I Want A New Country

Brian Lilley;

Mark Gerretsen represents the Ontario riding of Kingston and the Islands. It’s a long way from Fort McMurray but that isn’t stopping the Liberal MP from not only opposing the project but spending money, perhaps your money, to shut it down.
Gerretsen has posted on Facebook about a petition put forward by the Queen’s University Liberals, and sponsored in the House by Gerretsen, to reject the proposal.
“We, the undersigned, citizens of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to reject the proposal to build the Teck Resources Frontier Oilsands Mine in Alberta as it is not in the best interest of Canadians,” the petition reads.
Isn’t this the equivalent of an Alberta MP asking the federal government to shut down Ontario’s manufacturing sector? Or calling for a stop to all the tax breaks to Toronto’s film productions? That wouldn’t go over too well in Ontario and this won’t go over well in Alberta.

I’ve been in a paint booth all day, so instead of trying to play catch up on today’s Trudeau debacle and his open shunning of Western Canada, this is an open thread for those topics, plus anything else that makes you want to yell at Scott Moe to stop wasting our time and interests on this neverending shit show.

It’s not going to get better. A Conservative government in Ottawa won’t make it better. Move on. Get the ball rolling on a decoupling strategy now, lest the SaskParty find itself competing with a third option in the next provincial election.


52 Replies to “I Want A New Country”

  1. Once President Trump is done restoring the rule of law in the States and ridding America of the Bloomberg mob, making short work of the Libranos is among the next items on his list.

    Keep the faith.

  2. But, nooooooooo, the Liberal government isn’t waging war against Alberta, is it?

  3. Justin Trudeau called Canada the first post national state. He was right. Canada is not a nation. His father made sure of that. At this point a breakup is the only sane outcome. Delenda Canada Est.

  4. We need out sooner rather than later
    We’re a Frozen-banana republic

    With apologies to banana republics everywhere, they’re probably better run than our federal kleptocracy

  5. this is the email I sent to Scott Moe this evening.

    It is time for the western provinces to have a referendum on separation from Canada. Trudeau is getting more blatant of his disdain and disrespect of our lives, hopes and futures. We can only prosper in a new separate country where our needs are uppermost in the governing body’s thoughts.

    1. So, not only do we have the BLOC campaigning to kill TECK, now we’ve got some LIBERAL MP in Kingston, Ontario calling for the same. Petitioning the Fed Govt to consider this project “NOT in the BEST interest of Canadians.” EXcuse me..??

      Apparently “Canadians” only live in Lower Mainland BC, Upper/Lower Canada and the Maritimes..?

      Here’s my response I just sent to Jason Kenney.

      “…Mr Premier.
      It seems that calls for a Moratorium on the TECK Project are not just limited to Quebec…we now see LIBERAL MP’s from Ontario totally in Favour and CAMPAIGNING to have this project CANCELLED altogether..!!

      ENOUGH of this CRAP.!! We both know where this ends up. Mr Premier…the project will be shitcanned and the excuse from th PM will be, “it’s not in the BEST Interests of Canadians”

      ….that would apparently be any “Canadian” who does not live in Alberta and Saskatchewan. We are, as we’ve been told more than once by the CBC and Trudeau Cabinet Ministers that we are potential Rapists, Racist Bastards, Climate Deniers, Homophobes ad nausea.

      ALBERTANS have had more than enough of this Anti WESTERN, ANTI ALBERTA, ANTI OIL Sands Hatred initiated 100% by said 2 Bit Trust Fund punk with the intellect of a licked Dry TOILET BOWL. Justin Trudeau.

      So Mr PREMIER….It is time for you to Either STEP ASIDE as Premier – OR…?? You can assume your rightful Place as a TRUE LEADER and call a REFERENDUM on Separation – STAT.!!

      And I don’t mean after 9 months of BS consultation and endless talk talk talk talk… But STAT..!!!

