Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

We are all Russian now.

It’s not investigative reporting – it’s an intentional misinformation campaign and you’ll be hearing it everywhere this month: “The Russians are tweeting! the Russians are tweeting! Trust only your Liberal Pravda.”

He’s a lawyer, I trust he’ll put that to use.

33 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. In a stunning turn around, CTV was found to be even greasier and biased than the CBC. Elections Canada in responding to this accusation, was unable to reply due to having their belly scratched by the liberal election team.

      1. Overcompensating for his … *ahem* … shortcomings? Or just plain old racist stereotyping? Either way … not a good look … unless your name is Dirk Diggler.

  2. Those that live in the media bubble and fawn over Truedough, can’t accept the tsunami of Canadians that can see the #TrudeauCorruption and know full well that #TrudeauMustGo. In their bubble, the Groping, SNCLav and Raybould, the attack of the native woman concerned about drinking water, are all non stories, and the #blackfaceTrudeau and #TrudeauIsRacist is soon to be a non story.
    Remember last week, just before the blackface breaking, how the media were so concerned and wringing their hands at how will the parties pay for all the spending? It never seemed to bother them when Trudeau was spending over the 4 years previous. I’ve never heard any concern in the media about Trudeau going into debt more than he campaigned on, or that the budget didn’t balance it’s self.

  3. It worked so well on Trump it was that or we had to come with the truth on why people dislike the Canuck donkey.

    1. $600 Million was just a down payment…waaay more of that borrowed money that we the taxpayers will be paying for a very long time to come.

  4. I’m curious to know the number of Canadians who are aware they are being saturated with the same DNC-Soros narratives used against American Conservatives which are pipe-lined into Canuck fake news as well. The Russian election scare is just one, but the most apropos at this time because this lie had 47% of Americans fooled ( that number is greatly reduced today after 3 years revelations of DNC-big tech fuggery). I assume the dark forces of trans-border voter fraud feel the Russian gig is good for one more electoral cycle in the political wastelands to the North.

    I have to wonder at the level of cognitive dissonance needed to accept open border migration or unrestricted immigration yet get in a dither over foreigners swaying an election….seems like a very dualistic view of national sovereignty yet I see this narrative has infected Canadian media as well.

    1. Bill, Canadians are a particularly stupid breed of human beings. They are more than willing to give their country to any third world welfare immigrant and then kiss his ass just before he kills them. Son, Canadians are stupid. I know everyone hates me for saying the same thing over and over, yet Canadians have a seven day attention span, and the intellectuals have, maybe two days.

  5. I believe Canadians and particularly Conservatives should really appreciate their Media much more.

    One way to show this love and appreciation would be to inundate them with orders and orders of poutine!

    Let’s have a countrywide skip the dishes and show the Canadian Media how you really feel with a poutine lollapalooza!

  6. The only effective foreign interference in Canadian politics is the UN and US funded Gang Green and that is Butts-approved so the Liberal-Media complex buries that and follows Butts’ or Katie’s orders even when it is pure invention.

  7. “I seek an immediate apology and retraction.”

    Other than Justin, is there anything more devoid of substance and meaning than a coerced apology?

    1. I’m no fan of Manny. He once got into a pissing contest with me on Twatter because I am a PPC supporter. He was being way out of line and also insulting because I wouldn’t vote Scheer.
      When I asked him to explain why there were so many common points between the Trudeau and Scheer platforms – which is true – he blocked me.
      I hope however he sues CuckedTV

  8. Jamie’s right about that (11:32 am).

    Two points related to this story:

    – Trudeau’s scatter-gun multi-billion dollar expenditure promise yesterday in the GTA*, and

    – The Global National News story today about two (2) election sign-related incidents in the Ottawa area (Liberals are upset about two geographically and otherwise unconnected developments; this is a national news story?)

    Taking the three items together, there is a palpable smell of fear in the air this morning, which is good.
    * Speaking of guns, the pronouncement on Friday was likely also part of the panic response, but nobody paid attention to it, as its critics ridiculed it and Bill Blair apparently gave a feeble defence of it on at least “Question Period” yesterday. The “market reaction” to this tater probably ratcheted up the panic response over the weekend.

  9. It’s Canadians’ fault, due to their systemic racism and unconscious bias, that JT is a (literally) two-faced, sanctimonious hypocrite.

    His blind spot is our problem.

    All Bob’s money, Justin will give to you, apparently because Bob is an systemic and unconscious racist.

    But his/our money is still good eh? The West wanted in, were told shut racist and pay, so now it wants out.

  10. Didn’t you hear? The Russians are so good that a minuscule Russian fraction of 1% of the internet campaigning in 2016 got Trump elected despite the fact that much of it was pro-Hillary. It had absolutely nothing to do with Hillary running the worst election campaign in history.

    Is this going to be Justin’s excuse. Justin being a tit grabbing racist had nothing to do with it. It was the Russians, as if they gave a flying fig who got elected.

  11. My apologies once again. However sometimes there are limitations on reaching out during a Federal Election and 2019 is surely one;

    Hopefully American Citizens as Sovereign Ordinary Average Citizens are alarmed at the methods the Democrat Party and Their Culpable Agents the — ‘bought – in’ Media outlets of the “Democrat Dirty Tricks Department” & Leadership?

