The Stupid Party

And just when you thought it couldn’t get stupider.

131 Replies to “The Stupid Party”

    1. Wp, that’s very good, but untrue. The CPC can’t “fix this country” and they have no intention of trying to,they just want their snouts in the Major Trough as much as the Liberals do.

      If the CPC elects McKay leader,and it looks like the men behind the curtain want it that way, we will be just as much in thrall to the Eastern Elites as we are now. Should McKay and the CPC actually win the next election the only difference will be the utterly annoying Butts/Trudeau combo gone.
      But McKay and his crew would soon be just as Elitist oriented and hated as Trudeau is now. Western separation is the only way to go when we have choices like we do now.

      My own suggestion for a CPC motto is; “Feel the Power”, a bit of a reference to the guys who run the politicians who run this country on their behalf.

      A more honest but possibly not suitable for public consumption; ” We are well and truly f***ed”.

      1. For sure, it can’t be all fixed, but some things are possible, and even a halt in the deterioration is helpful. The slogan I proposed says that important things are broken, and implies that a return to older ways is the direction we should go.

        As to the likelihood of leadership turning things around, I share your pessimism.

      2. Don;

        Two thoughts:

        1) A Peter MacKay CPC (emphasis on the PC = politically correct) leadership will lead to a reform – PC split. It could actually produce a working coalition if they agreed not to run against each other. The western Conservatives would have to run under a western banner like BUDI (Buffalo Unilateral Declaration of Independence = BUDI, eh!) or WEXIT. The rest of the Country including BC could run under the CPC and together they might win enough seats to form a coalition government.

        2) SDA Nation and like-minded conservatives need to launch a take-over: Make the Conservative Party Conservative Again! That movement would need a leader. Kate, you up for it? If not, how about Ezra Levant, or, my personal favourite Mark Steyn. He could run under the slogan “I’ll come back for you!” And run his whole campaign from the Tucker Carlson show with cameo appearances on other Fox News shows.

        Otherwise we’re Effed.

  1. Only way to find success is to 1). Adopt PPC policies; and 2). Find an abrasive, yet charismatic personality like Trump to deliver the message. And, unfortunately, I don’t believe that will ever happen.

      1. Really? So you don’t think Trudeau is a populist? He was only elected because of his name!
        You’re another fucctard like unme who doesn’t know reality. Go back to the HuffPo and dribble your puss there.

        1. Trudeau, just like Chavez, was elected on his promise to screw over “rich” people. In both cases, the “rich” people were not who they thought it was.
          The MSM touted Chavez as a populist. Except, they liked, and cheered for, him.

          1. Because he’s retarded. Lacks the cognitive equipment to think of concepts beyond ‘muh tribe gud urs bad’.

          2. Who assumed you like Trudeau?
            I only pointed out that the MSM touted Chavez as a populist. And, pointed out Trudeau used the same means as Chavez to get elected. Thus, Trudeau would be a populist.
            The MSM also touted Trump as a populist but hate him.
            There, does that make more sense?

          3. “Trudeau used the same means as Chavez to get elected”

            That’s absurd. Chavez never proposed legalizing MJ. Hell Trump’s vastly more Chavista than Trudeau in style and substance.

          4. Alla Ass, you have proved your stupid a long time ago. You think paper work stops chinese steel from crossing the border, when “paper” could even stop the Iranians from acquiring a highly restricted produce that is used in center fugues and rocket nose cones. you are THAT stupid!!

            As to your disliking Trump, you are too stupid to understand Trump, and his way to success

          5. “you are too stupid to understand Trump, and his way to success”

            Just add another dimension to the chess board.

      2. WTF does that even mean Mr blue tied “Democrat”…? you and your arrogant ignorant like minded Champagne Socialist morons would have us all bow down and take it up the ass by the likes of PM blackbeard and his band of UN – Laurentien Elite handlers supported whole heartedly by The Liberal Party, the CPC, NDP, Greens & Bloc…??


      3. Allan s:
        It is precisely their brainwashed, naive, utter stupidity in re-electing the corrupt Princess Selfie and that prevents them from the so-called “populist” path towards fixing this fake democracy.

      4. Unfortunately they aren’t smart enough to avoid left-populism. Granted in the low-dose form Canada is getting it’s less poisonous than the right populism the US is getting and rejecting.

