17 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: The Time Has Come, The Walrus Said”

  1. And grizzly bears are expanding their territory. Not because of restricted hunting. Nooooooo, it’s climate change.
    Food prices are rising. Not because of government policies artificially raising the price along with normal inflation. Noooooo, it’s climate change.
    As soon as an article or presentation references climate, I move on. The author has no credibility and the piece is BS.
    The NetFlix programme would have been shut off. Providing mostly leftist propaganda is why I don’t subscribe to streaming services. Oh, and I don’t have a smart TV.

  2. I sent the link off to CBC and CTV news Ottawa.
    Complete waste of time of course…..but I have to do it.

  3. YOU are being LIED to … about Global Warming

    I’ve been repeating this TRUTH since 2006, when Al Gore first put some really weepy music to film FRAUD. And here’s the venerated Sir David Attenborough … in 2019 STILL LYING to you with the help of the cynical hardcore leftist owners of Netflix. Global Warming is a scam. Clue #1 ? No transparency. “Proprietary work” don’t you know.

    But it is so easy to swindle the public. Just ask the lawyer from the “Roundup” story below

    1. When Pope Algore presented his BS piece, a co-worker was all excited and asked when I was going too. I replied I wasn’t and that she must have loved watching The Eternal Jew as well. Since she was into BS.

  4. Truth is very inconvenient to narratives which make a lot of money through emotional manipulation.

    How is it even possible for the documentary videographers to completely deny that their drones could have startled the walruses sending them plummeting to their deaths?

    It is a damning testament that many miles of video and film have been sliced and left on editing rooms floors for the sole purpose of pushing a narrative instead of speaking truth and letting the masses deal with it.

    Because we can’t handle the truth. For it sets us free, and most are more comfortable in the conveniences of slavery because toys and pleasure and having our desires met are more fun.

  5. the outrage I feel about attenborough and the netflix ilk is exceeded only by my sadness at seeing these
    terrible mass deaths of such a noble (if I may) WILD beast.
    damn damn damn damn.
    and more damning of the propagandists. what are the odds of this ‘scientific’ ‘fact’ showing up in future ‘research’ papers demanding still more plastic straws banned etc?
    ah yes the old tactic ‘exaaaaaaaaaagerate to make the point bla bla bla’
    lies lies lies and more lies piled on top of lies.

  6. Meanwhile, the spectacle of forest fires in Brazil and Australia is the work of eco-terrorists—as only Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro has had the courage to point out—not climate change.

    1. ….and my pesos are still betting g it was some of Trudeaus new “friends” from Mosul that started the Ft McMurray Fire…along with dozens of others throughout BC.

      Don’t think for a nano second that crew has any reservations about doing damned near Anything their benefactor asks of them…. They owe him their very lives.

      1. Australia and Brazil has plenty of leftists happy to make Morrison and Bolsonaro look bad. Twelve arsonists caught in New South Wales alone, and that’s just the ones the MSM admitted to.

        The real question is who’s recruiting for and bankrolling the operation.

  7. Noble cause corruption at its finest. Stir in big money and scientists afraid to cast doubt on the big lie and you arrive at a place where scientists are on the same level of respect for credibility as used car salesmen and Nigerian princes.

  8. Collateral damage.
    Them are just some big animals that have hard time moving on solid ground.
    Scare the hell out of them, watch them die and film it.
    Then cut it up to suit the purpose.
    Spin a likely story.
    That will work.
    Yeah, old Attenborough is laughing all the way to the bank.
    Task accomplished.
    Saved by the media cartel, nobody will ever know.
    Except those few that actually want to know.

  9. The model used by Attenborough is the accepted model for virtually all “nature” documentaries (created and broadcast by the institutional left) and have been in use since at least the days when Suzuki’s “Nature of Things” started on the CBC, a half century ago. The model is “nature” is wonderful, sprinkled with some interesting tid-bits, possibly even a little scientific observation but always concluding with various levels of hysteria surrounding virtually every thing that humans, particularly industrialized humans, do to threaten “nature”. Politics and state funding has ensured increased corruption and deceit has melded mass hysteria-based junk science with leftist authoritarian activism. CAGW buried under the newspeak and undeniable term, “climate change”, is the gift that keeps on giving for the authoritarian left and their green useful idiots.

  10. Strike Attenborough’s name from the big boat and call it Boaty McBoatface. What a piece of dung. I am also glad that I don’t have Netflix or tv or any of that soul sucking media crap. Peace.

    1. You don’t have Netflix? How can you exist without all of that O’Bummer content?

  11. Attenborough sounds like Winnie the Pooh and I don’t know if that was deliberate on Disney’s part.
