China signs Trade Deal with America

In what was described by many as impossible, early in this new year, China has signed a major trade deal with the U.S.:

The U.S. and China signed a trade deal that officials say will lead to a sharp increase in sales of U.S. goods and services to China, further open Chinese markets to foreign firms—especially in financial services—and provide strong new protections for trade secrets and intellectual property.

The eight-part agreement acts as a cease-fire in a two-year trade war that has roiled markets world-wide and cut into global growth. But it leaves in place U.S. tariffs on about $370 billion in Chinese goods, or about three-quarters of Chinese imports to the U.S.

16 Replies to “China signs Trade Deal with America”

  1. Hussain Obama and his Arab spring started 3 wars and consumed hundred of thousands of innocents.

    He received a Nobel Peace Sleazed Prize.
    President Trump signed several trade agreements, with more to come. Trying to bring Peace and Prosperity to North America.

    He gets fu cking impeached.

    1. It was implied in this week’s edition of PBS’s Frontline that Trump has done nothing good whatsoever for his country. All he’s accomplished, apparently, was to divide it even further than Barry “See, I won a Nobel Peace Prize” O’Bummer.

      Then again, the show was produced by PBS….

  2. The Globe and Mail refused to post on its main page, instead relegating the story way down on its business page. The fix is in.

  3. Some Dems already arguing because it can’t be enforced, just the Iran deal, it can’t be trusted and is therefore meaningless.
    Truth be told they left our the Iran part. Meanwhile over at CNN it was all surreal given the non-event impeachment articles.
    Scott Adams made a great point which I also noticed. On Jeopardy last night, Adam Schiff’s photo came up as an answer.
    Not one contestant knew who he was. That’s a straw poll about how Americans feel about impeached for life Trump’s ordeal.
    The more they know the less they like the performance of the DeMarxists, stuck between radical socialists and political fossils.
    Dems must think this is a winning strategy, they could have easily wriggled out of this. I can’t fathom how that will play out.
    No doubt this amoral bunch will figure something out, like a Parnas note which reveals, gasp, Giuliani is Trump’s counsel.
    No doubt the DeMarxists will get their Senator shots in as some fend off recusal demands; but GOP can lay some heavy blows.
    Schiff will have to dangle as he presents the House case wrt to his involvement with whistleblower and subsequent denials.
    Then the whistleblower himself will be subpoenaed, Schiff or at least his staff, the IC DOJ who permitted the debacle.
    And many others such as Hunter and Joe Biden who can establish the prima facia case wrongdoing was being investigated.
    That could be the best part and watching them squirm, plead to fifth or claim privilege (aka abuse power right?).
    It will be some payback for the partisan gong show that has DeMarxists trying to deep freeze US politics for keep it close.
    Ultimately the people will have to decide if they’re going to allow this chicanery to go unpunished. That’s the worrying part.
    Fat and happy people make brutal voting errors believing the other guy can deliver the same prosperity, only nicer.

    1. Excellent comment.

      They believe America can make socialism work,
      This time.


    1. agreed. this agreement is 100% consistent with chirese behaviour and attitude.
      push, push, push, lie, lie, lie, weasel, weasel, weasel, steal everything and lie some more.
      but at the end of the day, when THAT stops working, take the best deal available. ie the one that puts
      max cash in THEIR pockets regardless of the cost and who pays.

  4. I like the part of the deal where China has to buy their agriculture products from the US instead of Canada. CBC has made great efforts in down playing that and once again the Libs have missed out on more business because of the whole Huawei plunder.

  5. Watch what happens next China needs to fill the void. Ladies and Gentlemen, North Korea is about to edge its way out of the dark ages and receive an introduction to 21st Century economics. If you don’t think this is directly connected…you haven’t been paying attention.

    1. That will never happen.

      Either there will be regime change and North Korea will be East Germany or China will let its buffer state be bombarded by the Americans and Kim hide within China’s borders.

  6. China actually needs to sign this in order to satisfied the consumer demand at home. African Swine Flu has infected more than 50% of the total population of pigs in China. Throughout East Asia only Taiwan and Japan are spared from this epidemic (not even Philippines is spared). As part of the political compact the Communist Government have over their subjects is that in exchange for political freedom, CPC will provide the Iron Rice Bowl. With the economical reformed, the vast majority of the Chinese subjects are used to pork, and CPC knows that if they cannot supply what the consumers want, they’ll revolt. Likewise, CPC simply cannot get enough soybeans to satisfy the current (and lets not mention future) demand for it. Only United States is capable of meeting that demand.

  7. Never mind promises broken by Communists in the past. This time it will be different.

    Josef Stalin (D., GA) never broke his promises, but he often changed his mind — big difference.

    “Promises are like pie crusts, they are made to be broken.”
    Anglo-Irish satirist Jonathan Swift

  8. The more the chicoms buy from the US the more Canada sells to the US.

    Wonder why Trump didn’t take off the tarriffs in this deal?