      5. Pffft. Blackie epitomizes the populist path its just that his popularity is to urban quims and nutless soyboys.

      6. They will as soon as a personality arises who shows them that what they’ve been thinking for so long is true and there is an alternative to the same unifrom tired old policies

    1. That’s a great way for the CPC to commit mass suicide. Canadians aren’t interested, period. Even Americans aren’t interested. Trump is widely and willy despised.

        1. The polling is clear: Trump’s approval-disapproval rating has been negative since shortly after inauguration.

          1. Its always been BETTER than Bongo’s throughout his presidency. Slight detail you forgot/ignore

          2. “Its always been BETTER than Bongo’s throughout his presidency. ”

            That’s a lie. A straightup baldfaced lie.

          3. Rasmussen is just one (not very good) polling firm. I got Nate Silver and the data at 538 on my side. I win.

      1. No, he isn’t “willy despised”, that’s the media brainwashing underway. If you are a sheep that believes every last thing the mediots tell you to think. Free thinkers have other opinions.
        Good for investors.
        Good for those who arent bound to SJW groupthink
        Good for those who arent bound to Leftwing groupthink
        Good for those who believe in freedom and free speech
        Good for those who don’t believe in socialism

        1. This comment is meant to support DanBC’s, not UnMe.

          Yes, with the 24 hours a day most massive anti-Trump propaganda, it is surprising that he still more or less holds his own.
          Not that he is without sin, though he does know what’s he doing and expects what he gets.
          If the massive anti-Trump propaganda is going the end with him losing or winning of course remains to be seen.
          Those that do predictions don’t know dick, as it is prosaically described.
          Nobody knows, the polls are made to lie in favor of those that pay for them and what they want to hear.

          1. Demoncrats are also overweighted in these polls, proven time and time again. This leads to the skewed results that the dork wants to believe, like all the polls that said Hitlery was a landslide winner

          2. “Demoncrats are also overweighted in these polls, proven time and time again. ”

            No they’re not: “The basic premise of the unskewers is wrong. Most pollsters don’t weight their results by party self-identification, which polls get by asking a question like “generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a….” Party identification is an attitude, not a demographic. There isn’t some national number from the government that tells us how many Democrats and Republicans there are in the country. ”


            It’s amazing how everything you know just isn’t so.

    1. The Spawn’s alleged father used that one for one of their campaigns and it shows how spin-doctor driven the CPC is to recycle that with insignificant changes. It looks like Joe Clark with a chin (McKay) will sew this one up. Wexit it is!

  2. How about “10% across the board tax cut” for a slogan? That might blow off some wigs.

    Dear Conservatives: Your one job is to win power so you can SHRINK the government and make it do LESS.

    We do not want or need more government making more regulations on more things. We want government concentrating its energies on the few things it can actually accomplish: disease control, roads and bridges, national defense, criminal justice and enforcing contracts.

    Canada is a tiny nation currently run by corrupt officials. The corruption is rampant at every single level from national to local. Idiots who want more corruption already have a party to vote for, the Liberals. Idiots who think Communism is the answer have a party as well, the NDP.

    People who don’t like corruption and don’t believe in Communism currently have no party speaking for them. That’s 70% of the population. Maybe you should think about that a little bit, eh?

    I know you guys read this blog and these comments. How about you try, for once in your miserable lives, to be the party of personal freedom and personal honesty? Its the one thing you haven’t tried yet.

    1. I’ve repeatedly suggested to local pols and their staff that for once, they should try running on a hard fiscal and social conservative platform. When they tell me they won’t win on that platform I point out they aren’t winning on heir current platform, either, and vote counts would once and for all settle the issue of whether Canadians truly want that.

      I suspect the PPC’s performance actually answers that question, though

      1. A hard social conservative platform would again destroy the party as a functional organization. Nobody’s interested. NOBODY.

        1. Unbelievable Retard said: “A hard social conservative platform would again destroy the party as a functional organization.”

          Please explain what is “hard social conservative” about a 10% tax cut and reduced government regulation.

          1. I was replying to Dan Ream you spaz.

            “You speak for few. The dumb few.”

            It’s actually the New Majority. We won.

        2. You speak for few. The dumb few. Which, by the way is the reason why Canada will not last too many more years in its current form.

    2. “I know you guys read this blog and these comments. How about you try, for once in your miserable lives, to be the party of personal freedom and personal honesty? Its the one thing you haven’t tried yet.”

