Non-Insanity Theories?

One theory about Nancy Pelosi’s actions yesterday is that she has gone insane. Removing that possibility for the time being, might any astute SDA readers have another plausible theory about why she has turned impeachment into a circus?

90 Replies to “Non-Insanity Theories?”

  1. Hard to see a way where it isn’t just simple insanity. But, if they knew it was always a joke, maybe they are trying to get out in front.

    1. IT must be a mass insanity/hysteria that is affecting all democrats because they are all nuts.

      1. Blind hatred and Mob mentality. Confirmation bias.

        They live, stay and only visit and talk to hive/Borg associates.

        It appears insane to those of us not bound to politics as a religion.

        These maniacs will say and do almost anything, a means to an end, to fulfill their religion of politics. Witness SAN Fran Nan, who claims to be a good Catholic and prays, prays, prays, yet fully advocates for after birth baby killings…………..

  2. The last two years have been theatre with Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler becoming grotesque parodies of their former political selves, exposed to all for ridicule. Why? Is this a sting? Do former bad actors have secret pardons valid for actions up until VSGPDJT’s inauguration so that for successful prosecution they must commit new crimes? Are middling players leveraged to entrap larger ones? This sounds conspiratorial but the Deep State has proven itself to exist, intelligence agents are proven corrupt and partial, bribery and kickbacks are no longer secret. Pelosi is giving the performance of a lifetime perhaps to protect her family(son in energy sector in Ukraine) and finds, like many actors, that alcohol helps. It’s the best explanation for public humiliations as an extended theatre of the absurd by the Democrats to drive away every sane person’s support.

    Brian Cates @drawandstrike has been consistently very illuminating :

    “RussiaGate Was Fake! SpyGate Is Real! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
    You TAKE AWAY their power and their influence FIRST and THEN you frog march the worst offenders off to prison after their trials.

    I’ve realized we’ve been approaching all of this backwards; we expect the indictments/arrests FIRST, then the EXPOSURE & Destruction of the system.”

  3. The way of the future: the “people” vote to elect the President; then the career politicians vote to un-elect the President.

    1. If the Senate R’s betray the country and do this, that won’t be the reason why.

      Primarily it’s simply because Trump’s not one of them. He doesn’t play the game properly. He doesn’t do the bidding of the globalists and the progressives and the Wall Street sellouts (but I repeat myself). He’s doing his damnedest to work for the AMERICAN PEOPLE and not any of those frauds. How dare he!

      I think the primary reason, if you could pin one on the globalists, is China. Wall Street and the globalists and the progressives are so in bed with China that any threat to that relationship is pegged in the billions, even TRILLIONS of dollars. Trump threatened that relationship from day #1, has been ramming tariffs down China’s throat, forcing them to renegotiate trade agreements, pulling the rug out from under big multinationals who’ve been exploiting China, etc. Threatening that kind of money makes serious enemies. And those enemies have many a (R) Senator bought and paid for, because most of those Senators are just playing the game to make big money for themselves at America’s expense.

      Ideally, Mueller would have found something, ANYTHING, serious enough to give the (R) Senators cover to convict and remove Trump. He failed. So the Resistance (TM) had to gin up this Ukraine thing in a hurry to try and get this done before the election, because the globalists’ greatest fear is that Trump can and will WIN reelection. They can’t have that. No way. No how.

      I genuinely don’t know how this will play out. There IS a chance Trump will get convicted and removed. I don’t know how large a chance. But it’s not zero. And it’s primarily because the (R) Senators are such treacherous sellouts.

      1. The reason the parties and media are all in on stopping Gabbard, Yang and Sanders is because they refuse to bend the knee. CNN pushed Trump for the same(opposite) reason.

