95 Replies to “January 26, 2020: Reader Tips”

    1. They’re being replaced with tourists with Canadian passports that only become Canadians when our government decided to pay them. Otherwise is written by an Iranian in the NYTs they are Iran’s (Or any other shit-hole country’s) brightes and best:

      “Among the plane’s passengers were some of Iran’s best and brightest. They included prominent scientists and physicians, dozens of Iran’s top young scholars and graduates of elite universities, and six gold and silver medal winners of international physics and math Olympiads.

      There were two newlywed couples who had traveled from Canada to Tehran for their weddings just days earlier. There were families and young children.”

      1. The word Islam means “submission”. Not only in the sense of submission to Allah, but in the sense of making everyone submit to the rule of Islam.

        Islam is about subduing the world and making it submit.

        The Muslims believe that Mohammed is the exemplar of right conduct.

        Equals no:

        Christianity (2.1 billion)
        Nonreligious (Secular/Agnostic/Atheist) (1.1 billion)
        Hinduism (900 million)
        Chinese traditional religion (394 million)
        Buddhism 376 million
        Primal-indigenous (300 million)
        African traditional and Diasporic (100 million)
        Sikhism (23 million)
        Juche (19 million)
        Spiritism (15 million)
        Judaism (14 million)
        Bahai (7 million)
        Jainism (4.2 million)
        Shinto (4 million)
        Cao Dai (4 million)
        Zoroastrianism (2.6 million)
        Tenrikyo (2 million)
        Neo-Paganism (1 million)
        Unitarian-Universalism (800,000)

        You either become Muslim or die!

    2. In the mid-1980s, I was in a continuing education course at a community college in Southern Ontario. Two other students were a retired couple from Estonia. At the time, to my shame, I was a supporter of big government and made my living working for a large multi-national that chased a lot of work from the federal and international government agencies. I made a glib, throw-away comment, about the merits of socialism and endured a good scolding from the Estonian couple about why I was totally wrong. It was the first time I had encountered people with a first hand experience at the hands of a tyrannical Socialist regime.

      It startled me but I learned a lot from those folks. Even in the 1960s and 1970s in Western Canada could one grow up shielded from the truth of the Red Menace.

    1. Ah good. Macron has been flawed but good for France. He deserves re-election and going up against Mrs Nazi would make it much more likely.

          1. Macron you skull****ed retard is another globalist commie you support. You always do that. Why do you pretend you have no idea what this is about now?

            Just kill yourself, really. It is such a nice blog when you’re not here.

          2. Oh right you’re retarded.

            Macron isn’t a commie you moron. He’s moving France towards freer markets, imperfectly but definitely.

          3. Bitch please. None here buys your bullshit. Why do you even try? We all know you’ll fellate every globalist commie who wants to destroy the Western World. Macron is just one of them. Librano, dhimicrat, Merkel, Macron, Tusk all the same story. You’re using them to destroy the Western World while they’re whoring themselves for your support and importing more like you. Civilized people end up paying for it all. Same old, same old until it all collapses into Balkans like bloody mess.

    1. Anybody thinking the CCP wouldn’t do this to their own people is delusional.

      Chairman Mao’s initial plans for wiping out remaining opposition to communist rule in mainland China called for the murder of 50 million peasants, nearly 10 percent of the total population at the time.

      1. What’s 20% losses to China, if your country is only 30 million and your losses are 20%, or 30%? The place would cease being a functional entity. Walk right in, slaughter the rest. Don’t even have to build new housing, roads etc.

        1. With 20% loses to chicom population (which there is no indication Corona will even come close to by several orders of magnitude) China would be beyond crippled and utterly unable to mount and invasion.

          The only implausible but logical theory I have read, regarding the virus, is that it is meant to decimate elderly chicom population and thus dig chicoms out of the demographic trap, that one child per family policy, got them into. Like I said, implausible, but makes sense and could be conceived by a leadership culture that is entirely devoid of basic humane emotions.

      2. RT, and he managed to reach his goal, wonderful is it not, and Canada has a China worshiping PM. What could possibly go wrong?

      3. “Chairman Mao’s initial plans for wiping out remaining opposition to communist rule in mainland China called for the murder of 50 million peasants, nearly 10 percent of the total population at the time.”

