10 Replies to “Jordan Peterson vs. Climate Activists (and Dennis Prager has a few words too!)”

  1. Reminds of one of P.J. O’Rourke’s remarks, “Everybody wants to save the world, nobody will help Mom with the dishes.”

  2. Yes, well, the woman who foolishly tried to enact pseudo wokeness on Jordan still cannot stand corrected. She refused to hear it and be convicted and willing to hear what she needed to in order to learn and grow, as some of us are able to do when we recognize something that helps us stand corrected and humbly become edified thereby. The earbud echo shit in a nutshell. I bet her girlfriends liked her smarmy outrage offended face as the deaf response to Jordan. Etc.
    Fook it. Just be the individual in your home and clean up the dishes, as I just did while my dear wife got some needed rest after dealing with her ailing mom. Etc.

  3. Just be the individual in your home and clean up the dishes

    In my situation, I have no choice. I live alone and my dishes aren’t going to wash themselves. Similarly, I’m still working on settling my father’s estate. If I don’t, no one else will as it’s my responsibility to see that it’s done and done properly.

    Aha! I just wrote the forbidden word: responsibility. The right assumes that the individual is not only responsible for his or her actions, but needs to be as well. It is that individual responsibility that contributes to the gradual social change that Prager discusses.

    The left, on the other hand, cares little about the individual, hence its collectivist mentality.

    1. I love listening to intelligent people! One of the comments which he made towards the end of the video jives with my thinking. He suggested to raise childhood nutrition and perhaps then there would be 10 million more geniuses and that the GDP of every person would be at least $ 5,000/annum. He argued that increasing the number of thinking people was good. I graduated high school in 1970. I was of the generation in which women started making more economic contributions to society, not just marrying and producing a family (which is also necessary). I personally think that the reason why Canada, the United States and Australia lead the world in productivity is because we have women in good jobs in the workforce, we have people who are not Anglo-Saxon in the workforce. When there is this diversity (which the Left trumpets all the time), then you have a variety of solutions to problems – hopefully, for the better. I am an optimist – I truly think the world is slowly becoming a better place in which to live.

    2. Jordan Peterson
      7 minutes of nothing but COMMON SENSE.

      “what are we gonna do about Global Warming..?/
      NOTHING – Not a damned thing”

      And he’s right, for the simple reason that its BS and its always has been BS. I’d love to see him debate Greta the magical retard, Or any supposed Climate Change protagonist ….. I would go see LIVE.!!

  4. Thinking ‘bout this, comes to mind the speech Admiral William H. McRaven gave.
    In part the guy was talking about making your bed, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgzLzbd-zT4

    The idea is that you have to start somewhere, just get to it.
    It takes less then 10 minutes of your time and you’re on your way to make things better all day long.

    There are of course those that have seen the whole speech and then there are those few that did not.
