91 Replies to “I Want A New Country”

  1. Just another reason to leave this sinking boat. This condescending crap has been going on for over a century. When will enough be enough.

      1. What is Old Canada’s plan for the future in which they’ve lost the tax paying windfall from Alberta that they’ve used to placate Quebec and the eastern provincial dependancies?

        Just kidding, I don’t care what they do.
        A “Victory Garden” may help them in their future.

  2. Hind teet boar hog suckling is good fer nourishing yer character and soul…NOT!

    Corporate media bought and paid for propagandists of the lowest order.

    I think once we give up on oil and gas, we can all go back to the cave, and chop down EVERY TREE in the forest to stay warm.
    How’s that for ‘greening the planet’…? Idjits…


    Hans Rupprecht – Commander in Chief
    Army Group “True North”
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army

  3. What a smug, condescending asshole who thinks so much of himself that he has the audacity to lecture the entire province.
    And what a lesson for the new generation! Suck up to everything dear leader says and you gonna be golden and roll in caviar.
    How do Canadians feel about the cold war now? Still believe that you had won it? It’s a Pyrrhic victory: the “defeated” now rule you.
    Wake up already. It is about survival now, no longer about whose party program is better.

  4. Oil prices are collapsing because Chinese energy demand has collapsed, and Saudi Arabia is staring financial ruin in the face—and almost certainly its own dose of Wuhan virus which is spreading unchecked among their slaves as I type this.

    Oil is the only thing that keeps Ottawa solvent. Who is going to pay for a paid two-week holiday for Toronto parasites? Santa Claus? Or funny money from the Bank of Canada?

    All but a few essential businesses in Italy have been ordered to close their doors. In a month that will be Ontario. Many will never re-open. Banks foreclosing and calling in credit lines will see to that. The funny money won’t go far when there is nothing open and nothing to buy anyway.

    You want to see a hole blown in a government budget? Ottawa is about to.

    The knuckle-draggers, well off the beaten path, will be enjoying a lovely warm spring far away from all of this, hunting and fishing for the best tasting meat on Earth—no bat soup in rural Alberta—and, if their sisters in Toronto call, letting them know that if they show up unannounced asking to “stay a while” they’ll get the same welcome as would a coughing Chinaman—ONE warning shot.

    1. At this point, I think it’s too late for the Saudis.

      At the end of the day, the biggest problems for Saudi Arabia are that they have no domestic economy to absorb their product – if they can’t export oil, they have no way to support themselves; no food, no technology, no military, no leverage, nada. Everything is essentially “borrowed” assets which will wither away because their own people lack the resources and culture to provide for their own essentials – they need to EXPORT oil to trade for those essentials to say nothing of the kind of quality of life they think they’re entitled to. And whether they like it or not, they’re very much like Israel in this regard.

      The extreme opposite of countries like Saudi Arabia and Israel, is the United States. The US doesn’t need to export oil or food or manufactured goods or anything else. Its own domestic market is massive. If it wants to at ANY time, it can choke off a bit of the “Import” tap and its own industries will fill the vacuum – because while there is always an adjustment period, the adjustment is extremely short in the US compared to anywhere else.

      Trump has been doing this for years – the mere threat of it is enough to make exporting countries cry bloody murder.

      You see this in the oil industry too. Those US shale plays are rigged to control the flow from the wells to the pipeline with minimal maintenance. If the market isn’t conducive as it isn’t right now, they decrease the flow and maintain formation permeability. And they know they can maintain some flow and income because the US domestic consumption/market absorbs so much (which is why the contracts are viable). Those shale plays which didn’t anticipate this kind of flexibility or had financial issues in 2014 or had other options, etc, sold out – the rest are well positioned to watch the Saudis and Russians murder each other.

      As stated earlier, King sand negro was not pleased.

      But the real bottom line is this: The US has always had the option to place tariffs on oil imports, an even greater Sword of Damocles now that Trump is President. Merely the threat of this, and the setting of precedence, is enough to make both the Saudis and Russians blanch. Like American nukes, you never hear about them in the Middle East wars and other news, but their presence is felt every moment, letting other powers know they can’t go too far. Russia had no choice but to accept American denial of the Syrian oil fields.

      And the US domestic economy (and its denial to other exporting countries of every industry) is a nuclear weapon that no other country has.

