The Sound Of Settled Science

Nils-Axel Morner, a former head of the Paleo-Geophysics and Geodynamics Department in Stockholm, says a new solar-driven cooling period for the Earth is ‘not far off’. (June 2019)

73 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. Maunder Minimum Redux.
    Solar Cycle 25
    Period – end of story.

    All the rest of the propaganda being spewed by the likes of ALL Western Media, Suzuki, Trudeau, McKenna, Naomi Klien, Berman, Horgan, Likkered Lizzie and that Commie twit previously known as Albertas Environment Minister is simply UN led Globalist NOISE…Designed to make us all POOR….and many of them RICH.

    My middle finger stands at attention….to them all.
    May they all freeze in the DARK

  2. Expect some frosts is June and July, years entirely without harvests, and stockpile some MREs.

    1. In Calgary, we had frost in June this year. The heat sink airport runways may say no frost, but I was scraping it off my windshield twice in June.

      All my veggies are late this year.

      1. Frost tolerant garden varieties. Maybe dig a root cellar if you know how, cause wind and sun ain’t gonna keep the freezer running…

  3. When you get right down to it, sustaining the Earth’s population is a function of agricultural production.
    And we all know warmer temperature and more CO2 are good for agricultural production. Just ask any hothouse operator. How the warmists can try to argue the opposite is mind boggling.

    1. They don’t argue; they simply refuse to answer simple questions. They make appeals to emotion instead.

    2. Yes but you miss the point. The goal of these misanthropic green Club of Romers is to reduce the size of the human population.

    3. They don’t want to sustain the earth’s population. Conciously or subconciously they fear it is unsustainable and that they are members of the portion that will not be sustained. They don’t know what else to do but they hope that virtue signalling for the new climate religion will win them reprieve from the cull.

    4. I had this discussion with a global warmest on Twitter, and he threw a peer-reviewed paper at me suggesting that elevated levels of CO2 were bad for crops. The results did show that some micronutrient density in crops grown at elevated CO2 levels were lower, but NOWHERE in the paper was a yield comparison between the two treatments discussed. I’m sure yield was measured but not included in the resulting paper as this would no doubt gone against their agenda of “CO2 is poison”.

      For those that are not aware, greenhouses run CO2 levels above 1000 ppm.

  4. See? Climate change affects even the sun! Make those peasants pay more carbon tax!

  5. Ahhh … Niles-Axel Morner. b.1938

    Retired student of “historical earthquake activity”
    Dowser extrordinaire:
    “Morner claims to be an expert in “dowsing,” the practice of finding water, metals, gemstones etc. through the use of a Y-shaped twig.
    Morner’s attempt to prove his dowsing abilities is chronicled by James Randi, the well-known myth buster, who has offered the longstanding One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge.”

    Knows, without having to measure, that Ocean levels are not rising:
    “a Nils-Axel Mörner quote from a Lyndon Larouche interview
    — A picture of a tree —
    A famous tree in the Maldives shows no evidence of having been swept away by rising sea
    levels, as would be predicted by the global warming swindlers. A group of Australian
    global-warming advocates came along and pulled the tree down, destroying the evidence
    that their “theory” was false.

    Also a bit of a trimmer:

    “I am writing to inform you that Dr. Mörner has misrepresented his position with INQUA.” etc

    But you gotta admire the guy’s willingness to get in there and muck about —

    ” Local newspaper Ystads Allehanda reports on new fieldwork in Ravlunda by amateur archaeologist Bob G Lind and retired geology professor Nils-Axel Mörner. The last time the two enthusiastic gentlemen interfered with the Iron Age cemetery in question, they were reprimanded by the County Archaeologist. Now they are clearing brush from the site in order to make their imagined Bronze Age calendar alignments clearer.
    Future plans include magnetometry mapping. Mörner is quoted as believing that this technique will allow the pair to map individual ancient footprints in the subsoil, because in his opinion, magnetometry maps “compressed earth”.”

    Now into solar predictions.

    He does it all.

