59 Replies to “November 8, 2019: Reader Tips”

  1. 11 thousand experts say, Air communists and other such curiosities.

    “Final Solution to Climate Change: 11,000 Climate “Experts” Demand Depopulation”

    “Some 11,000 “experts” around the world say that it’s not enough to reduce fossil fuel burning, the climate emergency is here and we need to cut the number of people on the planet. But what do they recommend as a method of depopulation? Who decides which techniques we’ll use, on which people groups, to produce a less inhabited planet?”

    There are those that your agent calls global socialists or Glozis, somewhat akin to national socialists or Nazis. The only difference is that the Nazis were national in scope and Glozis are global in scope.
    Other than that, it’s the same excrement, different pile.

      1. There is this thing, religion.

        The global socialists, local socialists, fascist, communists and other such ‘ists are destroying with delight and fervour what is generally known as Christianity.
        Since this basically empty the soul of the young. The young need to be refilled with something, global warmmongering fits right in there as though perfect fit.
        This is not against atheists, they have their own reasons.
        This is against those that denounce Christian religion and propagate global warming as replacement.
        As it appears, this works really well especially in the very young and teenagers. Scares the hell out of them. They don’t really know why.
        It’s just because.

        1. You must realize this is MSM Propaganda. The 11, 000 are not scientists. They are people who might’ve read a BS article on the topic and clicked “like” online 11,000 times. That’s all.

    1. Lev:
      Ezra Levant of Rebel News tore open this CBC hoax. See his link below as per commentator Bluetech and my reply, sincerely, Nancy. Here is the link:
      November 7, 2019 at 10:58 pm
      Speaking of Climate Emergency:

      Ezra totally rips apart the claim by 11,000 so called scientists warning of CLIMATE EMERGENCY!!
      Its one of Ezras best!!

      Nancy Ross
      November 7, 2019 at 11:33 pm

      Hoping this can get more comments here on SDA. Perhaps its own thread? Hats off to you, didn’t think the YouTube link was available yet.
      The MSM should take a hike. What liars. Shame on CBC. We taxpayers are being taken to the cleaners with this greenshift. We said no to Stephane Dion and Trudeau the Deaf One, still stuffs it up our assets. Hasn’t the damage to Ontario been enough? Wynne and McGuinty should go to jail. This is a multi billion dollar robbery, and counting.

      Canada has been destroyed and these politicians are unstoppable. What the hell?

      1. LOL. 11,000 people who claim to be “scientists.” Some of those shown by Levant may do somethings which peripherally may be considered “sciency”, but surely nothing to do with atmospheric studies. For some of the others, all I have to say is there is a lot of hucksterism going on under the name of “science.”

        The greatest physicist of the second half of the twentieth century, Richard Feynman, coined the phrase of “cargo cult science.” The background is American engineers showed up in South Sea islands inhabited by people not far removed from the Stone Age. They built runways and control towers, and planes arrived carrying equipment and supplies, and food and clothing to make the natives ecstatic. After the (Second World) War was over, the American engineers dismantled everything they built and went away. The natives built runways and control towers with wood and bamboo, and believed that one day the planes will return with more food and clothing. Feynman called that “cargo cult.” It sort of looks like technology if you don’t look too closely. It has some of the trappings. He called those “sciences” which have some of the trappings but were not real sciences “cargo cult science.” I sure saw a lot of that in Levant’s presentation.

        I don’t consider myself a scientist, even though I have the degrees. I taught for one year under aegis of my degrees. The rest of my working life I have been an engineer. It is not to say there wasn’t physics and math involved (innovative use of radar involves a lot of physics, and there were dozens of physicists working in my company), and it is not a put down of technology, but technology isn’t science, which is an attempt to discover a bit of how nature really works. Science is induction, and technology is deduction. Technology is create a goal of what you want to build, and making use of known and proven science to make it happen.