        – Not nearly. Chairman Mao’s plans called for wiping out 300 million peasants – half of China’s population; he said he was prepared to lose that many if it meant the remainder were dedicated communists. He only wiped-out 30 million, which I’m sure he regarded as a failure of some sort.

        As Kate’s previous headline put it, “At the extreme right stand the Founding Fathers. At the extreme left lie 100 million dead people.” I suspect that number is at least 50% short.

    2. CORONAVIRUS is not a new virus. It has been around for at least two decades and is transmitted from animals to humans and then from humans to humans. It is said to have originated from eating cats, bats, and camels (depending on the strain). 2019-nCoV is a supposedly new strain of the coronavirus that surfaced in mid-December 2019 from a seafood market in China.

      Now follow with me:

      In 2004, the CDC filed a patent on a newly isolated coronavirus known as SARS. It expired on January 24, 2020 — pure coincidence given the timing of this media outbreak I’m sure.

      In 2015, the Pirbright Institute filed a patent for a live attenuated coronavirus to be used in the production of vaccines. The Pirbright Institute is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and recently received $5.5 million dollars to do what they do. They were “coincidentally chosen” to create the vaccine behind this current outbreak.

      They will be partnering with Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) to create said vaccine. This company brought you the zika quackxine in a record-breaking 7 months (run … just … run).

      Inovio Pharmaceuticals will be partnering with Wistar (funded by Bill and Melinda Gates), GeneOne (funded by Bill and Melinda Gates and sponsored by the US FDA) and Twist Biosciences (funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation). If the Wistar Institute sounds familiar, it should. This is the company that produced the WI-38 cell line derived from the “too many to count” aborted fetuses in the vaccines injected into your children.

      In October of 2019, the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health (Center for Health Security) held “Event 201,” which simulated an outbreak of a theoretical coronavirus that ironically, looks exactly like what’s playing out right now. It ultimately becomes a childhood disease for which we need to vaccinate against. Guess who it was funded by? The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

      You really can’t make this stuff up.

      Inovio Selected by CEPI to Develop Vaccine Against New Coronavirus
      Pirbright bags $5.5m from Gates Foundation to establish livestock antibody hub
      R&D Focus
      Novel Coronavirus 2019 Situation Summary, Wuhan, China | CDC
      The continuing 2019-nCoV epidemic threat of novel coronaviruses to global health
      Microsoft is buying 10 million molecules of custom DNA from a San Francisco startup
      The Event 201 scenario | A pandemic tabletop exercise
      US7220852- Coronavirus isolated from humans – Google Patents
      EP3172319B1 – Coronavirus – Google Patents

  1. Old bookmark…

    Thirty years ago, Marseilles lay burning in the sun, one day.
    A blazing sun upon a fierce August day was no greater rarity in southern France then, than at any other time, before or since. Everything in Marseilles, and about Marseilles, had stared at the fervid sky, and been stared at in return, until a staring habit had become universal there. Strangers were stared out of countenance by staring white houses, staring white walls, staring white streets, staring tracts of arid road, staring hills from which verdure was burnt away. The only things to be seen not fixedly staring and glaring were the vines drooping under their load of grapes. These did occasionally wink a little, as the hot air barely moved their faint leaves.
    There was no wind to make a ripple on the foul water within the harbour, or on the beautiful sea without. The line of demarcation between the two colours, black and blue, showed the point which the pure sea would not pass; but it lay as quiet as the abominable pool, with which it never mixed. Boats without awnings were too hot to touch; ships blistered at their moorings; the stones of the quays had not cooled, night or day, for months. Hindoos, Russians, Chinese, Spaniards, Portuguese, Englishmen, Frenchmen, Genoese, Neapolitans, Venetians, Greeks, Turks, descendants from all the builders of Babel, come to trade at Marseilles, sought the shade alike — taking refuge in any hiding-place from a sea too intensely blue to be looked at, and a sky of purple, set with one great flaming jewel of fire.
    The universal stare made the eyes ache. Towards the distant line of Italian coast, indeed, it was a little relieved by light clouds of mist, slowly rising from the evaporation of the sea, but it softened nowhere else. Far away the staring roads, deep in dust, stared from the hill-side, stared from the hollow, stared from the interminable plain. Far away the dusty vines overhanging wayside cottages, and the monotonous wayside avenues of parched trees without shade, drooped beneath the stare of earth and sky. So did the horses with drowsy bells, in long files of carts, creeping slowly towards the interior; so did their recumbent drivers, when they were awake, which rarely happened; so did the exhausted labourers in the fields. Everything that lived or grew, was oppressed by the glare; except the lizard, passing swiftly over rough stone walls, and the cicala, chirping his dry hot chirp, like a rattle. The very dust was scorched brown, and something quivered in the atmosphere as if the air itself were panting.
    Blinds, shutters, curtains, awnings, were all closed and drawn to keep out the stare. Grant it but a chink or keyhole, and it shot in like a white-hot arrow. The churches were the freest from it. To come out of the twilight of pillars and arches — dreamily dotted with winking lamps, dreamily peopled with ugly old shadows piously dozing, spitting, and begging — was to plunge into a fiery river, and swim for life to the nearest strip of shade. So, with people lounging and lying wherever shade was, with but little hum of tongues or barking of dogs, with occasional jangling of discordant church bells and rattling of vicious drums, Marseilles, a fact to be strongly smelt and tasted, lay broiling in the sun one day.


