Scheer Fires Staffers While Knives Get Sharpened

“In that month the people looking to push Scheer out have been talking, meeting, plotting and raising funds. There is plenty of chatter, whispers in every conversation about what is happening. And while few are willing to step forward and say they’re looking to oust Scheer publicly, these movements are real.”

More, including the plots against him, here….

63 Replies to “Scheer Fires Staffers While Knives Get Sharpened”

  1. Who cares? Who cares who gets to take over yet another dead political movement?

    All the donations you gave over the years? Wasted. The volunteer hours? Wasted.

    When it came time to decide if he was going to stand on principle even if he stood alone, Scheer decided he would not even stand.

  2. I see the snake-in-the-grass Peter Mackay is speaking at a chamber of commerce event in EDM this Tuesday. And articles about maybe it being time for a “red Tory” in various MSM outlets.

    Let me put this as bluntly as I can: if a red Tory becomes leader of the CPC the party will split along east-west lines yet a again. And this time the western party that precipitates out WILL NOT have the slogan “the West wants in.”

    1. I’m good with it Tulk. As an Albertan I used to want in… but you a-holes out east will only vote for morons like yourselves. Screw Turdo, screw Scheer… and screw you. I want out.

    2. GT…they need a non-bible thumper to lead, so they can attract centrist and moderate libs> a lot of people I talk to complain about cons ad their homophobic stance, and their anti abortion position, and they support the rite to choice for assisted suicide, and many support legal MJ, this also includes a lot of us atheists and agnostics. Cons need to learn to cast a wider net,, not push potential voters away,

        1. Ambrose showed her stripes in Sockpuppet’s first big $crew-up. Vacationing on the Aga Khan’s private island, and accepting a helicopter ride in violation of Canadian law – oh well, at least Potato paid a hundred-dollar ethics fine, so I guess it’s alright.

          Then Ambrose dumps-on him, while partying on a billionaire’s yacht herself? Good one – way to show the voters you’re every bit as pleasure-seeking and hypocritical as the man you’re pillorying!

          I won’t vote for her.

      1. Here’s what’s interesting about that. You along with the majority of the country would rather have a groping, racist, bigot, corrupt leader than one who actually has a moral compass. One who thinks that human rights begin in the womb. Who thinks that redefining marriage makes marriage insignificant.

        Ya. We’re screwed.

        1. Yes. It’s better to be led by an imbecile than a New Puritan whose moral compass points the wrong way. Who seriously believes that an embryo is a person. Who isn’t aware that marriage has been redefined in the past and survived just fine.

          1. Yes it is much better to have jackbooted thugs take your guns away (as if you had any) than to deal with consequences of your clients not wearing condoms when meeting you behind a gas station.

          2. Yes it is much better to have human rights commissions run amok than to be prohibited from terminating a pregnancy in the ninth month.

        2. smithy, I can make my own decisions, I don’t need a Kristian Kommy Klown to do that for me any more than I need a libtard to do that for me. Your god gave us freedom of choice, so say the thumpers who don’t like being told that god effed up and made humans as a mistake. You can’t eat yer cake and also still have it to.

          add in you don’t govern from the oppositions seats, so scheep’s character is only relivant on voting day, and irrelivant the rest of the time

        1. OWG if you think hating the bible is the cause of the death of Canada your view is too narrow. I consider my self conservative And I wouldn’t vote for the progressive green scammers that operate under the conservative label. Because I think the bible is a poorly written novel that has had one hell of a selling job mean that I can’t be conservative?

        2. owg

          most early immigrants to the new world came here to get away from oppression, by the elites and the oppressive church. So yer bucket has a lot of holes in it

          1. sorry son, the holes are in your bucket and one does not have to search very hard to see that I am telling the truth.

    3. Mackay is one of the few who is actually solidly worse than Scheer. What does he even bring to the table? Besides looking like Zuckerberg’s older weirder brother?

    4. The CPC was formed to expel the red Tories.
      There are plenty of options for their “progressive” tendencies.
      If they hijack the CPC it will be the end of the party for sure.
      This whole adventure is outside forces to neuter the CPC so the Liberals can win any election going forward.
      All to plan, all by design.
      If they dump Scheer, they will never get another $ from me.
      Scheer is on the cusp of winning the next election, they are terrified. Anyone who wants Scheer gone is a Liberal schill and/or a globalist.

