty and bloodshed of the Manchu invasion.
      On the other hand, Russia really has never been able to feed itself. It was lucky that its neighbor, Ukraine, was the breadbasket of Europe. It was a backwards country until Peter the Great massively appropriated western European culture. St. Petersburg is a knockoff of Amsterdam. Even so, Russia was a cultural desert before the nineteenth century. Pushkin, the father of modern Russian literature, was 250 years or so behind Shakespeare. The great Russian composers, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Mussorgsky, flourished in the latter nineteenth century. When Russia, under the USSR, finally decided to seize Ukraine, it so wrecked the Ukrainian agriculture that Ukraine itself suffered famine.
      As to diet, the English eat wild rabbits and the American South eat possums, FWIW. The worst episode of plague happened in Europe, and it lasted not just months or even years, but decades. About a third of the population died.
      Rag on the Chicom all you want. I hate them with a passion way beyond whatever feelings you may have about them. But don’t talk about what you know nothing about, the more than three thousand years of Chinese history. Believe me, I know much more about Russia than you know about China.

      1. It was a pre-industrial society. Any development China has managed beyond subsistence farming is due to adoption, not to say theft, of Western innovations.

        And you picked an awful, awful time to lecture the rest of us on the glorious civilization that is China.

        Count yourself lucky if by the end of this you aren’t on a re-purposed cruise ship deporting your sorry self and the rest of your miserable community back to the Middle Kingdom because north Americans finally decide they’ve had enough of the Overseas Chinese.

        1. You are an ignorant bigot. Any development beyond subsistence farming is theft from the West? The Chinese did not even have interaction with western Europe (of which Russia is NOT a part) until the seventeenth century. China had a flourishing civilization when Europe was still in the Dark Ages. In the fifteenth century Chinese ships sailed as far as the Red Sea and thence to Kenya. It was the West who stole silk technology, and unsupported bridges from the Chinese. Russia is the one who stole from the West.
          I am a proud American. I wear my loyalty and pride on my sleeve. You want to deport my sorry self? You are not even American. North American? Hell, Mexicans are North Americans. Your Canadian government is the one selling out the country to the Chicom.
          I am not lecturing “the rest of you.” I am just lecturing your miserable racist self.
          You are one of two flies in the ointment on the otherwise great site. Too bad.

          1. “I wear my loyalty and pride on my sleeve.”

            Not when you’re throwing a temper tantrum when someone points out the obvious superiority of Western world and culture to Chinese.

            “You are one of two flies in the ointment on the otherwise great site.”

            You being the second, the more pompous prima donna one?

          2. There is a world of difference between:
            someone point[ing] out the obvious superiority of Western world and culture to Chinese
            China has never been able to feed itself
            Any development China has managed beyond subsistence farming is due to adoption, not to say theft, of Western innovations
            The latter two statements are obviously uttered in total ignorance.
            As to the first statement, I have said more than once on this board that the post (Second World) war America is by far the best society in history, especially for the common man. But it wasn’t so before the Mings screwed up China while Europe underwent its renaissance.

          3. Ok fair enough. Except for that China had genocides going into tens of millions Well before Ming, well before Christ.

      2. “…the more than three thousand years of Chinese history. ”

        History primarily of failure and slaughter on monumental proportions. History that proves that they should never be allowed to challenge the west again. Time for another reset.

        “Believe me, I know much more about Russia than you know about China.”

        That is possible but that is not setting the bar very high.

        “As to diet, the English eat wild rabbits and the American South eat possums, ”

        They don’t eat them raw like the Chinese barbarians.

        1. Raw? You mean like how the Germans eat their pork sausage or Japanese eat their fish? The Chinese may eat a lot of unusual meat, but I have never heard that they eat it raw. Heck, most Chinese order their steak “well done” and call those who eat it rare or medium rare “barbarians.”

      3. I have a one word response to your blurb … “paragraphs”. Can’t read a blurb with no paragraphs.

  4. Canada will give this oil China once refused at a seriously discounted price (it’s not like Canada is swimming in cash at the moment). China will not thank Canada.

    If I didn’t know any better, I might suggest that this sort of crisis plays into the hands of people who just want to watch the world burn.

    1. Buddy…
      Let’s ensure a good portion of that makes it way into Rideau Hall as well please…?

  5. It will be interesting to see if a “food crisis” leads to any bans or taxes on meat consumption in an effort to transition the plebes to a meat deficient diet.

    1. ‘Bat hides’ to be more specific. if they can stop eating them long enough to accrue some bat wealth.

  6. I say squeeze them now and don’t let up until we get what we want.

    Chi-coms are like Arabs. They ONLY respect strength and the second you ease up on the boot is when they start their bullshit.

  7. Remember the Mao Christmas tree ornament in the Obama Whitehouse? Remember the photo of the Mao poster in the Clinton campaign office? There are plenty of degenerate intellectuals in the public service and politics who think “Maoist” is a cool label.

    Maoism: Burn it all down because whatever phoenix rises from the ashes will be better than the present reality.

  8. What do you think that “Carbon Tax” is for? Chinah payola and the Trudeau Foundation.
    Well, like they say “More than one way to skin a cat”. Get creative with your taxes, maybe some stupid Kanadjian politician will catch on.

    1. “Well, like they say “More than one way to skin a cat”. ”

      Yoo Bet Yoo. You can do it publicly in a wet market, or you can do it behind closed doors in a factory and ship it off…

  9. Tell them to go pound sand. We found other markets for our products. Too late – nothing left for you.
    Of course the Chinese lover in Ottawa will rush to give them everything they want – at a reduced price of course, Got to suck up dont you SoyBoy Trudope!

  10. Kingston Ontario has it’s own china connection and it is not pleasant. Multiple violations of city bylaws, something that would get me big fines or jail. Oh well, who the hell cares.

  11. “Not one calorie to China until they hang every commie.” should be the civilized world’s policy. enforce with a naval blockade when necessary.

    1. Amen to that. And not only in China. Unfortunately, the dream of hanging communists never materializes because people are too sheeple.

      1. Well communists did hang a lot of communists. At the very least they could go through a few purges Stalin or Sodom Insane style. Even if this will not make China a better place a dead communist is always preferred to a live one.

  12. This so called news, was released to change ” the narrative”. To show how nice and cooperative China is.

    We can’t have the simple lieberal voters of this once proud nation to know that Trudeau sent them 17 TONS of critical, much needed medical supplies.

  13. Canola is one thing; pork is another.

    How much of Canada’s pork supplies AND production has been bought up by China?

    The relatively recent African swine flu thing appears to have punched quite a hole the China’s output of pork .

    Any educated guesses?

    As an aside, Chinese “companies”, visa local “cut-outs” have been steadily buying up prime grazing operations in Australia for over a decade. They have also heavily invested in stock transport companies, abattoirs and refrigerated shipping; what used to be called “vertical integration”.

  14. Aaannddd the article has been completely re-edited while maintaining the same link.
    Sanitized. Scrubbed. All traces of their BULLSHIT article erased.
    No retraction. No Apology
    #FuckChina #FuckTheGlobeandMail