        In some ways technology is a harsher master, in that ultimately there is real world proof whether you are right or not. Does what you built do what it is supposed to do? If so called climate scientists had to work like private engineering companies, they would all have gone bankrupt a long time ago. They have never had a forecast which was correct, but are brazen enough to keep making the wrong forecast. Einstein did not need the consent of ten thousand scientists. In fact the physics hierarchy mostly laughed at a patent examiner making such preposterous claims. In a manner of speaking, a piece of crap may be “art” because ten thousand artists claim it is art. Art is subjective. But nature is the only arbiter of whether something is scientifically valid, and if so, it doesn’t matter that only one person is right, and ten thousand wrong. Science is objective.

        I’ll finish with paraphrasing Feynman’s famous edict. (It is out there in the internet and can be found, I just feel too lazy right now.) It doesn’t matter how pretty your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are, if your theory doesn’t agree with the data, you are wrong. For climate “scientists”, if their theory doesn’t agree with the data, they change the data.

        1. The Saul Alinsky theories are applied here very neatly. The politicians have created the problems because they have the solutions. Our Communist country is at its best controlling the unaware population.

          We are a sad lot up here in Canada. It is as depressing as our last election was.

          1. But who are YOU (or some dead, white, physicist) … to say what is “right” or “wrong”? Don’t you know? We’ve “evolved” past that outdated modality. “Moral Relativism” certifies every finding, every guess, and every experiment performed on kids TV by Bill Nye … is Right, and True … if you want it to be.

            Oh sure, Kenji is just being silly again … dragging up the specter of Moral Relativism. That may be true in the social sciences arena … but certainly not in the “hard science” of CAGW.

            When “science” postulates a global existential threat of fossil fuels … then there is only ONE “right” and only ONE “wrong”. Our planet is dying! And you are killing it! I guessed this was true … and my morality makes it TRUE!! Experiment, Observation, and Proof be damned. We’ve “adjusted” the data to make it so.

          2. Exactly right Kenji, and the adherents to the religion of Global Anthropomorphic Catastrophism will go to any lengths to avoid talking actual science. Even the JWs that come to the door can sometimes go off script to follow an idea trail, but GAC followers are more like the ridden in Invasion of the Body Snatchers if you say anything that doesn’t expressly follow the narrative.

        2. Well said Old Bruin! The existing fake/exotic PHD’s don’t have a cue….They will all get jobs as school x-ing guards & tree planters in the next generation…..Nothing accomplished

      2. This is how the UN Agenda is being implemented in an end run by the Federal Government. Your local Municipal Government is being used through a creation called ICLEI which is a UN organization to install the UN AGENDA on Sustainability. People need to act locally to put a stop to this cult. They have networked internationally now to spread the UN Sustainability Program. It is real and it is here and it is local. I have been researching and writing about this for a couple of years now on forums. This is how Green Communism is implemented. It is in our public schools and installed into school curriculum’s all across Canada now. Go to your local school and look at what is being taught. When my oldest grandson was in kindergarten years ago it was already on the wall of his classroom. He is now in college. That is when I started asking questions. Canada has been hollowed out from within.

    2. I prefer the term internazi for the international socialists.
      I suspect a lot of these “scientists” are babies crying for milk.

  2. Nice Beluga whales! A lovely white color!
    The Queen of England can’t wear fur anymore, it was announced on the CTV News. I guess whales are finally safe now, though.
    I don’t mean the country in her realm.
    Let me describe why, if I may:

    Jackie Kennedy’s second husband, Ari Onassis had some very interesting tastes and possessions in his wealthy lifetime. In his yacht, known as “The Christina” the bar stools in “Ari’s Bar” were made from the foreskins of whales.

    Today, this ‘harvest’ would infuriate the Animal Right’s Activists.


    I ought to delete this.
    I confess to having read a few too many biographies with useless information. So if you have any belugas, they’re safe now!!!!!

    PS Can’t believe this info was on the web, thought it would be too obscure.

    1. Dang old pervert, I have a thing for useless info as well. That suddenly finds a place somewhere. I wrote what I thought was a good comment to the 11,000 fake scientists and even posted the same story back a few days. But my comments are awaiting approval. I am a pest I guess. Laid out the trail I have followed on that story. Going back to the Club of Rome, and Pierre Trudeau. Up to the present. And how the UN Agenda is being rammed down our throats here in Canada. Anyway back to my book.

      1. watcher is the only bloke Ive ever seen who actually succeeded in turning words into a switch blade.
        and proceeds to use it where it best serves the interests of truth and rational debate.
        perhaps explains the delay in the comment approval.