      Respectfully, an ALBERTAN who is about to go POSTAL.
      WEXIT NOW..!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. This is the “cunning Liberal plan”, by doing all the work for us,they figure we will not be enraged enough to abandon them to their richly deserved fate.
    Every time a Liberal opens its mouth another dozen Western Citizens go over to Full Independence .
    We better decide on the rules for our new Country,cause it is coming …well.. not like a Canadian Train.
    Minimal government full citizen responsibilities, if we want to avoid the same fate that confederation is taking us to.
    What “services” are we NOT willing to perform ourselves?
    Cause that is how the cancer grows,from more government comes more nonproductive citizens and entitled parasites.
    Ditto the vote,a privilege earned not a given right.
    Longterm Debt is treason.
    Lessons are there to be learned,are we willing to learn?
    If not we sink with Can Ahh Duh.
    Or soon afterwards.

    1. Absolutely correct on all points.
      No income tax paid, no vote
      Or everyone gets one vote, pay twice the average in income tax? Get 2 votes.
      Cap it there, should be enough to restore balance between productivity and the free-sh*t army that is every politician’s natural constituency.
      It’s all about the numbers, ergo open borders courtesy of turdo-the-dumber.
      Another thing to watch out for.

    2. 100% bang on John.

      For me, a Republic with a constitution similar to what the US has.
      1st / 2nd amendment rights GARANTEED.
      RIght to defend said property however one deems necessary.
      PUblic Service UNIONS OUTlawed.
      Term Limits
      DEFICIT SPENDING outlawed
      DEBT outlawed
      Gun ownership and knowledge on how to SAFELY use – both mandatory. (just like Switzerland)
      Judges ELECTED. NOT Selected.
      2 GENDERS Period.
      Social spending based on VOTABLE propositions by the People for the People.
      Any New TAXES to be Voted upon by the PEOPLE for specific projects and with SET dates to be done/finished.

      Adn i would suggest the LegaliZation of ALL Narcotics/DRUGS – Spend the “war on drugs” money on Rehabilitation, Re-Integration and create jobs for said ex addicts to get back into society…JUST like Portugal did with VERY good Success. The BS WAR is one that will NEVER be won until you take the profit motive away.
      Figure it the Fuck out People..!!

      Anyway I digress…
      WEXIT and damned soon.!!
      …..and drill baby drill….!!
      This and what TrappinTurdopia below stated.

      1. With you on all steakman, except the drugs. Keep them illegal and let those who wish to destroy their lives do so. No free needles and immediate prison time if you are caught selling or using. Build prison camps if need be. Prevent any drugs from entering these jails and force the dry out of users.

      2. If we are willing to adopt a form or the Switzerland model then I would like to see mandatory and optional Referendum.
        All healthy men aged between 18 and 34 are obliged to do military service training of 2 years and all are issued with assault rifles or pistols which they keep at home, women can volunteer. They become an active militia.
        Politicians work for the people. There is a method of recall vote at all levels of government.
        No foreign funded lobby groups. If a group is found accepting foreign funds the board members or executive must be held accountable.

  7. Typical statist Ontario puke who thinks Canada stops at its western border. Like the media, unknown CBC artists and politicians.
    They are wrong and their plan to alienate the West so Trudeau can step in as Captain Canadian will not work.
    Once BC gets hauled into this mess, as they are with the appeasement of Soros backed criminals, the job will be complete.
    Assuming of course these minority government idiots aren’t replaced by a political party that thinks about all Canadians.

    1. This “Legislator” probably thinks that the Trans Canada Highway is the ringroad around Toronto.

  8. I’m starting to think that we should all vote Liberal and all donate to the Liberal Party if we want a new country.
    How could anyone else do such a great job of splitting up Canada?
    Blackie is a genius!

    And maybe we should rethink our approach to the pimped out Canadian media.
    How could they do a better job of showcasing what a farce Canada is?

  9. Trudeau is an Eastern Canada white man hereditary chief.
    Eastern Canada follows blindly a name not a man.
    Alberta and Saskatchewan would make a great 51st state called Buffalo or maybe we could get a Puerto Rico relationship without the corruption.
    BC, Manitoba and North Western Ontario would be very welcome to join us.
    As abused Westerners we need to leave home and its abusive Eastern entitled father and the mother’s that support him.

  10. I believe the energy is there for separation. Now, someone needs to get the ball rolling with a time line for a referrendum. I know there are Western groups working towards this, but I am not sure where things are at as media does not cover this. We need to see a referrendum by the end of the year.