      1. “Scheer is on the cusp of winning the next election”

        Bahaha sorry Andy you’re probably done.

        The Ontario PCs had a similar experience with Hudak. Kept him after he lost and reduced the Liberals to a minority. Lost again and gave the Liberals back the majority.

        1. HORRORS – I’m agreeing with UnMe!!!!!!

          “Scheer is on the cusp of winning the next election” – no, Sockpuppet is on the cusp of losing the next election even harder than he almost lost the last one – and if Milk Dud had actually stood up, and stood for something (at least, something other than the leftist trash Little Potato was standing for too), and used some of the cases and cases of ammunition Trudeau gave him to shoot him down with, Trudeau would’ve lost the last election and Scheer would be Prime Minister.

          But Scheer didn’t. Scheer didn’t do ANYTHING. And whatever conservatives in Canada need, a useless do-nothing leader who throws-away a stream chock-full of gold nuggets of opportunity like Scheer had, isn’t one of them.

          Goodbye, Mister Scheer.

      2. “Scheer is on the cusp of winning the next election”

        Scheer is the only federal politician stupider than Trudeau.

      3. boob Daye, just how stupid and uninformed are you. Andy 2% had the last election practically handed to him, butt he WhoDatted the sucker

    5. Well, he is speaking in Edmonton, home of the NDP Western Soviet. Strange that he picked Redmonton over Calgary, well not to me anyway.

  3. I am afraid that if Andrew Scheer is replaced it will solidify Trudeau’s present term and probably give him a third. So naturally the Liberals are promoting it.

    Conservatives have trouble getting it through their thick stupid skulls that loyalty is generally regarded as a primary virtue. Liberals do understand it and do expect loyalty.

    1. John, I see scheep as a liberal plant, the dairy lobby was probably working for the Turd, and not scheep. Get over it, scheep is not now nor ever will be a leader. And loyalty should be to the party and policy, not one boy, like scheep

    2. “Conservatives have trouble getting it through their thick stupid skulls that loyalty is generally regarded as a primary virtue. ”

      LOLWUT? How about not sucking as leader? I think that’s a better virtue.

    3. Yes, loyalty; a “primary virtue”. Saskatchewan and Alberta need pipelines; did Scheer even show up when we sent a truck convoy? Saskatchewan and Alberta need Trudeau and his Liberals gone; did Scheer campaign against Trudeau at any point in time, or just Bernier?

      So, Scheer gets back, what he gave to us; nothing.

  4. ” Money is being raised among Red Tories to pay for anti-Scheer candidates to travel to Toronto and vote against him in April.”

    “And there is constant talk of Brian Mulroney looking to find a replacement, though it won’t be his daughter Caroline who is not interested at this time.”

    Red Tories. Brian Mulroney.

    Not going down that road again. Time for a new country.

    1. what’s funny about that is that the Bronfmans and their ilk , call the shots on both sides of the aisle

  5. The problem with ‘conservative ‘ parties is they embrace many disparate elements. Social vs economic and everything from libertarian to, dare I say left wingers who are not comfortable voting ndp. Resolving all those differences is impossible.

    Sheer will need to get at minimum an 80% approval at the party meeting this spring. Joke lark got 66% as I recall and took the high jump. He knew he couldn’t continue with a number like that.

    I agree GT that a social conservative leading the party will be the end of the CPC. It will however be a guarantee of 4 more years of librano government.

    The libranos are pushing the ‘Scheer is against abortion/LGBT theme hard. Their collaborators in the press are doing what they are told. They smell advantage librano.

  6. There’s a comment in that story from Mackay about how losing this election was like missing an empty net.

    This was a lie conservatives deceived themselves into believing. The conditions were never quite as good as Conservatives wanted to believe. The economy was not bad like it or not. Trudeau contrasts well with the Orange Ogre to the south. MJ legalization is still a widely loved policy. On top of that is Ford pushing Ontario to the Liberals. Ontario typically votes one way federally and the other provincially.

