51 Replies to “The Jobs That Americans Won’t Do”

  1. There should be a flat income tax rate of 50% for undocumented workers with the employer responsible for deducting and remitting it. Wages paid to such undocumented workers shall not be tax deductible. There should be a system in place to easily verify Social Security Numbers and whether the holder has citizenship or the proper visa. They got Al Capone for income tax evasion instead of a dozen or several murders. Judges always support taxes because they provide them a teat to suck on.

    1. All that needs to happen is for the IRS to suddenly discover that tax evasion is going on.
      They will take care of the rest.

    2. I like the way you think. I hope the Trump Admin. monitors this site! God knows your PM monitors all our “hate speech”.

    3. “There should be a system in place to easily verify Social Security Numbers and whether the holder has citizenship or the proper visa.”

      Yes, like a birth certificate from Hawaii.

  2. Non immigrant?

    Can’t wait till this one comes into conflict with the “we where here first” people.

  3. So now Americans are supposed to feel guilty if they take a job previously held by an illegal immigrant??????

  4. How can you run a company with no payroll? How do you report illegal immigrant payments on your corporate financial statements? Even at $6 an hour there must be a lot of money going to these chicken pluckers.

  5. Birth of a Narrative.

    Kate?! I have to ask. What’s your IQ? 140? Another brilliant title. And The NYT rides to the rescue of the poor, poor, illegal Mexican and Guatemalan immigrants being “raped” by President Trump. Better that the NYT leaps off the top of their fancy Renzo Piano highrise in NYC to avoid reporting on And the image of Black Americans dressed in all white jumpsuits, and hair nets … ripping the chickens limb from limb. Ohhhhh mammmmaaa … the New Klan of America is African-American’s dressed in Chicken-Klan robes.

      1. That’s only top 2%. Kensi is suggesting (and I agree, based upon a laser-scalpel wit) that you’re within the 1% where it really matters.

        No, not affluence, or you’d never spend time around unwashed heathens like us; in capability to learn and process information (which is what IQ really means, n’est pas?).

  6. I wonder why the “enlightened” author didn’t ask the question “How guilty do illegal aliens feel breaking into a foreign country and stealing jobs from Americans?”

    Another important thing to remember is that a lot (but not all) of the money made by immigrants, whether they are illegal or legal, gets sent back to relatives in their home country. It is not being spent where it is being made. Maybe we should tax money leaving the country and lower income taxes. If you can afford to send money out of the country you must be very very wealthy.

    1. Well they can send money back because the US taxpayer is paying for housing, food and medical.
      Medical costs me a fortune, college for my kids cost me a fortune but all is free for illegals. How does that make sense?

      1. Rich, I have told all my Canadian snowbird friends that they no longer need medical insurance, because America under the 1986 Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, ensures that all are entitled to emergency services regardless of ability to pay. Looks like Canadians who actually PAY to go to Florida can get all the benefits that the border jumpers and illegal welfare aliens are able to have access to.

        1. Yes, they will give you emergency care. However they can and will still bill you for that care. And those bill collectors know how to come over the border to get you if you don’t pay.

    2. yep…I’m wondering how much CAD leaves Canada and ends up in a Manila Bank, or a Hong Kong one…

  7. Democrats = need to import voters
    Republicans = need to import cheap service workers
    Trumps base = need to manage immigration

    Another check mark towards a Trump 2020 victory

  8. “Dirty Jobs” the TV show is proof that Americans will do any kind of work. Canadians likewise will as well.

    Liberals friends, despite being very stupid, could at least figure out a TV remote and see that show, and then, despite being massively ignorant, liberals could stop using insults against our own people who will do any job.

    Illegal immigrants subsidizing billionaires and growing government and expanding ‘liberal’ political power – whatever extreme form of government this is designed to become, fascism or communism, it will destroy peace and prosperity. Thanks to rich people who value nothing but the power their money buys them over others.