  11. I made the mistake of taking a day off and watching the goings on of our elected legislators. Le Dauphin met today with all the like minded spawn of Chairman Mo and Le Dauphin’s father, the late sun king. The price for their support will be the end of Teck’s plans in Alberta.

    I am 52 years old and have never seen the people of my province or its nearest neighbours being treated anywhere near anything resembling equality. We may be a the junction where people of good will can join together

    Do I want a country that doesn’t even treat its citizens equally? Can anyone please show me another liberal democracy on this planet that doesn’t provide equal representation to all its citizens in its lower legislative body?
    Do I want a country that is proposing licensing and vetting journalists? (The ones that it has not bought off)
    Do I want to live in a country that has an enormously subsidized state propaganda machine?
    Do I want to live in a country that investigates and threatens authors?
    Do I want to live in a country that constantly steals from one segment of its populations to curry political favour in another? I would love for someone to show me another liberal democracy that does that!
    Do I want to live in a country that has as its two top ministers two individuals that have had everything in their life just handed to them?
    Do I want to live in a country that is run by a narcissistic buffoon whose only concern is his image on the international stage? I question why anyone would vote for him but then I realize, he is the status quo for the continue welfare scam that is this country.
    Do I want to live in a country that is designed for a small, elite kleptocracy?
    Do I want to live in a county where not only is a dying, obsolete language forced upon me but I have to pay to keep it alive, not only in this country, but in the other third-world dung heaps where it is the remnant of a failed “empire”

    I want to live in a country where the rule of law is respected. Where ALL are equal before that law. Where individuals have the opportunity to rise as far as their talents and tenacity can take them and are not punished for reaching their apex. I want to live in a country that truly cares for those in need and not one where a greedy, grasping, clawing bureaucracy doesn’t leach off the misfortune of others.

    I want to live in a country that I can be proud of. Alberta, Saskatchewan and others can lead the way. To create a New Dominion on the North American continent. We want to join with other freedom loving people.

    My friends, the canadian experiment has failed, and failed miserably

    1. 100% bang on John.

      For me, a Republic with a constitution similar to what the US has.
      1st / 2nd amendment rights GARANTEED.
      RIght to defend said property however one deems necessary.
      PUblic Service UNIONS OUTlawed.
      Term Limits
      DEFICIT SPENDING outlawed
      DEBT outlawed
      Gun ownership and knowledge on how to SAFELY use – both mandatory. (just like Switzerland)
      Judges ELECTED. NOT Selected.
      2 GENDERS Period.
      Social spending based on VOTABLE propositions by the People for the People.
      Any New TAXES to be Voted upon by the PEOPLE for specific projects and with SET dates to be done/finished.

      Adn i would suggest the LegaliZation of ALL Narcotics/DRUGS – Spend the “war on drugs” money on Rehabilitation, Re-Integration and create jobs for said ex addicts to get back into society…JUST like Portugal did with VERY good Success. The BS WAR is one that will NEVER be won until you take the profit motive away.
      Figure it the Fuck out People..!!

      Islam not ALLOWED.

      Anyway I digress…
      WEXIT and damned soon.!!
      …..and drill baby drill….!!
      This and what TrappinTurdopia below stated.

    2. Chris I am much older than you and I agree. I have watched the country swirl the bowl for decades as the electorate become dumb and dumber.

  12. Y’all better chill out with your calls for a referendum, I’ll tell you right now DON’T have one until you’re sure you will win. Imagine a referendum vote not to separate, you will be screwed blued and tattooed for another generation…
    Wait until things get worse, and things are going to get worse fast enough. Currency devaluation and cost of living inflation might do the job.

    1. I disagree. Even a failed referrendum will have an impact. It also need not be the end of the story. Quebequers have not given up after a failed referrendum. I also believe support at this juncture would be quite strong, Separation is now part of Alberta politics. The rest of the country must understand this. The media will be happy to ignore it indefinitely.

    2. If Albertans are turned into socialist serfs, who are dependent upon government handouts, it will be too late.
      A referendum needs to happen now.