      1. H.I. Abdussamatov has been predicting a little ice age for maybe 15 years. He correctly predicted a return to cold snowy winters around 2012. Wouldn’t it be ironic if the Russians are right and no one else is listening? Granted Zharkova was working out of the UK last paper I saw of hers. If you want some hair raising stuff, look at the relationship to magnetic reversals and ends of interglacials. Eeek.

        1. As a one-time geologist, reversals scare me far more than climate change ever will. As do extraterrestrial object collisions with our home spheroid. And, I guess, that supervolcano laying dormant beneath Yellowstone. And any government trying to solve a problem.

    1. The man you insult has the most comprehensive understand of sea-levels. It has been his job. You, sir, are a troll of the most dispicable sort. May you freeze in hell.

        1. Here here

          Watcher must get his income from the UN

          He, she or it never gives anything positive only negative

          1. WWW111, the Night Crawlers are thick tonight. Another Great Bloated Simpering Wankerati for my hook.
            Il est dangereux d’avoir raison dans des choses où des hommes accrédités ont tort. “Voltaire”

    2. Subtle changes in the electromagnetic field influence thyroid acivity resulting in small variations in hormone releases that result in relaxing or tensing of muscle fibres. Holding a rod in the “y” part of curled up fingers allows these subtle changes in muscle tension to manifest as movement in a diving rod. It’s not the diving rod that is receiving information it is you. Don’t ask me to provide a link. Look it up yourselves. I’m not your damn secretary.

        1. What the he’ll crap article was that? Post something meaningful and don’t waste our time. I will let kids write their initials on dimes and hide them in a thick lawn and find them all promptly. It’s pure physiology and nothing more. I flag all my lines before the 411 guy comes just for fun as well.

          1. If you can reliably dowse, James Randi will give you a million dollars. Off you go, then.

    1. Would these be similar to the food shortages predicted by Erlich (spelling?) back in the 60s? Where he said we couldn’t possibly feed 4 billion people?

      1. joe, when it gets cold enough food will become scarce, it don’t matter who said what or when.

    1. From your article:
      While this warming has no implications for climate change in the troposphere, a fundamental prediction of climate change theory is that the upper atmosphere will cool in response to increasing carbon dioxide. As the atmosphere cools the density will decrease, which ultimately may impact satellite operations through decreased drag over time.

      The troposphere. That’s where we live.
      Meanwhile, in Iceland, a little less ice …

      1. I see why you call yourself dizzy. You have drank way too much kool aid and abandoned your natural ability to reason for yourself. All you can do is parrot what the msm tells you. Come now nod your head. Good boy. Hopeless.

      2. Without the mistical, magical, undemonstrated feedback, the global warming is 3.7 W/m2, due to doubling CO 2. The Earth receives something around 13461 W/M2 from the Sun, and that varies due to seasons and clouds mor than this global warming number.

        So, how can we distinguish natural variability from “CO2 induced warming” given we haven’t made accurate complete observations for more than 30 years, since the satellite age.

        In the vain of Geta, I want you to bow down to numbers.

      3. I am sure the Icelanders are very happy about a little less ice and more agriculture and warmth and less energy expenditure due to it being bloody cold.

        Have you checked with them or are you just too dizzy?

  6. Without the mystical, magical, undemonstrated feedback, the global warming is 3.7 W/m2, due toa doubling CO 2. The Earth receives something around 13461 W/M2 from the Sun, and that varies due to seasons and clouds more than this global warming number.

    So, how can we distinguish natural variability from “CO2 induced warming” given we haven’t made accurate, complete observations for more than 30 years, since the satellite age.

    In the vein of Geta, I want you to bow down to numbers and worship them. They do not lie – unlike climate grafters.

  7. And then we have those troublesome Vikings sailing into a very warm Arctic in open boats and setting up colonies and trading posts. Dang those inconvenient artifacts in those dang museums. Then accounts like this. About 1000 years ago in the Arctic. Must have been the diesel powered Vikings.