  2. I think there are lot of people who wouldn’t mind a snowblower like that.

    Seeing the swather reminded me of a comment in a recent John Batchelor interview. During the discussion, the comment was made that there’s a large market for second-hand farm machinery.

    One reason is that older equipment is often simpler and easier to maintain, particularly since there isn’t as much electronic gear on them. In addition, spare parts are usually still available. Another reason is that a good quality used machine often provides a good return on the investment because of the lower overall cost.

  3. Very impressive snowblower. I’ve thought about doing that with my old 1680 combine, but now that I have the time I’m getting too damned old to do it . One change that I would certainly make is the “music”. My God that was awful.

  4. “And let us reaffirm a fundamental truth:
    All children — born and unborn — are made in the holy image of God,” he continued.
    The Donald

    What does the savior of the unborn have to say about this?:
    “We command all satanic pregnancies to miscarry right now” —
    Special Adviser to the White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative Paula White

    1. Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons Lives in a glass house and is throwing stones…

      Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons
      Since this tweet has taken off, let me add: Paula White is one kind of Christian. There are others.

      I’m a progressive Christian. And there are millions more Americans like me. I’m writing a book about our bold tradition of advocating for social justice:

      Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons
      As Trump heads to the #MarchForLife, it’s important to note that many American religious groups support abortion rights.

      And yet the only religious voices we usually hear in the media are those who want to criminalize abortion.

      We need fair coverage of religion and politics!


      The Rev. John Russell Stanger and Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons were married June 1 at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Kentucky. The Rev. Lauren Jones Mayfield, a United Church of Christ minister, performed the ceremony.

      Here’s Guthrie twitter if you want more


      1. Thanks for the links.
        // Paula White is one kind of Christian. There are others. //
        She’s Trump’s kind of Christian, apparently.

        1. Funny how you paint also known as accuse President Trump with everything that Paula White say’s and does as if President is just as guilty from just being associated with her.

          So very Christian of you???

          So, I gather that all the sins of the of all the key evangelical leaders who Pray with President Trump’s campaign evangelical executive advisory board and/or have served in an advisory role since his inauguration should also fall onto Trump then as per your thinking?

          Gary Bauer — president, American Values; former president of Family Research Council; former chief domestic policy adviser in the Reagan administration

          Mark Burns — co-founder and CEO of The NOW Television Network in Easley, S.C.; spoke at the 2016 Republican National Convention

          Tim Clinton — president, American Association of Christian Counselors

          James Dobson — author, psychologist and host, “Family Talk”

          Jordan Easley — pastor of Englewood Baptist Church in Jackson, Tenn.; chairs Southern Baptists’ Young Leaders Advisory Council

          Jerry Falwell Jr. — president, Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va.

          Ronnie Floyd — author and senior pastor, Cross Church in northwest Arkansas; former Southern Baptist Convention president

          Jack Graham — author and pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas; former Southern Baptist Convention president

          Rodney Howard-Browne — co-founder of The River at Tampa Bay Church and Revival Ministries International in Florida

          Harry Jackson — senior pastor, Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Md.; co-founder of The Reconciled Church: Healing the Racial Divide

          Robert Jeffress — senior pastor, First Baptist Church of Dallas; hosted Fourth of July event at Kennedy Center featuring Trump as a speaker

          Richard Land — president, Southern Evangelical Seminary in Matthews, N.C.; former president, Southern Baptist Convention Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

          Greg Laurie — author and senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif.