    1. When I worked in a packing plant, the dirtiest and most disgusting job was called the tankhouse. It was where everything that was inedible was cooked in massive roasters. It was an old plant and when things backed up all the disgusting stuff was dumped on the floor. Then someone had to shovel the stuff into floor level openings of the roasters as they caught up. The people who worked there smell like SH! There were always people working there, some for years. As I roasted edible oil, I got thrown in there a few times for overtime for my SH shoveling expertise. Like any job you just did it – and had a shower before you went home. It was in the days before they broke the meat packing unions so we were all paid well. There is never such a thing as a labour shortage, only a pay shortage.

      1. scar:
        That is rock-solid Austrian School economics right there.
        von Mises pointed out that, absent government intervention in the market, there would be no involuntary unemployment.

        You are so right about Kate’s IQ as reflected in those superb thread titles. When I first arrived here in 2004 I was often muttering to myself that negotiating SDA was a kinda IQ test – until I learned about those little thingees like underlined asterisks and embedded links in pics, etc.

      2. scar, I did some damn dirty jobs in my young life. Try hosing out lime reclaim vats in a pulp mill, dirty and very dangerous.

        1. My worst was chipping the thick bark (with an axe) off of 120 ft long 5′ diameter Douglas fir logs used for A-frames for a log dump in September. The same log in the spring would be easy as the sap was running and the bark would have come off in slabs.

        2. OWG:
          Nothing beats having your slaker overflow, or having plugged hoppers on the recovery boiler, well, maybe bunker C oil everywhere.
          I still have scars from shovelling under the lime kiln bucket elevator, from 1994.

          1. Taking bout shit jobs….

            Shoveling wet Cement from underneath a drill rig draw works with 4′ of headroom in -30C weather – right after they’ve cemented a 650 meter 12″ casing string. Tons of fun….NOT.!

            Twas what spurred me to get “edjamakated”…

            And Prior to … I also worked 2 days on the kill floor of Intercontinental Packers off SW marine Dr in YVR…lovely job, using a Nat Gas torch to manually burn off the remaining hair from hogs after their turn in the hot water baths – & folks wonder why those that worked there regularly drank…Ha.!!

          2. Suddenly lying down on rotten logs and clasping hands under the water with a sling to change the booms on a coal mine settling pond (complete with overflowing algae) doesn’t seem so bad.

            It took two showers before my arms didn’t feel slimy after the days that we did that, but there wasn’t a vile smell component so I’d gladly take it over your dirtiest jobs!

    2. ANy manual job is dirty to the elite. The other day, I was talking to an analyst for a pharmaceutical industry lobby group, which was very interesting. Of course, he was pleased with the lection result and, guess what? He was a Liberal. The gravy runs wide but not so deep, as even he was envious about public workers’ pensions.

      1. ANy manual job is dirty to the elite.

        It also kills one’s chances at a faculty position. Working in one’s discipline during the time between when one gets a bachelor’s degree and one’s doctorate isn’t seen as practicing what one has learned. Nope. It’s interpreted as not being “dedicated” to research.

        Actually working out in the field is held in disdain by academics nowadays. It’s seen as vocational and, therefore, worthy of contempt.

      2. The more one works with their hands, the more likely they are to vote conservative. Because if you make a mistake, it hurts and can cripple you, personally. As a result you spend more time thinking about “what could the negative consequences of this be?”.

        Ditto running your own business. When you’re only one or two mistakes away from becoming destitute, you become much more risk averse. If you never personally experience the results of making a bad choice, there’s no problem in voting Liberal, Green, or NDP.

  9. Proof if you ever needed the Dementocrats want to keep the blacks on the welfare-state plantation.

  10. So what’s the joke? The Grey Lady found a Negro who feels bad about being able to find a job even he is qualified for thanks to Donald Trump?

    If that’s true, well. The last thing anybody ever ought to have expected from his miserable “community” is gratitude.

    Mississippi Negroes will happily take the windfall. They won’t vote for Donald Trump or quit complaining about how oppressed they are. Pleasing your enemy does not make him your friend, and kindness won’t solve the Negro problem. Packing them off to their homeland in Liberia will.

    Do that and then, maybe, Silicon Valley can be prevailed upon to put aside their pipe dreams of sparky cars and get to work developing robots that can process chicken and pick vegetables.

    In the meantime, white Americans who are genuinely grateful for an honest job and for President Trump will be able to make a living wage helping to feed their fellow Americans.