      2. Yes, there is a chance, but it is near zero. The electorate will punish the GOP, especially the traitors, if it were to happen. For The Demarxists, this is all about the election, to try and demonize OrangeManBad anyway, anyhow, no matter how much damage to themselves is inflicted. Yes, that could be insanity.
        Cocaine Mitch will ensure it fails, despite the RINOs. This will expose and isolate the worst. Mittens, Mukowski and Collins too, they’re two faced harridans, for their own personal gain.
        Having said that, the Demarxists will continue to throw the kitchen sink at TRUMP, with the aid of their corrupt associates, the media. Witness Les Parnas. Bit player. Late to the party. And still, no crime.
        Why apparently, is it a crime to hesitate, and analyze giving a foreign country aid? Using the DeMarxist argument, TRUMP should hand over cash, to any country, whenever it’s asked for. Unlike Obongo, who didn’t give a cent to Ukraine……………despite it being asked for…….the Demarxists, against everything, except when THEY are for it…

        1. The GOP don’t really care if they’re punished at the ballot box. They’re happier in opposition than in power, and Cocaine Mitch is definitely so. The GOP effectively never even contested the House election in 2018. They don’t want to actually have to make good on any of their promises (like repealing Obama care), they just want to fundraise off of them.

          They are not to be trusted.

    2. Zero hedge is ludicrous click bait.

      You don’t realize there is a Pelosi cult in Washington among the media who believe Pelosi has magical powers, and that is where this idea that “ she “ has the votes comes from.

      1. Yep.

        I get some good stuff from Zerohedge – but an awful lot of it is awful. Strong content filtering advised – you can find exactly opposite “facts” in two sequential articles, and don’t EVER invest the way somebody on Zerohedge says you should – but by all means, skim the headlines; there’s stuff that even if you don’t trust it, is fun to read, and I watch for Ramirez political cartoons and the occasional pictorial exposé of Brazilian natives.

        Just remember Abraham Lincoln’s most famous advice: “Don’t believe everything you read on teh interwebz.”
        Instapundit is a lot more consistent, and consistently better.

    1. I continue to see her as someone who lost her mojo and doesn’t know what to do next … so … Circus.
      She has gone insane. That is not a long trip for a leftist. They are already half way there from the jump.

  4. Cargo cult Pelosi.
    This circus is Pelosi doing what she thinks Trump would do.

    Even Dems are starting to see that Trump is winning. Against all their “common sense”, Trump is winning. Dems want some of that.

    Trump is alien and foreign to Dems. Cutting regulations? Punching back? Not kowtowing to the media every day? Not pretending the Mullahs are tolerant? Utterly alien to progressives. But … Trump is winning. This silver pen stuff is Pelosi’s attempt to understand Trump, and imitate Trump. Just like putting up a bamboo antenna on a remote island will bring shiny ship full of goods.

  5. The days of a supermajority and being able to do anything, pass any bills without even showing them to the public are long past. She knows she must work with a President she despises in order to have any bills passed, and none of things she supports will find traction with the President.

    Impeaching Trump, without citing the constitutional clauses he’s said to have brought offense to, and even if only to have her dream shot down in the Senate is all she can declare that she’s done independent of having to work with those across the aisle.

    She may be so damaged from alcohol that this “win” is all that counts for her, she’s said that Trump will forever be known as an impeached President… An alcohol induced insanity is all I’ve got to explain Pelosi.

    During this fall’s election campaign, 7-9 months from now for the most part, those in Congress will have scant to show for what they’ve promised, “holding a President accountable” … even while he’s delivered on his promise to get America working again.

    The election may hold surprises, but I’m optimistic this will be the big win, and the big surprise won’t be President Warren, or President Biden, or President Sanders.

    It’ll be a win for the USA.

      1. Oh definitely. If Hillary were in any recent Hollywood movie, she would have been Thanos. “I’m inevitable.” When I heard that line, all I saw was Hillary after that.