    3. A referendum is for political losers. Do people ever learn anything? Take the money back. Start with an Alberta Pension Plan. Move on to an Alberta Police force and so on until everything previously Federal is implemented within Alberta for its own people. By then you won’t need a referendum. You will control Canada as much as Quebec does now. If you want a lesson in strategy look at what has happened in Quebec the past few days. The Federal party wants to block the Teck oil sands mine while the province develops its own LNG infrastructure, killing whales left, right and centre, and the Provincial government just signed a $4.3 billion infrastructure agreement with the First Nations which would make it tough for the Feds to claim back Northern Quebec in the event of separation. The province would own virtually all the infrastructure in a territory occupied by First Nations and claimed by Canada. Quebec is playing Chess while Alberta is struggling to put on its long johns.

  13. This Albertan had enough when Lougheed sold us out. Then Manning, Harper and now we have Kenney again doing nothing but kissing ass when he should be full out kicking ass instead. We need a leader like Trump who would tell them all to piss off. We will keep our resources, keep our money and go it on our own. Like has been said here so many times already… Get rid of the RCMP. Start our own Pension Plan. Go UDI. I would rather fail in a new country than spend another day having to put up with the piss spray coming from Eastern Canada. Let them piss on themselves and by the way, I do not believe we would fail but rather build the most exciting and successful country this continent has seen in since the founding of the USA. I hope I live long enough to see it happen.

    1. Leonard…

      Bam Bam Bam and BAm..!!.
      Totally agree 1000%

      Both Kenney and Moe are like a couple of janitors…keepin the floors clean and that’s all. Utterly Fkng USELESS.

  14. // I’ve been in a paint booth all day, so […] Move on. Get the ball rolling on a decoupling strategy now, //

    I recall you once characterized one of your remarks as “the solvent talking” ….

  15. Well I’ve written my MLA to push for a referendum on separation and independence.
    He is UCP but has yet to respond to any of my correspondence.
    We’ll see if he responds this time.

  16. You ain’t leaving till you get rid of the cowards you’ve elected.
    Just hot air, maybe methane at best, but you’re not leaving for a long time.
    And while I’m not religious, I do pray for your success, but you need action.

  17. When Trudeau 0.2 infamously said “Canada’s back”, he was lying, (what else is new). Canada has sadly been gone for years. What he was actually saying to his fawning base was “Liberals are back”, with all the disgusting things that come with them (too long to list here).

  18. Separation is the answer.

    If the Conservatives gain power in a few years, they”ll never hold it for long enough to turn the tide back to personal freedoms being the norm.

    and then the Liberals will gain power again, and continue with their onslaught against the west.

    They hate us. Stop trying to make friends with those people that hate us.

    1. Right on Marc! I recall those ‘Reform’ days back when the call was “The West Wants In!” We thought then that a change here and a change there and we are all good! We could have some control and reap some of the benefits and Canada would feel like the old home that we knew and loved.
      Not so! The old PCs hibernated for a while, but they are back and those old hatreds have obviously matured and intensified. Funny we didn’t learn following the National Energy Program some decades back. Don’t know why we didn’t get it then but now we know for sure where we stand.
      It’s time to move on. It’s time to dissolve the RCMP. (They have always taken their orders from Ottawa.)
      Taxes? We can collect them!
      Healthcare? Some of the best hospitals and research facilities are here in Edmonton. And healthcare is provincial anyhow. Pensions? Alberta has the lowest average age in the country, thus the fewest CPP recipients per capita in Canada.
      There will disruption, but, BUT, at the far end is a renewal. There will be many, many new opportunities and chances to excell as a region. We have the resources and we have the workforce to advance far beyond anything that Ottawa will ever condone. We can be a world player. We do not have to join the US, but we can work with the them to maximize our opportunities and our freedoms to develop and prosper.
      This is the chance of a lifetime for us and our families.
      Rod Love some time back said something to the effect of “Alberta is the best damn political Franchise in North America, if not the World!” He was right then and is still right!

  19. I’m bookmarking the comments tonight for the record. I’ve been predicting this sentiment for a while from a few miles away from Bay and Bloor.