      Excellent,TP. But I wonder IF the CPC IS even aware of SDA. I spoke to my local CPC MP just before the election in 2015, and neither he nor his Riding staff had ever heard of it. The CPC is so out of touch with voters outside Toronto/Ottawa, I question whether they monitor any conservative blogs.
      They DO spend their time nervously watching CBC and the rest of the mainstream media for their daily dose of public opinion, which is hardly a good indicator of that, but DO they ever read our comments here? I have no idea.

      Btw, they DO read Huffington Post regularly.

      1. “The CPC is so out of touch with voters outside Toronto/Ottawa…..”
        Rest assured the CPC is totally oblivious to any regional opinions, with perhaps the exception of Montreal. They are in an echo chamber of their own making. A lot of very good, bright people have stepped away from the party, as they should. The possible coronation of McKay is a clear indicator of how bereft of political acumen and talent, at all levels, they have become. A smart, confident, mature and political astute woman as leader would, in my view, give them a win in the next election.

      2. Hell Don, you can send those assholes (cpc) an e-mail, and they don’t listen or read them.

        They are too smart for us regular voters

          1. So, when you say studied, does that have any merit in actual field, on the ground testing? Like, has there ever been a cutting of services which, although killing the position and salary said government work, when observed, found that said service was redundant and/or completely unnecessary and easily filled in by the local citizens without financial compensation? Most social service positions in our nation could be eliminated all together with some minor discomfort and pain for a season, then the local communities could rally with true volunteers making a difference in people’s lives with real solutions to real issues and problems.

            Besides, the Cato Institute is a commie-leaning socialist hotbed of stunted group thinkers. Nice try.

          2. “the Cato Institute is a commie-leaning socialist hotbed of stunted group thinkers.”

            No it isn’t. They’re flawed, and you’re insane and not addressing the point.

        1. “25% cut to all government spending would be a great start. ”

          Except the military – they’re already starving to death under a 50% cut; the extra 50% that Canada promised when we joined NATO, and we spend on welfare, vote-buying and telethons while gleefully sheltering under the U.S. nuclear umbrella and letting them do all the work.

    3. It will never happen. Even with the CPC forming the government, the senior civil servants are the ones in charge. They just need parliament to pass their laws. They prefer the LPC as they rarely balk at even the most insane, leftist legislation. Adding animal rights to the criminal code, for example.

      The bureaucrats find the CPC to be an hindrance. Any party leaning towards reducing government will be opposed by almost all civil servants.

    4. A good start but now you have a bigger budget deficit. You gotta cut that spending.

      How about just ending supply management and the web of controls on Canadian TV and radio? No cost and I think it would start something.

      1. Unbelievable Retard said: “A good start but now you have a bigger budget deficit. You gotta cut that spending.”

        There’s only one way to safely reduce the size and power of a government. Reduce its income.

        There are two ways to do that, the easy way and the hard way. The easy way is a tax cut. The hard way is widespread tax avoidance and corruption, where everything is done in cash and off the books. Aka Greece, or Mexico.

        I know which I would prefer.

    5. “How about you try, for once in your miserable lives, to be the party of personal freedom and personal honesty?”

      To be fair, conservatives aren’t interested in this really at all. They weren’t interested when Harper passed asinine laws against guns, prostitution, and other Bad Things, and turned Canada into more of a surveillance state. Reap what you sow.

      1. Your comments get dumber and dumber as time goes on. I guess the “edibles” are starting to kick in.

  3. I will be donating a little bit of money to the PPC and the Wexit party, and cutting ties to the CPC. Peter “the rotting corpse of social conservatism” MacKay is the presumptive leader.

    Btw, the inside-boy shenanigans to limit potential entrants to the CPC race is sleazy and discouraging.

  4. Make no mistake this is precisely where the political power elite want the CPC positioned.

    This is not a mistake.

  5. Slogans are pablum for the masses. No different than sports teams that promote ‘Leafs Nation or Oiler’s Nation’ and then suggest ‘it’s your Leafs or Oiler’s’. Sure it is.

    I looked at borque news this morning. The cbc is still asking Scheer about the money he negotiated to pay for his kids schooling. You know, that money he stole…. Somebody got a call from Katie and told to keep the story alive. Same thing with the ‘Harper is Gonna Run’ theme. All bullshit promoted by the libranos and their cbc co-conspirators.

