Always remember that “Allahu Akbar” is Arabic for “Nothing to see here”.

Bumped for Update: 10 Saudi military students at Pensacola Naval Air Station now detained after jihad massacre

Mark Steyn;

I can no longer remember when I first used the line, but, as I’ve said many times before, sometimes a society becomes too stupid to survive.
Back when President Trump was Candidate Trump, he famously proposed a soi-disant “Muslim ban” on entry to the United States “until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on”.
Which was a rationale to which I was rather partial – because a failure to “figure out what the hell is going on” is a big part of why we’re where we are a generation after 9/11. Mohammed is now in the Top Ten boys’ names in America, which means it will sooner than you think be, as it is in Europe, among the Top Five boys’ names, and eventually the Number One.
Well, the “Muslim ban” never happened, after being struck down by judges and filleted into meaninglessness by the lawyers of the permanent bureaucracy. But you would think, given the mountain of corpses piled up on 9/11, that at the very minimum Saudi nationals would no longer be being given pilot training in Florida. After all, fifteen of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers were Saudis, and half of those who flew the planes received their lessons in the Sunshine State.

88 Replies to “Always remember that “Allahu Akbar” is Arabic for “Nothing to see here”.”

    1. This is all part and parcel of The WAR on Christianity. Let’s review the Roster of HATERS, shall we … ?

      Muslims – HATE Christians and want the infidels dead … after the seizure of our countries
      LGBTQueers – HATE Christians with the same vile as nutjob s who held God Hates Fags posters
      Hollywood – HATE Christians as exhibited in the uniformly negative HATEFUL portrayals
      Educators – HATE Christians and sue to stop anything “Christmas” from ever happening again
      Government – HATES Christians and erroneously claim “separation of church and state”.
      Abortionists – HATE Christians … because Christians love life. All life.
      Atheists – HATE Christians, because it’s not enough to just ignore God …
      Dopers – HATE Christians because God wants clear minds
      Criminals – HATE Christians because of those 10+ Commandments

      So who’s left? A shrinking pool of Christians are being run out of out Western Nation’s, and half of who are left are too cowed and lukewarm to stand up to the assault. And all the “21st Century” progressives, who are more “evolved” than silly skydaddy believers, are going to be really, really shocked when “those Christian scolds” are replaced by the Islamosteppo … the Mullahs and Imams who seize control of our nations, It’s not gonna be pretty. And it’s coming sooner than you think.

      1. “Atheists – HATE Christians, because it’s not enough to just ignore God …”

        I am an atheist, I don’t hate Christians. I respect Christianity, I like it. If Oriana Fallaci and Pope Benedict could ally, so can we.

        1. My friend … and I should like to count you as one … I suspect you are the exception. But grateful that you are one. Please understand I respect your beliefs and conclusions as I believe each man must work out their own personal philosophy and meaning of life … and am taught that God gives no less free will. So I could never count you as in any way less than myself on account of my faith. Perhaps not all Christians would offer such “charity” (if you will) … but I do.

          1. Thanks. Well put. I feel that atheists are like gays, majority perfectly normal people living under the radar… and then there are those who make being atheist or gay (or black or female) a full time occupation, they hate you just as they hate me. Most atheists are like me, we don’t hate you.

          2. BTW … I agree with your statement about gays. As strident as I am in my “anti-gay” rhetoric … it isn’t really anti-gay … it’s anti-Queer (their word for it). “Queer” … what the gays call the nasty, loud, obnoxious, “get-even”, gays who SHOVE their lifestyle into everyone’s face and business. Those are the people I am pushing back. I’m a live-and-let-live kind of guy … but not when Queers force my children to “accept” them. Never gonna happen. We believe what we want in our family. Go ahead and state your case … but FORCING your deviancy into everyone’s belief system is never gonna happen. We do not now, nor will we ever see “pride” in your parades. We just see desperate cries for help.