  20. if…. IF the liberals ditch teck… september 2020:
    a clear question (wexit) unilateral declaration of independence referendum based on 50%+anything is the only way to go.
    the decoupling starts the moment that result comes in. the federal government is obliged by law to negotiate.
    this will trigger a federal election – guaranteed.
    the new government will be mandated to head the decoupling/breakup off at the pass (spare no expense!)
    alberta will never be in a better position to 1) negotiate a “reasonable” seat at the table of confederation or 2) entertain becoming the 51st state or 3) convince saskatchewan and/or yukon to form up and go it together. or 4) go it alone and purchase a right of way in perpetuity to markets and/or build refineries.
    it’s back-of-the-napkin, but with valuable resources in the ground and control of the east/west rails anything would be possible. naturally you would want to locate the refineries in edmonton – nah 🙂 just kidding.
    the current government does not seem to understand its responsibilities. hey! it’s 2020!

    1. No Johnny! Alberta must go it alone initially or ‘in conjunction with’ but not as a whole with some other provinces/regions. Too much other baggage.

  21. Well …. What can one say?

    The speech of the airhead in Ottawa was, as one guy put it this morning on Smiths program (CHQR), “technically known as blah, blah, blah”.

    This kind of speech is very familiar, the communists would talk and talk and talk and say absolutely nothing.
    It is not surprising that the airhead just talked nothingness.
    In fact he does not know anything, has no clue what to say, he gets his script, learns his lines and that’s about it.
    Repeating himself over and over sounds to the infatuated as a siren song.

    The only trouble here is that there is no alternative.
    Who yer gonna call?

    1. And another thing, a question.

      How is it federal government business to approve or disapprove of business of business in a province?
      There is nothing federal about the Teck project.
      It’s 100% business of Alberta.

  22. Meanwhile:


    One reason that a global thermonuclear conflict didn’t happen during the original Cold War was that both sides feared that a small-scale exchange of warheads, regardless of what caused it, wouldn’t remain that way. Analysts believed that it would inevitable escalate to the point that it couldn’t be constrained or controlled.

    The pipeline protests and railway blockades are now at a similar stage. They’re rapidly escalating to such an extent that they can no longer be stopped.

    Not only did the dimwitted Liberals let it happen, they have no idea of what to do next. Thanks a lot for nothing, you useless twits.

  23. Dalton McGuinty and Kathleen Wynne already shut down Ontario’s manufacturing sector, so you’ll have to find some other threat.

  24. Jason might have another side, it seems he will do nothing to rile blackie, for fear of disclosure. I believe he started out politically working for Ralphy. If he had a set, to use for Albertas best interests, he would tell the prancing idiot, Alberta is getting behind this Teck mine project and the prancer can send in the military if the prancer wants. But sadly Jason will “roll over” and be subservient, maybe because of something else it seems. It is time we elect someone who is not crazy about doing the job of Premier instead of political climbers, and that someone is independantly wealthy so they cannot be bought. Someone like a Donald Trump, someone who wants the best for everyone, not the connected ones, like on the reserves. This part of defunct Canada, Alberta and Sask can, and will be a great country ,on its own, if parts of BC want to join, well borders were drawn once, they can be again. Like the Chech lady said at Ezras meeting in the Carriage House Inn Calgary, “its not hard, we discussed with the Slovaks about the border, finally agreed on where we would put it, drew it up, and within a year we had the two countries set up, separated and underway”.

  25. Close to 80% of WestCan’s business flows north- south.
    Another 5 to 10% will be flowing west to Asia in the near future.

    BUT, 100% of our taxes go east into the toilet bowl called Ottawa to subsidize ungrateful parasites.

    There is zero benefit to us or our kids in this ridiculous arrangement so it needs to be changed.

    Our kids come first.

  26. Kingston has never recovered from losing its status as Capital of the United Provinces of Canada. Even the 401 by-passes it.

  27. “Get the ball rolling on a decoupling strategy now, lest the SaskParty find itself competing with a third option in the next provincial election.”

    Isn’t Kate the one who always complains “who made this thread about religion”? I am wondering, apart from religion, what would be the purpose of continuing to support a political party, that fails to either fight, or deliver, on any pledge it has made?

