Over A Barrel (Documentary)

Via email, from ‘Snagglepuss’

I know that several of you have read an article or two about this video, but I don’t know how many of you actually have had the opportunity to watch the video itself? Here it is, if you wish to watch it? With all the $$ involved, you would think that Ms. Krause would have been sued to death for presenting this info and saying the things that she says in the video, if it were not factually correct?
If you watch until the end you will see just how much influence is happening even in our current election.

Available for free viewing until October 31.

47 Replies to “Over A Barrel (Documentary)”

    1. I cannot take the level of BS. Starve and freeze if you all wish but if I am cold and hungry, I will find a way to remedy that situation.

  1. Butts and Trudope should both be investigated and sent to prison.
    Moronto and Newfie Land just gave BOTH of them a PARDON.
    It is only going to get WORSE on the prairies. We are already well on our way to being Venezuela Part DUH, FFS!!!!!
    Talk of a global recession, which is due in the global business cycle, will finish Alberta off, PERMANENTLY !!!!!

  2. I truly hope people watch this documentary and then send it on to as many Canadians as they can.

    1. I just sent it to my new Canadian son in law, who is half-First Nations. Drugs and economic misery have plagued the Native-half of his family. I don’t worry about him as he is exceptionally well grounded and hard working. Perhaps, like myself, he grew up surrounded by losers and failures who provided an exceptionally strong motivation for not repeating those lessons. However, he dearly loves the Native half of his heritage and defends it vigorously. But he doesn’t defend stupidity. This piece will resonate with him and deepen his conservative instincts.

  3. Still think that Alberta does not need to demand a Binding Referendum for a UDI. This is clear criminality by all involved including the Federal Government. Go UDI Alberta Go UDI

  4. A compelling, well-produced doc, and thank’s for posting. I hope many people get to see it.

    One troubling thing is the huge imbalance in funding and organizing ability between the anti-pipeline and pro-pipeline forces. Recall that Vivian Krause, a housewife at the time, had to fund her research on her own. The traditional oil-lobby lacked the savvy and organizing ability to do the work on its own. Only belatedly . pro-oil forces start paying her. Arrayed against Krause are a long list of well-funded think tanks and charities.

    Similarly, think of the paucity of groups supporting Alberta and Saskatchewan. The Bloc elected 33 MPS. The Wexit group has gotten some good media coverage of late (all to the good). But a standard Google search shows that the group is without a web page. I expect that in time Westerners will drop their lethargy and start organizing, but as of now the anti-oil lobbies have Alberta dead in the water.

  5. I guess Trudeau ordered FB to stop Western Independence Talk on FB, he paid off the Canadian Propagandists in Canadian Media, now FB is silencing Western Independence Talk. The New Gulag just like the Old Gulag. Well he did say he adored Communist China. Good job Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada. Thanks for the Canadian Gulag. Continue with your BOOK BURNING Trudeau, just like in NAZI Germany and Stalinist Russia. In the end you all will lose your Fake Country and Fake Democracy.
    Prairie Freedom Movement‏ @PrairieFreedom
    BREAKING: Massive blackout across Facebook groups that share Western Independence content – ONE DAY BEFORE THE ELECTION!
    RETWEET this FAR & WIDE!

    1. BREAKING: Massive blackout across Facebook groups that share Western Independence content – ONE DAY BEFORE THE ELECTION!

      You mean that same Facebook that allows elderly ladies to post pictures of their cats and grandkiddies? Say it ain’t so!

      I foresee a return to the old packet radio bulletin boards that some people used during the 1980s. Data rates are much slower, but the government will have a hard time censoring them.

  6. I attended Vivian’s event in Calgary earlier this year. This is a good presentation of the same data, in a media-friendly way.

    Recommended to watch, recommended even more to buy to support her work. Even though she is flaky on some other things. 🙂

  7. Just more evidence that Canadian “liberals” are among the most smugly, self satisfied, totally brain washed people on the planet.

  8. If you were Uncle Sam, and you thought a pieline to China would compromise US energy security, what would you do?

    I know what I’d do—send a few good men north to drive the Chinese collaborators in all major Canadian political parties from power.

    Whatever these dodgy “charities” are playing at, it’s clear that US energy security—or the survival of the United States, period—isn’t their biggest priority.

    Just because you hold an American passport to expedite your visits to your mansion in the Hamptons doesn’t make you an American.

    1. Who benefits from no new pipeline to the west or east coast?

      The US.