  1. Steyn as usual hits the nail squarely on the head. As many commenting here over the past decade or so have all recognized the clear and present danger that is being foisted upon us is reaching the point of no return. The constant erosion of the beliefs that helped create today’s Western society will continue apace because we have a belief in compassion. Our compassion and wilful ignorance will eventually be our downfall.

  2. we need the judgey-judges, lawyers, cops, democraps, ACLU, etc types blown to bits and especially their loved ones instead so perhaps THEY see the blood and death of iSLAM and ‘somebody’ will ‘do something’.

    but, because this is an exclusive and insular elite and tiny percentage of the populace, IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN.

        1. When Muslims become the tipping point in any society, Sharia becomes the new law. Go to Dearborn or Londanistan (England and Ontario) for real life object lessons, plz.

          Tyranny is its name.

          So, by extension, you are absolutely correct. Keeping devout and practicing Muslims, with the mandate to impose their “religion of peace” from reaching that majority, we must regulate and restrict their movements and activities within our Christian nations so they can’t corrupt and defile our peace and order.

          Glad to see you’re finally seeing the Light, Unme!!

          1. ” Dearborn or Londanistan (England and Ontario) for real life object lessons, plz.”

            There is no evidence of Sharia in these places.

            “we must regulate and restrict their movements and activities within our Christian nations so they can’t corrupt and defile our peace and order.”

            FO slaver. One of the joys of the coming decades will be seeing you and your kind die off.

          2. “There is no evidence of Sharia in these places.”

            In the future please replace the above by “standard lie #7” to save space when you bullshit.

          3. You’re not pointing out the truth, you’re just demonstrating your limitation, again.

          4. “You keep saying this word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” Inigo Montoya

          5. “..There is no evidence of Sharia in these places….”

            Pure Unadulterated BULLSHIT Unthing…
            An absolute LIE.

  3. Whadda you mean? Our intrepid FBI is … investigating … any possible (read: improbable) links to “Terrorism” (don’t say “Islamic Terrorism”)

    Perhaps they’ll open a “dossier” on this fine young Muslim airman?

  4. Cool story bro. Shall we also impose a ban on assault weapons until our representatives can ‘figure out what the hell is going on?’ I mean that’s still less stupid than entertaining the ‘Islam is taking over Europe’ narrative.

    1. No, Unwell. We should keep the guns till we can figure out what the hell is going on. But we already know what is going on so we will keep the guns. The royal we.

    2. Here’s an idea … allow our military to carry guns on base once again. It’s pretty shocking that our own military have no weapons at the ready to defend themselves. Thanks Obama’s military deep state … thanks. And thanks for refusing to vett and/or surveill Muslims joining our military.

        1. Removing combat experienced generals from command and replacing them with PC transgender military imperatives, climate change conversion of equipment, and a whole basket of deplorable transformations to America’s muscular military. That’s what. UnThinker

          1. What percentage of the American budget is SPENT by the Pentagon Generals? Yeah … not part of the deep state of permanent (career) Bureaucrats … Puhleeze. Yes … non-combat Generals ARE Bureaucrats.

            Next! (excuse)

    3. Come-on turd jr. Are you really trying to UnIq your self to lower than a wooden table leg. Sorry I forgot there’s no fix for stupid.

    4. The difference is that the only thing we “don’t know” about Islam is how many Muslims will not strictly adhere to their scriptural duties to further Jihad whereas guns are inanimate tools. Hey but keep supporting the continued socialized importation of mostly Muslims erroneously called immigration because the kids at Reason say so.

        1. Its actually an underwhelming majority and that’s what apologists like you fail to perceive. Along with the shrapnel, hot lead and cold steel.

