72 Replies to “Nancy, Nancy, Nancy…”

      1. You do understand the SOTU address is not the same as stump speeches, press conference and twittering? Right?

        Maybe Nancy was just recycling. In a way she was recycling anachronistic notions of top down government, radical socialism, unenlightened despotism and ignoring deplorable voters, laughing at them all the way to the bank.

        Nancy may be done, but her party, since Ukraine shampeachment has also destroyed their only viable candidate with a morsel of moderate, handing it over over to rookie radical socialists who hate the people they purport to represent.

        Kudos to Pence for putting up with her antics. His (non) reaction to her muttering, gesticulating and ripping up the speech, for which she needed four tries, was worth watching all by itself. Class versus crass.

        Dems look like a weak, demoralized bunch right now, enraged with frustration at constantly losing to Trump.

          1. What a nonsensical remark.
            You point is not only context, but logic free. Maybe you should print my remarks and rip them up.
            That might make you feel better or at least feed your sanctimonious superiority over your intellectual superiors.

  1. That’s hardly surprising. She sat there stone-faced for most of the speech, wondering whether she should play with her dentures like she did during a previous SOTU. Her fellow Dems weren’t much better.

    By the way, the Democrat response to the speech is limp, as usual.

      1. ‘seem to have been mumbling ‘

        Do you think she was praying for Donald John Trump?

    1. The harridan physically turned in her chair to show Rush Limbaugh her back, and averted her eyes in an opposite direction, when he was being honored by President Trump. It takes a special kind of of c()ntyness to show that level of disrespect to a dying man … a victim of a ravaging cancer. Her black soul has consumed her as surely as her “impeachment” has consumed the Democrap Party.

      I loved the impromptu awarding of the Medal to Rush … by Melania … in the Gallery. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen such a thing done before. And it keeps Rush from having to take another trip to DC for a proper ceremony in the WH. Let’s him stay focused on treatment and getting well. Get well soon, Rush. America still desperately NEEDS your voice.

      1. SOTU for Nancy: Sucking On The Utmost!
        She’s done “Pelosified”; dinosaured her way out to pasture.
        Real high brow and dignified…ha, ha, ha…way to lose your composure!

        I liked Lindsey Graham’s priceless comment:

        “You can tear up the speech, but you can’t tear up President Trumps accomplishments!”


        Hans Rupprecht – Commander in Chief
        Army Group “True North”
        1st Saint Nicolaas Army

      2. Well spoken Kenji..

        ONE of the few lone voices during 8 yrs of Darkness, Rush Limbaugh…him and Levin.

  2. No Lev they are already ensconced in the corridors of power and if they are not taken out then they will do everything in their power to reduce the American ideal just as they have tried to impeach the president. They have been hiding in clown suits since the late 40’s, but now they know it is all or nothing. Pelosi’s little act was the harbinger of what we are to expect.

  3. The gloves have come off. After the election Nancy’s going to prison with Hillary and Mike, and she will probably die there—unless she signs a full confession and agrees to co-operate fully with a reformed FBI, giving them all information in her possession that may assist in the successful conviction of her co-conspirators against the republic.

    So let her have her little tantrum. It will be worth it to hear her sing like a canary in late 2021.

    It’s often forgotten that leftists are cowards. She’ll sign anything to save her own wrinkled hide.

  4. That’s ok…Trump absolutely Pwnd her when she motioned to shake Trump’s hand and he absolutely snubbed her.
    Oh man, that was painful to watch. Well, not really.

    1. I actually don’t think it was deliberate. He didn’t shake Pence’s hand either. I don’t think he saw her hold out her hand. He had already turned to face front.

  5. Seems Nan is almost as thin skinned as Blackie Two-Face. Best speech ever by President Trump. Totally exposed the do nothing radical left.

  6. Nancy rips up the two articles of empeachment and then asks Pence if he can give her a ride home because she heard there are check stops tonight.

  7. Kind of strange watching her. Did someone shove a cactus up her hoho? She looks pained. Gonna take a lot of Jim Bean tonight to salve that butthurt!

  8. Like a 6 year-old defying her father, she impotently ripped up the speech. I hope she enjoyed her last big moment as Speaker of the House. It’s a perfect legacy of her failed leadership. Since winning back the house in 2018, all she has done is impeach the president. And tomorrow he will be exonerated.