          Eric Metaxas — author and host, “The Eric Metaxas Show”; speaker, 2012 National Prayer Breakfast

          Johnnie Moore — author, religious freedom advocate and public relations executive; serves as unofficial spokesman for group of evangelicals advising Trump administration

          Frank Page — president and CEO, Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee; former Southern Baptist Convention president; former member of President Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships

          Tony Perkins — president, Family Research Council

          Ralph Reed — founder, Faith and Freedom Coalition; former executive director, Christian Coalition

          Tony Suarez — executive vice president, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference

          Paula White — senior pastor, New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka, Fla.; first clergywoman to give an invocation at an inauguration

          They are responsible for what they say and do, not Trump…

  5. Peter M. Is running for Cpc leadership. Wonderful. Thrilling. Very exciting.

    He’s not as liberal as Justin, and he may be able to do a little grade school math.

    So he’ll destroy Canada less quickly. Fantastic.

    Maybe he’ll give Justin his Majority back?

    1. Another woose vying for the CPC leadership. I also heard there is a burgeoning movement afoot in Toronto to draft John Tory into the race. With the murder rate in T.O. on his watch being what it is, that may be a clever move. Imagine the damage that guy could do to the entire country if he became P.M.

    2. P, Canadians are socialists , even the so called CPC are socialist, so to even dream that there will ever be a real “conservative ” government in Canada is just that, a dream. You saw how many voted for Max, and that is the closest to conservative platform that Canada has been in my fairly long life.

        1. And yet there isn’t a Conservative in the land that can or will lay a finger on even the worst examples like the CBC and the Red Star.

          And no change expected.

          Conservatives enjoy losing like the Liberals enjoy corruption.

          It’s a feature not a bug.

          And if the Conservatives aren’t really just playing the Washington Generals in the Big Fix, then let me congratulate them for being maybe the most inept political organization this side of the United Nations.

          And headed in the wrong direction.

        2. Robert does that reflect that fact that I constantly complain about their tiny minds and their stupidity? If people are that stupid they deserve everything their stupidity produces which is mostly servitude.

      1. Oh Peter MacKay let me count the ways…

        Colin Powell, the former U.S. Secretary of State under President George W. Bush, confirmed Tuesday that hacked emails from his personal account were indeed genuine. U.S. media focused their coverage on Powell’s marked disdain for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. In one email, Powell even called Trump an “international pariah.”

        But for Canadians, there’s another compelling tidbit in the emails. Specifically, in this July, 2016 email that Powell addressed to former Canadian attorney general Peter MacKay:

        Peter, I am back from the Bohemian Grove. Surprise, surprise, I sat next to Stephen Harper a couple of times and had a nice discussion. Grove attendees know that Trump is a disaster. Most will vote against, but quite a few will not vote for Hillary and will vote for a third party candidate. Strange doings down here. Otherwise all is well with the Powells. We’ll sneak away for a few days in August. Of course I’d love to see you. Let me know your dates. I told Stephen that you seemed quite content in your new place in life.


        I will not be voting for Peter MacKay…

  6. The hardest part of snowblowing is getting the material in the right place without moving it too many times. It is much easier for me with dead calm or an East to West wind during the storm than the Northwest wind after the storm is over.

    1. Suspending flights to China? Impossible. How would they get their next generation of biological weapons out of our secure Winnipeg biolab?

  7. True North reports that Blackie’s new Canadian Armed Forces considers anyone who is Pro Life as extremists. And I’m waiting for the Toronto Star to blame Doug Ford for the virus arriving in diverse Toronto. Can someone explain why Blackie The Gay Pirate is not suspending flights from China????

    1. Suspend flights from China?

      How would all those ex officio Liberals (Chretien, Goldenberg, Manley, Martin, Graham, Gallant.etc, etc) get home?

      Besides,it’s Canada, you are allowed to do and say whatever the Government says you can, and not one iota more.

      No dissent allowed beyond the couple of dozen “far right extremists” required by the Canadian Media for ongoing Liberal election purposes.

      There will be no pushback. Conservatives, you know. Eunuchs and all that.

      Canadian Conservatives, they may have been faking it longer than women.