      Who benefits the most from not having keystone XL?

      The US.

  9. I think it is time for a Wexit referendum – just to see where westerners are on the subject. Not binding or anything, but just to see – – – . Or, are the politicians afraid of what they might find?

    1. Or, are the politicians afraid of what they might find?

      It’s not even that. The politicians don’t want the proles to get any ideas that there might be something better for them. They want to convince the peasant masses that they are living in the best of all possible worlds.

      1. I have always been fascinated by the story about North Koreans in agony when the last Kim died — moaning, fainting and crying in the streets. For years they have been brainwashed into thinking their leaders are wonderful, even though hardship and oppression are patently obvious. This is one of the reasons I have concluded that you can brainwash people into thinking that even patently ridiculous things are in fact true. (CO2 causing runaway global warming comes to mind.) Many Canadians are thoroughly brainwashed. When the media is controlled, it is easy to do.

        1. Look at the videos of those people Linda. Not one tear.
          They all want to make sure they show the grief expected of them. None felt it.

          1. Just go to a Korean wedding and you’ll see the half phoney tears there too. The bride and groom take the mike at the reception and make a show of their undying love for their hardworking parents. The couple may buy a house near the parents and vow to take care of the parents till their deaths, yet they bawl sadness just the same. It’s a tradition.

        2. During mid-1980s, I was an active shortwave listener.

          One day, I heard a broadcast from Radio Pyongyang (now called Voice of Korea). Back then, Kim Il-Sung was in charge and he had people convinced that he was the Alpha and Omega of his country. The news reader kept referring to that in her recitation of events there, frequently using a phrase like “the love and guidance of Comrade Kim Il-Sung”. Presumably, he was responsible for making the sun rise and the wind to blow.

          Don’t forget that this was during the Cold War and communist countries spent a lot of time producing such propaganda. Meanwhile, those same countries interfered with broadcasts from foreign stations by jamming the signals. The PRC is still doing it.

    2. Larry, that my friend is EXACTLY what they are afraid of.

      Every day I have been contacting the premier. And i will continue this campaign. Setting up a panel to study what the issue is as per Kenney, is nothing less than ignoring reality. He knows Goddamned well the Fix is in and being a Federalist seems to think we can work within the system. Pah….hes 38 yrs too Flippin late for that.

      A Liberal infused Beauracracy
      A Liberal infused Supreme Court
      A Media 100% in his back pocket

      He could spend the next 20 yrs dickin around and end up simply chasing his tail as Multi Millions of Alberta Tx dollars are wasted in Lawyers fees and court costs. The would LAWFARE us to death.

      There is only one Solution.
      CLEAR Question

      1. Our Conservative politicians think they can make friends out of our enemies by playing nice. It will not work. As you say, there will another 20 years of dithering and nothing will change.

  10. There’s a reason it’s called canaduh.

    I wonder if the oil industry/Alberta has a case for a civil suit against all these foundations…including Gerald butts? That’s billions of dollars in damages.

    1. Turn off the audio and just read the captions. It is a critically important video if Canadians are to come to grips with the current divisiveness.

  11. A critically important video. The issue will have a major impact on Canada and whether Canada can stay together. Why is it not bring shown on the CBC? I thought we pay them to profile important Canadian issues.

  12. While I think the work she has done on this issue is fantastic, ultimately, it is a distraction. It is urgent that steps be taken to protect Alberta’s interests and prosperity. Obsessing over our enemies is not productive.

  13. Looks like the natives were all too happy to support killing pipelines when they thought it would line their pockets. Now they are sad because the protest funding went away with the protesters.

    So unfair!

    Nowhere in that video did I see anything that refuted the lie that powers the movement. The AGW fraud.

    1. Disappointing overall – my takeaway is that we need permission – moral permission – of Natives to move forward.

      I had previously watched a Krause video given to an Alberta group that stuck to the nuts and bolts of the foreign interference in our politics and the flows of money to facilitate that.

      Some of that is here but much is not – instead replaced by clips of natives whining that they chose the wrong side and then the promises of the protesters and their backers never materialized.

      Ill say again – we will not win the arguement when we validate the very basis of it is true – the AGW is real and requires us do discontinue fossil fuels to save the planet.

      Krause has a talent for deep dives – she needs to dig into the lie of AGW – which will serve to further validate what she has uncovered.

      1. “Native” Canadians are no more or less gullible than native Canadians of any race. Look around you. We have the most moral opinions that money can buy. We are all being used.