        I await additional ‘cutting’ remarks from this entertaining and informative source.

      2. I read your post, Watcher.
        The “Readers Tips” this week had between 86 to 110 posts each day. It’s all neat stuff.

        Good Man, if you’re a pest, then, we’re all pests.

        1. You two, NR and hb are so kind, I will stand you each to an “Ice Worm Cocktail” if you know what that is, some of that useful/useless info that gets caught up in cobwebs of life. And hb, don’t be too praiseworthy, I really don’t deserve it, I can be fair salty, obnoxious and rude. I am no saint. A rough old cob that talks very plain. Too plain and blunt for some of the delicate flowers.

          1. ” …that ice-worm of such formidable size
            was – a stick of stained spaghetti
            with two red ink spots for eyes.”

            Ahahahahahaha and a hahaha
            I love Robert Service’s poems!

          2. praiseworthiness? egad w, *it is the saltiness I wish to emulate*.
            my plain speaking comes from my autism.
            yours, well, you must have been a stellar researcher in your day.
            following my metaphor, you turn the truth into a heavy war sword and ‘off with their heads AHARRRRR’

  3. Brrrrrrrrrrr! Its freezing here in rural Ontario, with lots of snow and more coming. Even the cat won’t go outside. Sure glad Climate Barbie forced that carbon tax on us. Meanwhile last night, Blackie’s CBC and CTV networks were trashing the Conservatives about the three most important issues facing Canadians, gay marriage, abortion, and global warming. Blackie’s CBC also received orders to trash Jason Kenney over a charter flight for the premiers. Just ignore that Groper went surfing in B.C. at taxpayer expense. Craig Oliver explained that Alberta needs to realize that oil must be kept in the ground, and a CBC panel explained that the Liberals need to concentrate on what Quebec wants.

  4. I see the socialists on TV this am complaining about the use of a private jet by conservative premiers. The same fools didn’t open their ignorant mouths when the PM took a giant jet on his latest vacation trip, freaking hypocrites.

  5. Great Leader Blackie is briefly coming out of hiding again today. He will pose for a photo op with the premier of Manitoba. His loyal drooling media will not be allowed to ask questions. He then goes back into hiding.

    1. Ahhh, a memory cell lazily stirs…

      Back in 2000-ish, the Quebec Minister Louise Beaudoin, considered to be the ‘strong arm’ of the PQ language police (Aislin cartoons from the period are illustrative), became ‘passionate’ about Paris air traffic controllers getting in trouble for speaking French on the radio to passing ‘planes. Yes boys ‘n girls, English is the language of aviation – which was enacted throughout the world in the hope that pilots and ATC would understand each other, and the laws making-it-so were almost certainly written in blood. But Paris ATC’ers had been noticed talking French over the radio to Air France and others, and had been duly censured.

      Well, Ms Beaudoin flew to France in a rage and demanded this not be, and the French (who universally despise French Canadians anyways, especially French Canadians telling them what to do) batted her off with their well-polished half-closed-eyes shrug. Defeated and frustrated, Ms Beaudoin stormed back to Quebec, muttering “Quebec is now more French than France!”

      I guess she was right…

  6. I love people here complaining about all things left – rightfully so – but offering no solutions to those problems.
    I especially love the one’s complaining about the CBC & CTV while watching CBC & CTV and while still having cable. So Canadian!
    I also wonder how many voted fake conservative Scheer?

      1. It’s unfortunate that Scheer didn’t have the balls to throw the questions back into the Goebbels disciples’ laps. Instead he waffled, which indicated he is quite weak. Most of the instances I saw he could have said he would respond just as soon as they went after Turdo on a similar matter; I.e. Turdo said Conservatives would give tax breaks to rich people. The UNIFOR ditz was chiding Scheer about saying her hero would raise the GST.

  7. today’s fitness tip, comes with additional economic benefit.

    the cold is here so I wont be doing this for another 6 months at least.
    allow me to preface my comment by saying I am 68 yrs.
    any of you SDAers ever smashed concrete to make homemade gravel?
    Ive done it a couple times.
    what a friggin workout.
    improves eye-hand coordination too !!!
    the trick is to lay 2X4s on the ground surrounding the area to catch the pieces that spew out when the crack happens.