    Congrats Nancy.

  9. I am not offended at all. I despise her and everything she and her party stands for, but this is war, and insults from enemies ought to be expected and ought not to offend.

  10. She played the same dismissive game during the last SOTU speech. Shuffling the papers, acting completely disinterested, purposely distracted. As if she’s above it all. But the deliberate classless act of ripping up the speech in obvious plain view was disgraceful considering the speech was as uncontroversial as it was. Maybe as unifying a speech Pres. Trump’s made. The Democrats are the party of the Temper Tantrum. That’s all they’re good at. Pouting, immature overpaid petulant politicians. Nancy is the perfect leader.
    As far as the ‘handshake controversy’ Pres Trump didn’t shake VP Pence’s hand either so I don’t see it as a snub to Nancy. Guarantee you though, the Trump Hate Media will make that the big story of the night.

    1. Not so, Boots. From a Democrat perspective it was highly controversial. Note how outraged The Squad was throughout the speech. It singled out the complete dysfunctionality of two Democrat strongholds, New York and California. It was as hard-hitting as a hammer between Pelosi’s eyes.

  11. You gotta admit, American politics is sure a lot more fun than the Canadian version. So as Rush Limbaugh save AM radio some day President Trump will be recognized as the greatest source of news fodder for the illiberal media.

  12. She just lost the House this November.
    That said, nine months is an eternity in politics. But all this episode demonstrated is that the Democrats are a complete train-wreck. And that’s not a good thing. The US only functions with two capable, functioning political parties to provide a meaningful choice. But as we saw last night, the Democrats are so incompetent that they can’t even run a primary contest effectively in a single small state. Iowa simply illustrates how unfit they are for public office in the eyes of the voters.

    1. The “Trump for Prez” TV/Internet ads closer to “Der Tag”, later this year, are being made right now, by people like Pelosi.

      Somehow doubt that they will be nominated for awards by the usual suspects, though.

    2. That the DeMarxists or Demosaurs couldn’t come up with a good slime argument, notwithstanding selling Alaska to Russia, prior to the SOTU and Senate impeachment vote shows they are a dispirited and spent bunch.

      One interesting theory I heard was that Nancy ripped up the speech, not so much to insult Trump, but to show the DeMarxists the injury they have wrought on the party, along the lines of why did I listen to you idiots? Asked and answered.

      I thought they had more fight in them than that. Now the Senate can excercise Schiff oversight; can’t wait.

      Now Barr can perp walk Comey and others to jail; can’t wait.

      Now voters can accept these investigators not legislators serve no useful function in Congress; can’t wait.

      Nine months is a long time in politics, but these Dems seem locked in an eternal circular firing squad fed by their groupthink.

      With the US economy so strong, more importantly seen that way by Americans, Dems seem headed for political oblivion.

      It couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of trough swilling, tax dollar confiscating totalitarians.

  13. Pelosi is going to vote to remove the President from office tomorrow and she expects him to shake her hand? Classless. She should not have tried to shake hands in the first place; a respectful nod would have been sufficient and more appropriate.

    1. Pelosi doesn’t VOTE in the Senate.. She is just the Speaker of the House piss-ants.. She is nobody

  14. When acquitted tomorrow of the Democrats deceitful charges, Trump should show Pelosi the proper way to handle the paperwork involved.

    1. Trump should take the articles of impeachment and rip them up. Then he can hold up his an “acquitted forever” document.

  15. A few weeks ago Pelosi was giving away pens while she signed Articles of Impeachment. I hope Pence grabs those ripped up pages and offers them as souvenirs to Republicans.

    1. Almost there. Trump should autograph each page, have them framed, and put them up for auction with the proceeds directed to those Republicans running against Democrats in Democrat-held purple states.

  16. She Lost it! thinking of all Her Pens been dumped into the garbage Tomorrow….Dam she HATES Trump… The Pope will need to give her a special audience with lots of Hillary’s Vodka,,,,…She has resisted & obstructed getting nothing but a temper outburst that Botox can’t hid… She will end up as a bag Lady in San-Fran doing her shit Act in the Street…. like all the other failed Democrats

  17. “She can tear up his speech but she can’t tear up his accomplishments”…..Senator Lindsey Graham to Sean Hannity, tonight.

