When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

A Story of 2 Probes and the FBI

The documents, quietly released as part of the FBI’s case files for the “Midyear Exam,” its code name for the Clinton email investigation, revive a lingering mystery from Clinton’s tenure as the nation’s chief diplomat: Why did Sidney Blumenthal, the former journalist and Bill Clinton White House aide, send her a series of detailed memos and reports about Libya beginning in 2011?
The documents offer an answer. They allege that Blumenthal sent the emails as a “quid pro quo” to free up classified State Department financial intelligence to help Libya recover as much as $66 billion spirited offshore by slain strongman Moammar Gadhafi.
Out of that, Blumenthal and associates stood to gain a brokers’ cut of perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars.
The private Libya inquiry leaves important issues unsettled. The documents do not include emails or other original source material to support the allegations within. While claiming to possess evidence that Blumenthal and his associates had contracts and offshore accounts to repatriate the money, the documents say “no concrete evidence” was found suggesting Clinton acted to support the effort.
Yet if verified, the files might shed light on why Clinton kept her emails, tens of thousands of which have gone missing, out of normal government communication channels.

It’s long, grab a coffee.

19 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. For justice to be done, it must be seen to be done.

    For injustice to continue, it must be hidden from all.

    1. I am still waiting for a SINGLE indictment for treason. For monetizing and politicizing our government for personal gain. Waiting.

  2. “Blumenthal and associates stood to gain a broker’s cut of perhaps hundreds of millions”

    Wonder how much would have made it back to the Clintons?

  3. Another long scree; not sure where this fits into the plethora of SDA opportunities to comment;

    D’yall — deplorable such as me — believe in a Country based on Law & Order? Do you think the Laws should be upheld by Policing Authority which evolved from Magna Carta and Common Law provision of understanding the Laws through — precedence? Then Y’all must not Vote for a Liberal Party Candidate in Canada’s Federal Election, especially if the present Liberal representing Your Riding is a member of the Justin Trudeau Government Cabinet. They in particular believe in the___ ‘we know better than the deplorable(s)’__ such as us.

    They truly believe an__ Outside of Government __ Group of We Think This is Best: such as the Laurentian Elite, is preferable to an appointed Group for “sober second thought” established 1867 through the BNA 1867.

    1/. If a Group is to provide “second sober thought” should we deplorable(s) have the opportunity to elect our Regional Senator(s)?

    2/. Has the presently elected Riding Representatives ___ M.P.s [Members of Parliament] provided accountability for the spending of Canada’s Taxes? If so; do we need another level of Government?

    3/. Is the existing Regional designation for appointment of Senators appropriacy for accountability to provide “Human Rights & Responsibilites of the Individual” for Canada’s — Ordinary, Average, Citizen(s)?

    4/. Will an Elected by – Canadian & Canadien – Senate, provide a more suitable measure of Canada as a Federation.

    5/. Will an Equality of Regionalism — presently in place — provide a recognizable change in equality for Canada’s — Ordinary, Average, Citizens?

    6/. Will equality in Regional recognition provide sufficent ‘pride in place’ for any or each of Canada’s Region to understand __Their Place in Canada’s Federation __ through Entry into International Athletic Events as Regions. e.g. ______The United Kingdomwith England & Scotland and The European Union with Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden. et al.

    Please excuse my — Gitja All — sub-topic leadings : which moves this deplorable person away from almost every juvenile marketing meme used in the Internet reaching out with perceived — titbits — which will entice the ordinary average deplorable to “Click”. Regards; Mike Sr.

    1. Michael McCallion Sr: EXACTLY!! Coming to Canada if we VOTE IN A LIBERAL GOV’T especially the Trudeau/Butt Gov’t!! VOTE FOR SCHEER BECAUSE HE IS NOT TRUDEAU!! VOTE OUT THE LIBERALS IN OCT 2019!

      1. Yea…sorry to say but a typical Canadian Response. Hold yer nose and never EVER even consider voting for something…eh? GAWD no.!! Always vote Against something/someone…the lessor “danger” .