      Maybe ages ago, the Saudis thought they could disrupt the US oil industry, but even in the early 1970s, when the United States was committed to developing China (and thus had Nixon pinned unless he wanted to watch China and the rest of SEA burn), Saudi Arabia had to restart pumping lest the American oil industry eat their lunch (though the short term political damage was done and Nixon resigned). But now the response time is as simple as changing the choke valve flow rate at a shale play running into the pipelines (which is why the Saudis and Democrats want to prevent more pipelines from being developed to restrict the total capacity of deliverable product, much of who’s potential capacity and profitability is wasted).

      In many ways, the US Shale revolution is much like the US electrical and systems engineering revolution in the 1930s, developing robots, semiconductors, capacitors, etc. The control engineering made all other industrial technology more efficient, a systemic improvement that touched everything from munitions manufacture to the Atom Bomb, and undercut many of the supposed “developments” by Britain, Germany, japan, etc. A British Magnetron is an evolutionary footnote compared to the Signal-to-noise ratio when the American receiver sensitivity is being increased by factors on a logarithmic scale, and who’s capacitors 10^4+ more precise and more consistently/stable over thousands of units than anything any other country could produce.

      It’s amazing how many people don’t know that the Information age was born in a Naval Weapons research outfit where the purification of crystals and materials engineering was used to measure capacitor potentials.

      Come to think of it, that’s also another perfect analogy for the American oil industry today – the fastest time-constant capacitor connected to the biggest load in the world.

      Will some US shale companies go under? That happens in any US industry from retail to finance to manufacturing, etc. Will it collapse? Not a chance, especially with a President like Trump holding the nukes (even Obama couldn’t kill it, so he and his cronies from the EPA to the DOE simply ran shakedowns and got no-show jobs and investment opportunities).

      When things shake out, American oil and Shale will be healthier and sitting pretty (Saudi Arabia, however, is moving closer to Venezuela).

      1. Oil tariffs would amount to killing the rest of the economy to prop up the part of it already propped up by dollar devaluation.

        1. After seeing your baseless comments time and time again on this blog, I’ve made it a point not to bother responding to you (waste of my breath).

          So I know it is futile, but:

          We’ve both seen over the last few years that “killing an economy with tariffs” is hooey.

          Like everything else, it’s about context and moderation (finding a Goldilocks zone).

          Having tariffs too high that they immunize industries from risk is bad, sure.

          But in America’s case, our problem has been that our tariffs (and trade barriers) are TOO LOW – and sometimes suicidally non-existent. The “borderless” situation with goods and immigration is crazy. And having NO tariffs in regards to some industries against nationalized and state-supported oil companies and cartels like Russia’s and Saudi Arabia’s is just plain dumb.

          It’s easy for an economy like Saudi Arabia to have tariffs that are “Too high”.


          Because Saudi Arabia lacks the resources, culture and technology to make anything – taxing imports just makes it that much poorer.

          It’s extremely hard for an economy like America to have tariffs that are “Too high”.


          Because America is the Source culture for technology and the world, and can make and grow anything, which is why – of all the developed countries in the world – America is the “least” connected and vulnerable to world trade friction and undulations.

          And is perfectly capable of becoming even moreso – not a hypothetical, it is historic fact. This country prospered throughout its history with high tariffs, not just as a developing country, but as a fully developed country – America prospered, built technological revolutions and leading-edge infrastructure when Europe was in ruins and Asian cities were “parking lots”.

          America should never have opened the floodgates in 1965.

          And it is a capability that gives America incredible leverage over other countries in trade.

          “Isolationism” is not a “threat” to America, so much as it is a threat to the rest of the world.

          Unme, your inability to grasp basic concepts and facts is less a matter of intelligence, than one of “ego” and/or a lack of integrity.

          [Why did I even bother?]

          1. “We’ve both seen over the last few years that “killing an economy with tariffs” is hooey.”

            Actually we’ve seen exactly the opposite. We’ve seen weak US growth and business investment in large part because of tariffs: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trade-equipment/u-s-heavy-equipment-makers-hurt-by-tariffs-vow-to-make-them-top-election-theme-idUSKBN20X1E4

            “But in America’s case, our problem has been that our tariffs (and trade barriers) are TOO LOW – and sometimes suicidally non-existent. The “borderless” situation with goods and immigration is crazy.”

            It’s a fantasy is what it is. America had tariffs and barriers to immigration before Trump, and is nothing but poorer for them.

