In Racial Dominatrix News

“Why liberal white women pay a lot of money to learn over dinner how they’re racist.” Says the Guardian, approvingly.

It turns out that quite a few well-heeled ladies of the left are keen to be denounced over dinner as “part of the problem,” warned against having “unmonitored thoughts,” and told to “own their racism,” whether real or imagined, in what amounts to a niche, and rather perverse, status game.

If it sounds self-preoccupied and a tad neurotic, that’s because it is.

15 Replies to “In Racial Dominatrix News”

  1. “Jackson and Rao have hardly been able to take a break since they started these dinners in the spring of 2019. So far, 15 dinners have been held in big cities across the US.”

    Wow. That is one dinner every 3 weeks. Talk about dedication. With a little less effort they could both slip into government jobs.

  2. What ever happened to the other Indian woman (India, the country) and her crazy “Hough Mungas “ tirade and later tirade at city council in Seattle?

    I love women and have a good and happy marriage of 40 years. I trust them in many decisions that have to be made. But I will never vote for a women.

    “Vanity, thou art women”
    “I think of a man. Then I take away reason and accountability”

    Guess the sources…..

    1. The second one is from “As good as it gets”, an awesome movie from the 90s starring Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt.

  3. Sounds like pathology that could be addressed under Shariah law. Perhaps the “next thing” for the rich and entitled leftist females is Shariah camp where they get the full body bags, beatings, back seats, etc.

  4. I recall reading somewhere that 50 shades of grey was a big seller among women. If true, this high-end flagellation is par for the course

  5. These hucksters never bother preying on white women who voted for Trump. With few exceptions, the menfolk of Trump-supporting women work for a living, earn their money, and insist the money be well spent—and would not spend four figures on anything like this even if they could afford it, which few can.

    Idle women who live off wealthy husbands and fathers can well afford not to discriminate. Daddy and hubby shield them thoroughly from the costs of “diversity” incurred by everyone else.

  6. What is this thing with the left that they like to be accused of false charges? It’s been the same in every Communist season: French Revolution, Soviet, Mao, Cambodia and all over the west in the ’70s… and now.
    It’s a sign of a disturbed mind which in the Catholic tradition was called “scruple obsession”. Here, instead of being corrected, it’s socially exalted and inculcated, evidently to be used for political and economical advantage. Evidently the Communist mindset makes them proud of this perversion.
