17 Replies to “The Bigger the Government . . .”

  1. from ‘Politishuns for Dummies’:

    number 1 rule for politishuns: *get re-elected* all else is secondary
    number 1 rule *about* politishuns: they will solve 1 problem by creating thousands more.
    —————————————————-see above youtube vid.

  2. Also, when politics becomes religion or a cult.

    If she stops voting Democrat, she believes she will go to hell. There are too many people like her.

    When the only way to ensure you will go to heaven when you die is to vote Democrat, you get California, Detroit, Chicago, Flint Michigan, …

    They voted for L. Ron, they get L. Ron. Good and hard.

    “You don’t get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.” ~ L. Ron Hubbard

    One does not get rich, simply by competently running a government…

  3. I am pro-union until it adversely affects my job…then it has gone too far. What a twat.

    1. I worked as a contract worker for the first 12 years of my adult life. I went on later to run a business where I needed contract workers because my business was based on specific, high-skilled labor. It was a small one man+ operation that didn’t generate the revenues to hire anyone full time or even part time.

      The people I used were gig-workers … they had two or three other endeavors so it all worked well for all concerned. I also paid high wages to the contractees to keep them interested. If I hired them .. they would work for minimum wages only because of all the time and costs to comply with government rules.

      When consenting adults work out a system satisfactory to both parties what business is it of the government to mess with that.

      Without that freedom to run my business as I wish with consenting contract workers, I would have had to consider going into crime because I am a person who simply cannot work for other people. Similarly those whom I hired as needed would lose that opportunity and that would make their lives harder. The world of work has changed, politicians haven’t.

      Government doesn’t understand business or economy and they should stay out of the way as god intended.

      1. my brudder the dyslexic plumber (true) had a bitter unionboy experience in his apprenticeship.
        went on to 40 years in the business, most of it his own business.
        when hiring, he instantly rejected anyone with unionboy background since they would for instance balk at last minute overtime to keep the customers happy, etc etc. LOTS of reasons to show unionboy the door.
        p.s. he had more business sense in his left baby finger than I ever did.
        his kid followed suit and did financially the best of any of pa’s some 16 or so grandchildren.

    1. Canada is obviously run to support the corrupt K’Bec political mafia, just called equalization payments instead of shakedown money.

  4. Why are the journalists, public unions, and the politicians always the last ones to realize what capital flight is?

  5. People never realize they have become slaves until they are in chains. Much like the old saw about the frog in boiling water, which is of course a fallacy . Only very stupid people continue to do that which is harmful to their well being. I believe it is the classic definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. That would be Canadian elections and parties. We are not very bright, myself excepted.

  6. Years back I was in a field camp in the arctic. A gal in camp told me her very job was contingent upon who the prime minister was. Paul Martian was PM at the time. The evil conservatives posed a real threat to her. Turned out it was Martian and da liddle thief who cut jobs and Harper was eventually elected.

    The point of all this is she believed the crap her union told her. Couldn’t think for herself.

  7. It appears the law of unintended consequences will kick them in the butt. Truck drivers are having a difficult time complying. Either the price of food items will climb (a lot) or they will reduce or quit the routes. Kind of a Venezuela outcome.

  8. Awesome.

    So now, not only do union slobs negotiate themselves out of their own jobs – they do it for other shitlibs too! That’s a win for everyone. 🙂