            ” This country prospered throughout its history with high tariffs, not just as a developing country, but as a fully developed country – America prospered, built technological revolutions and leading-edge infrastructure when Europe was in ruins and Asian cities were “parking lots”.”

            America was vastly poorer when it had high tariffs. You left out that it had vastly more immigration back when it had higher tariffs in the late 1800s. Oops.

            And no, autarky does not make tariffs a good idea. It’s still stupid and evil. It’s still swindling the American consumer of the world of choice that is his/hers by right. Get your hand out of my pocket.

            “And it is a capability that gives America incredible leverage over other countries in trade.”

            Which is why Trump basically caved to China and Europe and BoJo doesn’t care at all about Trump’s Huawei crusade, and neither does anyone else. Fact is, the US accounts for less and less of the world economy. Fact is, the overwhelming majority of the rest of the world is moving to freer trade. You don’t get to say no, and you don’t know jack all about how economies work or what even constitutes wealth. Further, it’s not the obligation of the world to indulge your silly silly fantasy of going back to the 1950s or 1850s. Kids, this poster is what happens when you take Tucker Carlson seriously.

          2. Rykehaven, thanks for the posts. Very insightful. Butt you are wrong about unDork. EGO is essentially an emotion, and the area of the brain were emotions are processed , shuts down the area of the brain were logic is processed, so yes, unDork is stupid in his mental process.

          3. @NMEE666



            [The late Michael Crichton was also a concern troll for “the planet”; Crichton was intelligent, talented, patriotic, well-read, and articulate. But it took Crichton decades to admit that the environmentalism he’d been injecting here and there into his books was a fraud. Incidentally, part of his conversion probably had to do with 9/11. Emotion, blood ties and loyalty, are often more convincing motivators than any twisted logic on the one hand or flawless logic on the other, for better or for worse.

            In my experience, people aren’t stupid because they lack intelligence. High intelligence might allow someone to learn faster through better memory and/or pattern recognition, but a person of low intelligence can often learn just as well, albeit slower.

            “IQ” past a reasonable inflection point (I’d say 80, and IQ can be trained up because “tested” is not quite the same as “actual”) is good enough to teach any programming language (which is easier than any spoken language due to having defined, unbreakable rules) or Quantum mechanics. A higher intelligence MIGHT speed up the learning process for some, but again, this is not the main impediment to real-world learning.

            Rather, the main impediment to learning has to do with “Temperament”, “Social-pressure”, “Ego”, “Saving Face”, etc.

            Try teaching someone who doesn’t want to be taught. Try mentoring someone a process who gets easily frustrated and quits. Try working with an employee who wants to see his boss fail just to suit his own agenda.

            That’s any teacher’s or mentor’s or employer’s real challenge – and a far greater challenge than any student or apprentice or employee with a lower IQ. ]

  5. Now, Now. Let’s not be so harsh. He did say something along the lines of “At some point, the compassion one has for a province down on its luck has limits. If Alberta does not want to do anything to help itself out of these messes when they invariably arrive, then you can’t feel too badly for them. It’s like a child that won’t listen. Eventually, you have to let them sort out these problems for themselves. That’s the only way they will learn.”

    He is absolutely right. The solution to the problem we experience year after year after year after year is to declare independence from this fetid pile of crap that is canada. Let them figure out how to keep the welfare payments going to La Belle Province.

    After all

    “That’s the only way they’ll learn”

    1. “He is absolutely right. ”

      Sadly, yep – WEXIT.

      Then when Ottawa and its braying minions finally realize the mess they’ve dug themselves into, their problem won’t be yours. Let ’em freeze in the dark.

      Oh and, “we promise to like you. Maybe. If we feel generous that day.” FIFY

  6. We need a Ralph Klein cut of government staff across the board — there’s bloated numbers thanks to the NDP.

    1. Government creates many layers of managers that have to go. The managers only push paper and create red tape for private industry. When cuts come the managers are the last to lose their positions, they remove the front line workers to show that the cuts are causing harm to Canadians and therefore must stop. Its BS and in my mind sedition, but that’s how they operate.
      Trump has shown the way to create an economy that is on fire is to remove the red tape, cut taxes, remove managers that get in the way. Make them justify their positions to the people that they work for and fire those that are dead weight.
      During the Notley years in Alberta the Nurses, Teachers and Doctors received massive payback raises for supporting her. These raises need to be rolled back and the medical community needs to be made way more efficient. Far to much management waste happening there.