  5. Europe is a elderly, childless, dying continent. 40% of males in Germany under the age of 30 are Muslim. About the same in France.
    At present rates of the last 10 years, in 30 years, both will be muslim majority countries.
    Before this, most cities will be Muslim . Small towns and rural still non muslim. Islam gives meaning and purpose. Leftism gives elderly diapers, electric scooters, organic vegetables.
    Non Muslim urban elites, well entrenched in various easy work gov jobs will sniff out the future and inturn for keeping their comfee tax payer paid jobs, vacations, benefits will go with the flow. Diversity and all that. They will be ghetto kapos to non muslims, keeping everyone calm, social justice-ing dissenters, banning letters to the editors, call in radio, facebook, twits….you know the drill.
    Right now cities like Paris, Amsterdam other than the fake Disney centers are ringed with islam. Already near majority.
    The muslims, their wives and many children, on welfare, are not great earners, so its just a matter of time when they align with the non muslim elite and government tax eaters really up the taxes to 70%. Someone has to pay for both groups, and the Koran says not Muslims.
    Like the movie, Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, muslims are moving into the positions of government, the police. So if you think islamic truck drivers and knife aficionados are a little too much now, just wait. And don’t be surprised if you get a visit at your workplace, and appartments for “voluntary” donation to the local islamic “charity “. They’ll have a list, your kids, their schools, your car, where you work.
    Totally voluntary. And, if not, who you going to call, Officer Mohammed at the station? Nice guy, be around in a couple weeks to take a report.

  6. If you can’t bring yourself to say “islam” or “muslim” in the description of this event and those that have caused it, you’re of no help. This isn’t done by direction of anything that isn’t already known to be in the koran and other 2 bullshit texts they revere.

    Nothing to do with “assault” weapons.
    At what point will the Clinton directed military base prohibition on carrying weapons be lifted?

  7. Considering the late “fine young airman” from SA who just murdered 3 people in Pensacola, contrary to all normal folks’ expectations (which would exclude UnMe the UnFazed) Saudi student visas increased substantially in the years following 9/11.

    How I miss thoses days when such imponderables shocked me.

  8. September 12th, 2001, life carried on as usual in Saudi Arabia. Life was not interrupted by an enormous ball of nuclear fire reducing the land to ash and glass.

    December 2019, three people were murdered by a Saudi national who had the good fortune of not being carbonised instantly.

    Do the math.

    1. “..Life was not interrupted by an enormous ball of nuclear fire reducing the land to ash and glass…”

      Huh…that was IMO, too damned Bad.

      And that in itself, is the perfect example of how DEEP the Deep state had its fingers … In fact, I fully believe they 100% engineered 9/11.

      A series of 25-30 Megaton presents delivered by whatever means (and there’s plenty), should have obliterated Mecca….with a promise for more…much more should 1 more terror Attack against a European or White Anglo citizen occur ANYWHERE on the planet unil their entire Ideology was VAPORIZED.

      I fear it is too late now…

  9. 1,500 years of Jihad and what have we learned here on the other side of it? The Crusades were evil and if you say differently, you’re an Islamophobe. Nothing to see here indeed.

    1. Well they were evil. They made no sense and one of them was just an excuse to sack Constantinople, which might have done far more to harm Medieval Christendom than the Ay-rabs could have hoped for.

    2. The crusades were generally a very positive episode and they helped to slow the expansion of koranimalism. Today we should crusade with nukes.

      1. Start with Mecca.
        Tell the twirling filth…1 more attack ANYwhere on the planet..? We take out Mecca & then Riyadh if need be….and so on, making no disticintion between Shia or Sunni.

        if nothing else we Vaporize at least 95% of them…leaving a much more manageable pile of filth to deal with.
        I will gladly push the button.

  10. Mark warned us at least 10 years ago with “America Alone”.

    We are doomed with the likes of Justine, his lite version, Andy (Justine in waiting) and the U.S. Dems.

    The only question is just how long will it take?

    1. 40% of males under 30 in Germany are muslim. Probably the same in France. In France more births are immigrants than French.
      At these rates, by 2050 both countries will be majority muslim, with those under 30, 70% muslim. 30 years.

      Africa will double its population in 20 years. The average African woman has 4.7 children by age 24.

  11. The hell will go on because our masters consider mass murders of Americans—on top of American men of modest background going to fight for the House of Saud, coming back crippled, insane or not at all—a small price to pay to keep cheap Saudi oil flowing to China, allowing our masters to keep exporting north America’s industrial base to China.

