13 Replies to “Riding Mass Transit Is Like Inviting 30 Random Hitchhikers Into Your Car”

  1. Is it just me, or do they kinda look like aspiring rap artists about to change their lives around?

  2. It was not random. They were four young thugs who, with malice and forethought, attempted to kill a white man in cold blood to prove they were worthy to join a gang.

  3. In America … the Left calls these people … “Dreamers”.

    Dreaming of a college degree, becoming research biologists, and curing cancer. Uh huh …

  4. Situational awareness folks and the ability to defend one’s self. Any law that prevents a person from defending one’s self is un- constitutional. Unless one is armed how the hell can one protect themselves from gangs of thugs? It is getting to the point where we will have to defend ourselves from the authorities and that should never be.

  5. Yep! Same on Bistate/Metroliink [Saint Louis City & County, MO & St. Clair Co., Illinois], keep your back to steel or concrete, never have your head down in a tablet, iPhone, or book, “situational awareness”, or have your obit in the moning news. They be “swarmin'”, just for the fun of it. They like “surprise”, so “Alert” and “ready” discorrages most predators. “MOST”

    Public transportation is no place to relax, ‘specially in the Democatic/Progressive/Corruptocrat Urban enclaves. Got a car? Use it!

      1. Yep, until we get old and the government takes our licence and ability to drive whether we can or not.

  6. Technical question – does anyone know why the link does not show up on my computer when I use the Chrome browser, but does on the Avast browser?

    1. Now that’s interesting! The link did not show up under my Chrome browser either. But it did when I used Safari. Then I tried Chromes “incognito window” and it popped up as well. So, the blocking seems to be very selective. I’ve noticed this on other sites as well.

  7. Fkn Google eh..?? I just used Safari and for the first time am able to watch a Twitter video.
    I am so sick of this shit with that browzer… time to go bk to Safari and to hell with chrome/google/

  8. The great thing about riding mass transit is that it reminds us of where the “human” race is heading. Every tax payer should have to jump on some form of mass transit no more than a week before being allowed to vote.

  9. But, but, but he could have dialed 911, couldn’t he?
    It was informational to listen to CHED (a station that is a mere SHADOW of it’s former self!) in Edmonton y’day PM and hear from people that hate guns and would be so against shooting a person or persons trying to rob them, I mean “…how can you pull; the trigger’ after all it is just stuff – call your insurance company!”
    What a bunch of clowns! We have become brainwashed that we cannot think or act for ourselves anymore. Government can fix anything…The police are our friends… What B.S.