      1. Bingo Ken…!

        Alberta has one of if not the Youngest overall population in the country. One would think therefore that our overall cost would, could, damned well SHOULD be lower per capita than any other province…and what do we see.? Highest in the Country..!!

        1st thing I’d want to see is a 2 Tier system – and at the same time full on 100% DECERTIFICATION of those Marxist Public Service Unions (Provincial & Municipal). Then a large scythe taken to management positions in both layers of Trough Feeding parasites.

        Whats a Governments # 1 Budget Line item.???

        L A B O U R. And we spend far far too much for far far to little.
        I rest my case

      2. I’ve always thought that bureaucracy is just a gold-plated welfare system for middle class muppets in a quest for votes by the PTB. Management could easily be reduced by applying the Pareto Principle (AKA the 80/20) rule. IOW 80 % of useful work is being done by the 20%.

        An old truism – Big wheels are usually just spoke men.

    1. wally, service would improve, because the remainders would not want to NEXT, and so work harder!

  7. Well he is a well trained Canadien,when you run out of other peoples money,TAX THEM some more.
    Never will a parasite suggest that they could stop the stealing.
    Ticks do not release until they are so bloated that they can no longer hang on.
    How does more systemic stealing,by government, improve the lives of taxpayers?
    Oh right,nobody in our effete elites gives a damn about the taxpayer.
    To quote Joe Biden” I don’t work for you”.

    Has the referendum law passed yet?
    Time to start terrorizing the Provincial figureheads..
    Poor Jason,still dreaming of Federalism in a country that has rejected our province.
    The West Wants IN..is over.
    We want out and asap.
    Better some short term pain, chaos and confusion,than to meekly accept what Can Ahh Duh has planned for us.

  8. Oh dear. I referenced this article in Reader Tios,hand indicated that I did not think it was such a bad idea. I still don’t since Alberta is running huge deficits and will need to make up for lost revenue. Provinces actually pay for useful stuff (like education and health care). In my view, much more abuse of taxpayers happens federally. I don’t think a 2% sales tax is that onerous, given that sales tax is higher in most other places. Obviously I am in the minority here.

  9. Oh dear. I referenced this article in Reader Tips, and indicated that I did not think it was such a bad idea. I still don’t since Alberta is running huge deficits and will need to make up for lost revenue. Provinces actually pay for useful stuff (like education and health care). In my view, much more abuse of taxpayers happens federally. I don’t think a 2% sales tax is that onerous, given that sales tax is higher in most other places. Obviously I am in the minority here.

    1. The problem, Linda, with a 2% tax, is that soon enough it’s 3%, then 4%, then 5% and on and on and on. The problem isn’t taxes. The problem is spending. Until government gets its fiscal house in order, more taxes are good money after bad. Taxes are never the solution, better fiscal management is. I know, I’m dreaming. I’ve been a dreamer all my life.

  10. I guess it’s Alberta’s fault that they exist within a nation of poseurs that on the one hand, won’t allow the sale of the nations number one export to anywhere but the US who are now awash in oil and gas while on the other hand, blame Alberta for the result even though a cursory glance in the mirror would reveal the actual culprit.

    I’ll bet that preening poseur drives a car that runs on petroleum.

    1. Equalization. The graft that Kaybec got used to. Stay. Please. Have some more money so we don’t have to prostrate our “principles” to the Yanks. How long has that war been over? Your own industry is leaving now, the place is a commie shizzwhole. “Free” healthcare. Who’s paying?
      Jeebus the petroleum we produce feeds every one, from BC to 40% of Kaybec. Look it up. You want to kill a golden goose, ’cause Globble Warmenting ™? Fine, we’ll shut it all in. Freeze in the dark. We’ll be fine out here. There’s a couple a hunnert years of petroleum and gas, a thousand years of coal and untold years of Uranium out here. Stick your windmills and solar panels where the Sun don’t shine.
      An economy doesn’t run on windmills and solar. Talk to a physicist. A real one. Maybe a Yank, instead of PM Dream Boy and that Twat WWF Butts.

  11. Between May, 2014 and July, 2018, Alberta’s private sector LOST 46,207 jobs. Within that same timeframe, public sector jobs (municipal, Nenshi, Iveson; provincial, Notley; federal, Trudeau) INCREASED by 78,733 jobs. So don’t ANYONE tell me we can’t use a chainsaw through the public sector.