      The Joe Btfsplk of political parties.

      Unlovable losers.

  8. Just how stupid are Quebec politicians?? Well Post Millennial reports that a Quebec politician is praising the virus for reducing the carbon foot print in China. He is certainly cabinet material for Blackie.

    1. With respect, if I may, Ferrandez is sort of making a sick joke. He’s a shock jock DJ and ‘former’ mayor of an inner city Montreal district, who is looking for attention.

      From the piece: “Ferrandez is currently a radio host in Quebec and is the former mayor of Plateau Mont-Royal.”

      “Previously, Ferrandez had been widely criticized for promoting the idea of committing suicide to help the fight against climate change, asking in a Facebook post, “Could we, for environmental, social and economic reasons, decide that we want to receive help to die so as not to be a burden for our family and society in general?”

      (Yes, Monsieur Ferrandez, you first!)

  9. How long will Blackie wait before suspending flights to and from China is the question we need answered.

    How many cases will we have among those who were on the same flight as the person being isolated in Toronto’s Sunnybrook hospital?

    1. pfft.
      Im waiting for the TURDoo 2.0 edict that ONLY flights to-from chirer are allowed.

      I want him dead.
      I want this coronavirus to kill 1 Canadian, the one in the PMO.

  10. That’s a snow blower I’d like to try! Using a normal one on our long, country driveway was a waste of effort. One might as well shovel. The Minister of Finance added a snowplow to his John Deere, and problem solved.
    As to the music, imagine, if you will, listening to Margaritaville on Sirius/XM for 1,500 miles. It’s the Minister’s favorite, and had to be allowed since he was doing the driving. It wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t play so many Buffett songs. Admit it: Jimmy is a one-note Charlie.

    1. Mayor Jimbo Watson is a card-carrying Liberal – was in Dalton McGuilty’s cabinet – and is a back door man in more ways than one. Liberals do all kinds of illegal stuff every single day and there is nothing that can legally be done because the courts are run by the Liberals. It ain’t just SNC. Look at contracts that Pomerleau, a large K-bec construction company, gets. Bunch of cheating mofo’s who will list a qualified company on their bid then when they win are allowed to bring in cheap unqualified poseurs from K-bec and the city lets them! Guess who is on Pomerleau’s board. Dalton McGuilty.
      No wonder Liberals love Chicoms so much.

    2. RLP, I mentioned this in an earlier Post, but yours is the first mention I’ve seen otherwise. It truly does stink. Big time. And after all the clean green energy zealotry coming out of Ottawa, they have a diesel LRT? What’s with that? Even in dirty, oil-soaked Calgary, our LRT is electric. Expect this controversy will quickly die. Nothing to see here, folks.

    1. In Regina a court issued an injunction against the union to stop blocking entry to the refinery.
      Diaz wouldn’t obey the law and was arrested. Imagine a police officer siding with the law during a strike.
      Unprecedented and why Diaz is losing his sh_t.

  11. And now Blackie’s Sunday Toronto Star. Editorial that Blackie needs to ban all hand guns. That will solve the problem. Story that Australia is burning down because of global warming. The PM there is a DENIER! More global warming horse shit. Standard stories that Trump is Hitler. Stories that Doug Ford is Hitler. Letters to the editor that Ford is Hitler. Islam is wonderful. More homosexual stories. Obama is wonderful and Canadians can learn a lot from him. Justin is wonderful, the Liberal Party is wonderful, Canadians are racist bastards.

    1. I enjoy your reports from the dark red side, John. One day they’ll say that the Leafs are wonderful 🙂

    2. Robert: Looks like you’re not the only one who doubts the viability/reliability/veracity of the Red Star. Last time I checked their stock price was $0.42, down $7, or 94% since 2015. Looks good on them. But then again, Blackie gives the $150 k a week of our money t keep spreading their crap.

  12. In sporting “news” nobody GAF about, the Pacific division won the NHL all-star game on Saturday night. On Friday night, unemployed professional women hockey players got some three on three action going. Which is probably a pretty typical Friday night for women hockey players.

  13. https://www.asiatimes.com/2020/01/article/china-struggles-to-catch-up-with-wuhan-virus/

    “Anyone who puts the face of politicians before the interests of the people will be the sinner of a millennium to the party and the people. Anyone who deliberately delays and hides the reporting of [virus] cases out of his or her own self-interest will be nailed on the pillar of shame for eternity.”
    That’s a shot at Xi Jinping.
    Chang An Jian, the official social media account of the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission, issued an edict dressed up as a commentary.