  6. I was a strong supporter of Andrew Scheer and the CPC. Why!! A: I’m from Saskatchewan as was Andrew Scheer. B: I looked at his numbers after the election, and the many reasons he lost, and came to the conclusion that very little of it was his fault. If I had anyone to blame for the loss it was the CBC, CTV and other negative leftist propaganda paid for by Trudeau and company. On the other hand, and long before the election, when some of us warned the party that this was coming, our letters and e-mails fell on deaf ears.

    Add to that the disappointment of finding out that Pierre Poilievre isn’t running, and I must say that being a paying member of the CPC had been a very sad experience. I was one of the people who sat in small town bars and restaurants in SW Sask when the Reform Party was being organized. I remember one fellow from the Shaunavon-Eastend district who worked day and night to get the party going, and finally got elected. His name was Lee Morrison.

    Within less than 6 years, we were two seats away from the official opposition, thanks to Preston Manning. Had Chretien had balls, he could have prevented the Bloq from holding the position of official opposition, mostly because it was NOT a Federal party, But he brown nosed Quebec instead of the West. Then in 1997, we did make it as official opposition. Keeping in mind that the CCF-NDP party from 1932 (1935 as a federal party) up until 1997 yet hadn’t yet come close to becoming the official opposition. Add to all the fanfare of the Canadian Alliance, the merger, etc. etc. It was a long uphill climb.

    I just happen to be one of the stubble jumpers that’s had it up to here with it all. Now we have start over with a new leader. I’d bet my John Deere belt buckle that Trudeau won’t be defeated by any of the people I’ve seen that are now now lined up in front of the CPC confessional. Unless of course Stephen Harper decides to come back.

    As for Wexit and PPC, that’s another pipe dream. But then, so was Dick Tracy’s wrist watch until very recently. Only time will tell!!

    Keep On truckin’ !!

    1. Drifter
      Sorry, I don’t buy that bit of propaganda one bit.

      Scheer lost for one Reason: There was SFA differentiating himself from the Liberals. ZERO..!!

      Pro CBC
      Pro Climate Change BS
      Voted to allow ISIS filth to keep citizenship
      Pro Islam
      Pro Monopolies
      Pro Un and all their BS
      Anti Free Speech (Salim Mansour)
      Hired Kinsella to shit on the ONLY Conservative voice on the country

      And that’s supposedly a “conservative”..??

      Spare me please..!! The CPC is as corrupt, bought n paid for as is the Liberals & the MSM.


      1. Steakman ….I hope that that is not a new revelation for you..the cons have been useless for decades now.

    2. Scheer could have grown a pair and stood up to the media. Instead, he would waffle on his position. Then, he bullied Rebel Media hoping that pleasing his sworn enemies that they would become his friends.
      No, it was 40% MSM and 60% Scheer’s fault. I made it that ratio as the LPC gave him tons of ammo for the CPC to use. He failed to take advantage of it. Despite that, he did win the popular vote and gained some traction for the CPC.

      1. I’m a member of the flat earth society. Just kidding!

        This morning I was watching a doc. on the Smithsonian Channel. A lady from the Maritimes was explaining that members of the flat earth society are not so much concerned with whether or nor not the earth is spherical or flat. The society believes that the individual has the right to believe what he or she wishes to believe and with the knowledge that she or she possesses.

        I was raised in SW Sask in an area where the land is as flat as Rouleau, Sedley, and onto Weyburn. So I can relate to her. The same applies to politics. If you want to believe that Andrew Scheer fell short of his duties as CPC leader, than that’s your right. But I don’t believe that Trudeau will be defeated by any of the prospective CPC leaders that have stepped up the plate so far. And I don’t believe that the PPC and Bernier will ever form a party.
        I was, and still am a reformist at heart. And I worshipped Preston Manning for his honesty and integrity.

    3. Plainz Drifter

      I remember those years clearly. Lee Morrison, Elwin Hermanson, Myron Thompson, Darryl (Knuckles) Stinson, Deb Grey and of course the leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition lucifer bouchard. The ‘West Want’s In’ was the battlecry. It was a fun time in Canadian politics with some real characters but in the end what was achieved? Did the west get in? What concessions were made?

      Nothing will ever change. It can’t. The deck is stacked in favour of quebek. Ontario knows which side of the bread is buttered. I’ve been a politico since the Manning (the first one) days. Politics was always discussed in our house we were a politically active family. I’ve heard it all. Seen it all. IMO not one thing can be changed within the system – nothing. No new party no Wexit. It will not be allowed to succeed.