    1. Not only that, take away defined benefit pensions.

      Go after the public sector unions; fine them for every political ad they have ever bought, no time limit, with compounding interest retroactive to the day the province was founded. If the unions can’t pay, then the pensions can be raided for the difference.

      Break them. Without mercy. Without giving any quarter. Without accepting any surrender.

      Reclassify them as lobby organizations, take away “not for profit”…

    2. EXACTLY…that goes for both Calgary/Edmonton and Provincially.
      KLEIN style cut of 15% across the Board in pure numbers of workers
      KLEIN style cut to 15% across the Board Wages/Benefits .
      Both with an emphasis on Management types, Private Contractors & Consultants etc.

      Don’t like it…?? then GTFO
      There’s plenty who will fill gladly fill the remaining positions.


  12. #13PiecesOfSilverPress

    Save for Rex Murphy, Blacklocks, Rebel, Post Millennial, Spencer Fernando, and a few others, basically all we got.

  13. I’m generally against any sales, carbon, consumption tax etc..

    As, all these taxes do is enable governments to spend more of your dollars.

    They should be addressing the spending side of the ledger first.

  14. Haha…pretty rich coming from the biggest pigs at the trough. Time for Kenney to quit talking. Let’s start throwing up some blockades of our own…we can start with federal taxes, let’s hold them back from Ottawa. What pray tell would Trudeau do? Send in the RCMP to sit in their cars and dialogue?

    I heard Brian Jean on the radio the other day…he sounds more like an Albertan.

    I’m ready for a referendum tomorrow! Let’s gtfo.

  15. Reducing the size of the public sector is also a good idea, but I think that is best done gradually, rather than quickly axing jobs. Part of the problem is potential impact on families and communities. Because there have already been a lot of jobs lost in Alberta, I think it would be a mistake to drastically cut more at this time. How many families who have lost a job because of the downturn in resource jobs are staying afloat because somone in the family works in the public sector?

    1. WHO CARES. This is an example of why women need to lose the vote.

      “Crisis is the rallying cry of the tyrant.” ~ James Madison

      “Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government.” ~ James Madison

    2. In the minority and rightly so! I have an idea, END the transfer payments and all other other outflows of cash out of our province, that will at least give some relief, then, WEXIT! Send everyone who doesn’t want to put in the effort to make the new country work, out of the province and back to whence they came from, coming here to get a piece of what we apparently don’t have just to send it back “home”..
      That stupid article from the Mop and Pail is probably one of the worst pieces of dreck I’ve ever had the displeasure of reading! Like Alberta is just one big oil rig! “We need to diversify our economy!” Soo, we don’t have any farming that grows staple crops of grains, legumes, tubers, pulses etc.? We don’t have any ranches that grow proteins like chicken, pork, beef, lamb, Buffalo, etc.? We don’t have mining for elements needed for manufacturing, or energy? We don’t have Forests, fresh water or transportation systems like railways, water ways, highways large airports? And finally, we don’t have the oil or energy to transport all of these things to the people that need them to survive, in our province, the country and the rest of the world??
      Oh, wait we have all of those things! I think the east is scared to death we might finally wake the sleeping giant and fill it with the great resolve needed to be completely independent from the rest of Canada as we have everything we need to do so! It’s articles like this that sure make me want to see it happen! Let those Eastern (and some western) Bastards wail and moan on the other side of the wall, as we give them the finger of prosperity, once we have finally rid ourselves of their padded chains! And Linda L please feel free to leave, I’ll even help you pack and give you a ride to the border!!

  16. FYI, the problem always begins and ends with the clerisy.

    Too much debt? Let’s hire more and have a commission.

    Too much spending? Let’s hire more, start some more programs,…

    Too little tax revenue? Let’s hire more, and give them defined benefit pensions, ..

    The clerisy is always trying to grow at your expense. But, but, but… they provide “useful” stuff, like “education” and access to healthcare wait lists…

    Women have to lose the vote. It has not worked out for society.

    1. please start with the AHS and then move on to the ATA….. creeping socialism/communism is what both represent!!!!

  17. “At some point, the compassion one has for a province down on its luck has limits. If Alberta does not want to do anything to help itself out of these messes when they invariably arrive, then you can’t feel too badly for them.”

