40 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

  1. We are seriously in need of a list, regularly updated, of organizations and corporations that are pushing this rot, so we can, to the maximum extent possible, avoid rewarding them with our business.

    1. Pro tip: woke LGBTQqewww’ers don’t drink fizzy soda. They drink tea, coconut water, and Kombucha. Your LGBTQqetc. virtue signaling won’t add a single $ to your bottom line. Not a single one of them will drink a sprite. Fire your ad agency immediately.

  2. It’s one thing to … “teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony” … it’s quite another to teach it to mutilate it’s sex organs … in the name of … “pride” or “freedom”.

    What is being sold as “freedom” … is enslavement. A lifetime of bondage to rebellion. Bondage to diversity. Bondage to being “different”. Bondage to a mentally-ill rejection of biological truth. No one “transitions” into anything … but into a straight jacket.

  3. Unless you are a member of KISS, or happen to be Ozzy Osbourne or Alice Cooper, a man has no business to have makeup on his face, never mind the other stuff shown.
    Shame really, I just discovered Sprite Zero, oh well, back to coffee with two milk.
    Used to be a lifelong Coca Cola fan………

  4. Of course they’re pandering to queers. Queers are the only group of men in North America of any size with any disposable income. (The master class have never numbered more than a few thousand.) Corporations fight tooth and nail for the pink dollar.

    Straight white men who have to work for a living invariably have any spare income that doesn’t go to monthly bills or taxes confiscated by the women who oversee them. Those women account for 80 percent of private consumption, and their gay best friends for most of the rest.

    That’s why straight white men are invariably portrayed in ad campaigns as children, clowns, or both. Needless to say, there is less than no incentive to consider loving fathers’ opinion on the topic of their sons’ being groomed for sodomy.

    1. Which is all good with me. I don’t want small children anywhere near these deviants. BTW … that’s the CORRECT word … deviance … not “diversity”. Deviants. The whole lot of em. Hint: you weren’t “born that way” … you CHOSE that way.

  5. I think they are all making too big of a deal about all this…..and doing “straight” botch it up all at the same time

    ….they were still all segregated….only at some gay pride event

    why not show them as not repressed….and hitting a drive through, or just doing something normal like every other person…cutting the grass, taking the garbage out, washing the car

    ….and they don’t realize they are making it worse the way they are pushing it

    There are gay people all around me, every day….no one even notices….because they are not trying to be some freak show

    …what these asswipes are promoting is not gay rights or acceptance….it’s freak show rights and acceptance

    1. Many of my best friends are gay …

      I live in the SF Bay Area, you can imagine that old canard is actually true. And I agree, if any LGBTQqueer is NOT making their choice of same-sex partnership (it will never be – marriage) as the ONLY identifying characteristic of their entire being … then why should I care. I don’t. I believe in liberty and freedom. Every LGBTQqueer is free to be whatever they want to be.

      However …Don’t shove your choice of deviancy in my face, and TEACH IT to our children as “normal” – it’s NOT – by mathematical reality. And don’t hide behind false labels of “bullying” when it is YOU who is doing the bullying.

      Can I live and let live? Of course … but that’s not what’s happening with cancel-culture advertisements such as this.

  6. That is one sick commercial sorry but it made me almost throw up my supper!! I think all young people before they decide to go out in the world need to go into the armed forces for training about life!!

  7. I stopped buying Gillette and now I will buy no more Sprite nor any other Coca-Cola product. Pity. Who in the boardroom thought this was a good idea? The same boardroom who changed Coke to taste like Pepsi and was mercilessly mocked in Pepsi ads?

    1. 7 Up it is but Pepsi tastes like I imagine warm horse piss tastes. President’s Choice isn’t a bad imitation. Since Gillette went queer, my boycott has cost them a whole 2 deodorants costing $6. It’s a start.

  8. If this ad airs, no adult male will ever again ask for a Sprite in public
    Mad Men has morphed into Men Mad

    1. I wonder if “Sprite will make you think you’re a woman by changing your hormonal responses” is really what they were going for?

  9. Surprised Coca-Cola Corp haven’t altered the pronunciation to “Spree-Tay”, completing the full transformation to a full on fruitification of the brand (full disclosure…I may have heard this hilariously stupid pronunciation somewhere else…Letterkenny, maybe?).
    GLAAD, that august organization of all things feyishly fruity, recently released their demands that tv networks crank up the number of alphabet wanks on each and every program. Go ahead and let’s see just how far, ratings wise, the broadcast networks fall into the crapper.

  10. At a gas stop in Italy, the guy ahead of me paid €3.6 for a tiny Coke for his kid. The wife and I shared 1.5L water for €1.

  11. How long will it take them to realise hiring gender studies graduates for the marketing department will put them out of business?

    1. Ha!

      It’s akin to MacDonalds “transforming” itself into a salad-centric woke fast food establishment. When sales cratered and stock value plummeted … corporate did a 180 BACK to their core business … BURGERS and FRIES. Wokeness will never trump reality.

  12. This a really WHITE. I’m used to seeing commercials for major brands jammed with diversity.Where is the standard Black/White couple? The friendly, smart guy with the turban? I only watched it once, am I wrong? Can anyone explain why such a woke commercial is soooo painfully WHITE?

  13. They sell 8 tablespoons of sugar in each can and think they’re in a position to preach values.

  14. I have about +- $5000 in old Coke memorabilia. A little hobby of collectables over the years that when I retire(I am 49) I hope will be a trip for my wife an me…

    Shoulda sold that stuff last week me thinks

    1. Coke Zero goes through my bowels like a bad Girardia infection.

      However, I used to have a serious Diet Coke habit … like MY President … but I broke it when I went on a strict diet prior to hip replacement surgery.

  15. From the towers of corporate cowardice, this makes sense. They are taking sides with the culturally dominant institutional left, knowing that if they were ever seen as anything but “progressive”, their losses would far surpass any potential losses from conservatives who are far more tolerant and with only a few negative reactions expected. What are conservatives going to do besides writing on blog sites. It is the looters and thugs that are to be feared not conservatives who continually outsource their children’s education to the state.

    1. As a conservative, I no longer buy:
      -Coca Cola products.
      -Kellogg’s products.
      -Quebec based company products.
      -BC based company products.
      My wife was right, it is informative and fun to read the product labels.

  16. This is absolutely disgusting. You have managed to ruin a beautiful song with a very different interpretation and turned me off of ever having any coke brand products in my home ever again. I sang in the male chorus in my high school back in the 60’s…this was one our signature songs….. Steve O

  17. Yet another sexuallizing youth ad brought to us by the LGBTQRP folks.

    Never forget to add the P onto the end, because the pedophiles are next. And this ad is a step in that direction. How old that that kid supposed to be, 15?

  18. Experience is the best teacher, and somebody else’s bad experience is the best to learn from. Seems they learned nothing from Gillette’s costly goof.

  19. LoL! You guys still watch commercials?
    You actually still pay for cable?
    And you don’t know how to record and fast forward through the crap?

    And now you are annoyed that a commercial is annoying you.

    Who is the fool here?

    1. It’s not cable or the commercial that is annoying.
      It’s our societies and civilizations swirling around in the toilet bowl that is annoying.