  28. The small c Conservatives must stop idealizing and venerating “rank and file” police. They are not who you think they are. The right approach should be a non-stop shaming of police for their complacency and perpetual resorting to “I am just following orders” excuse.

    The OPP rank and file are happy to just sit or stand around the illegal protests. Just look at their content faces in those rare occasions when they are caught on camera! This includes the two fellows “monitoring” the railway blockade. Nothing could be finer: they are perfectly safe, since those are not violent and volatile situations they are sent to deal with. They are raking overtime. They are out in the sun, not having to deal with stinky druggies or flailing, wife-beating alcoholics. They are also perfectly content driving over Randy Fleming and breaking his elbow joint.

    But they are absent, AWOL, from the Ontario highways where it is an all-year-round open season for truckers on the car drivers. The OPP had essentially issued the truckers the licenses to kill. In 2015 they killed 2 or 3 in the SUV on QEW&Trafalgar, which they burned down by following too close and ramming it into another tractor-trailer. Then it was quiet for a year or so, and now they are rampaging again. I drive across GTA up to 100 miles one way, and my employees and family members do too. All of us w/o exception are petrified by the driving style of the “new Canadian” truck drivers who swerve across the lanes as if they were driving Ferrari, or tailgate and intimidate. But OPP is never seen on the HWs except in a few spots where they sit all day, pretending to pull over one-two SUVs or sedans a day, when the traffic is low, road is clean, and the sun is shining. These are rank-and-file cops, who do not give two sts about the public but only care about their pay.

    Complain, you say? The complaints go straight into the trash bin, and the complainants are being swiftly intimidated into silence. I complained. Ha-ha! The response was “we do not give a fk” but a week later I was pulled over by a car which was waiting on my route to work. Canadian police forces are completely rotten, leaking like a sieve, and corrupt. And this is happening when PCs are in Toronto. I can imagine what it would have been if it was libs.

    We drive through the municipalities where their own police forces completely reneged on their oath to uphold the law. They do 1 speeding blitz a year and play Call of Duty in the office for the rest. The caravans of construction trucks blow through the red lights, making the compliant traffic slam on the brakes in the left turns. All the cops ever do eagerly is block the roads for the Hydro One lifts while blinding traffic with their now excessively bright LED flashing lights that they have plastered their vehicles with like they are Christmas trees. What is next? Lasers?

  29. I asked the premier in a letter yesterday to impose a moratorium on rail transportation of oil, because the rail companies are unable to provide tankers that don’t leak when they fall off the tracks, and also asked why they always burst into flames without an ignition point in our Saskatchewan winter. I think the rest of Canada would be a lot safer if we just shipped by pipe. How many have died from a pipeline breach?

  30. “Get the ball rolling on a decoupling strategy now, lest the SaskParty find itself competing with a third option in the next provincial election.”

    Anyone else come to the conclusion that the “party system” is a trap? Some kind of placebo, that makes you think you have a say, gives you the feeling “this is the right way to proceed”…

    How many parties you been on the ground floor of now? You went door to door, you stuffed envelopes, you went to meetings, you led teams, you fund raised, you vetted candidates, … You were slowly, over time, marginalized. Rules you knew were a bad idea, started getting put in place, by people who seemingly came out of nowhere, but had incredible influence. You got pushed out of your local association, but you kept renewing your membership, because it was “better than the NDP, or whatever”. Platforms that had nothing of the original principles started getting published out of central headquarters (always in Ontario), with no input from anyone you ever talked to, or met.

    The solution is never going to be “yet another party”. There is no “great white hope” leader coming. They bait you into accepting that you need at least some of the collective, and less of the individual. Social Credit, Reform, Wildrose, PC Association of Alberta, PC Saskatchewan , CPoC, Sask Party, United Conservative Party, United Church, Catholic Church, Red Cross, Salvation Army, … all taken over and subverted by the long march. All infiltrated by red tories, by “people who care”. All giving promises of “real change”, that never comes.

    And it always starts the same way, with “it was a good idea at the time”.

    It is necessary to say it; People’s Party will, eventually, be the same way. Any Wexit party, will eventually succumb (that guys is not “electable”). No party, no group, has ever withstood the relentless assault.
