Did Shaming Single Moms Work???

“During my research for “How Not to Become a Millennial” I was compiling data on family formation. I was absolutely certain that along with the decrease in marriage rates, increase in divorce, and a deterioration just about every other sociological metric, out of wedlock births would be up. But to my surprise it wasn’t. It was actually down. And not only down, but sharply down from 2008.

20 Replies to “Did Shaming Single Moms Work???”

  1. I don’t think shaming single Mom’s is the cause. Big Daddy – Government – is still fleecing husbands in court and throwing tax money at them. The ‘you go girl’ bs of feminists messaging is as strong as ever.

    I think what you’re seeing is an effect of so many men being red/black pilled to the true nature of women they are simply checking out and not taking as many risks.

    Feminists hate men, they’ve said it plainly repeatedly. Men are finally catching on and are now more on guard.

  2. If I may, I was brought up in a pre-school, home daycare scenario and then was a “latch-key kid” at 12. My mother was very career oriented (and still, at 75 cannot kick the career woman habit). I love my mother very much and have no ill feelings about living as an aside to her choices. When my turn came I was determined to NOT have my child experience the institutional upbringing that I experienced and stayed home for all 5 of mine. Interestingly, all of my girlfriends followed suit, those that had done their time in daycare, all stayed home. The ladies who had stay at home moms became working mothers who did use daycare. I think experiencing daycare is enough to convince anyone what the best place for children is.

    1. Heya

      You have 5 kids by the same mother? You speak of all your girlfriends…

      A bit confused by your last two sentences. I think you are trying to say stay at home is better? The way you worded it, was those who had stay at home moms now are working moms using daycare. what the place for children is…?

      “The ladies who had stay at home moms became working mothers who did use daycare. I think experiencing daycare is enough to convince anyone what the best place for children is.”

      1. John, I thought Kelly is the “same mother” of those five children and stayed home to raise them, and she is reporting that her female friends who had stay-at-home mothers went into career jobs and used daycare for their children because they didn’t go through daycare themselves and get put off it.

        1. Tooner, you are correct. Considering the topic of the original post, when I stated I had stayed home with all my kids, I thought it was obvious I was the “mom” and that “girlfriends “ meant pals, not partners.

  3. The other factor in the reduction of single mom families is the unfettered access to abortion at all stages and the promotion of Roe vs Wade by Planned Parenthood (Genocide).

  4. Maybe young women finally got to learn how hard single motherhood is – constantly being short of money, constantly having to scramble for child care, having to do everything by yourself – and that the gritty reality is nothing like the Murphy Brown fairy tale that they were fed.

    1. Why wait Buddy? You can go to the comments thread on any other topic and read the same things he always says.

      1. No. It was worth the wait because he tied in his hate-on for cats. But I’m surprised negress didn’t come out.

  5. I suspect it has become harder to find male breeders. In my day, the torture that teenage girls did to dorky teenage males was temporary. Mere years if not months later the overpowering urge to breed allowed these girls to see zits, cowlicks, mismatched plaids and general dorkiness in a new light. If my daughter’s class is a good example, the guys that couldn’t attract girls convinced each other they were gay and are permanently out of the breeding pool. They have locked themselves into perverted sexuality long before most kids in my day discovered sex even existed.

  6. Imported foreigners will supply low skilled labor for our gated community elites, working in guarded offices, vacationing on islands and private resorts.

    Like imported goods, it is cheaper to raise labor in third world and when capable import them. This saves on housing, schools, maternity care.
    Illegal workers also don’t voice boorish opinions, nor think of themselves as equals to their betters.

  7. Again the author’s conclusion is largely wrong and based on insufficient data.

    The drop I expect is largely the access to abortion being much increased under Obama.

  8. It is perhaps wishful thinking that young people are visiting conservative blogs and gleaning tidbits that alter behavior. Factors from above comments are likely more causal.

  9. No. It just got easier to get abortion pills.

    Moral suasion rarely works any better on women than on cats. Routine spaying—ensuring that Fluffy’s first litter is her last—really does work. Get back to me when we can have an adult conversation about spaying single mothers.

    1. I’m going to one up you. There’s a reason male lions kill the cubs of the male they dethroned.

  10. There is no stigma attached to unwed girls having babies as soon as they start to ovulate. Think natives and blacks. It’s not racism it’s culture. They adhere to the ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ philosophy.

    Other cultures frown on children out of wedlock and for the most part it works.

    Easy access to welfare encourages this behaviour. The truth is that unless you are going to spend your life in a tribal village where everyone participates in the raising your children having a child out of wedlock and interrupting your education to do so is pretty much a guarantee of a life miserable.
