15 Replies to “What’s The Opposite Of Diversity?”

  1. Is diversity of opinion truly “diversity”. Racial diversity has been the bugaboo these days yet you cannot have racial diversity without us evil privileged white folks. I guess opinion is much the same.

  2. On the other hand, what if the department is overwhelmingly in the other direction?

    At the place where I used to teach, one of the administrators in our section was hard-core supporter of politicians like Preston Manning and Stockwell Day. I thought they were political fruitloops (I still do), so I proceeded to poke fun at them. I found cartoons and articles which ridiculed them (the old satire rag Frank was a good source of material) and pinned them on the lunchroom tackboard.

    I don’t think I was alone in my views, but I was the only one cheeky enough to openly express them.

    The administrator in question took umbrage and tried to have me fired for that.

    1. Ha! You and I have a similar sense of humor. When the Florida ballot recount was looking at hanging chads on behalf of wannabe President Gore … I sent my hardcore-leftist sister-in-Law, who had been insufferable during the election … a cartoon entitled “Florida Voting Machine”. The cartoon depicted a Playskool toddlers toy where different colored shapes are dropped into corresponding holes. If anything, the joke was non-partisan. She went fully, insanely, apoplectic. She wrote me a two-page letter citing every reason she’d always HATED me, called my wife sobbing about why she should divorce me, claimed one of her associates saw the email which put her job in jeopardy … and generally acted like every unhinged, INSANE, leftist I’ve ever encountered. Because I sent her a non-partisan cartoon mocking Florida Voters.

      That episode explained everything I ever needed to know about leftists who are quite literally CONSUMED by their HATEFUL politics. And the entire country has descended even deeper into this insanity ever since. And it reminded me of how leftists go CRAZY (of the batshit variety) whenever they venture out of their safe, comfy, echo chambers. They cannot handle ANY dissenting opinions. None. Which is exactly why University faculties have been carefully curated to be “safe spaces” for leftist professors. They cannot handle dissent. Which may explain their herd mentality in becoming leftists … they are weak-minded people who find safety and security in numbers. They will “believe” anything … so long as they feeeeeel they’re in the safe, warm, “majority”.

      BA … you must be one TOUGH grizzled old dude to survive a single day in that collegiate environment … aka mentally healthy and strong

      1. BA … you must be one TOUGH grizzled old dude to survive a single day in that collegiate environment … aka mentally healthy and strong

        The place where I taught was from somewhere south of Mars, starting at the top. Looking back on my time there, I think it was good that I quit when I did. Had I stayed much longer, I might have eventually become an alcoholic.

        A few years after I left, I met a tenant in my apartment building who was an instructor at that institution and we often swapped stories. However, he himself was a lush, though I don’t know if he was one before he started there. Considering what I experienced while I was at the place, I could understand why he might have wanted to remain a drunk.

    2. Frank is still available, in print or online. Bateman is back in, ahem, control. It’s a little pricey, but all in all a pleasure to see again.

      1. I’ll have to look for it. I started reading it in the mid-1990s but quit several years later when it became rather childish and silly.

  3. I recently mentioned to a group of people in San Francisco that the lack of intellectual diversity here is appalling. I received a bunch of blank stares.

  4. Maybe federal funding of universities should be based, not only on ethnic diversity, but also on political diversity.

    1. One might well ask why a private university, which perhaps even goes so far as to pride itself on being private, is receiving any federal funding at all.

      1. A private school likely receives research money from the federal government. Also – student loans are considered federal funding.

  5. @scar
    There should be no federal funding of colleges and universities. They show themselves to be biased towards the left in the most complete way. Let them have bake sales with their liberal alumni flipping the cookies.
    In the US, we fought a war over taxation without representation. What’s it mean now? Keep your powder dry.

  6. We have taxation with representation, might still have to go to war one day over the taxation.

  7. This will become known as Trump’s greatest failure. Like Harper allowing the CBC to continue, Trump not ending government involvement in education is the thing that will undo anything else he accomplishes.

    Where do you think Strozk, Lisa Page, the Ohrs, and all the rest decided to join the “team”? It was at university. Probably started earlier, in kindergarten, or preschool, or being read Marx at bedtime.

    If you’ve ever driven over a pothole on a government road, know that THAT, is the best government can do at anything they become involved in. Roads, healthcare, edumuhcation, tax law, contract law, mental institutions, … guaranteed potholes and disrepair for the rest of eternity.