      Political change in a democracy takes place only when all other options have been exhausted. No other path remains viable only radical change. When that point is reached, well maybe Alberta will take the high jump. We’re not there yet.

      1. God!! You brought back good memories!! Mr. Morrison was a geologist by profession! Great guy!!

  7. The only accurate slogan I can think of that encapsulates the divisions in both Canada and the CPC – linguistic, political, economic, regional – is:

    “A house divided cannot stand”

    …a divorce can sometimes be the best option

  8. My wife and I have just received our Official Survey Documents from the CPC wanting advice for the new leader of the party. They each have a fancy Tracking Code CP10247CD and are prepared exclusively for each of us. So why are the codes the same? BTW I’ve told the CPC telephone callers I no longer support the party but they don’t listen so I’m still on their mailing list.

  9. Canadians re-elected an unethical, witless fop. No, Canadians aren’t strong. Canada isn’t strong.

  10. Whatever the federal Conservative parties (plural intentional) use as a slogan to win, or “nearly win” the next election, it’s certain that the skew of representation in the House of Commons of which nobody in the media is aware of will play a part in re-electing a federal Liberal Party of Canada that continually seeks to destroy Western Canada, and our freedoms.

    The Liberals will be back, whichever the outcome of the next election.

    The only way to not have the Liberals return to power and to punish the western provinces with that power, is to separate.

    I won’t support any of the federal parties with $ or time or a sign, but voting for any of the center or left of center parties isn’t going to happen either.

    1. If like me former CPC supporters are telling the party that they are going Wexit the fallout at HQ must be sinking in. I have told them and the BC Liberal Party that I will be voting Wexit both federally and provincially. Same as you it doesn’t stop the phone calls or mail. CPC elects another progressive conservative and the schism simply speeds up.

      In my history with the PC-Reform-CPC the only time I saw any kind of business plan for Party development was with early days Reform. IMHO the CPC has been living off residual Reform goodwill. Well that’s gone now. The only thing that will stunt Wexit is if Kenney pulls out of the CPP and sends the RCMP packing. That might cause a pause but ultimately it will make the split easier. It is the minimum that has to be done.

      1. The Cons will allign themselves with the Libs in the name of national unity; again.

  11. Western Canada remains content to be a mercantilist colonial backwater under the tyrannical jackboot of the Imperial Laurentian Aristocracy. Why are Western Canadians so obsessed with remaining as colonies, rather than growing up and joining the community of free and independent nations, like Austria did, and Slovakia, and the Czech Republic, and Latvia, and Estonia, and Lithuania, and Hungary…?

  12. Peter MacKay will never clearly define the Canadians who make him proud.

    Probably because many if not most of the people he expects to buy memberships on his behalf are not people your typical Conservative voter would consider to either be Canadian in any meaningful sense of the word, or to merit anything resembling pride.

  13. How about coming up with an actual philosophy of governance and subsequently a governing program, THEN the slogans? Then they might not suck!

    These guys can’t even get the order of operation right. They can’t do anything right. They might actually nom McKay.

  14. Can’t we just go with, “_________________(insert candidate name here), a man / woman / can’t decide (delete all non-applicable) of the people” and be done with it?

  15. Comment seen on American conservative weblogs:

    “Q: When will Canadian men rise up and take the country back from Globohomo feminazis?
    A: there are no Canadian men.”

    1. Ah yes, reminds me of what I say to all those who say they don’t vote: “I don’t care except for the fact that I get the government YOU deserve”/

      1. Robert

        In a democracy you have the right to vote. Conversely you have the right not to vote.

        The statement, “you have no say in the matter because you didn’t vote,” doesn’t hold up. My one vote wont decide the fate of the election. You still participate in the economy and pay your taxes even if you don’t vote. It’s a choice. That’s all.

  16. Honest CPC slogan: “No threat to leviathan and the bankrupt welfare state.” or how about: “The worst government, next to the others.” or my favourite: “Pimping the decline, it’s all we can muster”. Of course, these could all be equally appropriate to the GOP.