    Scheer did not have an open net…but he still sucked. His campaign was mostly vacuous. Just be objective like me.

  7. The Cons got want they wanted out of the last election, a loss. A Loss that assures the globalist clown show starring foreign agent Gerald Butts and his favorite buttplug, Justine McTurdhole will continue… hey, they don’t call him Turdhole for nothing. Scheer couldn’t even beat a hapless criminal and known bigot, that takes effort or in Scheers case, no effort. Come on people, the strategists that ran Harpers campaign and the people that ran Scheers campaign wanted to lose, pretty obvious. Clearly Scheer has to go, but so do the brainiacs that run the campaigns and the Party. If Scheer stays on as “leader” then you know the fix is in to lose again. There is also the possibility that Scheer and his handlers all of a sudden transform into actual Conservatives rather than the “we’re Liberals too” bullshit they’Ve been losing on for the last two elections, but I doubt it. Personally I’m done with Turdholeland Conservatives, have been for quite some time now. Long past time for Pierre”s country to end… but I have a feeling the pretense of a corrupt Post National State posing as a democracy will continue to prevail… “you can’t cure stupid”. Canadians are bigots that like electing other bigots and are okay with massive unfettered Government corruption but we”re supposed to believe that Canadians are also principled… what an effing joke.

  8. Yay between Kevin, Enema and UnMedicated everything stupid that could have been said has been said already. You traitors don’t matter. Go play with your Maxipad action figures. We’re still going to work to get rid of Dairy Queen (and not replace him with McKay) and we will make sure not to give a $hit about opinions of you and other enemies.

    1. COLON…butt you were a big scheep supporter during the erection, so why the change now. Or are you trying to prove you are not as stupid as you are??

      1. Bitch please, I was supporting Dairy Queen because he was the best and only option we realistically had if we wanted to get rid of Aladdin. You know my reasoning very well. So at least be genuine and not a demagogue like UnMedicated. Run on your own stupid, no need to borrow his.

  9. Scheer and the CPC are yesterdays news.
    I am with Kevin,Who Cares?
    I am done with the Uni-Party.
    Does not matter who rules in Ottawa,the theft goes on.
    And will never stop.

    Unilateral Declaration of Independence.
    Poor Jason,a federalist in a region that is gone.
    Cracks me up to hear the bedwetters;”Alberta will be a landlocked nation that cannot get its product to tidewater”.
    Sure ,exactly where we are now.
    Except we will have negotiators who are actually working for us,working to get real access to the markets we need.
    Actual leverage? The horror.
    And our involuntary donations to the parasitic horde,might even go toward building a country in which our children have a future.
    A country with rule of law and actual property and personal rights..

    Or we can stay in Canaada???

  10. Except maybe for the reduction in foreign “aid”, weren’t the CPC positions during the last Parliament and their election proposals close enough to the Liberals already? Maybe not for pot.
    Isn’t Andrew Scheer a red tory at best? Why go looking for another one? I suppose maybe to give the job to another Eastern favourite son/daughter.
    I hope they do that despite 71 of their 121 seats being from west of the Ontario border. It will be great having our elected representatives telling us about the benefits of the carbon tax, windmills, solar arrays and the elimination of the world’s most important energy source from our territory. Should help harden attitudes in favor of getting out of Canada.

  11. When I read comments along the lines that we need a conservative party leader who is even more liberal than Scheer in order to beat Trudeau, I realize that this country really is doomed.

  12. Fighting over who to elect to support you in a rigged game and stacked deck? Ha Ha Ha. Hopefully at the agm they all bring garrotes and strangle each other.
    Get it through your heads. Voting in a rigged game is not just a waste of time and money it is STOOPID. Get out Alberta go UDI and wipe your arse on the Gulag Canada.