    If a proclaimed enemy of the U.S.A. were to take action to Murder American Citizens: I believe anyone who participated in the Chain of Events, which it appears Many Elected Democrats and pseudo Loyal Whitehouse functionaries believe they are above. Complicty when a Nation is under attack has a much greater ‘reach-out’ and consequences.

    Information for Canadian Citizens; who may believe Canada has a similar Sovereignty status as Americans. The best situation for Canadians was ‘semi-Sovereignty’ due to geographical proximity to the United States of America Constitution of “We the People….”. This ‘semi-Sovereign’ was a possibility under the United Kingdom’s continuation and expansion through ” The Long Parliament” — “Cromwell Period of War of Religion” et al.

    This Sovereignity concept grew in the United Kingdom even though the Privy Council concept of Final Arbiter in the Control of the Federal Bureaucracy*:

    ______*From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Clerk to the Privy Council is a civil servant in Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom, being Head of the Privy Council Office.[1]
    This historic office is less powerful nowadays than it once was and than its Canadian equivalent, whose holder serves ex officio as Head of the Canadian Civil Service, whereas these roles in the UK have been divided between the Cabinet Secretary and the Head of HM Civil Service.[2]
    Until 1859 there were multiple — usually four — clerks to the Privy Council. Three of the four positions then extant were progressively abolished in the 19th century until only one remained in 1859.

    The control was weakened in the United Kingdom in 1859; But remains in Canada as the ONLY former Colonial entity of the British Empire to accept such restriction(s) on Canadian’s Citizens as part of the BNA 1867.
    ____ I believe the reason why the P.E.T. Canada Constitution of 1981-1982 was expanded to include the afore amentioned BNA as the BNA Extension into !982 -BNA was to give cover** for the Supreme Court of Canada for the Control of Canada’s ‘implied authority of the Privy Council Office’ over the Bureaucracy of Canada as the restricted use of the Bureaucracy over the Citizens of Canada.

    The 1982-Canada Constitution extension is part & parcel of the reason(s) why there is a moly-glot of explanations of what Canada’s Constitution actually is about. ____ There will be a Major Cover-up by the Liberals — Conservatives — NDP — CPP — Green __ etc after this 2019 Federal Election unless There are Questions asked and answers documented by the Canadian / Canadien Media ___ PLEASE NOTE REBEL MEDIA & SUN NEWS. It is really up to Your Organization(s) because the “Comfortable Pew” of Canada’s present Religion of Bought-off JournOlism will fight to hold onto Their Present Tax-payer Subsidies — CBC & Radio du Canada — and the Liberal Party of Canada’s –promise to include all “Good” media to receive Subsidies ___ My interpretation of “Good” is to continue the hiding of the Privy Council’s Control of the Bureaucracy instead of the Elected Members’ of Parliament in a Viable Federal Cabinet only following the Political Leader’s collusion with the Privy Council.

    There is many other aspects of the deliberate destruction of Magna Carta as it evolved in the United Kingdom which need to be properly investigated through the conscientious effort of a sincere Journalist. It will be a difficult exciting Task; but probably one of the significant transperancies in seeking Human Rights & Responsiblilties of the Individual seeking Viable Social Contracts for all people in the World.

  12. Ah, I get it.

    Everyone who is displeased with Justin is a Russian. Not the Russian tyrants his dad admired, the bad Russians who cause scandal-ridden Liberals to lose elections.

    This country needs several asteroids.

  13. If anything, the Russians would like to see a weak effeminate hypocrite like the Turdling get re-elected.

    1. As with a sophomoric FIRST female POTUS with a Best Buy … “That was Easy” plastic reset (“overcharge”) button. Yeah, Russia much prefers weak, and incompetent foreign leaders who can be bought-off for a few million dollars.

    2. “Russians would like to see a weak effeminate hypocrite like the Turdling get re-elected.”

      Indeed. And you can throw in the adjective compromi$ed to boot. I mean, it’s working for the chicomms, ain’t it?

  14. “Russians would like to see a weak effeminate hypocrite like the Turdling get re-elected.”

    I also wonder why the Russians would want a nationalist like Trump to win instead of Hillary who they had bought with good cash and owned outright.

  15. Meanwhile on twitter the Democrats are still trying to figure out how Trump could have filled hat arena with people of colour without paying them.

  16. I don’t think the Kremlin gives two flying shits about our Canuckistan elections just like they didn’t care about the 2016 presidental elections. It’s same the DNC-Soros scare tactic of post 2016 when Hillary lost her bid to the white house. The left figures the same tactics will work on Canadian voters which it won’t because where not crazy about politics unlike our neighbors to the south who are bat shit crazy about politics.

  17. The Twitter-based links are only appearing for 10 seconds for me then they vanish. So I don’t know what the thread is about, but some say that never stopped me butting in 🙂

  18. Does anyone know how to get viewership numbers for Canadian television news? Multiple searches reveal nothing. No one I talk to watches the TV news (other than the elderly and shut-ins).

    It’s my understanding that most urban markets see ~5% of the potential viewers actually watch TV news.