    Will this cost more if you get all your food from the supermarket? Oh yes indeed.

    Expect spoiled urban women to go berserk when they finally start being charged the full cost of what it costs to raise their “free-range” chicken.

    Assure them that such is the price of sustainable agriculture, and their children will be grateful for their sacrifice.

    For once it’ll be true.

    1. If you want to export Thomas Sowell, Walter E Williams, Clarence Thomas, and Ben Carson because of their skin colour then you are far too stupid to be a regular here.

      If you want to talk culture, that’s a different matter. You show no sign of being able to tell the difference.

      1. Red Herring.

        What “A Canadian” is referring to is that blacks in America are exceptionally racist, about 90%-95% inherently regard politics as race-war. And it’s not just white people these blacks resent – though they murder and rape whites more than any other when crossing racial lines; Black resentment towards Asians is very real because Asians, the “Yellow race” disprove the Black Critical Race Theory that they are failing in America because of “White racism”.

        Asian and (to a lesser extent) Latino success in America causes Blacks a great deal of rage because of the cognitive dissonance – and that rage results in more than a few “wildings” in police reports and body counts despite the tiny proportions of Asians in the American population.

        This racially motivated resentment is principally why these blacks will not vote for Trump. There is no chance Trump wins anything more than a relatively small plurality of the vote, despite having created opportunities (for all Americans, really) that blacks could only dream of during the Obama years.

        Thomas Sowell, Walter E Williams, Clarence Thomas, and Ben Carson are the exceptions that prove the rule. Again, you literally had to run the entire list of black Americans who have shown basic decency towards regular Americans – blacks who don’t clearly regard Americans on the basis of race.

        And let’s be honest: it’s a short list.

        The bottom line is to recognize the undeniable truth for what it is, rather than using escapist logic; that generally speaking, the vast majority of black Americans in the United States are actually not American at all – they are Africans with American passports – and they will tell you so with bravado and arrogance befitting their worldview – you’ll find it anywhere in the media from Worldstarhiphop to a walk down any neighborhood with a significant black population.

        Thomas Sowell, Walter E Williams, Clarence Thomas, and Ben Carson can stay.

        And that in no way contradicts the statement that America would be a better place if the vast majority of Africans living in America were deported to “Africa” or Liberia as Lincoln surmised.

        Your list of genuine Black Americans (Americans who happen to be black) have in many instances said as much themselves (Larry Elder has referred to this phenomenon vociferously and Chris Rock communicates it comically).

        1. The only people I’ve known who self-describe as niggars were white skinned and should be sent out of the country too, because they share the same destructive culture.

          Not a red herring, an acknowledgement of cultural differences. The millions of middle and upper class Americans with black skin counter your argument that there are only 4 in the entire country. Try reading Thomas Sowell’s “Black Rednecks and White Racists” for a much deeper historical look at how cracker culture was copied from poor Irish and Scottish immigrants (whose crime stats were very similar to today’s inner cities) by some of the freed slaves.

          1. Then you are either hopelessly ignorant of current black culture in America and repeating a bald-faced lie…..or you are telling bald-faced lies of your own mendacity.

            Either way, you are telling bald-faced lies.

            Whether it is a US Navy sailor living in very close proximity to black people, literally sleeping in coffin lockers a few feet away from them for years in the US military, or living in an American city full of blacks from Chicago to Atlanta, or their hip-hop and rap songs filled with repeated exhortations of the word “nigger” and “nigga”, black people are overwhelmingly the users of this lexicon.

            Middle-class blacks are overwhelmingly tied to government jobs and the welfare economy. Yes, there are some well-to-do black business owners, even some black engineers, doctors, soldiers, etc – but these are overwhelming in the minority (blacks comprise mostly the “support” elements in the military, not combat community which requires “volunteering” for the infantry schools and billets) even with affirmative action and race-based privileges reserved for non-whites.

            For all that, the black “Middle class”is the least prosperous, least productive, most subsidized of all the races.

            Again, whether an arbitrary category of people succeed or fail, this in and of itself should not be regarded as a problem that needs “fixing” – which invariable is “fixed” by putting a thumb on the scales (ie “affirmative action” ie “cheating”). It shouldn’t matter whether some people who happen to wear black shirts happen to succeed more than people who wear white shirts.

