5 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”

  1. We don’t know why the UK windfarm went offline. Possibly it had nothing to do with the wind vs. its equipment or electrical grid protection circuits malfunctioning.

    Yes some study identified that there are increased risks to the electrical grid with in-bedded wind power generation. But the risks can be managed. Germany seems to have. It’s just costly. But then today money can be borrowed for nothing.

    As for Ridley backing gas & coal, is he not aware that the world only has 12 years to turn CO2 emissions around. Did Scheer not whip the CPC to vote along with Liberals on the Paris Accord and is proposing that more money get spent to reduce CO2 emissions?
    Didn’t oil patch execs want in on the CPC Turning the Corner Plan to price CO2 & emissions trading and then built windfarms (e.g. Suncor, Trans Alta, Enbrige in my backyard) to generate & sell CO2 offsets/credits. Did Harper not give the windfarms subsidies and tax credits?

    It isn’t only Liberal types who are in on Windscam.

  2. Maybe those so certain of the “utility” of wind power, should be forced to rely on it.
    Or get an education by,taking up sailing.
    Going outside.
    Or talking to those who actually live off grid, who must adjust their lives to accommodate the “availability of power”.
    For the rest of us,while Saint Gerta/Greta of the Cult of Calamitous Climate rules the airwaves, buy a diesel genset and at least 45 gallons of fuel.
    Because while hysteria rules the policy making, Public Utilities(controlled by government) are doomed.Black outs are the “New Normal”.

    Once this mass hysteria passes the days of Big Government do too.
    For this one,the attempt to tax air and control every aspect of living, is on our bureaus and their political servants.

    Socialism works great,until it runs out of other people to steal from.
    Guess where we are?
    At the marvellous juncture where the parasites out mass their host.

    Government has shamelessly self promoted its usefulness, this shameless attempt at control,theft and “social change” reveals their true nature.
    You are their chosen enemy.
    War has long since been declared.Picking you too the bone,their great mission.
    Because the “collective” with the “great cause”KNOWS BETTER THAN YOU.
    I watched part of Rideu Hall or whatever on CPAC this morning.
    A mutual admiration society debating “Why the public ain’t buying our product”.
    No folks,these presstitutes are not lying to us,Oh No, we are just too stupid to comprehend their truthiness.
    Smug pretentious parasites.
    Seriously they could not /cannot figure out why we,the consumers, might misstrust them.
    Why we might doubt the BS they so “liberally” dish out…
    Ottawa really is a bubble.

  3. Why should the English live comfortable lives, with cheap, reliable power and heat … when so many 3rd worlders live in the dirt, subject to the whims of nature, with no power or heat (other than animal dung) .

    THAT, my friends, is what your “alternative energy” purveyors believe. So shut the fkcu up! about power outages. You don’t … deserve … power.
