8 Replies to “Organic Is The Latin Word For “Grown In Pig Shit””

  1. Well, as I have said in the past everything is organic and that includes crude oil. Why no one wants to really FIGHT back is a mystery to me. Will I be banned for suggesting a course of action. Who knows, who cares?

  2. The organic label means you get to sell at a premium. Pesticides, herbicides, hormones means you produce more.

    Producing more, selling what you produce at a premium…

    I stopped paying the premium for anything labeled “organic” years ago. I was right.

  3. I expect that shortly, if it hasn’t already happened, there will be a putsch to install a CSA like entity to handle the Tammany hall stuff within the organic industry. Maybe a Quebec run Organic Marketing Board…

  4. Amazing..
    Can I get some “Inorganic Wheat”?
    How can a farmer be guilty of defrauding a fraud?
    Organic is on par with Climate Change,a meaningless incantation of piety to the new State Religion.
    All soil contains fertilizer,the only head fake is how it got there.
    In fact the CO2 hysteria can be used to argue that to qualify as “Organic” plants must not be exposed to the “enriched atmosphere” as CO2 is most definitely a boom to plant growth.
    More I think about it the better it gets.
    CO2 emissions are Killing us all” truly “Organic produce” must be CO2 free.
    In-Organic food must be labelled such at the enlightened grocery stores.

    This spreading Madness is contagious,we need a new country,with reserve land set aside to allow room for those infected with Gang Green Grandeur to demonstrate the “rightness of their carbon free ways”.
    Cult of Calamitous Climate..all the way.

    1. All organic food is grown with the world’s number one pollutant!

      Sounds like a counter-marketing campaign…

  5. To be totally honest, no food should be permitted an organic label, unless it was produced strictly with horse drawn plows, or human effort. It’s all about not poisoning the planet right?

    And, ban copper use, BT, and all “ natural “ insecticides that use the same mode of action ( attacking the nervous system ) as non-organic insecticides.

  6. The governments’ definition of “organic” so loose, I laugh at all the pale emaciated vegans inside a Whole Foods store!
    The same goes for slapping lite or diet labels on foods. TV dinners (that is what we used to call frozen dinners) can
    qualify if they knock off a few percentage points of fat even if they are still larded with fat. No GMO labels sound nice,
    but ALL agricultural products have been genetically altered. No genetically altered material can be altered unless the
    materials are compatible. This total hoax assumes that alien material can be spliced at a genetic level. This used to
    be called botany. Two decades ago, the Habanero pepper was the hottest chili pepper on the planet. This was done
    by cross-breeding plants. The original color of a carrot was purple but the Dutch produced a hybrid carrot in their
    national color (orange.)

    Do not get me started on the “gluten-free” fad. I was finding gluten-free labels on half the products in my local grocery
    store. Curious, I did some research and discovered there is a very rare condition that wreaks havoc with the bowls of
    its victims. OK, try and explain why there were gluten-free labels on vegetable cans? Fercrapsake, one of the products
    was Rosarita Refried Beans! Six months later, a local radio talk show host interviewed a doctor on the subject. The
    gluten-free fad started with overweight housewives. Doctors hand out a diagnosis of “gluten intolerant” just to get
    these chubby women out of their office the same way they handed out Benzedrine prescriptions for housewives back
    in the sixties.