        I think there are going to be a lot of primary surprises for every incumbent, Democrat or Republican. There are a minority on both sides, who clearly, are simply there to do the job. On the Dem side, it is very few; maybe a dozen total both houses. On the GOP side, it is more, but honestly, I do not know how much more. There are a few, like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, they are clearly all about doing the job, letter of the law, all that. McConnell is not one of them, he is swamp creature to the core, but also intelligent enough to know that the game is not going back to what it was…

      2. Hillary will not be running.

        I think Hillary has read the upcoming election forecast, and she realizes Donny Two Scoops will be elected in a forty some state landslide. That is why she decided to take the new job as Chancellor of Queens University in Belfast Northern Ireland. Out of sight, out of mind, out of the US, and out of the crossfires in the upcoming Democrat civil war. Also an additional bonus, AG Barr would need to ask NI to extradite them if they ever charge her or Bill.

        1. The Chancellor gig is like an honorary degree. It’s a title with no substance. It’s in Freaking Ireland … land of drunks and potato farmers. She’ll fit right in … except she isn’t moving to Ireland any time soon.

      3. Yes, there’s a fair chance of that. The DeMarxist race is a shitshow clown car. Potentially, there’s an Anyone But Biden movement, where the Marxist support outnumbers the “moderates”. That means either of Bernie or Fake Indian.

        So, either Hellary jumps in to “save the party”, or she realizes the party has lurched WAY WAY WAY to the left and sits it out.

        Her ego can’t tolerate this, maybe she’s switched to Irish Whiskey from gin?

  6. Democrats are having an increasingly hard time relating to the typical person on the street. They think the average working stiff has the same concerns and sensibilities as an urban academic with an advanced degree in critical studies. Thus Clinton’s loss to Trump. Thus turning an impeachment process into a cocktail party.

  7. “…another plausible theory about why she has turned impeachment into a circus?”

    All of the big Dems are up to their necks in criminal behavior, and if Trump stays president they’ll all go to jail. Epstein didn’t kill himself, and he didn’t erase all those video tapes himself either. Joe Biden is certainly going to jail if he doesn’t become President. Pelosi likewise.

    Did you see how hard they jumped on Tulsi Gabbard? If that woman became President they’d all hang. Trump would make a deal, but Gabbard would definitely hang them.

  8. Nah. Granny’s gone nuts. She thinks she is making history. She thinks that she is the “shadow” POTUS. Her “signing” ceremony aped the good old days of LBJ signing the massive failures that became the Great Society wrecking ball.

    Don’t be surprised if she announces that she is Napoleon Bonaparte a week from Wednesday.

  9. There is this condition that happens when the mind gets indoctrinated and closes and brain runs in circles. It is called mass hysteria. It’s nearly impossible to get out of it. The afflicted need to listen, in the case of these characters it is harder to help because they are absolutely, positively sure that they know and you don’t. They went to school for a long time therefore they are right.
    One can say that the “Democrats” and the mass media cartel are deep into it.
    They seem to be living in an artificial world that they created for themselves and are doing their absolute best to impose it on everyone else.
    The hope is that they will fail miserably with their intentions.

    Once they get out of it through entropy to realize that there is actual real world with things to attend to, it will be a new day.
    The only question remains, how long it will take?

    1. Hopefully November 2020. Only an across the board DeMarxist defeat (POTUS, Senate, House) will put some of the Dems out to pasture, those that remain, and are old like San Fran nan, will have to decide whether their last years are best spent with the grandkids, or, being an empty shell of what they thought they were while wasting away in DC.
      They are addicted to power and their servants. Sick people.
      The media, on the other hand, will always be the opponents. That will NEVER change

  10. I would love to see Trump with his grinning face posing along with everyone in the background. He is the master troll and masterfully playing them all for fools.

  11. Don’t think it’s insanity I think what it is, is that the plan was to get public opinion on side enough to force Trump to resign.
    It didn’t work and now they need a patsy to blame the failure on when the Senate votes against impeachment or dismiss altogether.
    My money is on Schiff as the designated blame.

    1. Joseph, I have a slightly different view,,, that being, the plan was to get public opinion on side enough, to force SENATE REPUBLICANS, to vote Trump out of office.
      Trump would never resign, and Dems know it.