    1. Long past the time to leave Peeairs corrupt country, long past. A new country, and soon. Pierre’s country is beyond redemption, it cannot be fixed, it will not change or get better with a “new Government”, it will continue to be Peeairs regressive tribal country no matter who occupies the PMO. Peeairs country is diseased by design. When you have a mentally deranged PM who dresses up in various ethnic costumes, wears blackface too many times to count, stuffs bananas down his pants, praises other dictatorships, says things like, the country is a “post national state” and how “the country, it belongs to us” (Queerbekers) and how he wants to “fill up Ottawa with francophones” (the Bloc de toilet fulfilled that wish, didn’t they) then it becomes increasingly clear that the country itself is diseased, not just the entitled imbeciles inbreds and foreign funded jag-offs that rule over it… Peeairs country was deranged corrupt and diseased from its very inception. I see no point in continuing the charade that it can somehow be, ‘fixed”… it can”t. #WEXIT now.

  13. I agree with many of the comments above, but I’m just not of a view that a change in leadership will be helpful at this time — it will certainly change nothing, to be sure, regardless of what Bryan, whom I greatly respect, says.

    The facts of the matter, as I see them, are these:

    – Popular vote: 34.4% Conservative, 33.1% LIberal (all of the opinion polls published on 19 and 20 October were wrong, by an average margin of 2.76%, with the PPC gaining 1.6% of the popular vote);

    – The PPC was highly detrimental to us here in Ontario — the biggest problem was the perceived “rift” in the Conservative movement, which made some people nervous (think Reform vs. PC, 1997 and CA vs. PC, 2000 — nobody wants to go through that again);

    – The pipelines have to be built (see last evening’s discussion);

    – The carbon tax has to be repealed (the carbon tax, as proposed, escalates by at least 4.0 cents/litre (at the pumps) on 1 January, 2020, which is on top of market prices for fossil fuels; a great many more people will become disillusioned with this particular government’s approach: what value does this create in their lives?);

    – When does Mr. Trudeau propose to have the new NAFTA/USMCA, or whatever its called these days, approved?;

    – There is an appropriate space for “social” issues to be discussed, as opposed to being swept under the carpet (let’s start with sex-selective and late-term/postpartum abortion, and then move on to how appropriate blackface is as a career choice…) ;

    I’m sure that there are many more. So, tell me again how a change in leadership — Shocka! Andrew Scheer waited a whole 30 days to fire his senior staff; scandal! — is going to help? Hell, it took Trudeau until three days ago to fire Climate Barbie (should have been fired years ago!).

    Do a re-think (I did) on supply management — the investment in SW Ontario is unbelievable; why would we get rid of it, except in exchange for something more lucrative, which is pretty much, on any objective basis, what they’re clearly positioning themselves for?

    So, no.

    1. “not of a view that a change in leadership will be helpful at this time”
      I agree. While Scheer’s campaign was a Mitt I’m conservative but we won’t talk much about it Romney kind of effort I thought he did better than Bernier performed for example and the Conservatives did win the popular vote for WIW. Why not let Scheer stay on for now? There is no Mulroney waiting in the wings and say what you will about Mulroney he did have a personality that people liked in 1984.

      1. “Why not let Scheer stay on for now? ”

        Because then you’ll never get rid of him and then he’ll blow it again.

    2. DS, that means 65% of those who voted, voted the socialist line because libs are socialists as are the dippers and green freaks and the blockheads. Canada does not have a snowballs chance with that level of stupid going to the polls, elections are a joke, a bad one.

  14. Supply management has to go because it is a tax on the poor. It protects a few thousand dairy farmers (I’m only talking dairy here).

    The game is rigged in favour of quebek. They get a guarantee of what 50% of the industrial milk quota? That is why they control most butter and cheese production.

    The dairy board imposes crippling tarriffs on the importation of dairy products and therefore most good cheeses never get into the country as well as other dairy items.

    A modern first world country should never have a supply management system that supports the privilege of the very few at the expense of every citizen.

    1. The CPC needs to bomb the Olde ‘Pure Laine’ Quebec bridge. Just get over it and win the 905 already.

    2. Scheer thought drinking milk from the milk carton was cute but instead that illustrated a couple of things about Andrew Scheer. He was admitting he owed his position to the strength of the dairy lobby and he was saying to the consumer, hey if you’re looking for relief from high priced dairy that door is closed.
      Not a smart move when you’re looking for votes.