    I needed the gravel for more concrete and didnt have the money or inclination to
    pay more for delivery than the cost of the gravel.
    feel free to chalk it up to ingrained *work ethic*. those under 30 will need to do a search on that phrase.

    1. Never smashed concrete to make gravel but I did build my own mouse trap out of junk lying under my work bench. Just yesterday as a matter of fact. And caught a thieving little bastard mouse overnight. He stole my shop supply of Werthers. There’s a limit to my magnaminity. (sp??)

    2. Wow. I’ve broken-up my share of concrete patios and foundations … but never pulverized the blocks into gravel. That’s PRISON-YARD, CHAIN-GANG work! Making little ones out of the big ones.

      However, I might just do that for my upcoming remodel project. Why? Because in this “green” State, there is virtually NOWHERE anyone can dump broken concrete … that doesn’t $$cost a bloody fortune. Same thing with DIRT. Nobody will take your dirt, if you don’t have a testing certificate verifying there is no trace of fossil fuel compounds.

      Be careful hb! I believe the WARNINGS issued about snow-shoveling heart attacks apply to swinging a sledge hammer. Don’t want to lose you.

      1. actually kenji, in my case, it’s my back I protect most with the snow thing.
        I love those ‘bent handle’ types, turns it into a ‘sweeping motion’ thing.
        the ticker is ok with it all so far. I bicycle *everywhere* so that helps keep it that way.
        I do appreciate the sentiment. duly noted, aka ‘dont press yer luck hb’. sage advice.

        I fully expect to do somewhere above avg snow shovelling this winter.
        gawd I miss global warming . . . . . . LOL !!!

  8. Stats Canada states that the country lost 1800 jobs in Oct. Funny how Blackie’s media is quiet about this. Must have been too hot outside from global warming to work.

  9. Things you’ll always read on CBC.


    Idling your car is bad. And no, over-population isn’t the problem you think it is.

    Idling your car (a typical one with a 3-litre engine) for 10 minutes burns about 1 litre of fuel. Sounds a little high, even for a 3-litre engine. After all you can burn 7 litres per 100 km (7-liters per hour driving down the highway at 100 km/hr). But the comments are funny as one fellow with questionable math skills computes 18-litres per hour for idling and calls BS on the whole article (6-l per hour or 18-l in 3 hours). And other commenters give him kudos (must be a guy – girls just aren’t that stupid).

    The over-population not to worry problem is even funnier – but you can thank the writer.

    “For one thing, a larger population doesn’t necessarily produce more CO2 emissions”.

    Ah, yah it does, every time. Add a person, increase CO2 emissions. Every time. No exceptions.

    “Rather than looking at population control as the biggest factor in the battle against climate change, experts say it’s about looking at better education for women, adopting cleaner energy and changing our overall consumption patterns, especially in developed countries.”

    So better education for women. Who is leading the charge to better educate women in poor countries? Birth rate in Ethiopia is great than 4, Nigeria greater than 5, Niger greater than 7. These are the countries with the largest amounts of people emigrating … to western countries … with the highest per capita CO2 emissions.

    So, yes, over-population is the single greatest problem facing the earth. That is why we focus on the lack of transsexual bathrooms. We need people from western countries to emigrate to China and Niger as they have obviously solved the CO2 emissions problem.

    1. They should have been frank and stated that poor people don’t emit as much pollution as rich people. The double-plus good is that poor people often don’t live as long either.

      1. This explains the goal of the Liberals trying to make us all poor. They are very concerned about the planet – less so about us.

  10. Our masters dream of the happy day when the entire human proletariat, white, black and yellow, can be replaced with machines—and the machines ordered to exterminate the proles, leaving our masters and their heirs and successors—maybe 50,000 people all told—free to strip mine the planet of all the resources needed to begin fulfilling the schoolboy fantasies of interstellar conquest that normal people left behind in the comic books where they found them when they grew up.

    (If it’s any consolation, you won’t hear another word about Mother Gaia.)