      1. Yup. If dems start going to jail they will point an accusing finger at the corrupt R’s and they know it. Corrupt R’s would love to have a plausible excuse to vote for impeachment so they could get back to selling America to China.

  12. Nancy maybe beyond hope, but I would guess she is trying to keep the crazy Marxist’s in the Party through the election….She did what she promised them in 2018, doesn’t matter that it is fake……Nancy won’t survive 2020 without a Betty Ford intervention & the Pope… If the Democrats run a Marxist like Bernie , they will be done


    1. SlapShot “but I would guess she is trying to keep the crazy Marxist’s in the Party through the election”

      Exactly what I was thinking, Pelosi’s celebrating with the pens, was meant more for the benefit of AOC et al, than really anybody else.

      A seasoned (and marinated) Politian like Pelosi knows in her heart, there’s no defeating Trump, with no bounce from Russia(endless as it was by media friends), and actually a dip with impeachment,,, she knows.
      Pelosi worth 100 million ???????

  13. Watch the expression and the actions of Congressman Jerry Nadler in the video.

    Even Nadler the Hutt has a WTF? expression on his face, and at first doesn’t even want to take the pen from Nancy Pelosi. After he takes the pen, he looks to his right with a “Get me the F out of Here” pleading expression.

    1. That’s saying something, because Nadler is deranged virtually every waking moment of the day. Only the absurdity of the moment could penetrate his fugue.

  14. I’ve been saying for a while that there is a real chance the Repubs will sell Trump out. Way too many taxpayer dollars recycled through China and Ukraine and elsewhere for them to put t**ds in the punch bowl.

  15. Its not that complicated, she waited for the China deal, so it takes some shine off trump. They wanted him to do a national address; he wouldn’t bite. He can play the waiting game too, after he’s Acquitted will be the perfect time to do that.

  16. Civil war is on the horizon, it has happened before and will happen again, it is the only way to reset the damage that has been done. Whether or not America will survive as a country will be the only question.

    1. Hope not. Most Canadians do not recognize how much their elites subconsciously depend on the US. The minute the US would disappear would be the moment that Canada’s decline became, at the Federal level, a national nervous breakdown into a gibbering, helpless mess, because the Laurentian elite are morally empty men and women. Laurentia has always been a fraud and a lie at its heart.

      The shame is, non-woke Canadians would not be able to avoid collateral damage.

      1. Canada is not a country. We are a collection of disparate and sparsely populated states along the northern frontier that have been granted the ability to self govern to a degree. Canada is 100% economically dependent on the US and 100% militarily dependent on the US.
        State sponsored media and education has deluded the population to believe otherwise but by every measure we are a self governing dominion of the US.

        1. Massive understatement, but well said. Without the parasitic relationship with the US, this country is Cuba, or worse!

  17. It is all information warfare. Notice how she held off on sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate until the day Trump signed off on phase I of the China trade deal?? She is trying to control the narrative. The economy…jobs numbers….minority voters turning to Trump…strong US foreign policy, etc etc etc….the Dems are in deep shit and they cannot stop the runaway train. They know it….so they pursue things like impeachment in an attempt to drive the narrative.

    I could see some otherwise friendly senators turning on Trump if a) the economy was in the tank, b) their constituents were demanding it, c) there were actual, enumerable laws broken by Trump, and d) the House conducted an honest, bipartisan impeachment. But exactly none of those things happened or are true. There is no ‘there’ there.

    Pelosi is catering to the base and/or the real power brokers behind the scenes (whoever they are). Is she doing this because Trump is exposing horrible Dem/deep state corruption? Probably. I dunno. All’s I do know is if Trump is removed from office by this sham of a joke then we will see a real revolution start in the US….and it will not be pretty. Of this I am absolutely certain.

    1. Of course she’s trying to control the narrative – because the narrative is “There’s no there there”. If this breaks fully and the Press is forced to report it factually, the Dem’s are slaughterhouse-bait.

