10 Replies to “Social Disease”

  1. And people think “nice”is how to handle this subversion of insanity.
    Sooner or later the progs will unwillingly take it too far, for even the beer , bbq, and women’s weekend away folk .

  2. These kids are going to grow up and murder their parents and the doctors and social workers who had a hand in their mutilation.

    Leftwing losers bow and scrape while Greta talks about her childhood being stolen??
    But they wholeheartedly support these sick experiments on innocent children.


    1. Those boys will most likely take their own lives, and possibly take the lives of several innocent people with them.

      Their butchers, and the evil mothers (and it is always mother’s) who asked the butchers to castrate their sons to spite the patriarchy, will die in bed, perfectly unrepentant.

      1. The parents should both be under psychiatric observation. This case appears to be an offshoot of Munchausen by Proxy … with attention seeking (sick in the head) parents mutilating their own children to become super-woke celebrities.


        Their children should be IMMEDIATELY placed in a Foster Home with loving parental caretakers.

  3. Sheer bloody lunacy. So it’s okay to allow your young kid to have a sex change, but not to allow them to smoke or drink? I mean what the hell, by the “logic” of these mental case parents, a simple letter to the corner store saying that you give permission for your kid to smoke and get pissed should cover it.

  4. If these freaks win this whole thing it will be bigoted not to want to get with a feminine penis if you’re a man. Don’t doubt me. This is coming soon. Literally not being attracted to a freak show will be wrong think. I’ll wait for the mandatory castration or better yet euthanasia.

  5. At a professional mining luncheon (CIM) in Calgary there was a group of “help prevent suicide” professionals split between the tables. In part, this is because of industry outreach. Also in part, they’re worried about our poor little brains exploding because the Liberals are still in power. The most successful suicides are middle aged men, especially those who have worked in an industry (mining included).

    I asked a woman in that group who was sitting at our table about transgenders and attempted suicide. She agreed that, percentage wise, that is one of the most at-risk groups in society. I asked if there was a difference in the suicide attempting percentages between those who sought gender re-assignment surgery and those who received it.

    It’s been a week now, no response. I hope that it’s a matter of still gathering data rather than “we don’t want to say that”.

  6. The mere fact that this and other so called trans crap is happening shows that we are on the fast track to hell.