    Robots never go on strike, never have thoughts above their station, and have perfectly predictable fuel and maintenance needs. They will make far better socialists than humans ever did. That’s why our masters love them so much.

    What? Did you really think the robots were designed to make YOUR life easier?

  11. Michael Bloomberg, mainstream media oligarch, former mayor of New York, notorious globalist, gun-grabber and Never Trumper, and Hillary’s financial backer in 2016, has figured out Joe Biden is senile and can’t win the nomination—and doesn’t care to throw any more money down the Clinton rathole.

    So Mike’s decided to cut out the middleman, making plans to run for the Democratic nomination himself.

    Short of running George Soros, the Dems couldn’t make a more catastrophic blunder than to run Little Mike. Hated in New York beyond Wall Street, unknown in middle America, Mike is consistently lucky to poll in high single digits. The mainstream media (not controlled by Bloomberg) are petrified at the very idea. Mike will just make it obvious that if you’re not with President Trump, you’re with the bankers.

    Mike’s going all the way to the convention. Wish him Godspeed.


  12. For Our Veteran’s and my family members who served in Canada beginning in 1670 approx. at Quebec City, and in the USA shortly after Plymouth Rock. Up until current day.
    To my Uncle Dan our last surviving WW2 Veteran 94 and still able to hoist a glass. And his 4 Brothers all deceased all 5 signed up by the end of Sept. 1939. My cousin Carl who at 16 crossed the border and became a 1st Sgt. in the FSF the Devil’s Brigade. In WW2 and was there on D Day until the end when so many of his unit fell, that they could not stand muster and were rolled into a Parachute Regiment. He served Canada through the whole of the Korean War and retired Regimental Sgt. Major of the Canadian Black Watch.
    My favorite Nieces son a US Marine from Florida. And my cousin Patrick, PPCLI at the Medak Pocket, now wandering around with PTSD from that action. Remember your family Patrick, we miss you. I Salute and Cherish You All, Our Native Sons.
    Hallelujah The Veterans Version.
    Old Scottish Lament, Flowers of the Forest

  13. Am I the last one on the block to become aware of the … “OK Boomer” … slur?


    I post my musings on another page, and suddenly I am besieged with “OK Boomer” responses. Children Puhleeze! I am happy you are amusing yourselves … at our “old people” status … but a) I’m not old (64 is the new 44),

    b) We all get old (if we’re lucky),
    c) You must have been raised by rabid wolves (or 2-mommies) who failed to teach “respect your elders”,
    d) Meh. I am old-enough to not care about your childish putdown meme.
    e) Just another part of your negative, cancel-culture. Losers doing nothing positive, but attempting to take others down.

    1. I heard it for the first time this week, that NPC politician in New Zealand using it.

      I can’t wait for some one to say it to me, that will be a fun rant!

    2. lemme see if I got this right;
      smarminess is the one thing the millennials picked up on from numerous previous generations, NOT limited to *mine* the boomers?
      aka mine was the ‘peace love and freedom’ hippie generation, now we have the narcissist generation.
      yup !!!
      aka the worst thing *my* elders could ever throw at me was the ‘get a haircut’.
      skill testing Q: what sort of ‘ordnance’ comes from the current gang (literally and figuratively)?
      aka according to a plaque I had made up:
      “I’m a pacifist,
      emphasis on the fist part for
      those unsure of my true nature
      and capabilities”

      have a good weekend y’all !!!!

  14. Margaret Atwood, the greatest author since William Shakespeare, proclaims Greta ThingBorg, one of the Lost Children of the Corn has been elevated to “Joan of Arc of the Environment.” She now sits on the right hand of Gaia. She gets to roll Spliffs and Gaggers for the Deity herself. I pray for the day when our world descends into a Mad Max dystopian underworld. Cry Havoc and Let Slip The Cats Of War. Ha Ha Ha. Margaret At Wood. Ha Ha Ha.

  15. Have been looking for some of this in the wild for awhile. Out hunting last Saturday with my son and finally found some in a stand of white Birch. Brewed some up yesterday and let me tell you it is potent medicine. Put a sweat on me. Has so many benefits health wise. I think I will be on the scout for this fairly uncommon medicinal. Chaga. Chinese medicine calls it The King off Herbs.
