21 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

  1. Can I get the name of his lawyer? I have a parking ticket that I would like to go away. I’ll do anything. Winks.

    1. Jeff…If you trans-auto to an electric vehicle, I’m sure something can be done to make that ticket disappear.

  2. The State is keeping the deviant on the sexual predator list. Unfortunately, that is about the best we can hope for.

    There are too many empty headed bleeding hearts that will find lawyers to support the predator now that the sexual criminal discovered the Transgender Scam. The Woke will defend the deviant because their Moral Rectitude and Progressivism require it.

    1. When almost half of the society think that there is more than two genders or sexes this is the level of insanity we are exposed to.

    2. And the Iowa Attorney General is a long-time lefty. No one reads. There are women in a prison in the U.K. who might provide insight on individuals of this nature. There will be new victims followed by public outcry. Yawn. Our government is infinitely mindless.

    1. also smarter than that stupid ass judge…

      the guy still has exactly the same brain he had before……when he committed those crimes

  3. And also in the news, during the impeachment trial, if you run for president you’re immune from investigation. Like Joe Biden, Al Capone should have run for president.

    1. Except for Donald Trump. He was investigated by Obama’s weaponized FBI as soon as he announced his candidacy, and it only got worse after he became the Republican nominee.
      Heck, this whole impeachment trial is going after someone who is running for the presidency, to wit Donald Trump.

  4. This isn’t over because the heart is evil and desperately wicked – who can know it? And it has reasons that the reason knows not of.

  5. For decades feminists told us that sexual assault was about power, not sexual attraction.
    I guess they’re throwing that ridiculous assertion under the bus? Eh, probably not.

  6. In western countries, women don’t do real time. Their prisons are glorified spas.

    It was only a matter of time before the more cunning sort of sexual pervert tried to get that deal for himself.

    Male-female sex changes are much less popular in countries where women go to real prisons, for some reason.

  7. how will josie do on the matchmaker web sites?
    theyre gonna have to set up special categories.
    lots of them.
    100s of thousands of them.

  8. If Hitler had only identified as a female he wouldn’t have had to shoot himself. Everyone on death row should do the same thing. Post modern nihilism – doing its bit to make the west a receptive habitat for authoritarian statism and green theocracy.

    1. “If Hitler had only identified as a female he wouldn’t have had to shoot himself.”

      Ja! His SS bodyguard would have done it for him just like they did the homo SA 12 years earlier.

  9. What some suggest here had already been done in Britain.
    A convict managed to get himself sent to a women’s prison, even though he still had his equipment from birth.
    Yes, he found a paradise. Every night they lock women up in the same cell with him. It was after multiple rapes that the authorities finally wised up and sent him to a man’s prison.