  18. It’s all about kneecapping all future Trump appointments to the Supreme Court. They won’t be ‘legitimate’ because he was impeached.

    1. When WW2 ended, on the deck of the USS Missouri, Gen MacArthur singed off on the Japanese surrender, then gave the pen he used to a bedraggled senior officer standing behind him who had endured years in a Japanese POW camp.

      Pelosi hands out pens to hacks who’ve made voters endure years of lies and insults to serve totalitarian aims.

      Honour versus dishonourable dishonesty.

      Nail.them.all. Best quote ever: Nancy Pelosi’s body has rejected impeachment, which explains her herky jerkiness.

      Pain awaits as they divert from their abuses, invert rule of law to guilty by assertion and project Biden miscreance on Trump.

      Assuming RINOs in the Senate don’t do their usual virtue signalling surrender monkey routine.

      Perhaps Susan Collins and others will come off their high and mighty pedestal to realize the crimes against POTUS.

      Anyway, let Soviet Schiff and his merry band of sycophant managers present their “case.”

      Then either let Dershowitz and Starr tear their witnesses apart, or dismiss, then tear the DeMarxist witnesses apart.

      1. – And apparently, Obie used fourteen different pens to sign Obiecare into law. I don’t care how many pens Trump uses to sign it out of law, I just hope he does……

        1. Trump can’t sign Obama care OUT because Medicare has been compromised by Nancy & Paul Ryan… Obama Care is directly connected to Medicare….Nancy said on CNN that if Obama Care fails so does Medicare…..They took (thieves) 1 Billion from Medicare to start Obama care and I would guess that ALL the Money going into Medicare today is diverted to fund Obama Care…. It’s a clear violate of the Law that todays workers are paying for Democrat dead beats and NO money is going into the Medicare Trust fund…..Medicare is prepaid medical insurance that kicks in after 65 years of age that has nothing to do with real-time daily Medical Insurance

          2020 may answer why the Democrats are using the term Medicare for todays real-time Medical insurance, something is rotten with the system…Gangsters steal and IMHO Nancy & Ryan are gangsters…


      2. Let’s hope Dershowitz doesn’t lose his spine either. He has been outspoken (and ostracized from his former Demo associates) about the constitutional abuses of the Demarxists and the outright silence from the usual suspects.
        If he isn’t blackmailed, Dershowitz May be worth the price of admission as he skewers his former friends

  19. All of the above. But the real reason Pelosi turned the signing into a circus is she knows her constituents. This was red meat for the zoo.

  20. I have started to wonder whether those who lie constantly aren’t gradually giving up their sanity. Just look at the meltdowns after the Mueller report, and the ever-more-ridiculous allegations and accusations coming from the MSM and liberal politicians. One of the Ten Commandments is “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbour,” right up there with murder and taking your neighbour’s stuff. Perhaps it was outlawed by God not only because it damages your neighbour but because it damages you.

  21. Wish Jesus was here to stoop down and write certain names in the sand in front of each one of them…

  22. I dunno. Looks to me like Trump is starting to take this seriously. Heard this morning he’s hired a couple of torpedo’s in Ken Starr and Alan Dershowitz

  23. This is the election all over again. They think they can’t lose, so they won’t have to face any consequences. This makes them bold and unable to control their emotions. Meanwhile Trump is appointing federal judges, improving the Economy, revitalizing foreign policy, and more, and the Dems are hemorrhaging supporters to Trump. They can’t see any of this due to their target fixation. This will make their defeat even more enjoyable, but be prepared for the inevitable violence, the only argument of the Left.

  24. Generations ago, there was a somewhat sober and critically thinking media that restrained the pathological left from metaphysically soiling themselves and throwing their output in all directions. Today, no such restraint exists as the media is indistinguishable from the Democratic Party. Pelosi is a pathetic, questionably demented and corrupted political relic riding herd on a pathological mob. No body cries out for single term limits more desperately than the US House of Representatives with the Senate a close second.