    Roots of plants and deep Viking graves found in South Greenland in soil that is now tjaele (permafrost or permanently frozen ground) indicate that the annual mean temperature must have been 2-4°C warmer than now. It is possible to estimate the summer temperature on the basis of the story in Landnámabók (985-1000) about Thorkel Farserk, who swam out to Hvalsey (in Hvalseyfiord) in order to fetch a sheep to make a feast for his cousin, Erik the Red. By way of comparison, Dr. Pugh from The Medical Research Laboratories in England has established on the basis of studies of Channel swimmers and the like, that 10°C would be the lowest temperature that a man who had not been in special training would be able to endure, even if he was fat. The average August temperature of the water in the fiords along this coast now rarely exceeds 6°C. The water in Thorkel’s time must therefore have been at least 4° warmer and probably more than that. The summer temperatures (for the air) in the fiords in South Greenland would then have been 13-14°C (as compared with the present 8-10°C), and in Godthaab’s fiord about 12°C, with a correspondingly shorter growth season. Further north around Melville Bay the summer temperatures would have been 9-10°C, as compared with the present 3-5°C.

    Away with you Dizzy, you Pompous Wankerati

      1. Watcher is correct. The scientific literature states C02 levels 250 million years ago were over 2000ppm and some speculate up to 5000ppm in the earths atmosphere. This was a time in the earths life cycle that the planet had the most lush and wide ranging plant and animal life ever seen on the planet. So much life, that we now burn their fossils in our vehicles. According to the Global Warming cultists theory, the earth should not even exist today, long ago burned to a crisp in a runaway greenhouse gas furnace. Get off the UN merry go round, maybe you won’t be so dizzy.

  8. 90% of Canadians live very close to the southern border. Why? Weather and arable land.
    Canadians who want to stop global warming should be made to live in one of the territories. F**king idiots.

    1. I might add if I may Buddy, the Hypocritical Shreakers for the Globul Warming Priests should be made to wander the roads in sackcloth and bare feet and never use anything derived from fossil fuels. Nothing. They should be rounded up for shock treatment. They are so idiotic childlike and a self danger. As well as Pompous Asses.

  9. Have I got the arithmetic right?
    CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is 400 parts per million (PPM).
    Humans produce 3% (.03) of that which is 12 PPM.
    Aussies produce 1.3% of 12 PPM which is .156 PPM.
    The Paris Accords want to reduce the human contribution by 20% (12 x .20) or 2.4 PPM by 2030.
    The Aussies want to exceed this and reduce Aussie produced CO2 by 30% or .03 PPM.
    And these infinitesimal adjustments are going to save the planet from Armageddon.
    I know what you’re thinking; you’re thinking that this is stupid.
    It is stupid and, as the Duke said, “You can’t fix stupid.”
    So buckle up frendo, this is just getting started.
    John Wayne said “You can’t fix stupid.”

  10. Not to worry!

    British Columbia has it covered with its 128% “carbon” tax on domestic natural gas usage.

    So, the colder it gets, the more natural gas used and therefore the more that cash flows into BC’s coffers.

    Those politicians in BC are brilliant, I tell you! Just brilliant!

  11. It is worse than that BF. The earth just through its natural process’s produces 97% of all CO2 on earth. How can they reduce that number.
    Every normal Canadian needs to make or buy a Newfy Seal Club and start clubbing these braindead Manmade Global Warming Shriekers like seal pups.

    1. The earth just through its natural process’s produces 97% of all CO2 on earth. How can they reduce that number.

      Have you ever glanced ate the graph showing atmospheric CO2 measurements over the last few decades.
      It’s jagged, each peak/valley owing to the “natural” release of CO2 in the fall & removal in the spring.
      But the jagged line curves in an upward direction. That’s owing to the additional amounts added by human conversion.
      There are ways to reduce the natural amount e.g. adding more trees, seeding cold waters with iron, removal from the air …
      But reducing the amount we are producing is also necessary,

      Some demographers are predicting inevitable population decline. That should help.

  12. Not this crap again. We’ve been hearing this stuff for years and there’s no temperature reduction and no evidence that solar activity is going to lead to a reduction.

