Caracas On The Seine

Socialism flows in only one direction;

French police fired water cannon and tear gas at angry firefighters – some who set themselves on fire during demonstrations. Fire brigade unions are demanding better pay and conditions and organised the demonstration in the capital’s Place de la Republique to bring attention to their cause today. They want a pay rise of 25% arguing their work is made increasingly difficult due to staff cuts and attacks against them. Paris police said firefighters who tried to break down or scale fencing near the Nation area of the city were dispersed by water cannon.

h/t Deplorable me

14 Replies to “Caracas On The Seine”

  1. Seeing for the past 10 or so years what muslim mobs do to firefighters who are usually first responders to widespread arson that ROP is so prone to, contrary to the HQ, I am not surprised. But when police pits themselves against firefighters, they may one day find themselves alone, putting out fires with their own patdown gloves. Do not bite the hand that feeds you.

  2. Meanwhile another historic church, a testament to how great European civilization WAS, was “accidentally” burned in Paris. The reason they burn them is because they never did and never could create something so beautiful. Fuck diversity. Fuck multiculturalism.

  3. Sounds like someone needs to not respond to a fire at someplace France’s elite doesn’t want to burn…

    Some kind of lone wolf…

  4. Those firefighters are lucky they’re not demonstrating and setting themselves ablaze here in Canada. The police would simply stand by and watch so as not to provoke anyone. Remember …. enforcement of the law is the last resort.

  5. Okay, why didn’t the firefighters bring out the pumpers against the water cannons?
    That would have been hilarious to watch. It would have been a skit the gents at Monte Python would never have thought up.

  6. Crickets lately on the yellow vests front. Have they been deplatformed from the MSM?

  7. I’m sure canadian socialism will turn out much better. 😉

    AB and SK better get while the getting is as good as it’s gonna get.

  8. Does that mean it’s only a matter of time before we start asking, “How deep, Monsieur Macron?”

  9. I am wondering how long before history repeats itself and continental Europe gets hit with a repeat of the Revolutions of 1848…

  10. Sh*t they could always quit and get better jobs, like being one of those cops instead.

  11. I have zero sympathy for firefighters there, or here for that matter. In our town novice firefighters start at $80,000 and most make six figures or better while also working in construction etc. in their generous off hours.

    Last time I checked we had 41 firemen, watched over by 14 chiefs and deputy-chiefs, 4 Lieutenants and about 9 captains. They demand 4 men to a truck, even for run of the mill medical callouts and minor accidents and are trying to take over the turf of the ambulance service.

    Last election during an all candidate meeting,I saw about a dozen of them in their bright IAFF tee-shirts all standing along the wall together clearly signalling to the candidates their union power and ability to carry their chosen candidate(s) to victory.

    But like teachers, they’re public heroes and thus beyond reproach.