  25. 1 – it all depends on how many senators the democrats own. Remember Epstein was a democrat – cf: Roberts on Obamacare? They may have the votes (although Pence would make Sarah Palin VP and give Pelosi et al heart failure.)

    I don’t think they have the votes or want to convict – in part because Trump could resign if he thinks he’s going to lose ( otherwise a conviction could stop him running in 2020) and then come back in 2020 with big majorities in both houses.

    2 – the strategy appears to be simple: tie the administration up in alleged scandals so Trump et al can’t bring charges against Obama et al without looking like a tin pot dictator punishing his enemies.

    1. You know, the resign strategy is an interesting one, and fit for reality TV. The Trump army would love to vote him back in, the ULTIMATE sweet victory.
      But, TRUMP is a street fighter, and he will never give in. And that is a big reason why his support is rock solid, the other is he does what he says, and has delivered a vibrant economy to all classes.
      He ought to win in a landslide, we shall see.

  26. Observations about the Speaker?
    She is an obsessive compulsive Democrat sociopath.

    • drunk with power…
    • worried about their criminality – her son’s & the other sons of guns…
    • is like this video…

    Watch her closely in your video when passing around stupid pens…
    she turns around… and she actually does …

  27. Look, the Russia Russia Russia thing turned out to be nothing, they then switched to impeachment, found no real reason to impeach, and have now delivered articles of impeachment so vague that they mean nothing. But Nancy is pressed by her party to get rid of Trump, even though she cannot., and she knows it.

    Thus, having nothing, she is forced to make a big to do about nothing, make it look like something, make it theater. So she is doing that, making this nothing look like something, because she must for her political survival.

    1. Russia Russia Russia
      racist racist racist
      Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine
      Impeach impeach impeach
      Iran Iran Iran
      Now back to impeachment

      Every attempt amounts to nothing. Just more crappy Kabuki Theatre news cycles.

      The spin cycle is getting shorter

  28. When it comes to trying to figure out someone’s motivations I ain’t that bright, I miss the point and typically get things wrong. That being said, I am going to ask a question that may be completely off the wall, but is she playing the game you think? What if Trump is not the real target, but it is instead his successor? (I have no idea if this would be in the realm of likelihood for the players involved.)

    For about the last four years (3 of them with Trump in office), they’ve been trying to get him off the playing field, but they have been unsuccessful. What do you do if you can’t beat your opponent, but know that his time is limited? (Whatever happens, he is guaranteed to be gone for 2024.) Do your best to hassle and drag him for as long as you can while sending a message to anyone who might try to replace him. When he is eventually off the playing field, I’m not expecting their tactics to change, except to be ramped up.

  29. Maybe Pelosi is insane or just maybe she is laying the ground work for an insanity plea.
    Personally I think Our Progressive Comrades are batshit crazy,they worship lying and the Prince of Lies..Nancy was not fooling when she claimed to “pray for Trump”,just naturally dishonest about the chosen deity.
    Botox ,Booze,Power and a simpering sycophantic media would produce a Nancy over time.
    And Time she has had.
    Trump Derangement Syndrome is awsome to watch in action.

  30. My last two words on the subject. FUCKING MORONS. I no longer give a shit who wants to censor me. GOOD FUCKING BYE.

    1. The beauty here on this site, is our friend Kate allows a little colourful language now and then, in context.
      How many other sites allow that? Even Breitbart holds yer comment when using naughty words, even those that should be allowed like;

  31. She is giddy. This is the realization of their hopes and dreams. They got him. They really, really, got him. He’s impeached. Now everything can go back to the way it was. This day will be celebrated for 100 years, and they will be recognized as the saviors that they always knew they could be.

    In other words, she is delusional.

  32. The Democrats are in a do or die situation. If they can make the impeachment charges stick and bring Trump down they have a chance of maintaining their power in Washington. If the impeachment is another failure then Trump is assured of the election in 2020. Another four years of successes that America has seen in the last four years will be the death knell for the Democratic party. The Democrats, pardon the pun, have bet the House and they have nothing on the table left to bet after the impeachment saga reaches its conclusion. The senior Democrats will pick up their pension cheques and head on into the sunset and the mod squad will go back to bartending and hamburger flipping where they belong.