    Sell the Han tribe the rope to hang them with? Hell, our betters will pay the Han to make it, and make sure the rope factory is supplied with all the oil it needs.

    Meanwhile, the Han are making excellent progress on a solution to their own Muslim problem—demonstrating that all that solution would require in the West is leadership that made it their top priority to guarantee the survival of the peoples of the West and a future for their children.

  12. 1. The number of Muslims in the US is at an all time high.

    2. The United States has never been safer.

    1. “2.” happens despite “1”, despite scum like you and UnMe not because. And we would all be better off without you and those like you.

      1. Even so, the hypothetical max decrease in safety caused by 1 is so minimal as to not be worth considering.

        1. No not for the sake of safety alone. It is just that the world is better off without you. I strongly encourage you to get cancer.

        2. Except for those who get taken out by that “minimal” decrease in safety. And the survivors whose lives are forever altered. Think “angel moms” and the children they’ve lost to illegals. Minimal you say, but not to them.

  13. What I don.t understand is why Justin and his band of followers constantly chastised Scheer for his religious beliefs, yet they embrace the Muslim faith whose strong suit is beheading non believers of Allah

  14. 1. Every year in the USA, more guns are sold to private individuals, making Americans more safe.

    2. Except for Democrat strongholds like Chicago, and on military bases where they were banned by Bill Clinton.

    1. Dearborn is home to the largest Muslim population in the United States and has a homicide rate a fraction of that of the general population.

        1. ITT, Colonialistia is triggered very easily.

          Real men flip out over the equivalent of Church Bells /conservaderp

          1. Yes for subhumans like you these are equivalent. Again, this only just proves that you’re unable to grasp your limitations.

      1. White homicide is near 2 per 100k.
        Dearborne has alot if not the largest Christian Arab population. Why they fled their homelands escapes me. Black homicide is 20 per 100,000.
        Wait until they convert and get back to me.

  15. The US should finally politely ask Saudi Arabia: Mecca or Medina? You have 10 seconds to choose. If they don’t choose, nuke them both. Then proceed to Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan…then tell the Chicoms and the Russians to f**koff.

    1. Absolutely not. … do not give them that choice.
      How could nuking just one be ever preferable to nuking both? Just wait for the last days of Ramadingding to max service to humanity.

  16. It’s great that you respond to “Democrat strongholds like Chicago” while citing the Dearborn, Michigan crime rate, which the FBI shows as wildly unreflective of Michigan’s reality. Bordering Detroit, where the murder rate of 43/100,000 is almost twice that of Chicago’s. lol… for a more recent murder and crime rates.
    Higher! Higher! Higher!

    Hey remember that year that South Dakota had 0 (zero!) murders?

    Good times. Are there any residents of S.D. that don’t have guns?

    How’s that for a comparison? A few years ago there was only 1 mosque in S.D.

    That might explain the low crime rate as well.

    1. That’s not what Rizwan was responding to.

      Calgary has tons of Muslims and also very little crime. Check, mate.

      1. I’ll check to see how many muslims fit into a ton.
        It’s almost impossible to tell who you two assholes are responding to. Telling though that you feel the need to defend your fellow asshole, even while he responds directly below my commentary that you “feel” he’s not responding to.

        The crime rate in Calgary is up almost 10% over the past year, what with all the new Canadians arriving.

        Who are you playing chess with asshole?

        1. 10% from such a low baseline really doesn’t mean much and there’s no reason to believe it has anything to do with new Canadians arriving especially when they’re going mainly going to the TMV AFAIK. This is likely downstream of Alberta’s economic malaise. Alberta wishes it were attracting new Canadians right now.

          1. UnMe – it means a lot to the victims. And, to be blunt, Calgary has enough worries of its own right now trying to help beleagured long-time residents than having to assimilate a batch more who lack the necessary skills to find employment in our economy. It does not help that any “refugee” is – thanks to court diktat – entitled to better health care than our veterans, seniors, or homeless.