  17. and the NP is also trying to convince us that CHRISTY CLARK may also through her PC bonnet into the ring, just when you think this couldnt be more of a clown show. Think about it, Christy, EFFING Clark. This is the same creature that couldn’t beat the NDP for a second time, that former “Liberal” voters vote Green as a protest vote against her. The same thing that had no policies to run on from her second term, that had meandered to the mushy middle. She IS a Liberal in almost all sense of the word, she is what used to be called a MARTINITE.
    Can’t think what would be an even bigger mistake, there isn’t much conservative about her either. She’s a carbon taxer, that’s enough that anybody needs to know about her!

    1. The carbon tax isn’t the worst aspect of her reign. Her raiding ICBC to produce those ‘surpluses’ was.

    2. Just what the PPC needs, another Liberal running the CPC 🙂

      But it will, whoever it is, be an establishment candidate, sanctified by the CBC and the Liberal party.

    3. Kristy Klark was also a young Liberal, she worships at the alter of Peeair Turdhole… Chinese gangsters lover her. She was also married to a lifelong federal Liberal… Klark was old Crotch’s Liberal agent on the west coast willing to do whatever federal Liberal Party told her to do.

      1. Oh yes, Sean, I am well aware what a phony she is, despite all the critics online that have called her a “conservative” for years. She’s a dyed in the wool, lifelong Liberal. She stole the BCL leadership when everyone expected Falcon to win it.
        She would be a disaster as a Conservative Liberal/Liberal Conservative leader. Still, McKay has enough legacy as a Red Tory to probably “win”, though he gives NOTHING to the west, and CClark even less.
        Daddy was a PET cabinet minister, and, there’s a picture floating around online somewhere, of a very young, and overweight CC, protesting Brian Mulroney, up close and personal. SHe’s a total phony

  18. As it looks now, there is no win option for the “Conservative” party.
    The “Conservative” party is none such, it is simply another “Liberal” party with different name.
    The “Conservatives” don’t actually care about being conservative, they just want to rule.
    Not good enough.
    Sloganeering and standing for everything that is “Liberal”, socialist and green is road to nowhere.
    Yeah, the airhead can have another turn if he chooses, there is no clear choice other that “I wanna be prime minister” from the, what they call “opposition”.
    Pierre Poilievre’s performance in the past parliament was rather admirable, well spoken and good attacks on the Liberals.
    You have to respect that he chose to look after his family then get into the mud of $300 K circus.
    It could turn up to be a loss of a good leader, though as it is nobody will never know.
    MacKay is past his best before date, no matter how much are the swamp that is residue of “Conservatives” going to spin it.
    Too bad, here come the “Liberals”

  19. Vote for us, we are nicer.

    Nice Canadians vote for us.

    Oh, the election slogans just write themselves.

  20. From my understanding the leader will be chosen by Elizebeth May’s best friend, Lisa Raitt and other Red Torys… making sure the new leader is ideologically Liberal enough… MacKay would signal the end of the Con Party and remove any doubt that Turdholeland is a One Party State, the One Party State that Fuhrer Peeair so desired. #WEXIT

  21. The CPC’s slogan is “Even when you elect us,Liberals rule”
    “Liberals forever.”.
    The Uni-Party continues and stupid voter can “really see the difference”.

  22. I’d vote for Peter Rabbit before I’d vote for Peter MacKay and the nutless pink sheep in the Conservative caucus.

  23. Two thoughts:

    1) A Peter MacKay CPC (emphasis on the PC = politically correct) leadership will lead to a reform – PC split. It could actually produce a working coalition if they agreed not to run against each other. The western Conservatives would have to run under a western banner like BUDI (Buffalo Unilateral Declaration of Independence = BUDI, eh!) or WEXIT. The rest of the Country including BC could run under the CPC and together they might win enough seats to form a coalition government.

    2) SDA Nation and like-minded conservatives need to launch a take-over: Make the Conservative Party Conservative Again! That movement would need a leader. Kate, you up for it? If not, how about Ezra Levant, or, my personal favourite Mark Steyn. He could run under the slogan “I’ll come back for you!” And run his whole campaign from the Tucker Carlson show with cameo appearances on other Fox News shows.

    Otherwise we’re Effed.

  24. so according to mckay, strength in Canadun has NOTHING to do with *him*?
    accuracy in advertising.
    yo, CPC, give HIM the nod and I will refuse to vote for the first time ever.
    Ive been voting for 50 years.

  25. It seems to me that people who supported Maxime Bernier, the greatest disaster in Canadian political history, shouldn’t be calling other people STUPID.
