17 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

    1. Why would a republican vote in California? Their vote is meaningless.

      If the President was elected by a majority vote across the entire USA, the campaigns would be quite different.

      So Hilary “won” the popular vote. Big deal. She knew the rules of the game and ran a poor campaign. Too bad for her. It’s like a 1500 m runner saying, “but, but, I was leading after laps 1, 2, and 3 so I should get the gold medal.”

      1. ” It’s like a 1500 m runner saying, “but, but, I was leading after laps 1, 2, and 3 so I should get the gold medal.””

        Actually that’s what the EC is like. Some laps being more equal than others. In any event the comparison is inane. Popular vote isn’t a good system but the EC is worse it concentrates power in the hands of a few states, undermines federalism. It doesn’t prevent gaming it IS the game. Just abolish the presidency.

  1. “This disgraced reporter seems to think HIS tweets are off limits, but that he can tweet mine everyone else.

    That’s actually the predominate view in media.

    “We can write about you, but you can’t write about us!”

    That’s not remotely what he thinks or wrote. Cernovich is a mendacious retard and as much a sociopath as everyone else at Breitbart.

  2. The worst thing about this guy is he think he’s a great “trending news reporter” writing about “viral news” and is proud of his work. He reposts funny cat videos? The journalism profession is in pretty low regard as it is and he’s more of an embarrassment to the profession than the folks that report celebrity gossip.

  3. Put another way kid the Internet eliminated all those one way streets. You might want to remember that.

  4. It’s hard to cast yourself as the victim when your subject has ten stab wounds in the back and you’re holding a bloodied knife.

  5. Fox News poll having Hillary leading is ONLY A DREAM of which their bubble was broken. Just how stupid does Fox News thinks Americans are the DEMORATS are just that RATS. GO TRUMP GO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

  6. Spare a thought for the two police officers forced to waste their time going over the mean tweets sent to little Aaron with him and his sugar daddy, when they could have been working on solving real crimes.

    The cops were in the house when Gannett called Aaron and told him to quit or be fired? I can’t imagine how they got back to the patrol car without falling about laughing.

  7. Tweeting these things was a mistake, and I apologize for them. I would not tweet the same things now. Like many people as they mature, I’ve come to understand that such language can cause real harm, and I’ve learned to better represent my values

    Herein lies the problem with this dweeb. Saying things that “offend” is NOT a mistake. It’s called FREE SPEECH … aka the 1st Amendment.

    This dweebs admission of guilt at exercising his CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to FREE SPEECH … is the problem.

    This dweeb believes if HE admits his “wrong” speech, then he is able to condemn (cancel) others when they exercise their FREE SPEECH. Nope. No you can’t. We have the US Constitution on our side. You only have “hurt feelings” and “political correctness”

    This dweeb believes “such language can cause real harm”. No. It. Can’t. ANTIFA causes REAL HARM to people like Andy Ngo … sticks and stones and concrete milkshakes break bones and cause concussions … Andy’s articles about ANTIFA will never “hurt” you.

    However, Andy’s article’s which cast ANTIFA in a very negative light … can change people’s minds. And that’s what this dweeb is really upset about. This dweeb doesn’t want FREE SPEECH … changing people’s minds. This dweeb believes that’s HIS job …

    BTW … this dweeb desperately HOPES that writers UNIONIZE at Gannet. Yet in the very same article he admits he is CHEAP scab labor … replacing “older” writers who were laid-off. Here’s an idea you fkcuing dweeb! How about the older, laid-off, writers UNIONIZE and boot your SCAB ass out of the business.

    Jebuz Kryst!! Do these dweeb MOrons have ANY functional connecting brain synapses?

  8. Holy crap, is that website (CJR) trying to win the Walter Duranty award for journalisming?

    We’re supposed to feel bad for the weasel in the linked article, one may have felt so before reading that piece, but afterwards it’s clear he needs to be smacked upside the head. He’s the reporter for “viral” crap and he has no clue how this works?

    Another article there calls out the New York Times for accidentally committing real journalism.

  9. I’m sure it says something awful about me but after reading his story I have zero empathy for the man. ZERO. He’s a victim of his own making and he will never understand that because he’s part of the problem.

  10. Cernovich has me blocked on Twitter for calling him out about his constant praise of AOC and her ‘genius strategies’ etc…

    I have no sympathy for him. He’s a showboat.


  11. yep.
    more ironclad PROOF of how propaganda works, and works REAL GOOD.
    beware and beware and beware again beware of social media the same way we were told to beware of social diseases.
    (they got a LOT in common, the ‘virus’ angle for one . . . . .)
    I knew about social diseases before anyone I knew, having read a huge portion of a medical encyclopedia around 11-12 yrs age.
    and causes of cancer, goiter, arthritis, etc etc.