      1. History is too difficult for these twits John. Better to run around shrieking and wailing but never changing their own ways. Just lecturing common folk struggling along to pay for all the nonsense with more and more and more taxes. For every 1 deg decline in global temperatures the grain growing regions move south 100 Miles. Zharkova is predicting that unlike during the Maunder when only 2 of the Suns Magnetic fields shutdown, causing the Maunder Minimum, this time all 4 solar magnetic fields will shutdown. She is predicting famine. Her accuracy rate unlike the Church of Global Warming is 97% accuracy. Instead of preparing the populations for Global Cooling these idiots are wasting Billions on false science and the populations will be unprepared. Club them like seals.

  13. The colder it gets the louder the Cultists will wail about catastrophic warming.
    And when the Laurentian Ice Sheet starts to grow again,they will brag as to how effective their tax on Carbon is.
    Of course warming or cooling the “CURE” is always the same.
    Repent your luxurious life using “Fossil Fuels” for unless you pay your indulgences and allow government even more control over you,the planet is doomed,doomed to warm into inferno,or then to freeze.
    The coming ice age of the seventies was because of burning fossil fuels, result ? Never happened.
    The “epic warming” of the late 1990s,was “because of burning fossil fuels”,the result?
    Never got warmer than the thirties.Never mind the 1880s.Catastrophe not happening.

    The betrayal of common sense and evidence based policy making by our entitled parasites,amounts to declaration of war upon the taxpaying citizens by our bureaucrats.
    Every dirty trick,propaganda,deceit,manufacturing evidence,blatant lies..and still nobody is buying.
    The only lesson of this artificial mass hysteria is that government is useless at best and an immense danger at worst.

    Remember this,we did not attack the Cult of Calamitous Climate,they attacked us.
    Power and taxing Air,for the good of the “New Middle Class”.
    Cause they are running out of other peoples money.

    Like a man being mugged in a meadow,we were slow to react.
    Now we need to fire every last one of these entitled twits.
    Why should I fund the pension of all these Climate Emperors,who proudly parade their naked ignorance of science, while insisting they know better than I how to live my life and manage my wealth.

    Educated But Idiot, they have never grown anything,built anything and cannot operate anything in a productive manner.
    Being a conservative I am slow to react,I like to be sure of the situation before I act.
    We come soon to the 10th anniversary of “Climate gate” and we get to vote on accepting a “Tax of Carbon Pollution”.
    Interesting days indeed, for the Climate Scam has hit a rock,otherwise known as President Trump, the hysteria is peaking as the parasites see “A certain unkindness” in the eyes of the taxpayers.`
    I will be Voting, Too the Maxx, as this is the only political party with the balls to call this blatant fraud out.

    To proclaim your “Belief in Climate Change”, is to proclaim that “Water is wet”,you have not said anything,yet this is our effete elites,they believe in Climate Change,which no one disagrees about this natural process but they actually imply Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming.
    Attempting a scam through misdirection.

    Their refusal to clarify their terms is intentional.
    They are lying Scum.

    Proclaiming their unfitness for any position of authority, as gullible fools who are a danger to all.

    1. Could never have said it better myself John Robertson. Yes they are the Great Unwashed Herd of WANKERATI. The Shriekers of Al Gore and the Great Huckster Suzuki of the Church of Climate Change.
      They want to throw out centuries of progress and hundreds of years of real science and have us all at their feet, living in mud shacks and begging like Oliver Twist. “More Please, May I have some gruel Please Sir”.

      Syphilis and Gonorrhea on both their Houses to 7 Generation’s. Ordinary people need to start pointing out that they are Fooking Insane and need to be locked up and given shock treatment, and be heavily medicated everyday. The WANKERATI.

  14. The litmus test for the shrieking believers – do you favour nuclear power as an emergency measure until your climate change agenda begins to work? And, if not, then why are you lying about the impending disaster?

  15. When all is said
    And nothing done
    The earth still turns beneath the sun
    When heating goes and freezing comes
    We’ll pray for global warming

  16. Zharkova again explaining her years of research into the suns magnetic fields and why this has heated and cooled the earth for millennia. She also explains how the sun and earths elliptical trajectory plays into global warming and cooling. So now we will see intense cooling followed by the earth warming again after.