  33. the pelhozbag has reached the peak of her power in politics, and was given a job to do. Now failure stocks her, and she will loose the gavel and possibly her seat next time around. Not because her base has changed, but because she failed to take Trump down. Also her handlers will turn against her, ie: soros , and possible support a challenger against her which will be another lefty. So folks what we are seeing here is a good old fashion nervous break down Nancy is done in politics, and she knows it.

  34. GOP Establishment is pretty much screwed either way. If they let Trump of the hook, their cohorts on the Left side of the aisle leak devastating information showing that kick backs were being applied tied to a massive number of foreign aid programs. If they vote to convict (which I think is more likely) Trump goes scorched Earth and releases the same information….annnnnnd the GOP takes a major hit at the polls for the next decade. But, Trump’s actions can and will be written off as disingenuous and politically motivated immaturity. Given the choice of personal self-preservation or justice…I think everyone knows which way most of the sitting Senators will choose. I wouldn’t be surprised if McConnell allows the vote to be anonymous to limit electoral fallout from an outraged voter base.

    This has been a bi-partisan operation for years and years. The Democrats know who has their fingers in the bowl. The Republicans know as well. They hold the dirt on each other…and if one takes a major blow, you can bet the other will as well. Personally, I think that fact is a major factor on why there is something referred to as a Deep State. I tend to think the “Deep State” is the vast majority of sitting Congresscritters. It’s how established politicians become multi-millionaires virtually overnight. It exists in the House as well, but not to the same extent as the Senate. John Murtha used to set up a card table in the Congressional hall and wheel/ deal earmarks during open session. That’s how brazen this corruption was/is.

    The establishment is telegraphing what they think they can accomplish. Watch the attacks on Pence heat up shortly. Their end game is Trump removed, Pence removed…Pelosi calling the shots temporarily so they can clean house and assure that no interloper can come in and ruin their “dice game” in the future.

    Now you know why so many sitting congresscritters resigned in mass before the last mid term election. Now you know why Graham stated he is stepping down from his committee chair voluntarily. It’s like falling asleep at the wheel and suddenly waking up. For the next few minutes you are super super cautious. That’s these guys right now.

    Summary: 1. Trump is gone…likely by February
    2. There is a good chance Pence gets the same treatment.
    3. Pelosi becomes acting President and boy oh boy will the paper shredders go into full gear when that happens (i.e. cover-up begins in earnest)

    One quick addendum: Remember when Trump tweeted. ” I caught them. I caught them all.” Or something like that? Think about what that means relative to the above.

    1. I believe much of what you say to be the case and though such shenanigans might be attempted, I would expect a dozen or so to be hanging from lamp posts before they got much shredded.

      1. yeah, 666, and he knows Pelosi & team have stronger and worse names for him but he was being tame in front of the kids.

  35. Passing out pens.

    Wouldn’t it be more appropriate in this situation to pass out toasters?

    1. Depens most appropriate. They’ll all be using them when this, their final attempt to rid themselves of this guy, fails.

  36. I think it confirms that the Impeachment is nothing more than seeking partisan advantage. It is not a serious investigation of laws being violated. The euphoria is Nancy thinking she has the upper hand. She and her cohorts need to be taken down. They are abusing their positions and undermining the country.

  37. Pelosi appears to be afflicted with either Wernicke’s encephalopathy or Korsakoff’s dementia – possibly a combination of the two. Very often caused by excessive alcohol consumption leading to vitamin B1 deficiency. Incurable in many cases.

  38. It is Hail Mary pass, a banzai charge. The pragmatic dhimicrats realize that, but they have been outmaneuvered by the moonbats in their party and now need to stick to it. Since they are sticking to it they may as well go balls to the wall. That’s all really.

