33 Replies to “Triggered!”

  1. WRONG! Every day is a MAGA Rally … just like almost every day over the past two weeks have seen all the stock market indices set more RECORD HIGHS!!

    Suck it, HATERS!!

    17,600 – Dow jumps 200+ points day after Trump declares victory Nov. 9, 2016
    27,669 – Dow open on Fri. Nov. 8, 2019

    For the maths-challenged flake snowjobbers … that’s +10,000 points in three years.

    1. Kenji, pay serious attention to the market, it can be crashed and I do not doubt that those who are pulling the strings would destroy the country to destroy President Trump, they really are that evil and insane. The f e d is more than willing to trash the global economy to dump Trump. Why????

      1. Trump strategically, and proactively went after The Fed. And they’ve actually started falling in-line. My President did a fairly good job of explaining to the American people how the Fed manipulates their economic well-being for political ends. I believe the Fed will be utterly invisible during the election … because … MY President DID “what Presidents are NOT supposed to do! – Politicize the Fed”. Hahahaha ha ha … yeah, riiight … like The Fed didn’t prop-up Obama for 8-years, then deliberately crash The Trump Stock Market last December.

        Unlike Scheer (and every other American conservative) … MY President FIGHTS BACK!

  2. Oh my, the look on Behar’s face and how Goldberg almost had a stroke when don jr. brought up Polanski.
    The View was the balloon and don jr. was the pin.

  3. Let’s all screech together in our most piercing voice. Can’t make out what we are saying? What difference does it make?

    1. And who is the numbskull who screeches about her Law degree which makes her ‘EXPERT’ that Jr. broke some kind of a law in revealing the whistleblowers hardcore partisan identity?

      This, my friends, is the PERFECT example of our college “educated” class. Smug and secure in their own ignorance.

      Remember that, when they tell you how much “smarter” they are than you deplorable rubes.

      And I have one of them fancy degrees which supposedly makes me “better than you”. Thankfully, I’ve lived enough life to know that is utterly ridiculous. My own brother, who had no use for college, was far “smarter” than I am. Not just in electronics and mechanics, but in finance, and virtually any other topic he set his mind to. And that was back in the dark ages before a search engine REALLY evened-up the playing field.

      This shrieking twit should be embarrassed and humiliated by her ignorant outburst … but she lacks the fundamental self-awareness for such high level cognitive functioning.

  4. Behar claimed she didn’t wear blackface. She merely dressed up as a black woman with dark makeup.

    1. Juthtin claimed he didn’t think it was bad “because I knew I wasn’t a racist.”
      The logic is astounding.

    2. Apparently in Joy’s world African women aren’t beautiful unless they’re white and in blackface.
      Don Jr. gets it, jump in the pit and have at her, with Kimberley helping out her boyfriend.
      Watching their heads explode, even for the few seconds I could stand, was priceless. TY Junior.

  5. That program is just another stomach turning play in which dims work hard at being intelligent. It still doesn’t work. I admire junior’s courage, but he was ill advised to appear on that show. You can’t make a point to poo slinging monkeys.

    1. That sentence could be misinterpreted. I didn’t mean to insult black women, I meant to insult Joy Behar.

  6. like father like son there Don jr.
    behar reminds me a tad of Bette Midler. she’s ok I think.
    *but* when I realized t’weren’t her, I stopped even considering watching the hens cluck.
    how long ago dat?
    way before the other MOUTHPIECE slob got booted off.

    1. No, Bette Midler has a decent voice but her politics is right (left actually) there with Behar. She was recently quoted as praising the assault on Rand Paul.

  7. and from the ‘MAGA’ link:
    “As the conversation quickly spiraled into everyone at the table talking at once”
    ONE guess what I see almost *every time* I skip past whatever channel it happens to be on.
    one guess.
    aka hens clucking. do they cluck all at once? go visit a hen house to find out.
    or watch 20 seconds of ‘the view’.

    cluck cluck cluck.

  8. Our masters do not love black people—unless their taste for black pudding counts as “love.” Their contempt for their black brothers knows no bounds.

    The only genuine laughs you’ll hear all night at your typical “comedy” show from an audience of liberal whites are courtesy of the black comedian making fun of his tribesmen’s notorious idiocy. The minstrel is paid to tell the crude darkie jokes that our moral and intellectual superiors don’t dare to, for fear of the darkies’ staying home on election day.

  9. Behar has a point, in that her costume was respectful and constrained. It was not the jingoistic minstrel-show Al-Jolson kind of blackface.

    But these days, ANY depiction of a black person by a white person is considered a violation, so she is guilty as charged. The same rules have to apply to everyone.

  10. I don’t know why anyone of sound mind would be on (or watch) that show and put up with those preening leftist Beeotches. It’s good that someone had the stomach for it and pointed out her hypocrisy.

    I personally could care less about someone putting on blackface without knowing the context. Full disclosure, I wore blackface in Calgary during the fifties doing a minstrel show with my Cub Scout pack. My Senior Sixer was the Great Grandson of Samuel Clemens. I hadn’t given it any thought until the recent BS surrounding the Spawn.

  11. The View is a look at the most offensive A-holes who all made their way to the TOP of the turd cluster…

    Barbara was a real Journalist & intelligent, but she picked up some trash when she dragged the Trailer parks….

    1. Woah! Unacceptable!
      In the future I shall refrain from stand alone ad hominem. I am very sorry. I feel I have inspired this imbecility.

  12. Jim Kimball has crossed the line. His comments demean this site and users. Recommend he, and his comments, be deleted.