            The law and the economy works best by allowing individuals the ability to make choices of their own accord – to succeed or fail on their own merits without government coming in to tip the scales in favor of some races (which necessarily tips them against other races). But the late 19th century taught blacks many things – including the fact that their culture was not analogous to the Scots and the Irish – whatever your pretensions.

            So it is a red herring. Even assuming Irish and Scottish immigrants had comparable crime rates to black neighborhoods, the truth is that not only the old Scottish and Irish immigrants, but the most recent immigrants from the Indians to the Thais have succeeded in America without the comparable blight and decay that follows black neighborhoods…

            …and the reason why that blight and decay follows black culture wherever it goes is simple: black people create that culture – not all black people, but to such an overwhelming majority that it has often been celebrated by black people themselves; mind you that part of the reason why the South had a law preventing blacks from being forced to learning to read and write was to protect the black slaves themselves. Many black slaves resented and hated learning to read and write, although many Slave owners thought it was their duty to teach it – and the most important teaching tool was the Bible. This is the first noted instance of Blacks celebrating ignorance – and the acquiescence of white people (the bigotry of low expectations).

            Simply put, Thomas Sowell is wrong in substance. This is the real source of the term “nigger” and its attachment to black culture in recent history – if not the source of the word itself, it is the source of word’s definition – a person who exhorts and celebrates uncivilized behaviour because of ethnic chauvinism and ignorance. Any person in America who has lived in close proximity to black culture has seen it, when black students in America typically gang up on white and asian students for doing too well in school –

            – but the most reviled type of person the blacks hate is a black person who does his best in school, respects authority and American traditions – one who these black niggers accuse the Uncle Tom of “acting white”.

  11. A local farmer grew a lot of cabbage near Georgetown, Ontario this past year. At harvest time there were quite a few black pickers and one white guy driving a nice tractor. Never knew there were so many black farm-hands near Georgetown, Ontario. No white ones though. Just white tractor drivers.

    1. About eighty miles from Georgetown, I picked hundreds of bushels of cucumbers while my brown friend drove the very nice new tractor. Everyone knew that I was perfectly capable of driving that tractor but it didn’t belong to my father, so I picked cucumbers with all the other teenagers, all but two of them, just as white as me. That was 1960. So what the hell happened?

    2. No doubt migrant farm workers in this case likely from the Caribbean. In my neck of the woods, the wineries in Prince Edward County are full of such workers except they are mainly Mexican. All are here legally on temporary work visas. I don’t think it has to do with locals not willing to do the jobs so much as it’s seasonal work for maybe six months a year.

  12. L-Justin Trudeau’s government announced it was giving priority to immigrants for government jobs. Not a peep out of anyone during the election. To prove their allegiance to diversity, the most politically correct in the public and private sector hire immigrants for jobs dealing with the general public.

    The ability to communicate effectively in English may or may not be considered a qualification.

    Cultural dissonance may be overlooked.

    Some in the youth in the aboriginal community are not taking this well, finding entry level jobs are much more difficult to get. None of their leaders spoke up for them during the election, including J.W.R. . But now she’s an Independent (?) M.P.

    Extremely high rates of 3rd world immigration serves to depress wages, generally across the board. Also, it keeps housing prices higher than most couples can afford. Supply and demand for both wages and housing are basic laws of economics that the MSM avoid discussing, as that would lead to a comparison to the U.S. economy.

  13. “The jobs Americans won’t do”.

    “The real minimum wage is zero.”

    Pick how you want to spin it. Minimum wage, benefit plans, payroll taxes, … all can be avoided if you …

    So, keep voting for more freebies. It will be different this time. I promise.

  14. Scanning the comments, there are a whole lot of people calling for bigger government here.

    “Maybe we should tax money leaving the country”

    Ah yes, bigger government, more rules, more bureaucrats to enforce the new rules, some new departments formed to help with the rule enforcement..

    Government just isn’t big enough, and there aren’t enough rules yet! Yeah, that’s it!

    You all have exactly the leviathan you keep voting for.