  15. McKay is the last person that should lead the CPC. In addition to being another useless Red Tory, I can’t get the image out of my head of his televised, pathetic, puppy love-struck shock and dismay when floor-crosser, entitled party girl, heiress, Belinda Stronach dumped him. A humble man would have quietly disappeared from public life for the rest of his life.

    Scheer should step down as leader as the Spawn’s minority government won’t be calling on him any time soon for (more) support.

    Given that the three most leftist parties are now all but strategically united, I doubt that Jesus Christ could lead the CPC to a majority government in Canada anymore. That likely leaves Wexit as the only hope for conservatives.

    1. Yep. MacKay is old, old news – and not good news either. Scheep is useless – MacKay is poisonous.

      Over-the-side with both of them.

    2. “I doubt that Jesus Christ could lead the CPC to a majority ”

      I know what you are saying … it would take a miracle for the CPC to gain a majority.
      Jesus Christ being the most hated man in this world would not help the CPC LibCon party. Besides Jesus would not support some of the CPC’s Satanic policies.
      Jesus Christ would have to first preform a miracle to transform the CPC, but he doesn’t work that way. He provides the way and leaves the choice to us.

  16. One would think that conservatives might take a page from Trump’s playbook. If you want to win the election you need to ‘fight’ for it. Promising free museum visits and waffling on every controversial topic doesn’t inspire people to vote for you. If you are pro life then defend your pro life position with vigor. It can be done! I couldn’t vote for Scheer after he had Menzies handcuffed and hauled off to the cop shop. Alberta Independence is the ONLY way forward now.

  17. Considering WExit. I am British Columbian. I would like to be part of WExit. I believe BC has had a problem of no political conservative/right of centre. If we had a non green scammer party we would be a much better place. I would like to see a force in BC that could stand up to the lying left. I don’t see a party aligned with the CPC as it. I think Alberta and Saskatchewan are heading in the right direction and with a bit of help could get BC to go along. At that point the free lunch brigade would flee to the golden trangle where they could rot in hell. To back some of this up poles showed BC supported a pipe line (inc most native bands) but the NDP killed it. To put it in prospective in BC we have libs, Dippers that are libs in a hurry and greens that are dippers on steriods. otherwise nothing human. HELP

    1. ” I am British Columbian. I would like to be part of WExit. ”

      If you don’t live in Vancouver or on the Island you’re more than welcome. We’ll push the useless humanity there out to sea.

      1. – To do that, all you have to do is wait. Our good friend San Andreas is overdue, and when he lets-loose he’ll sink everything in the Fraser Valley!

  18. After the election Preston was asked some questions…but not the right ones.

    Preston started the Reform party in 1987 when a “conservative” federal government was in power.

    The question I would have asked him in this interview is “would it not make sense now to start a new “federal” political party today from the west with the intent of holding the balance of power in a divided parliament? With the intent of then pushing a “Western Agenda for Change”?
    If not. Why not?

    Exactly the grand but impossible plan he sold …to a lot of good people in 1987.
    A plan that ignored the fact that the big divide in this country is not between political parties but between regions.

    Here we are 32 years later and now he is telling us that the PM should listen to the western premiers. Really. To bad they are not Reform premiers.

    Back in the 80s we had “conservative” Western premiers and a “conservative” federal government.
    But still western alienation was on a high.

    In my view Preston was instrumental in deflecting that sentiment down a dead end road. At a incalculable cost. And did it intentionally.

    In Winnipeg in 87 Preston was challenged on the validity of his grand plan, that did not include a hammer. Plus the very important fact that federal opposition parties do no sit at the constitutional table…premiers do.
    He would not answer the question.

    He was wrong way back then but certainly right now in pointing to the western premiers as to where the possibility of resolution may come. Time will tell. Do they have the courage?
    Will they use the hammer of independence?

    Ted Byfield was right. Preston’s reach was always further than his grasp.

    1. Ivbinconned.
      What many here seem to not understand,is we have been here before.
      last time we tried reforming the kleptocracy.
      The West Wants In.
      Reform,by the current rules is impossible.
      Our Eastern Comrades are quite happy with the status quo, shut up out west and send us money
      Lesson Learned.
      We are not fools,we now seek a different path.