    Replace Alberta in that quote with Quebec, NB, NB, PEI and what happens? Outrage, flags lowered, threats, lectures about unity, solidarity and compassion for fellow Canadians. And, none of those provinces have contributed even a fraction of what Alberta taxpayers have through equalization. Yet, even after decades of giving more per capita to Canada than any other province, Alberta still has the lowest debt per capita and highest GDP per capita. This article just another anti-Alberta screed, one of many, and I think it accurately portrays the feelings of Canadians towards Alberta and Saskatchewan.

    As a seperatist, I hope Canadians continue to reveal their contempt for the people of Alberta and Saskatchewan.

  18. Spent last week in Ontario. Heard it said that people are sick of Alberta and it’s incessant whining.

    Time for us to suck it up I guess – and become real Canadians…..or not

    1. ABT I can assume you were in London, Toronto or Ottawa all bastions of socialist, communist beliefs and leanings. Next time get out of these S/,.t holes run by liberals and come to where real Canadian people live. You might be surprised to find we like you do not subscribe to this socialist bs and wish that they would all just go way or move to Quebec. Wexit should include all of Ontario west of Toronto……Steve O

      1. Actually, they come out here to visit and look over the fence, so to speak to see what state you’re in. Usually on a side trip from some paid shindig, or they would never show their faces out here. Then they hustle back to their comfy place ad we don’t ever see from them again. That’s the part I like.

      2. “Wexit should include all of Ontario west of Toronto”. Interesting that you should say that Steve O. More years ago than I want to admit, I met a young guy from Dryden, Ontario at school. Even then it seems, Northern Ontario couldn’t stand the pomposity of the Golden Horseshoe.
        Last night while I was seething over one of the many outrages coming from Ottawa I was perusing a map of Ontario dreaming about just how far east the border of the Republic of Buffalo might extend. I settled on North Bay. Several of the regulars here whose opinions I most often respect, live in the Golden Horseshoe and some in Atlantic Canada. No offense guys and gals but you’re going to have to move to North Bay. The rest can stew in their juices.

    2. I was speaking on the phone with someone in the Toronto area earlier today. He’s quite dissatisfied with the status quo down there and has little respect for Prinz Dummkopf.

      When I explained the situation out west, he admitted he had no idea of how it affected people and where.

  19. No rational person would ignore the oil resources in Alberta and not develop them. Alberta is also the “Saudi Arabia” of coal resources BTW. Canadians are insane …. The amount of waste and lost opportunity is incalculable! Yes, Alberta should develop other opportunities but oil is a clear winner. Too many Canadians are parasites! Cut off the “welfare” and people will discover the need for jobs in a hurry.

    And if the media can’t sell their products, perhaps they should just go out of business.

  20. Ottawa set to declare plastics as toxic substance
    Kathryn Blaze Baum Environment reporter Published March 11, 2020

    L- The Trudeau Liberals dragging Canada back into the 19th Century as fast as it can.

    Presumably, this declaration will be signed into effect by Justin Trudeau using a quill pen dipped into an ink well.

    1. It makes sense (to a Liberal mind) that plastics join carbon dioxide as being designated as toxic and even more so when you consider that all chemicals are indeed toxic at the right dose. It also makes sense and should come as a surprise to no one that the Spawn is merely doing the bidding of the world’s most successful hysteria pimping corporation, Greenpeace, as well as his intimate Butt, Gerry.

      It really isn’t that much of a difference than our last “Conservative” PM banning incandescent light bulbs. It’s just more proof that most of what the state is involved in is illegitimate, reflecting an electorate barely more sentient than cattle but aspiring to be equivalent in service of the state.

        1. Kevin…..LOL.!!
          Add in some C2H2 to that Dihydrogen Dioxide and we could do some serious Damage.

          Say about 10-25% C2H2 – remainder Dihydrogen Dioxide..??
          I’m thinking a stock of Calcium Carbide might not be a bad thing to have hanging around – ventilated and dry of course.

    2. Ahh, then we’ll all be able to use those cardboard drinking box thingies, just like Turdeau’s kids. And keep food fresh in the fridge, wrapped in waxed paper. Welcome to the 1930’s. What a bunch of morons.

    3. Larry: Now we can go back to TREES…cardboard, glass, tin foil containers etc now we come full circle like you said back into the 19th Century. Stupid is as stupid does Trudope!!