  39. Can’t believe so many blithely pass this off as not critically dangerous to Trump.
    The next election wont matter if they impeach Trump – just like it didnt really matter who won between McCain and Obama or Romney and Obama (or Bush and Gore or Bush and Kerry).

    The UNI party will be the winner of the next election post Trump impeachment. And that is how they want it.

    Other than a handful of honorable republicans like Jim Jordan, John Ratcliffe, and Elsie Stefanik, the rest are swamp dwellers and some outright treasonous enemies of the state. As for the Dems that goes for all of them.

    Remember how the Dems under Obama always got everything they wanted? Even when the Repubs owned both houses?

    Remember how despite having a locktight case against Obamacare that John Roberts passed it anyway from the bench in one of the most transparently wrong decisions by a judge ever, anywhere?

    Remember how the Repubs always voted unanimously to end Obamacare – when they didnt hold the Senate – yet when they did and could they came up just an inch short?

    Ace coined a great name for what it all is -Failure Theatre.

    Anyone notice how anyone associated with Trump – Guily or not – has found their lives ruined and/or in Jail?

    Anyone notice how not a single individual engaged in the coup attempt has even come close to having their feelings hurt, despite massive, conclusive evidence of treasonous behaviour.

    Awans off scott free?

    Or how Bill Barr keeps letting people go (and says Epstien committed suicide)

    Why would anyone trust Mitch or Lindsay or any of the Republican swamp dwellers?

    They have been working hand in glove with the Dems for decades – and it aint going to stop now.

    They are all f*cked if Trump wins again. Best hope they have is to impeach and then manage the blowback.

    Question: What will military do if Trump is removed from office? Generals likely corrupt but what about troops?

    I give the odds of Senate impeaching Trump 70/30

    We are not at this point in time by accident. Whether Pelosi stumbles on her dentures, is drunk or has alzhiemers matters not. She along with the rest are actors in failure theatre.

    1. Yes I do remember and have noticed. Two things I have been saying since the late sixties: “ The Democrats are the left fist and the Republicans are the right fist, of the same beast.” And “The only hope for individual liberty in this world is the American militias.”
      Thanks for sharing your insight.

  40. John frikin Roberts should have been brought up by now.
    There’s no deep state; but there is a shadow government with a bevy of usefull idiots like Pelosi. She’s on the take and that’s her reason for celebration. A short game pawn who has no idea what she is doing or what she’s doing does. Her ideas on why are not even remotely related to those of her handlers. Soundness of mind is not of importance.
    The globalists may in fact succeed here. They’re a treacherous, small, and powerful group. Trump’s “America First” process flushes them out like a spaniel ruffing grouse.
    I always get the feeling these people meet in buildings with painted windows.
    ** And M.P.T.P. is correct, a McConnell anonymous ballot (whether he really knows what he’s doing does or not,) will sew it.
    (I think Ken Starr is troubling as well)
    Vince Foster’s car was not at Ft. Marcy.

  41. Personally, I think this is more about damaging squishy senators in the minds of GOP voters. If the trial can show enough Republican senators for the whores they are, then voters may not come out to vote for them. This would put the senate back into Democrat hands.
    They can then block everything Trump is trying to do, including judge picks. So, even if he wins, he loses and they are back in control.

  42. You really only have to watch Nancy Pelosi and Men In Black for a few minutes to see what’s obvious. It’s the odd tics and twitches of the alien cockroach inhabiting the Pelosi skinsuit that give it away.

  43. Can some of the more enlightened commentators here please define what abuse of power is and then illustrate what DJT did as an example? Or how about obstruction of congress? This witch hunt by the American politburo for the last three years must be taken as an example by the rest of Western society that the democrats/liberals have finally exposed themselves for all who care to see as nothing more than Nazis in Clown suits. The Clown suits are nothing more than window dressing to assure us that they have no evil intentions. Much like the top hat that Hitler once wore to appear as a diplomat. The camouflage has changed but the intentions and targets are still the same, absolute power over the minions that accept everything that is spoon fed to them.