    That was the best SOTU Address ever… and the worst reaction from a Speaker of the House ever.

    Pelosi is a disgusting woman. Her malevolent 80 year old mind is demented.

  18. Did you see all the women in white? Some people believe that they are members of a coven from the time of Nathaniel Hawthorne. This is mistaken.

    Actually, they’re all members of the Church of Scientology. (They believe government service helps them to become Thetans. You have to become a member to get the decoder ring.)

    1. That would be hilarious if true.

      For those who don’t know: by all accounts they fancied themselves the heiresses of the suffragettes. The same idle wives and daughters of wealthy elitists who supported every elite-approved social engineering scheme of the 20th century, from prohibition to fascism, on the grounds that it was morally wrong for working men to enjoy the fruits of their labour as they saw fit.

      President Trump is the leader of the first real workers’ and peasants’ revolution in the modern history of the western world. No wonder the elites (and their mistresses) are doing all they can to stop him.

  19. Loved watching the Dems sit stone faced and pouty as Trump read off record after record of low unemployment, wage increases, 7 million off food stamps, millions off welfare, thousands of factories returning to US etc etc.

    Great news for the nation.

    Democrats hate America even more than they hate Trump.

    And America just watched them demonstrate it. And Nancy put the Cherry on top.

  20. Tomorrow, someone will have the sense to slow the video. After the third papper ( out of 4 I believe) there is a smirk.

    It’s a vile little sick minded smirk.
    Make of it what you will, but make sure it gets noticed.

    This, illustrated correctly, will ruin her.

  21. Greg near Dallas,

    The Women in White were Democrat Women in period costumes. The ushers at the doors made them check their matching white hoods at the House coat check.

    Do not forget, Democrats were the Party of Slavery. Republicans were formed to stop and abolish slavery outside the Southern Slave States.

    The KKK was formed by the Southern Democrats to terrorize the Republicans and the Negro Freedmen in the South after the Civil War. The KKK lynched almost as many white Republicans as Freed Black Slaves in the post Civil War years.

  22. I know this’ll NEVER happen but wouldn’t it be nice if the Media were to treat Pelosi the way they’d of treated John Boehner if he were to of ripped up an Obama SOTU speech?

  23. There was a brief shot of Schiff and Nadler, side by side. Schiff looked like his best friend had just ran off with Schiff’s dog and pickup. Nadler looked like he had sold Schiff both the dog and the truck, and was taking payments. And Schiff needs the truck to get to work.

      1. The rebuttal of Trump’s SOTU address spouted boilerplate DeMarxist doctrine around their pet issues nobody cares about.

  24. Isn’t it illegal to destroy a Federal Government Record? Wouldn’t the Official Copy of the SOTU for 2020 presented to the Speaker of the US House of Representatives be such a record?

  25. I’m curious if there is some male counterpart, a husband of Pelosi…?

    I won’t call it a “man”, No REAL (sane), Man would marry that beat up commie battleaxe..would they.??

    “Petulant” doesn’t even come close.

    1. Yes there is and, strangely enough, he’s very wealthy. Government assistance and all.

  26. I heard about this, just saw the video. That is so awful. She’d take her marbles and go home, except she’s lost them.

  27. It’s all cinema.
    She was outraged that Trump wants to outlaw late term abortions. Her paper ripping is a metaphor of her delight in ripping up the not yet born.

    If there are no late term abortions, that will be a significant financial blow to the Democrats. There’s a lot of money in selling bodies and body parts.

  28. The poo flinging baboon of the House was completely calculated in her actions. Sure she was raging, but her message to ALL democrats was a war cry. This behaviour is foreshadowing. They will bring violence to the elections. This is about overthrowing America with Trump hatred as the match to light the fire. They were accelerating the revolution during the half black muslim Presidency. This 3+ year Deep State war against the OFFICE of the President was building the bonfire material higher day by day. President Trump hit every hot button during his speech to let them know he knows who his enemies are. The Democrats are the enemies of the American people.

  29. Democrats have difficulty understanding that stuff that plays well in Greenwhich Village don’t always impress the average American.