    4. What are your sewage pipes made of? DWI systems? Water piping? Going back to copper and solder, are we? Iron pipe?
      The LPOC et al are morons, Greens a special kind of moron. If you haven’t figured that out listening to Mrs Beaver you are an idiot along with the other nihlists, where you die and they virtue signal.
      COVID-19 came at an opportune time.

  21. Oh yeah…I hope all the oil company foremen and supers remember to let all the canadians go “home” first.

  22. that column got me completely unglued.
    My E-mail reply to that Media Ho.

    “All i got SAY to Arrogant Leftist Bought n Paid for NON Canadian “scribes” like you..?

    I have lost some 5 years of work SOLEY Due to the full On, on purpose interference from a Fed govt Run by a 2 bit Trust Fund pedophilic vacuous punk with the intellect of a licked dry Toilet bowl . One Determined to DESTROY our # 1 Industry over the Utter BULLSHIT of man Made Climate Change. One Supported by your toilet paper of a Rag. When in fact he wants to see Canada fueled by the SAUDIS, Venezuelans, Eritreans & Nigerians in a ENERGY WEST scheme. Why not, Pipelines are OminDirectional right..? and the Backsheesh would be flowing by the Billions.

    Said loss of work had SFA to do with Oil prices buddy boy – The Sands were profitable at $23/USD /bbl in the pipe….Why.? Cause we innovated Massively

    You Lower mainland assholes sit there whining about Alberta Oil all the while 550,000 Bbls of Alaskan Oil Sails down your LEFT coast on a Daily basis straight into Juan de Fuca Straight…with nary a peep. So Fuck Off.

    You supply China with millions of tons of Coal yet bleet like stuck cattle at supposed Emissions without thinking that prevailing Westerly winds drive the billions of Tons of Chinese Emissions right back over your Pristine LEFT COAST. So Fuck off

    Understand this sony boy, We don’t NEED you or Eastern Canada…we Will do just fine on our own, and that scenario is coming – SOON.!

    As for your glorious leader Trudeau, I’d See that Filthy POS ending like Nicloae Ceacescu…sooner than later.

    The Big one is coming, overdue in fact, hope you BOUGHT n PAID for media whores know how to swim.

    Unfortunately, Alberta is all out of lifeboats.

    My name
    Calgary, Alberta
    Have a lovely day.

    I feel so much better now…ASSHOLE.

    1. Thanks steak man well said .Found myself giving the finger to a truck with Ontario plates the other day I normally wouldn’t do that but I hate those scum so bad they need to be treated like the pond scum they are and represent

        1. Unpuke
          The only nutcases here my fine feathered, obviously neutered “friend” are marxist soyboy – kiddies just like you sonny boy.

          Suggestion.?? F off and stay that way.

  23. Biggest question at the next equalization divvy up party.

    “Ware awl da munees go?”

  24. You know you might actually get somewhere if you actually addressed the point instead of the voices in your head. He never asked Alberta to ‘ditch the oil industry’.

    The column is flawed but Alberta needs to stop whining and become the change it wants to see: slash government in size and scope. Cut regulations-Alberta is shocking regulated by some measures it’s worse than BC. I’d like to buy booze from the corner store thank you.

    And then indeed institute a sales tax-to replace income and corporate tax.

      1. It has to be physically separated from the grocery/convenience store in a dedicated building. It’s stupid.

    1. Hey shit fer BRAINS – yea you UnPuke.

      What needs to happen is a full scale downsizing of UNIONIZED Trough Feeders just like you. 15% Across the Board – GONE. Followed Immediately by a 15% Wage- Benefit Cut Across the board – GONE.

      The Province is perfectly well diversified. And no one is “whining” thats just propaganda for the Eastern Morons. What we want-need is Fed govt to Piss off and leave us alone. But that won’t happen…why.?? cause its in the EASTs best interests to throttle Alberta OIL.

      WHY you ask.? Cause the QUEBEC is Corrupt through n through (its downright genetic there) – Their political Highway is financed 100% by Saudi-Venezuelan-Eritrean-Nigerian Backsheesh is why. Why do you think they trashed Energy East hmmm..??? Use what miniscule cranial power you might have and think it through…Why would they kill their own personal gravy train.?? They won’t and in fact, they’ll likely do Energy WEST.
      Pipelines are omnidirectional.

