The UnBenghazi

Mourning is over.

Do tell.

40 Replies to “The UnBenghazi”

  1. It’s astounding just how fast the twits can get righteous and civilized when they see a chain gun, hung from the front of an Apache

    1. The reason why I will never be put in charge of those helicopter gunships is that I’d actually use them. I would order continual strafing runs … until I had re-established a safe zone. Any hostile found within the Safe Zone would be dispatched with extreme prejudice. Protest all you want … on your side of the fence. But if any weapons are fired from the hostiles … then their position would be obliterated.

      1. Nah – use napalm. More generally use Russian methods, by which the Russians largely cleared ISIS out of Iraq, and brought Chechnya under control.

        1. And Vlad can advise on handling left wing journos – maybe even find a few Bulgarians who would do the necessary (maybe a few Canadians would volunteer).

        2. “Nah – use napalm.”

          Don’t play around. Dust-off and nuke the site from orbit – it’s the only way to be sure.

          The two GREAT things about this action are the stark contrast between how Trump and Obama handled it – and the line-in-the-sand Orange Man has drawn for the Ayatollah and his thugocracy. Yeah, your Worship – funny once, twice is boring.

          And Trump is perfectly within his rights to defend it – embassy grounds are considered to be soil owned by the nation whose embassy it is. If I recall correctly, Canada paid Japan a FORTUNE buying Tokyo real estate at par for our new embassy there, back during the heady days of Japan Inc when Tokyo’s “book-value” was more than that of the entire United States.

          1. LOL… FYI

            (As a former “Dustoff” medic) That word is used by the 57th Medical evac group in Viet Nam.
            We fly into fire fights to save our wounded.

      2. you fly ’em kenji and I will man the machine guns.
        as long as the ordnance folks have arranged for about 100,000 rounds.

        just for starters.
        all before breakfast.

  2. I can’t get the link to copy and paste but the UNIFOR media still calls them “protesters”.

  3. Ben Rhodes and his boss Barack Obama did gave Iranian 1.8 billion dollars as sweetener for their big deal with them. They airlifted the money over and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

    1. Congratulations RIM, I think you have just coined the best quote for 2020 and it is not even a day old yet. Geronimo!!!!

  4. Love to have been a fly on the wall at the mansion in the Hampton’s when she heard how Trump described it as not becoming another Benghazi.

  5. The leaders that sent in the militia “mourners” don’t care 2 cents about their welfare, but wanted them blown up to be martyrs for the cause.
    Trump must have made these leaders an offer they couldn’t refuse (something about 70 virgins) and they decided to call their militia in.

    So Trump saves lives, deprives the MSM of propaganda photo ops, and flushes out who’s controlling the militia.

  6. I read a tweet from ms. broadrick, where the leader of the attack was also in the 2011, white house to meet his good bud, and Mr. ketchup was in iran last week…hmmm.. treason carries a nasty sentence.

  7. Coulda filed this one under “Art Of The Deal”

    Or “This Was Nothing Obama Would Do”

    “Not Bill’s Wife”


  8. I remember the days of Eugene Whelan, MP – “Those people over there should all have to wear cowboy hats because the sun seems to be baking their brains.”

  9. Kate, I think you may have coined DJT’s re-election slogan: Mourning is Over in America? Bring on the meme machine!

  10. I expect the mourners leaders were told they could expect B-52 strikes, if things got heavy. ( Not that the deployment of those Marines wasn’t sufficient to get the message across: Any more BS, and DT will issue an order to kill you all. )

  11. We are still dealing with the consequences of Jimmy Carter’s cowardice and stupidity.

    1. I agree with you. However, every once in a while I find myself thinking the CIA sabotaged the helicopter rescue and probably other initiatives as well. If so, I still hold Carter responsible for not realizing what was happening.

      1. What??? The fact that the Carter “chosen” planners didn’t consider that DRY Sand would create a visual problem is not CIA sabotage… Carter’s stupidity & cowardice is a FACT

  12. Apaches?

    Better still, a pair of AC-130s orbiting the building: SERIOUS “attitude adjustment”.