  14. Canadians are being replaced with tourists with Canadian passports that only become Canadians when our government decided to pay them. Otherwise is written by an Iranian in the NYTs they are Iran’s (Or any other shit-hole country’s) brightest and best:

    “Among the plane’s passengers were some of Iran’s best and brightest. They included prominent scientists and physicians, dozens of Iran’s top young scholars and graduates of elite universities, and six gold and silver medal winners of international physics and math Olympiads.

    There were two newlywed couples who had traveled from Canada to Tehran for their weddings just days earlier. There were families and young children.”

  15. To paraphrase NS it was: “a passenger jet full of Shiny’s voters used as a human shield”. Amazingly precise coincidence that there was not a single patriot of Deplorablonia (USA) on the flight that was “accidentally shot down”!

  16. And now the Political Scrum at Blackie’s CBC this morning. Cut backs in Canada’s health care system may be a problem in combating the Chinese virus. Obviously Doug Ford’s fault. Wonderful long discussion that the Conservative Party is full of homophobic bigots. Nobody wants to be leader of the Conservative Party because the popularity of Blackie is growing as a result of his beard and serious look. Justin is wonderful. Meanwhile over at Blackie’s CTV political panel same thing, and more talk about gays being persecuted.

    1. “the popularity of Blackie is growing as a result of his beard and serious look.”

      LOL it’s growing because Chrystia Freeland is basically doing his job and holding the power. There’s some talk of Trudeau taking a walk in the snow.

  17. Following up with the news that Sarah Goodman , former Tides vice-president, was appointed Senior Climate Advisor to the Boy, is the news that the Canadian Institute for Climate Choices is being set up in place of the disbanded National Roundtable on Climate. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canadian-institute-climate-choices-launch-1.5433336
    A quick google shows a Pembina Institute staffer, a co-founder of Ecojustice and various activists. Is this part of Trudeau’s “Western Outreach” or this Trudeau’s giving the west a finger?

      1. Another Maritimer who has always advocated for Western Canada. — D.M. in Fredericton.

      2. “step dad”
        ha ha ha ha !!!!!
        more of the best Cdn comedy. based on the truth.
        ha ha ha ha !!!!!

  18. Kobe was killed in the helicopter crash with his four daughters, the oldest of whom was university age. His wife and their mother Vanessa was not on board.

    Kobe had already threatened to divorce Vanessa once before calling it off “for the children.” (His preferred sexual partners appear to be underage white girls.) The imminent departure of the girls from the nest would have been a major incentive for Kobe to finally put Vanessa out with the trash, with the lawyers seeing her off with an insulting alimony, if any, and leaving her to die in poverty.

    Kobe’s tragic passing, along with those of his daughters, makes his bereaved widow the sole heir to his legacy and merchandising empire.

    Of course, nobody will dare suspect foul play on the part of Vanessa Bryant. #WeBelieveWomen, and if Vanessa claims she did not bribe a mechanic to sabotage Kobe’s helicopter with more than enough to retire to central America a wealthy man, she will obviously be telling the gospel truth.

  19. Vancouver hypocrisy; Vancouver embarks on $9.1 billion airport expansion.

    Uh Vancouverites, don’t you realize airplanes use jet fuel? Jet fuel is a hydrocarbon you all wish to ban.

    1. fcuk joe.
      havent you been paying attention?
      in 2030 passenger jets will be solar powered.
      the fully loaded things that weigh in at 200 tonnes.
      move about at 25,000 feet. you know, up above the sun-blocking clouds.
      thats the plan.
      /sarc off
      sort of.

  20. Today marks 4 years since the death of Lavoy Finnicun

    When one talks about the Bundy Family, the first thing that springs to mind is the standoff in Nevada in 2014. However, perhaps even more important is the standoff and occupation at Oregon’s Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in 2016. Indeed, the two events are often conflated because Ammon Bundy is the son of Cliven Bundy, the man who stood up to the federal government over “grazing fees” on Bureau of Land Management land.