  17. What does Calgary’s crime rate (that you mentioned, and that a 10% increase doesn’t seem to mean much to you though it would if every one of them had axes put through their skulls in a retaliatory measure to ensure future compliance with crime laws), have to do with “Democrat strongholds like Chicago” that I mentioned above and your bum chum Riz responded to with “but Dearborn” ect… that you say I responded to but didn’t?

    You make these arguments that haven’t anything to do with the topic at hand, then win those arguments (with who? are there others in your room you’re arguing with?). Doubtful that we need more new canadian unemployables that scarcely understand more than “sweep that up” …

    No wonder the vast majority here at SDA ignore you and your fellow asshole’s idiocy.

  18. @Rizwan and the other usual suspect. Muslims are sworn to kill infidels. After Decades of building a muslim only society, there are no infidels left to murder. So, OF COURSE there’s a lower homicide rate in Dearborn. Your convenient misuse of facts is the same story we have seen a thousand times. Logic is not your long suit culturally speaking.
    You’re just another chew toy for infidels who know why muslim countries are grotesque economic and social failures. The elite will stomp you along with other useful idiots. And that includes the muslim elites. You think they CARE about you?

    1. As long as they are left behind when wexit happens..Why bring problems along that plague us now.US style constitution.

  19. Wow, sure was a lot of blow by the un one on this thread. Too bad his brain does not function.

  20. Dearborn, MI – Meet the Mayor, Jack O’Reilly:

    Then take a look at the profiles for Dearborn’s city council, judges, and city clerk. Maybe then y’all will come back to reality.

  21. It may be time to demand that the SA eliminate the blood line of these terrorists… The Turks know what the Muslims fear… turn over the brothers, Cousins, Uncles and all male family members to the Turks… The lone Terrorist desire will disappear over night….Get real

  22. Blackie reminds us that here in Sunny Ways Canada, Allahu Akbar is Arabic for Merry Christmas. And fresh from denouncing Israel at the UN, Blackie is scheduled to light candles at a Hanukkah ceremony Monday. Please God, for once don’t let him say something stupid.

  23. Here’s some depressing reading:

    American Islamism Flourishes under Trump
    by Sam Westrop
Middle East Quarterly

    Leading me to wonder if down the road we will see the Trump presidency as an elaborate Reality Show.

  24. It wasn’t even a “Muslim ban” FFS!
    It was a restriction placed on travelers originating from countries that couldn’t or wouldn’t supply vetting for their citizens! Some of these countries WEREN’T EVEN ISLAMIC!

  25. “…Alberta wishes it were attracting new Canadians right now…”

    LMAO…get Real sonny boy.
    I’ve read some stupid shit before .. but that.? Laughable. As are most of your idiotic acid induced pronouncements.

  26. “…Alberta wishes it were attracting new Canadians right now…”

    LMAO UNSlime…get Real sonny boy.
    I’ve read some stupid shit before .. but that.? Laughable. As are most of your idiotic acid induced pronouncements.

  27. Islam is a death cult founded by a murdering, woman hating, fascist, goat screwing pedophile. But other than that, its ok.

  28. With apologies to Yeats:

    And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Washington (or Ottawa, London, Paris, Berlin, etc…) to be born?

  29. “Sometimes a society becomes too stupid to survive” says it all.
    Think we are not there yet? Take a hard look at what policies win our elections, think socialism.

  30. Pres. Trump wanted servicemen to be able to carry their sidearms on base, after that terrorist murdered several at a recruiting station in Tennessee. Why wasn’t the servicemen on watch at the NAS armed?

    Who the hell is in charge of base security, there? Why the hell haven’t they been fired? Why the hell are US military bases gun-free zones for the good guys, but free-fire zones for terrorists?

    How about Trump fires as many senior officers as necessary to stop this insubordination? They are getting US servicemen murdered. (. By the way, the generals and admirals always have armed guards, and security is very tight where THEY go about their duties.