  17. “Climate Change”. wrong, disproven, correct.
    “Low solar activity” causes cooling, also disproven, thus incorrect.

    There have been multiple periods of low solar activity in the last 13,000 years, plus there is low solar activity every 11 years, and the temperature has ignored it and gone up, down, and sideways. The only time there was any correlation was during the “little ice age”, and that only after more than 100 years total of low solar activity and much lower activity than today.

    Therefore, the only way we may possibly see any influence from “low solar activity” is after a very long time of much lower activity than today, longer than your lifetime, whoever you are.

    Meanwhile, it is accepted that what causes ice ages is the Earths “progression” around the sun, which changes it’s tilt relative to the sun. The result is about 10,000 years of warm, and 100,000 of ice age. The progression is right now such that we may expect an ice age any day now, so if you really want a reason to expect cold, there it is, and a proven one at that, not this “low solar activity” thing which has been disproved.

    1. Nightfall thanks for repeating what I just said about the elliptical orbits of the sun and earth. Very Good. How do you explain away the fact that every single Grand Solar Minimum is always accompanied by very low sun spot count meaning low solar activity. And a small correction for you, the solar cycle is 22 years, 11 years max sun spots 11 years low sunspots. Now explain for us all the historical solar minimums and heating and cooling cycles for thousands of years, without any solar input? If the sun has no impact on our climate remove it from the equation and explain how we heat and cool. Because that is what you are saying.

    2. “Low solar activity” causes cooling, also disproven..”
      Good point really. Where is the proof that anything outside the realm of natural variability is having any impact on the climate. Worldwide supplies of agricultural commodities continue to exceed the demand side driven in part by technological advance. Where are those looming shortages caused by bad weather?
      In your own community where you live does the weather seem any different today than it has been in past years?


    What is the highest CO2 level the planet has ever seen? (estimated during Paleozoic era) 7000 PPM
    What is the lowest CO2 level (we know about) planet has ever seen? approx 180 PPM (and not that long ago)
    What CO2 level does plant life stop at? approx 150 PPM (and after the plants are gone, all life is gone)
    What is the optimal CO2 level for plant growth? between 1000 PPM to 3000 PPM
    What is the CO2 level today? between 400 PPM and 500 PPM
    What is the estimated average CO2 level for planet across all time periods? probably north of a 1000 PPM

    Anyone who brings it up, ask them one of these questions. If they do not give a simple, once sentence answer, immediately, just stop talking to them and walking away; yes, openly treat them with contempt and disdain. Make it obvious that you have no respect for them.

    Ask yourself, what gains have “civility” netted you? You say you got blue bins, tax increases, more rules and bureaucracy, bike lanes that took parking away, … Then why are you still being civil?

    1. “What is the highest CO2 level the planet has ever seen? (estimated during Paleozoic era) 7000 PPM”

      Likely 300,000 to 400,000 parts per million. One article I read said that before CO2 was sequestered in calcium carbonate and other compounds the atmosphere was 90 times as dense and the largest component was CO2. Have you seen the east slopes of the Rockies? They are white – calcium carbonate. I wonder if they alone don’t hold as much carbon as the whole current atmosphere.

  19. Interesting point made. Famines seems to have disappeared because of the greening up brought on by increased CO2. How can anyone argue against that?

  20. One thing I don’t hear much of is the contrails. Not the nutjobs who think we are being seeded by secret government projects, but all the contrails of jets flying every day, every hour. It is amazing to see the sky turn from a deep blue to a hazy white from the contrails expanding after a while.

    Sadly one remark after 9/11 was how clear the skies were once all the planes were grounded.

    Flying back and forth YYC to YVR you see a lot of contrails from planes at 34-40k’ and the haze they produce, I can imagine what Toronto or NYC must be like.

    And Canada is small, the Nav App I have shows the US, Asia, and Europe like a bee hive of planes flying at any time.

    If I was one to start an alarm it would be to the amount of artificial cloud/haze produced by contrails, they if anything wreck a beautiful blue sky.