    The occupation was a highlight for both the militia and the sovereign citizen movement as well as proponents of states’ rights. The main argument from those occupying the land is that the federal government is mandated by law to turn over the land that they manage to the individual states in which the land sits. This, they argued, was particularly true of the Bureau of Land Management, United States Forestry Service, and United States Fish and Wildlife Service land.


  21. File this under “I want a new country.”

    Earlier today, I found out just how close to an outright fascist dictatorship Canada has become.

    I was given the full treatment by what passes for security at the Edmonton airport. For some reason, they like pulling me over and giving me extra scrutiny at least every other trip or figure the gear I take with me into the plane deserves closer inspection.

    When I asked why I was selected this time, the first response from the tattooed overweight soyboy JBT as that it was my lucky number, or something like that. He also mumbled something about having to make his quota. Nobody else was called over, even though there were a fair number of people going through security this morning.

    I wasn’t pleased by that because of how often it has occurred recently, particularly since I’ve had to make a lot of trips to the house I inherited in order to work on settling my father’s estate and I let him know. He ignored my displeasure and proceeded to root through my bags and wasn’t too careful or polite about it.

    Eventually, it came out that I apparently fit some sort of profile: a male, travelling alone without much luggage. (Excuse me, has it ever occurred to you that I might want to travel light as I can get through the system quickly? Nah–that would have required using his brain for more than just preventing his ears from colliding.) I’m sure the fact that I’m white (uh-oh–a potential incel you-know-what) and that I was wearing a Wexit hat only inspired him to act like a “patriot”. Maybe my “social credit” score wasn’t high enough for him.

    I reminded him that what he did could be construed as harassment, to which he flippantly answered that I could complain to his boss. Not once did he apologize, but, then, I’ve yet to encounter any security staff at that place for whom the word “sorry” was part of their vocabulary.

    The actual security scan wasn’t any better. Apparently, the way my gear was arranged in my computer bag and in my vest pockets confused them. Even an old-style phone list file, in which I keep certain numbers, was considered to be suspicious.

    I’ve often wondered where Antifa gets its members from. I’ve also wondered just how high one’s IQ had to be before one was considered to be disqualified for a security job.

    I think I know now.

    1. You want ridiculousness in screening, hear it is.
      I seem to be the one singled out in Vancouver.
      My hair is short; as is just bristles. Yet they still have to rub my head. Where I could hide a weapon there is beyond me.

    2. It was probably the hat! These guys are reps of a federal agency, so I’d believe them if they said they have a quota.

      Sorry for your anguish (or annoyance) — hope it’s easier next time.
      Try bringing some gorgonzola cheese with you, maybe they’ll hurry it up! Ha!

  22. They like shaking down older white guys. They know that nothing will show up from the search and therefore no more work is required plus they make their quota.

    I’ve never noticed a colored guy/gal being worked over. It’s always guys like me. I won’t go in the xray booth. I tell ’em I want the search right out in the open where everyone can see them. I once offered to drop my Wranglers but buddy quickly said it wouldn’t be necessary……

    1. Coming home from the USA, back in the 70s, the airline lost a piece of my luggage. They said they’d call me and deliver it as soon as it popped up. The very next day a man dressed in black in a black car arrived with my suitcase and apologized for the delay. I figured it was lost for good. What a surprise to get it back!

      Dropping jeans — hahahah!!! Ha! You funny!

    2. They like shaking down older white guys. They know that nothing will show up from the search and therefore no more work is required plus they make their quota.

      I’ve never noticed a colored guy/gal being worked over. It’s always guys like me.

      Airport security has always pestered me ever since I flew for the first time in the early 1970s. (Remember who was PM at that time.) Even then, men like me (properly groomed, dressed respectably) were targeted for extra inspection. Apparently, we were considered suspicious characters in those days.

      Just about every time I went through the security lineup, I’d be pulled over. The staff took particular delight in ordering me to open up my flight bag and pulling out everything that was inside, often things like Christmas gifts that I was lucky to shoehorn into place. Of course, they never found anything and I had to hurry to cram it all back in. Needless to say, rarely did everything fit.

      Now, of course, we are “blessed” with Prinz Dummkopf and he, no doubt, would like to copy his daddy in running this country. So people like me are selected, with the excuse that we are “suspicious”. And you’re right: it’s mostly white men, particularly older ones, who are pulled aside. Meanwhile, people like poor little Omar are allowed to travel unimpeded and are regarded as national heroes.