      2. Every single FN band on the TMX route has signed off on it. The FN bands can be brought on board. The biggest issues are: one, the courts (the real government of Canada) and, two, the federal government, which won’t take the requisite steps to build national infrastructure projects.

        Again, all of this stuff is fascinating, but it is a distraction from the actual problems.

    2. That is not her focus. There are already many articles, web sites, videos that expose the fraud. No one pays attention. This video explains quite clearly how Canadians are being deliberately defrauded by groups pushing US interests. Maybe that message will get through. If it does, perhaps some will ask, “Now who funded Greeta to interfere with our election?”

  14. The fraud is perpetrated by the Rockefeller brothers, The Tides foundation and all the Soros and HP foundations. This is economic warfare under a false pretense and we need to wake up.

  15. Maybe your agent succumbed to some malaise, do you find a resemblance in the portrait of former minister of environment in Alberta, Shannon Phillips and underdeveloped teenager Greta Thunberg?

  16. Unfortunately, this video was NOT created by anybody who understands “persuasion”.
    The first 3+ minutes (maybe more) sound like a typical left coast loon’s anti-oil / anti-pipeline screed. That led me to desperately want to turn it off and move on, but ONLY because SDA recommended it I hung in for the entire video.

    Sorry, but until our team learns how to “persuade” (Trump is a master persuader …maximum persuasion in a minimum number of characters via Twitter, as just one example) the leftist eco-nazis will continue winning.

    1. It was not slick (They don’t have a billion dollars like the CBC), but I found the video persuasive. There is good information there for anyone who cares about the issue.

  17. I first heard of Vivian Krause back in the Fall of 2013…a Friend of mine tipped me off to her and her writings – investigations etc.

    That was LONG Before our Current Sack of Globalist Dung came on the scene.
    No one did/said Squat except for Tony whats his face from the CPC. And nothing ever came of it. Every one of those Subversive Orgs needs to have their Charitable Status REMOVED including any involved as PAC’s, and if found to be engaging in Anti Canadian Activities – Charged with sedition and heavily FINED as well as Jail sentences handed out in absentia or otherwise.

    That Justin and Gerald facilitated much of this Anti Canadian GARBAGE, makes them in my mind TRAITORS and should be treated accordingly.

    Alas – With a population that is over 60% on the progressive Socialist side of things, NONE of that will ever happen.

    I want a new country: STAT.

  18. Interesting documentary for those who are uninformed. Unfortunately after viewing the election results the uninformed in Canada number over 63% of the population. More unfortunate is the fact that the exposure here is only the tip of the iceberg. We have been inundated with propaganda that in no way shape or form resembles the truth about AGW.

  19. The video should play well with urban audiences but I doubt that many will get the chance to see it. The genesis of the “Great Bear Rain Forest” goes back to the late 80s and a rich American who lived on a sailboat in Victoria. Once they got the idea to use the habitat cluster of an albino Black Bear and deify it (environmentalism is a variant of pantheism), it took off and became an irresistible land grab that political cowards of the day couldn’t resist supporting. Crown land was sterilized on an (anti) industrial level following the model of success of green US money making a cause irresistible to politicians as the enormous lost economic rents of public land has little political value. The entire green lobby industry could’t afford to actually pay market prices for the forests that have been preserved in BC alone if they were privately owned.

    I like that Krause has identified Butts and the Spawn as part of the Canadian elite doing their best to destroy the Canadian economy, playing into the goals of US interests. Too bad that Canada is likely not salvageable and when the West separates and takes the North Coast for egress, the kermodie bears will just have to get over it.

  20. Like some have said, the real issue is the AGW fraud.

    I don’t see this as a conspiracy by the USA oil to land lock Alberta oil and get the oil at a discount.
    The video completely misses the big picture and some twists and turns in the oil sands story.


    How the game is played-search : WWF International accused of ‘selling its soul’ to corporations.

    But there is no point wasting time on this file cuz the pragmatic voters here at SDA will just keep going along with it.

  21. Many of us have looked into what passes for science in AGW and know it’s not even wrong (it’s so fatally flawed that “right or wrong” choices shouldn’t be made from it).

    This is targeting those who don’t know any better. It’s using their own ideals to show how ruthless corporate interests moved in, promised great things to the poor ignorant aboriginals, impoverished them, and left.

    This is presented in the frame of the left and the leftist drones are the target audience. And, just like “Roger and me” (lied), those who did the despoiling won’t talk to the investigator.