        How so completely Canadian, utterlly GUTLESS & totally Puerile.

        Well, this time I for one am voting FOR someone and let the chips fall where they may.


  4. Sid was connected to self employed Ex-CIA agents working the ME… Sid was in constant contact with Hillary to get inside information of UN/State department policy….Hillary was selling influence to anyone willing to PAY…..The Action in Benghazi was a CIA operation by freelancers seeking to find Weapons Hillary had lost (mean for ISIS forces) She was arming every anti-Government (Arab spring) group…..Some may ask if Sid’s group had something to gain in the Benghazi debacle….. Sid is a bad/ mean guy, maybe only liked by John Brennen & the Russian agenda against Trump…There is a BOOK on Sid


    1. Obama explicitly FORBADE HER from involving Blumenthal in State Dept. business. And SHE went and did it anyway. Makes one think that Obama was just providing political deniability for his desire to involve Blumenthal in government affairs. Or is it possible that the Obama Admin. wasn’t aware of Blumenthal’s activities? Wasn’t aware of HER activities? Nah. Obama simply looked the other way, and offered some rather transparently disingenuous denouncement of Blumenthal. Or, Obama saw himself as subservient to HER. Now, there is definatly some truth there.

  5. Hmph. Libya you say? Was there not some recent humdinger scandal in Canada that had a Libya angle? Might there be any Clinton/Trudeau/Butts/Soros tenuous connection between the two?

  6. There is no such thing as a missing email. I’m sure the NSA has access to all my emails and everyone here, so they have Hillary’s. In cyberspace, everything lasts forever.

  7. My thoughts are outside the box on the Libyan billions to be stolen by the Obamas/ Clinton Foundation Cartels.
    The Benghazi ambassador knew too much about the operation and coverup.
    Knowing that he might be captured and tortured by the other Rebels and reveal their dark secrets, he had to be eliminated. They promised the killers a stockpile of weapons, water coolers, toasters, and anything else they could steal.

    The other 3 service members begging for 13 hours, and pleading for just a drone strike were worth being killed for the billions/greater good/use/cause.

    Hillary and Obama went to bed that night and slept delightfully between silk sheets.
    Waking refreshed, they were ready to steal anything they could carry out of their motel rooms.

    1. I would never believe that Hillary (an American) would deliberately take part in the killing of Americans in Benghazi.. She is/was incompetent & her State Department was out of control… Same opinion of CIA agents that are Americans, they are loyal & efficient. Bad shit does happen

      I don’t have the same confidence for Obama, he learned his American in Harvard that is why he had to have a teleprompter….He had a evil side and I would think Sid scared him,,,,,Sid had sources that Brennan didn’t control


      1. You’re either blind or willfully stupid.

        What do you think Hillary meant when she said “What difference does it make?” when referring to the dead ambassador and Marines from the Benghazi massacre?

        How many have been Arkanciced at her command or with her knowledge?

        Hillary cares about one thing and one thing only…Hillary. The rest be damned! We are all deplorables to her. The only thing American she cares about is the currency and how much of it she can use and quite and steal.

        1. I didn’t say she was not responsible,,, SHE WAS… She was incompetent running an incompetent State Department in an incompetent Obama administration,,, PLL react to their failure by outrageous nasty denial. She is not a nice person…..but Americans planning to deliberately kill Americans is overreach……@ least in my generation

  8. He’s an evil slime ball who had a vested interest in fomenting unrest in Libya and other parts of the Middle East given his association with Osprey Global Solutions, a rather benign and cutesy sounding name for a company whose stock in trade is starting wars with the help of some political insiders (Hillary Clinton) then showing up on the scene selling weaponry to the highest bidder.

    Merchants of death.

  9. Important point. In August of 2016, Blumenthal sent his own version of the “Trump Dossier” to the FBI.

    LOOK!!!! SQUIRREL!!!!

  10. the USA ambassadorwas killed by muslim brother hood operatives who were let out of Egyptian jails by morisi slap shot you ar ew dumb as a tree stump for that post hillery wouldn’t give a shit if her operations killed 50 americans