      If you can’t see that, then you’re truly dumb as a stump – entirely without vision..(typical of Left tax n spend think).

  25. Really unme ?
    Name one time in history when a new tax resulted in a lower tax elsewhere . Give your head a shake.

      1. And the GST replaced, not lowered, and the only reason it replaced was because without the lie that taxes would drop there would have been an open revolt among caucus. As it is they lost 3 members over it. In fact the Manufacturers sales tax had to be hiked leading up to the GST because it was originally at a much lower rate, and they needed it to cross the threshold of what they were planning to bring the GST in at. As it is, the GST still ended up being higher as MST was charged at the manufacturers level, not the retail level, and the GST was charged on almost everything. The one bonus was that with GST high taxes need not kill exports and promote imports, that is what the carbon tax is for.

        What I find interesting is that all the years of prosperity and growth happened before the government expanded and implemented all these increased taxes. Many provinces went from dirt and gravel roads to paved within a decade while having low taxes, and now it takes longer than that to get permission to start thinking about a plan for maybe one day being productive. I wonder if there might be a connection.

  26. WEXIT is a stupid unworkable fantasy so of course it’s popular here. Get it through your thick heads: there is only Albertan separatism and even that is a long shot. WEXIT and worse a federal WEXIT party are the perfect way to dissipate any energy that might actually go to something productive ie Albertan separation. Truly the left has nothing to fear from you people.

    1. UnMe, you clearly are an example of why SDA needs a “means test” to validate your qualifications to comment. Come to think of it, it might be wise policy for the “Elections Act” to also be revised accordingly. You poor worthless puke!!

    2. From Ontario Canada

      Drop dead and fuckoff DumbMe

      You are the problem and we will solution you and your kind away from all power over us ever again

    3. You underestimate the loathing for corruption in the west, and our contempt for Eastern Bastards who clearly approve of it.
      Remember how Kim Campbell got two seats? That wasn’t muh soggy knees, and it was not Preston Mannings charm and charisma, it was about obvious eastern corruption and the west not tolerating it.

      We are no longer a nation with a common culture and values, and we need to throw off the shackles of corrupt authoritarian imperialists.

  27. Every country in the world develops its resources. Every country needs and wants an energy resource.

    What else can I say….

  28. I know, when our major industry is bleeding out, let’s solve the ‘revenue’ problem by taxing its employees more. That will solve EVERTING.

  29. Put this dude on your list, people.
    He reminds me of something I wish I hadn’t stepped in.
    And the next tool that brings up sales tax as a good thing needs to be fist fucked.

    1. A sales tax as a replacement for income tax would certainly be a good thing. Economic literacy: get some.

  30. “They say that a crisis is a terrible thing to waste.”
    Yes, Western independence!

    The best way to solve the projected $100 billion deficit is to undo the fiscal imbalance by taxing the rest of Canada at $23 billion a year. Oh, that street goes only one way? As I said, Western Independence.

    1. Simple solution. Alberta needs to start collecting all taxes. Tell Albertans we will no longer be collecting or remitting any federal taxes until such time as the ledger sheet has been balanced for all the surplus we’ve had taken from us over the last 100 years.

      By then we’ll hopefully be our own nation.

  31. The Black Death(bubonic plague) ended Serfdom in Europe and spelled the end of the Manorial System of economics.

    1. Yes, in fact, the fastest and greatest increase in the standard of living in Europe did not come from industrialization, which was a gradual process, but from the aftermath of The Black Death. The decline in population meant more resources (land, food, and textiles etc.) available per capita, and an increase in wages for everyone who worked due to the reduced labour force. Despite a reduction in overall GDP, real GDP per capita increased greatly, and real GDP per capita is the real standard.

  32. Four things about Gary Mason:

    1) He’s from Vancouver yet writes about Alberta, because the Globe doesn’t care to have an Alberta based columnist post Deb Yedlin, who was relentlessly Liberal.
    2) He despises Jason Kenney
    3) He doesn’t understand oil and gas and believes in climate hysteria
    4) He thinks all Alberta’s problems will be solved with a sales tax

    He is one of the worst columnists writing about Alberta since the retirement of Jeffery Simpson. Gary Mason is a reliable, contrarian indicator.

    1. Fred. You are using too many words, when one word would suffice to describe such a writer. That word is MORON. Feel free to use that term for any of these “journalists”, working for their Liberal stipend.
